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How to Move WordPress From Local Server to Live Site (2 Methods)

Many WordPress users prefer to work on their websites using a local server on their computer. This allows you to work on your website privately before making changes available online.

Eventually, you’ll need to move it to a live server to make it accessible to online visitors. This transition is crucial to ensure that your website functions properly on the live site.

We’ve worked on many local websites, so we had to learn the easiest way to transfer content to live websites.

In this article, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to move WordPress from a local server to a live site.

How to move WordPress from local server to live site (2 methods)

Why Move WordPress From a Local Server to a Live Site?

Building your WordPress blog on a local server is a safe way to test changes on your website without affecting visitors.

When you have finished perfecting your website, the next step is to move from your local server to a live site.

Let’s show you two ways to move your site from a local server to a live site.

The first method uses a WordPress migration plugin and is recommended for beginners.

In the second method, we will show you how to manually move WordPress from a local server to a live site.

You can choose the method that works best for you:

Before You Migrate Your WordPress Site

You need to have a few things in place to migrate WordPress from a local server to a live server.

First, we assume that you have a WordPress site running on a local server (also called localhost) on your computer and that you have full access to it.

Next, you’ll need to have a domain name and web hosting.

We have heard countless stories from beginners who started with poor or free web hosting providers and regretted it. In our experience, choosing the right hosting provider is critical to the success of any website.

To make your decision easier, we recommend using Bluehost. They are an officially recommended WordPress hosting company, and they are giving WPBeginner users an exclusive discount + free domain and SSL.

Basically, you can get started for as little as $1.99 per month.

If you want a great Bluehost alternative, you can look at Hostinger. They are also offering an exclusive discount to WPBeginner users with a free domain name.

If you can afford to pay a little more, then check out SiteGround. They also have a special deal for WPBeginner readers.

If you need help setting up your website, then follow our step-by-step guide on how to make a website.

Finally, you will need an FTP program and know how to use FTP to upload your local server site to the live site.

Ready? Let’s begin migrating your WordPress site.

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If you’d prefer written instructions, then just keep reading.

Method 1: Transfer WordPress From The Local Server to Live Site Using a Migration Plugin (Recommended)

This method is easier and recommended for beginners. We will be using a WordPress migration plugin to move WordPress from localhost to a live site.

Step 1: Install and Set Up the Duplicator Plugin

First, you need to install and activate the Duplicator plugin on your local site. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Pro Tip: There is also a pro version of Duplicator that offers secure backups, cloud storage, easy site restore, and more.

Upon activation, you need to go to the Duplicator » Packages page and click on the ‘Create New’ button.

Create new package for migration

This brings you to a screen where you can give your backup a name.

Then, click the ‘Next’ button.

Name backup package

Duplicator will now run some tests to see if everything is in order.

If all items are marked ‘Good,’ then click on the ‘Build’ button.

Build package

This process may take a few minutes, depending on the size of your website. You must leave this tab open until it is complete.

Once finished, you’ll see download options for ‘Installer’ and ‘Archive’ packages. You need to click on the ‘One-Click Download’ link to download both files to your computer.

Download package files

The ‘Archive’ file is a complete copy of your WordPress site. It includes all WordPress core files as well as your images, uploads, themes, plugins, and a backup of your WordPress database.

The ‘Installer’ file is a script that will automate the entire migration process by unpacking the archive file containing your website.

Step 2: Create a Database for Your Live WordPress Website

Before you can run the installer or upload the WordPress website from localhost to your hosting server, you need to create a MySQL database for your new live website.

If you have already created a MySQL database, then you can skip this step.

To create a database, you need to visit your hosting account’s cPanel dashboard. Then, locate the ‘Databases’ section and click on the ‘MySQL Database Wizard’ icon.

MySQL Database Wizard

On the next screen, there’s a field to create a new database.

Simply provide a name for your database and click on the ‘Create Database’ button.

Name new database

cPanel will now create a new database for you.

After that, you need to enter a username and password for your new user and then click the ‘Create User’ button.

Create new database user

Next, you need to add the user you just created to the database.

First, click the ‘All Privileges’ checkbox.

Check all privileges

Then, scroll down and click the ‘Make Changes’ button to save your changes.

Your database is now ready to be used with your WordPress site. Make sure to note down the database name, username, and password. You’ll need this information in the next step.

Step 3: Upload Files from the Local Server to the Live WordPress Website

Now, you need to upload the archive and installer files from your local site to your hosting account.

