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WordPress için FeedBurner Kurulumu Adım Adım Kılavuz

Güncelleme: FeedBurner’ı kullanmanızı artık önermiyoruz çünkü hatalarla dolu, ölmekte olan bir ürün. FeedBurner’ı neden kullanmamanız gerektiğini görmek ve alternatifler hakkında bilgi edinmek için lütfen bu makaleyi okuyun.

Her büyük blog, RSS beslemelerini yazmak için FeedBurner’ı kullanıyor çünkü geri çeviremeyeceğiniz zengin özelliklere sahip ücretsiz bir sistem. FeedBurner istatistikler, besleme optimizasyon seçeneği, besleme yayınlama seçeneği ve çok daha fazlasını sağlar. FeedBurner ve Google Analytics ‘i entegre etmek her WordPress blogu için bir zorunluluktur. Bu makalede, WordPress blog beslemelerinizi FeedBurner ile nasıl kurabileceğinizi ve blogunuzu bir sonraki seviyeye taşımanıza yardımcı olmak için nasıl kullanabileceğinizi göstereceğiz.

FeedBurner Blog Yazarları İçin Neden Önemli?

FeedBurner, varsayılan WordPress beslemesiyle elde edemeyeceğiniz seçeneklerle dolu ücretsiz bir hizmettir. Özelliklerden bazıları şunlardır:

  • RSS Aboneleriniz hakkında istatistikler, böylece blog yayınlarınızı analiz edebilir ve optimize edebilirsiniz.
  • Kullanıcılarınıza E-posta ve diğer besleme okuyucuları (Netvibes, Google vb.) gibi birden fazla abone olma seçeneği sunun.
  • Sosyal Kanıt (Abone sayısı)
  • Gönderi başlıklarını değiştirme, markalama ve daha fazlası gibi beslemelerinizi özelleştirme seçeneği.
  • Gönderilerinizi yayınladıktan sonra çeşitli besleme okuma hizmetlerine ping gönderme seçeneği.
  • RSS beslemelerinizden para kazanmak için Google Adsense’i entegre edin.
  • Ve daha fazlası…

Sadece kısa özellik listesiyle bile, tüm bloglar için bir zorunluluk olduğunu görebilirsiniz. Şimdi FeedBurner Hesabını kurmaya geçebiliriz.

WordPress beslemeleri için FeedBurner’ınızı ayarlama

Öncelikle bir Google hesabınızın olması gerekir (herhangi bir gmail hesabı işe yarar). Bu işleme başlamak için feedburner hizmet sayfasını ziyaret edin.

İlk adımda, WordPress Blog Beslemenizin bağlantısını yazacaksınız. SEO Dostu WordPress URL Yapısına sahipseniz, feed bağlantınız gibi olmalıdır.

Step 1 - Claim Your Feeds on Feedburner

2. adımda, Beslemenizin başlığını ve beslemenizin adresini seçeceksiniz. Beslemenizin başlığını blogunuzla aynı tutmanız tavsiye edilir. Besleme adresinizi kısa ve akılda kalıcı tutmak en iyisidir.

Step 2 - Select Title and Feed Address

Teknik olarak beslemeleriniz oluşturulmuştur, bu nedenle artık adımları izlemenize gerek yoktur. Doğrudan Besleme Yönetimine Atla seçeneğine tıklayın.

Step 3 - Go to Feed Management

Tonlarca blog platformuna bağlantı içeren bir sayfa göreceksiniz. Bu makalenin ilerleyen bölümlerinde tekrar ele alacağımız için bunları görmezden gelin. Sadece aşağıdaki resimde gördüğünüz optimize et sekmesine tıklayın.

Step 4 - Click on Optimize

5. adımda, WordPress Blog Akışınızı optimize etmek için çalışacağız. Tarayıcı Dostu seçeneğinin etkinleştirildiğinden, Akıllı Besleme’nin etkinleştirildiğinden ve FeedFlare’in etkinleştirildiğinden emin olmanız gerekir. İsterseniz diğer hizmetleri de etkinleştirebilirsiniz, ancak bu 3 hizmet olmazsa olmazdır. BrowserFriendly abone olmayı çok daha basit hale getirir. SmartFeed tüm besleme okuyucu uygulamaları ile maksimum uyumluluk sağlar. FeedFlare, e-posta ve diğer paylaşım seçeneklerini ekleyerek gönderilere etkileşim sağlar.

Step 5 - Optimize your Feeds

6. adımda, akış için tüm yayınlama seçeneklerine göz atacağız. Sitenizde E-posta Aboneliklerine izin vermeniz gerekir çünkü Google okuyucu kullanmak yerine e-posta güncellemelerini almayı tercih eden kullanıcılar vardır. Pingshot etkinleştirilmelidir çünkü yayınladığınızda servisleri bilgilendirir. Feedcount widget’ı abone sayınızı göstermenizi sağlar. En iyi sosyal kanıt yöntemlerinden biridir. Awareness API, kendinizi BuySellAds gibi sitelerde listelemeye çalışıyorsanız kullanışlıdır çünkü abone sayınızı kolayca çıkarabilirler. İsterseniz etkinleştirebileceğiniz Headline Animator, BuzzBoost gibi başka şık seçenekler de var.

Step 6 - Publicize your feed

Feed’inizden para kazanmak FeedBurner’ın bir diğer iyi özelliğidir, ancak yalnızca Google Adsense kullanmanıza izin verir. Bu yüzden Google Adsense’e kaydolun ve onların yönlendirmelerini takip edin.

Step 7 - Monetize your feed

Yukarıdaki tüm adımları tamamladıktan sonra Analiz sekmesine tıklayabilirsiniz. İstatistikler kaydedilmediği için büyük olasılıkla aşağıdaki gibi bir ekran göreceksiniz. 24 saat kadar bekleyin ve orada sayıları görmeye başlayacaksınız. Blogunuzu geliştirmek için abone sayısını, tıklamaları ve diğer yararlı verileri kullanın. Bu istatistiklerle kullanıcılarınızın neleri sevip neleri sevmediğini görün ve ardından kullanıcılarınızın sevdiği ve hoşlandığı gönderi türlerine odaklanın.

Step 8 - Analyze your Feed and Improve

FeedBurner’ı WordPress’e Entegre Etme

Yukarıdaki adımlarda FeedBurner ile beslemenizi kurmuş olsanız da, henüz WordPress ile gerçekten entegre etmediniz. Yapmak istediğiniz ilk şey, akışınızı sulandırmayı bırakmak ve tek bir akış haline getirmektir. Bir yönlendirme oluşturmanız gerekir, böylece kullanıcılar adresini ziyaret etmeye çalıştıklarında feedburner besleme sayfanıza yönlendirilirler. Bu şekilde blogunuzdaki aboneleri takip edebilirsiniz.

Bu yönlendirmeyi kolayca oluşturmanızı sağlayan FD FeedBurner adlı bir eklenti vardır. Beslemelerinizi .htaccess dosyasını kullanarak da yönlendirebilirsiniz, ancak bu yöntemi paylaşmayacağız çünkü yeni başlayanlar için önerdiğimiz bir şey değil.

Headway Teması, Standart Tema ve diğerleri gibi çoğu WordPress Teması artık FeedBurner entegrasyonu ile birlikte geliyor. Eğer temanız uyumlu değilse, yukarıdaki eklentiyi kullanın.

E-posta Abone Kutusunu sitenize ekleyin

Önce Publicize ” E-posta Abonelikleri’ni ziyaret edin, ardından size verdikleri kodu kopyalayıp beğendiğiniz şablon dosyasına (çoğunlukla sidebar.php) yapıştırın. E-posta formunuzun görünümünü özelleştirmek için önceden HTML ve CSS bilgisine sahip olmanız gerektiğini unutmayın.

Blogunuzda FeedBurner beslemeleri yoksa, hemen şimdi edinin.

Açıklama: İçeriğimiz okuyucu desteklidir. Bu, bazı bağlantılarımıza tıklarsanız komisyon kazanabileceğimiz anlamına gelir. WPBeginner'ın nasıl finanse edildiğini, neden önemli olduğunu ve nasıl destek olabileceğinizi görün. İşte editoryal sürecimiz.