First, connect to your live site using an FTP client. Once connected, make sure that the root directory of your website is completely empty.

Normally, the root directory is the /home/public_html/ folder.

Some WordPress hosting companies automatically install WordPress when you sign up. If you have WordPress files there, then you need to delete them.

After that, you can upload the and installer.php files from Duplicator to your empty root directory.

Upload archive and installer files

Step 4: Running the Migration Script

After you have uploaded the migration files, you need to visit the following URL in your browser:

Don’t forget to replace ‘’ with your own domain name.

This will launch the Duplicator migration wizard.

The installer will run a few tests and will initialize the script.

Duplicator migration wizard step 1

Under the Setup section, you will be asked to enter your MySQL host, database name, username, and password.

Your host will likely be a local host. After that, you will enter the details of the database you created in the earlier step.

Then, click on the ‘Validate’ button to make sure the details you entered are correct.

Validate settings

After that, click on the ‘Next’ button to continue.

Duplicator will now import your WordPress database backup from the archive into your new database.

It will also update URLs pointing to the local site and your new live site.

You can now click on the ‘Admin Login’ button to enter the WordPress admin area of your live site.

Admin login

Once you log in to your live site, Duplicator will automatically clean up the installation files.

That’s all. You have successfully moved WordPress from the local server to your live site.

Method 2: Manually Transfer WordPress From the Local Server to the Live Site

In this method, we will show you how to manually move WordPress from the local server to your live site. It will be useful if the first method doesn’t work or if you prefer to do it manually.

Step 1: Export Local WordPress Database

The first thing you need to do is export your local WordPress database. We will be using phpMyAdmin to do that.

If you are unfamiliar with it, then you might want to take a look at our guide to WordPress database management using phpMyAdmin.

Simply go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ and click on your WordPress database. Next, click on the ‘Export’ button from the top menu bar.

Export from localhost

In the ‘Export method:’ option, you can choose ‘Quick’ or ‘Custom.’ Custom will provide you with more options to export your database.

But we recommend choosing ‘Quick’ and then clicking the ‘Go’ button to download your database.

Export WordPress database using phpMyAdmin

Step 2: Upload WordPress Files to Live Site

Now, we will need to move all your website files to the live site.

To get started, go ahead and open your FTP client and connect to your web hosting account.

Once you are connected to your live site, make sure you upload the files in the right directory. For example, if you want the site to be hosted on ‘,’ then you will want to upload all the files in your public_html directory.

Now select your local WordPress files and upload them to your live server.

Upload WordPress files FTP

Step 3: Create a MySQL Database on Your Live Site

While your FTP client is uploading your WordPress files, you can start importing your database to the live server.

Most WordPress hosting providers offer cPanel to manage your hosting account, so we will show you how to create a database using cPanel.

First, you need to log in to your cPanel dashboard and click on the ‘MySQL Database Wizard’ icon, which can be found in the ‘Databases’ section.

Select MySQL database wizard

On the next screen, you can create a new database.

You need to provide a name for your database, then click ‘Create Database.’

Name and create new database

cPanel will now automatically create a new database for you.

Next, you need to enter a username and password for your new user and then click ‘Create User’.

Create new database user

After that, you need to add the user you just created to the database.

First, check the ‘All Privileges’ checkbox.

Check all privileges checkbox

Then, scroll down and click ‘Make Changes’ to save your changes.

You’ve successfully created a new database for your live WordPress site.

Step 4: Import WordPress Database to Live Site

The next step in the process is to import your WordPress database.

Go to your cPanel dashboard, scroll down to the ‘Databases’ section, and click on ‘phpMyAdmin.’

Click on phpMyAdmin

This will take you to phpMyAdmin, where you want to click on the database you just created above. phpMyAdmin will show your new database with no tables.

Next, click on the ‘Import’ tab in the top menu. On the import page, click on the ‘Choose File’ button and then select the database file from the local site you saved in the first step.

Import database via phpMyAdmin

After that, click the ‘Go’ button at the bottom of the page. Your database will automatically be imported to phpMyadmin.

Step 5: Change the Site URL

Now, you need to change the site URL in your database so that it will connect with your live WordPress site.

In phpMyAdmin, look for the wp_options table in your database that you just imported above.

If you changed your database prefix, then instead of wp_options, it might be {new_prefix}_options.

Next, click on the ‘Browse’ button next to wp_options. Or, click the link in the sidebar to open up the page that has a list of fields within the wp_options table.

Browse the wp options table

Then, in the options_name column, you need to look for the siteurl option.

Then, click the ‘Edit’ icon.

Edit siteurl in phpMyAdmin

This brings up a window where you can edit the field.

In the input box option_value, you’ll see the URL of your local install, which will be something like http://localhost/test.

You need to insert your new site URL in this field, for example:

Then, you can save the field by clicking the ‘Go’ button.

edit the siteurl field

Next, you need to follow the same steps as above for the home option name. The wp_options menu can be a few pages long. Usually, the home option will be on the second page.

Then, update the home URL, so it’s the same as your live site URL.

Step 6: Set Up Your Live Site

Now that you’ve imported the database and uploaded your content, it’s time to configure WordPress.

At this time, your site should be showing an ‘Error establishing a database connection‘ error.

To fix this, connect to your website using an FTP client and open up the wp-config.php file.

You’ll be looking for the following lines of code:

// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define( 'DB_NAME', 'database_name_here' );
/** MySQL database username */
define( 'DB_USER', 'username_here' );
/** MySQL database password */
define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'password_here' );
/** MySQL hostname */
define( 'DB_HOST', 'localhost' );

You will need to provide the database name, username, and password you created earlier.

Next, save the wp-config.php file and upload it back to your WordPress hosting server.

Now, when you visit your website, it should be live.

After that, you need to log in to your WordPress admin panel and go to the Settings » General. Then, without changing anything, scroll to the bottom and click the ‘Save Changes’ button.

Save general settings

This will make sure that your site URL is corrected anywhere else that it needs to be.

Once you’ve done that, go to Settings » Permalinks, then scroll down and click ‘Save Changes’ to ensure that all post links are working fine.

Save permalinks settings

Whenever you are moving a WordPress site from one domain to another or from a local server to a live site, you’ll face broken links and missing images.

We’ll show you two ways to update URLs. You can pick one that works best for you.

1. Update URLs Using Search & Replace Everything Plugin (Recommended)

The safest way to fix this is by using Search & Replace Everything. It is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to easily perform bulk update tasks on your website without writing complex database queries.

First, you need to install and activate the Search & Replace Everything plugin.

After activation, go to Tools » WP Search & Replace page.

Search and replace URLs from local to live site migration

From here, you need to enter your local site URL in the ‘Search for’ field and your live site URL in the ‘Replace with’ field.

Scroll a little and click ‘Select All’ under the tables. This ensures that the plugin will look for the old URL everywhere in the database.

Select tables

Now click the ‘Preview Search & Replace’ button to continue.

The plugin will search your database for all instances of the old URL and then preview the results.

Preview changes

If everything looks good, click ‘Replace All’ to save the changes.

You’ll see a warning about the changes you are making. Click ‘Yes’ to continue.

The plugin will now update the database and replace local URLs with your current website URL.

2. Update URLs Manually (Advanced)

Another way to update the URLs is by using the following SQL query:

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, 'localhost/test/', '');

Simply go to phpMyAdmin, click on your database, and then click on ‘SQL’ from the top menu and add the query above.

Make sure you change it to your local site and live site URLs and click the ‘Go’ button.

Fixing WordPress images and broken URLs after moving to live site

That’s it. You have now successfully migrated WordPress from your local server to a live site.

Hopefully, your live website is up and running smoothly. If you notice any errors, you can check out our guide to common WordPress errors for help with troubleshooting.

We hope this article helped you move WordPress from a local server to a live site. You may also want to see our guide on moving a live site to a local server or look at the ultimate website migration checklist for practical WordPress migration steps.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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909 CommentsLeave a Reply

  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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    You can get more details about the contest from here.
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  2. Axel

    I love this entry, I use it as a checklist every time I make a migration.

  3. Gary

    I keep getting stopped at step 4. when I import my datatbase I get the following error

    #1231 – Variable ‘character_set_client’ can’t be set to the value of ‘NULL’

    I only have limited sql knowledge and never done anything like this before. any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated

  4. Andrew


    So I got to step 6 without any issues until my website failing to become live. I went into my wordpress general setting and my site url was still a localhost. Am I suppose to change the site url before I upload it into the ftp program and into my host, or can i leave that as localhost? Or, do i change the site url in wordpress after i’ve uploaded my files into my hosting site?

    This page was super helpful, thanks!

    • Daneesh

      Hi. Thanks so much for this, excellent tutorial. I seem to have got stopped at Step 6. I am still getting a “Error establishing database connection” error. DO i need to change the hostname field in the config.php too? and what do i change that to?