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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227 yorumBir Cevap Bırakın

  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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    You can get more details about the contest from here.
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  2. subbareddy

    Nice info almost spended 30 minutes here by configuring my feed Burner


  3. Aakash

    I tried to burn the feeds. However I am getting an error.
    When I burn the feed I get this error –

    The URL does not appear to reference a valid XML file. We encountered the following problem: Error on line 97: The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed.

    What seems to be the problem ? I can’t figure it out.

  4. Roee

    Thank you very much.

    This was easy and quick to follow.
    No way I could make this by myself :)

    Have a good day.

  5. Farah

    Hi! So I’m a total newbie at this, and I’m being driven crazy! My website is a food blog composed of mainly two parts: restaurant reviews (written as posts) and recipe (Written as recipes in my premium food and cook theme). My posts have all of jetpack/feedburner options applied to them, as in the comment box under posts, and email notification when I update posts (Restaurant reviews). However, if I add a new recipe, no email notification goes out, and my rss feed doesn’t show recipes at all it only shows restaurant reviews. I tried to add a seperate rss feed for the recipe category and it didn’t work. I know this is confusing but I’d greatly appreciate any help!!
    rss feed:

  6. martin


    First of all, no need to say but great tutorial like always:) It is all working just that I don’t have the monetize tab to integrate google adsense. Do I have to sign up with adsense first in order for it to appear or what should I do?
    Thanks in advance:)

  7. shah

    Hi everybody please help me , i have WordPress site and i have used custom post ( plugin ) so when i create feeds it takes my posts from Word press default posts while i want to see my custom plugin posts in feeds , can you help me ?? please ???


    • WPBeginner Support

      You can try this code in your theme’s functions.php file:

      function wpb_custom_rss_feed( $output, $feed ) {
          if ( strpos( $output, 'comments' ) )
              return $output;
          return esc_url( '' );
      add_action( 'feed_link', 'wpb_custom_rss_feed', 10, 2 );

      Don’t forget to replace the URL with the URL of your custom post type feed URL.


  8. Patrick M

    NoIndex or Index? Which is the best practice for Search engines when dealing with feedburner

  9. Anil

    I have been trying to burn my feed, but its not working… after providing my blog address its saying
    FeedBurner discovered more than one feed at that address. Please select one to use as your source:
    ***** » Feed: http://www.*****.com/feed/
    ***** » Comments Feed: http://www.*****.com/comments/feed/
    Looking forward for your help….

  10. Angie

    That was really useful, thanks a lot!

  11. Iana

    Thanks for this tutorial!! Really well done! I was just wondering if you could answer this. My post images aren’t showing up. Instead its a little grey box. Any idea’s on how to show the post image? Is it necessary to have it other then for aesthetics??

  12. Leo

    Thanks! Finally got feedburner up and running on my site! =)

  13. Rick

    How do you separate feeds by different category posts?

    For example, if I have 2 categories: one titled “dogs” and one titled “cats”.

    Currently, when a reader subscribes to my feed, it will email them whenever a story is written about a “dog” or a “cat” (the feed includes all category types and all posts on the entire site).

    I’d like for the subscribers to only receive (via email) the stories about “dogs” (or a specific category)….how do I set it up this way?

    Thanks for the advice, Rick

  14. Manas

    Hey thanks a lot… this was quite a lot informative. No wonder i had to scroll so much to post my comment. :D

  15. Paige

    I am switching from Blogger to WordPress and I’m getting the message “URI is already taken” and it if from my Blogger page, which I didn’t know I had set up. Can you help?

    • WPBeginner Support

      We think you are talking about ? Well this is one of the limitations of a free account. See our guide on vs Self Hosted WordPress sites. As for your problem, you can contact support.


  16. Daniel

    Hi, wpbeginner. I have a problem trying to sign up for feedburner using my url. I have tried many different url links to sign up but it still says that the url is wrong. I have installed wordpress and i am using Duena template. Can you please help me out to try to figure out what is the problem.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Try temporarily switching to a default theme like Twenty Twelve and then submit your feed. If it works, then there is something wrong with your theme and you should contact the Theme Author for support.


  17. Kristin Gordley

    Thank you for this wonderful information. I successfully signed up with feedburner for my RSS feed and email signup link. Then it occurred to me…will I lose the email subscribers that I had on my old wordpress email sign up link?