  5. Simon

    Amazing, it worked, thank you.

  6. sornanun

    Thank you very much.

  7. Annete Momanyi

    Thank you for the article. I have managed to sort my problem after following these steps.

  8. Arash

    Hello there,

    I have two questions and I’d be grateful if you could help me!

    1) Why do I have two ht-docs and wp-content folders inside my WordPress folder?

    2) When I move my WordPress website from a localhost to the live host, It’s possible to remove my localhost or should I keep it forever?

    Thanks in advance!

    • Matze

      1) By installing WordPress on your hosted server, these docs/folders will be automatically added. I think while uploading your files from local to live via FTP __ht-docs__ and __wp-content__ just weren’t replaced.

      But please check your local files which are normally located in the WAMP/MAMP folders unter __htdocs__ . Are there also two copies of the datas? Then you should find out, which one is the right one …

      2) At the time uploading your files from local to live, the local datas are a backup. After some weeks, changing and editing your live site on the server you can delete the locals.

      But you should create a backup regular and store the datas local (Quote: “If you are doing this on a regular basis, then we highly recommend that you get BackupBuddy because it will make your life easy. You will thank us for that later”)!

      Hope it helps :)

  9. Starfleet Nnaemeka

    Wow! What a wonderful tutorial , seriously i really appreciate the effort you guys brought out to write these tutorial. Thanks it really helped me to set up my website build on wordpress from localhost on wampserver.

  10. Leo Laroche

    i have followed all the steps, but when i type in my website the old website comes up. Can someone help me please.

  11. rachel asakome

    i have followed steps 1-5, but i am not sure where my site is. sorry it sounds really dumb but i am not great with technology. I have uploaded the files, but when i type in my website the old website comes up

  12. Justas

    server DNS address could not be found.

    I changed everything accordingly, but still can’t connect.

  13. Carrie

    Could you please explain on how to do this with webmatrix? I have a PC and my wordpress install on my local PC was with webmatrix. I do not have a MAC. Where on webmatrix do I export? I am confused about this. Also, you have create a db in cpanel my sql. Where do I save this new db? On the cpanel someplace or on my local pc hard drive and under what name? I have a domain with go daddy and a web hosting I purchased. They said to do a brand new fresh install of wordpress from there site…. why would I do this? I already have my wordpress via webmatrix on my local pc this is where the website I built resides. How do I get this on my web hosting? Confused on the db stuff and how to get my local wp files/db to my web host. Thank you.

  14. Neo An

    Very clear!
    Thank you very much!

  15. Milica

    This is a great tutorial. Thanks a lot! :)

  16. Amber

    I have followed all of these steps and when I view my site it is showing my content like words and links but none of the decorative stuff or plugins etc. My menus are showing up as just a list of words as if I created a page without any real CSS. My CSS files are not missing so I do not know where the mess up is happening. I tried to do the part about fixing broken links and I am not 100% of what I should put after the localhost part. I used the name of the folder that my entire wordpress database/files/etc are in. I cannot seam to figure out what is going wrong.

    • Abdul

      @AMBER and all those struggling with the same issue, the problem with the deployment process of WordPress’ database is due to the empirical replacement of your local URI with the live site’s URI as explained in this article at Step 7. If you just execute the UPDATE SQL statement as shown, you, most of the time, end up corrupting your database. Why? The reason is simple: WordPress has a way of serializing some metadata for its own convenience. This post explains it pretty well:

      If you look at this array:

      array( ‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘orange’ ),

      when serialized it looks like this:



      – a:3 stands for “array of size 3”
      – i:0; i:1; i:2 stand for “integer index 0; integer index 1; integer index 2″ respectively
      – s:5:”apple” stands for “string, length 5, data=apple”
      – s:6:”banana” stands for “string, length 6, data=banana”, etc.

      As you can see, any serialized string is stored along with information about it’s length. So when you do a simple search and replace in your tables, all occurrences will be replaced indeed but the string’s length metadata won’t.

      In the case your local URL’s length equals your live site’s URL length, then you’re lucky; if they don’t match then you’re in trouble.

      The question now is: “How do I fix this?”. I’m happy to say that, fortunately, there are many plugins that can help you with this but one that’s really simple and good at it is “Better Search Replace”.

      Simply install this plugin in your local WordPress installation and proceed as explained in this article. The only place where you can safely replace your local URL is in the wp_options table as explained at Step 5.

      Once you’re done installing the plugin, in the admin panel, go to “Tools, Better Search Replace”, in the “Search” text box type your local site’s URL (e.g. http://localhost:12345) and in the “Replace with” text box, type your live site’s URL (e.g. and you should be ready to go. Just make sure you don’t include any trailing forward slash “/” in the URL (at the end like http://localhost:12345/ or

      I hope this explanation was useful and please let me know if it helped.

      Happy coding!

  17. Simon

    Brilliant article and very easy to follow.
    However, as a WordPress virgin I am struggling with the whole concept of having a separate database from the website. I have created everything locally on my PC. But the local PHP Admin will allow me to use however many characters i like in naming my database but my remote server/host (123-reg) will only allow 9 (my original had 11) so…. the database name locally is different from the database name remotely. I have exported the database tables and imported them in to the remote database, renamed my wp-config to point to the new shorter database name with the correct user name and password but i am still getting the ‘Error establishing a database connection’
    message. Any suggestions?
    Could the fact that the tables are exported from a database with a different name from the one they are being imported to make a difference?

  18. Gabriel

    Hello I made all of your steps but I can see only a white page. It doesn’t notify me an error.

    I upload everything in a subdirectory of my website. It’s because of that? Is there a solution?

  19. Patrick Hasch

    Great article, if the upload of zipped files doesn’t work try uploading .sql files instead.

    • Tony

      I also faced the same problem.

  20. John James

    Hello. From your step 6, you said we should change database name, user and password. Are we supposed to change the hostname too?

      • John

        Step 3 says nothing about host names.

        • WPBeginner Support

          When you are creating a database on your webhost, you will be able to see the hostname. If you don’t then this means you are using localhost.

  21. Mohd Hasan

    i followed all steps but going to install.php page , someone can help me , i really need your help

  22. Gabor


    i have 500 internal error on server.
    I think the problem is with .htaccess.
    Can u help in this?

    • Dawn

      I am having this same issue. I followed every step exactly, I fixed the wp-config.php file and re-uploaded it, but now when I go to my live site it says,

      “This page isn’t working

      [my site] is currently unable to handle this request.
      HTTP ERROR 500”

      • Dawn

        I should have said that that is the error I get when I try to go to my wp-admin. When I go to the site itself it’s blank. :(

  23. Axel

    The solution for image references is to execute the following scripts on your DB:
    (I can’t write the real scripts because thinks I’m doing SQL injection :\ )

    UPDATE wp_posts to set the value of column guid to the value of function REPLACE(guid, ‘’, ‘’)


    UPDATE wp_postmeta to SET the value of column meta_value to the value of function REPLACE(meta_value, ‘’, ‘’)

    Also don’t forget to check permissions for wp-content/uploads to ensure you can add more images.

  24. Aimy


    Thanks for this. I did everything as you described. It seemed that everything went well apart the front page that shows nothing but just the navigation menu.
    When I go to the page builder of the front page it shows that there is nothing added there.
    Any advice?

  25. Krishna

    Dear wpbeginner owner

    Its working for me !

    thank you very much!

  26. Philippe

    Damn I’m so lucky wpbeginner exists, I’ve finally managed to get my website to work thanks to this post, I had to fight my way trough (there is an older database-version on my webhosts server) but I did it thanks to you guys!

  27. Umai Hassan

    URL Changing
    I have changed the URL in wp_option table but only home page loads correctly other pages links are still set to localhost/something ??
    What should I do to change all links??

  28. Cos

    Brilliant article – thanks! Got through the process without a hitch first-off :-)))

  29. Dan Odaka

    Hey, after doing all that, when I go to my site I get a page that shows me the index of wordpress and not my site. what do I do?

    • WPBeginner Support

      This could happen due to an incomplete file transfer. Try to upload your WordPress files again.


  30. Sonja

    Hi. thank you very much for this post. It seems to be very helpful and I’ve tried to follow every step, but now that I’m done, when I go to my URL I get a “Server not found” error (The host shows me a preview with “under-construction” and their logo, which was online before I uploaded the data and database – shouldn’t I at least get that?). Do you have any ideas where I might have gone wrong, and is it best to delete everything and start again from scratch, or overwrite it, or look for any particular errors?
    Thank you for any help!

  31. Hugues Pinsonneault

    im wondering if you have any recommendation for developing locally new functionalities on a local dev install, while the client can still do updates on the real database.