  18. somesh

    thanks a million …i’ll recommend this post to everyone because it elaborate How to enable feeds for WordPress website very easily . But, now there is no tab available for monetization

  19. Mike

    Appreciate the learning tools you offered. I am on a learning path with WordPress.

    Understanding how tools like Feedburner work elude me and hoping you can clarify one particular point.

    My beginner site (on a topic I know very little about – but one assigned to me) has several pages with ‘feeds’ related to the site. These change automatically on a regular basis. I believe I have ‘RSS’ feeds setup correctly. However, as those change I am left with ‘dead’ links on the site. The feeds also take a user to an external site without a return to my site.

    My thought is using a tool like Feedburner might allow for the updating and keeping visitors on my site.

    If it helps, the site is

    Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    Thank you again for the link to the WP tools. Those are next on my list to check out.

    Best regards,


  20. Explorista

    Hi! Thanks for all of your great content. I’ve found it very helpful so far. I do have a problem with setting up a feed in Feedburner. When in step 1 I type my URL into the box, it simply won’t accept it. I’ve tried all sorts of variations, with /feed/ behind it and so on. Could this be due to the fact that there are no blogposts on my site yet? I wanted to set everything up first, before I started posting blogs…

      • Explorista

        Thanks, I tried it with a test post, but still doesn’t work unfortunately :( it says: the URL does not seem to reference a valid XML file. Or it simple says it ‘not found’ ‘while fetching source feed.

  21. Didi

    Hi Syed,
    Please, I need your help because nobody know why not register correctly the count I installed on my culinary blog (
    The problem is it still register just one subscribe for a long time and I checked registering myself with 3 different gmail addreses but display just one and I think I get from a visitor this one. Don’t work properly.
    Have you a suggestion what I have to do?
    Maybe a alternative for free count, not from FeedBurner?

    Thank you so much for the answer.

      • didi

        Thank you for the answer! … I deleted FeedBurner because I find …finally …in widget count hits. Is my first blog, I didn’t know how is working, settings ….I learn step by step and every day I find something new :)

        Best regards!

  22. Beth

    I used feedburner to customize my Google Calendar feed. The only issue I can’t seem to get rid of is the line that says: ‘status event confirmed’. I was hoping you might have an answer that would help. Thanks!

  23. Stuart Mackey

    I didn’t understand why I needed feedburner instead of the plain wordpress rss until I read this. The clincher for me is “Statistics about your RSS Subscribers so you can analyze and optimize your blog posts.”

  24. Reyansh

    great article.thank u.

  25. Don Hutchinson

    Do I need feedburner on each page or post of my site or does cover all changes o in my entire site
    If so jow do I arrange it to cover all postings

  26. Muhammad saleem

    A validate error is occuring for my blog. what to do?

  27. heather

    I’ve read that “feed burner is dying”. Does that imply that Google will no longer be supporting it? What is going on with feedburner and should I be concerned?

  28. Christian

    Just implemented this on my new wordpress blog. Thank you so much for the info.

  29. Rajdeep Mukherjee

    Thanks a ton…your article was extremely helpful for our blog…As a beginner we had no idea about this, but now we have managed it by the help of your article…..Thanks again..

  30. Tamara

    Thank you very much! I am hoping you can assist me with a problem I have run across with my moms blog. We set up her feed, her website is, and it looks like it is working but we can never see her images on bloglovin. We have tried everything. Any ideas?
    Thank you.

  31. Vivian

    You always have very clear and easy to follow tutorials! I did able to set up a feedburner, but I would like to set up a second one w/ same google account but different feedburner url (for different website). How do I do this? I have looked everywhere, but can’t find a solution. Thank you.

    • Editorial Staff

      When you login to your Feedburner, there is a field that says Burn a feed right this instant. Enter your new feed there and follow the process.


    • rolanstein

      Hi. I wonder if you would mind explaining something about Feedburner that has been puzzling me. I’ve spent hours googling for answers and found none.

      I used to have my WP blog hosted as a subdomain of one of my other websites, before migrating it to its own dedicated domain. When I log into Feedburner, it seems I still have feeds and subscribers connected to the old sub-domain URL. In fact, in all, I have 3 listed Feedburner feeds showing, all under the title of my blog, and each with different numbers of subscribers.