  32. shah

    Thankyou for the details, but i am still not able to get the path of images correct inspite of the changes done … i have my folders in public_html and have my db created …my live website is working fine except for the pic / logos

  33. zarna

    My wordpress site went live but my images are not getting replicated and they aren’t visible. Can you please guide me what should be the images folder structure while uploading it to live ??

    Your help and guidance would be appreciable.. Thank you.

  34. Coil McCoy

    Great post !!!
    Only the last part doesn’t worked for me, the pictures and links still missing !
    Any clue?
    thank you

  35. Vinish Chaudhary

    All great beside this You don’t have permission to access / on this server.Don’t know why it is showing when I try to access my site.I have done all steps like you said but getting this error can anyone please help me to solve this problem.

  36. Sudais

    Instead of this long way,I use a plugin called wp all in one migration,I just need to import a single file using a plugin when I go live and all done,no playing with databases,etc.I think everyone should do that saves alot of time and handywork.

    • hiren

      can u put the demo ..

      hiren patel.

  37. Paul

    Great article ! But I’m still stuck at the last step. Images aren’t showing on my website.

    Well in fact they does, but only on my PC. Everybody else is getting a buggy website.

  38. Farooq Bashir

    Wow .. Great Article sir
    Its Perfect Working.

  39. Bikram Ray


    No doubt; a very useful article. But I got stuck in the last step. I ran the SQL update query but still having issues regarding image path.

    Just one thing; while uploading the file through FTP, I did not upload the wordpress folder (the test folder) rather I uploaded whatever inside it.. So in the server there is only the folders and files directly placed under ‘public_html ‘


  40. Kay


    SQL query:

    — Database: `wordpress`

    MySQL said: Documentation

    #1044 – Access denied for user ‘ksalim’@’localhost’ to database ‘wordpress’

  41. Damilola

    A very awesome article, it really made a project i was working on for a client already on my local machine easy to move to his server, i mean i literally tried to develop the website all over again and it was such a pain in the ass….Thank you

  42. Tim Vincent

    Thank you so much for this guide. I struggled doing this for some time before finding this. I followed it word for word and all seems to work. I am very grateful!

  43. sonu

    hello! syed

    i want to ask you to from where i get the best free wordpress simple attractive theme which laterly i planned to upload on the live server….any help would be much appreciated….thanks…

  44. sonu

    hello! syed

    i want to ask you when we upload the worpress site from locahost to live server….i just want to ask the wordpress having lot of files and inside the wp-content/themes/… having three different types of theme like twenty fourteen,twenty thirteen ,so is it needed to upload all these themes or not….help would be much appreciated…..thnks…..

    • Ridhik

      No,u just upload the theme folder that currently activated in your site.

  45. Andres Paz Soldan

    Thank you! This was very useful!

  46. Lellys

    First of, thank you!

    I did everything and my site is working, but when I need to login on my wp-admin, it show me a blank screen and nothing happens. Any idea?

  47. paddy lutaaya

    thank you for this article i have followed the steps and uploaded my website to c panel but it has failed to work it brings internal error please help me solve this thank you

  48. Phillip Pilkington

    Allgreat advise except step 6. I have not got past this stage, the advice is not clear. My website shows the Error Establishing Database Connection. This next part doesn’t explain anything to me.
    “To fix this, connect to your website using an FTP client and edit wp-config.php file. Provide the database name, user and password you created earlier in Step 3. Save the wp-config.php file and upload it back to your server. Visit your website, and it should be live now. ”

    I am connect via ftp, then just edit the file….no, nothing happens from here.I open the file in aneditor but I don’t make any changes because it does not show anything about whatis expalined.


    • Tyler Hall

      Hey, I am currently transferring the files as we speak. Not sure if you found a solution yet (hopefully you have its been 15 days) but you should probably change the hostname: /** MySQL hostname */
      define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘ ‘ your hostname before should have been your localhost or similar.

  49. Himanshu

    Thanks for the post. Really helped solve my problem. Although I faced some issues with database importing. After much effort, updating the phpmyadmin version fixed it for me. If possible you could also include common errors in each section, so that a beginner doesn’t get lost. As it happens, most likely you are going to face some error here and there. Other than that great post. Thanks.

  50. Ola


    Thanks for this, the steps are so direct and you made WordPress uploading fun.

  51. Andy

    Hi. When I go to my website it says Welcome to:
    This Web page is parked for FREE, courtesy of Do I have to register my domain? I just thought of a random website name to put in for the changing site url step 5. Also when I enter the local host site I get the message the webpage could not be found. What should I do?

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