      For each of the 3 listings, the blog title is the same (ie: my blog title), but the ‘original feed’ and ‘feed address’ are different in each case.

      Should I should delete the two Feedburner feeds that relate to the old subdomain address, do you think? Would I lose subscribers if I did?

      Feedburner is showing that there are still subscribers on those old feeds. Would this be because they are automatically re-directed to the new URL and therefore continue to be able to receive newly posted blog articles through their Feedburner subscriptions?

      I’d be most appreciative if you could help me understand what is going on with these 3 feeds, and what to do to reduce them to one, relating to my current blog address but without losing subscribers.


    • Editorial Staff

      Not sure what you are speculating there. Blogs like TechCrunch make their living by writing catchy headlines :) Yes sure FeedBurner might go away, but we will cross that bridge when we get to it.


  32. Bryan Rainey

    Great tutorial. Just to keep things current, your reference to the plugin “FeedBurner FeedSmith” is no longer available.

    Keep up the good work.


  33. sam

    At last, I understand!! Thanks so much ….wish I’d found you sooner!

  34. roopa

    i have set up rss for my blog but can i’m not able how to give category so that user can tick mark like you have done for wpbeginner. i dont want every user will get all news.

  35. Monica Pruett

    I just moved from blogger to WP and am trying to transfer my feed burner subscribers from one blog to the other. I have tried every possible combination and still have not managed to move my subscribers. Please help. I’m at happy and blessed home dot com (no spaces). Thanks!

  36. Tom Kaczocha

    Fantastic post. Very informative.

    Some feedback: try to separate your text from text screenshots in some way. Bit hard to read.

  37. Heidi

    Thanks for this great tutorial. Is there a way to include the featured image from a post in the feed? I get my blog’s feed in my email box, but there is no picture included. I get emails from other sites that do include pictures. Are they using something else?

  38. Alyce

    Thank you so much for this article. This takes some of the mystery (and fear) out of setting up a feed. I just set up my first site so I can use all the help I can get!

  39. Alan Boyd

    Excellent Post. This made my feedburner sign up a breeze. I mostly use Genesis and most child themes have the feedburner subscribe widget built in. Thanks again.

  40. Bethany

    Wow, thanks so much for this. I’ve been struggling with RSS subscription management for weeks now. I’m so grateful I found your post–I’m all set now! You guys are awesome.

  41. John Lee Dumas

    Thank you! It is surprising how few step by step tutorials there are, but this is the only one you’ll need! Do you still recommend Feedburner Feedsmith as the best plugin to use, or has a better one come along recently? Thanks!

    • Editorial Staff

      Most theme frameworks now let you redirect your /feed/ URL. We don’t know if there is a new plugin that has come along.


  42. Abbi

    Please help! if i put the Feedburner details it comes out in the widget perfectly but in the setting of the theme, no luck! :(

  43. TVDinner

    Thanks for the great article. Question – when does your Readers number adjust? Is it daily? For example I had 60 confirmed people sign up today for my feedburner feed and the reader number on the site has not gone up or changed. When does this typically happen? Thank you in advance.

  44. SBlasnik

    How do I add a second blog that I do not own but that I manage to my existing feedburner account.  This blog needs everything setup from scratch including a Subscriber Box Widget in the sidebar.  I need to manage 2 blogs independent of each other.

  45. RedFox Magazine

    How is your feedburner showing full summary, i tried everything but still not showing, only the title of the post is showing.. please help

    • wpbeginner

      Settings > Reading (there is an option in there)If only your titles are showing, then it could be something wrong with one of the plugins or theme functions. 

  46. ClickTom

    Many thanks for the article. Now that WP has integrated subscriptions in Jetpack, is Feedburner still better due to its google integration (adwords)? Any advice as to how else they differ?

  47. DiverseBeauty

    Thanks a lot for the step by step guide, my feed wasn’t working and I followed your steps, it helped greatly. Thank you

  48. KellyGallagher

    Thanks for this tutorial! It definitely made the process easy to do. One quick question though…Everything seems to be working fine but the posts in my feed don’t have any titles at all. Did I miss something about how to title posts? I went back through and did everything again and its still the same. My feed is Thanks in advance, Kelly

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