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Hediye Çekilişi: WPForms’un Ücretsiz Bir Kopyasını Kazanın – WordPress Form Eklentisi

Geçmişte, WPBeginner’da birkaç çekiliş yaptık ve birçoğunuzdan daha fazlasını yapmak için çok sayıda istek geldi. Bugün, hızla büyüyen eklentimiz WPForms‘un harika bir çekilişini duyurmaktan gurur duyuyoruz. Bu çekiliş, 10 şanslı kullanıcının WPForms – sürükle ve bırak form oluşturucu (değeri 199 $) Pro lisansı kazanmasına olanak tanıyacak.

Kazananlar 6 Temmuz 2016 Çarşamba günü belirlenecektir.

**Bu çekiliş sona ermiştir ve şu anda mevcut değildir**

Tam olarak ne kazanıyorsunuz? (WPForms Pro)


10 şanslı kullanıcı, en kullanıcı dostu WordPress form eklentisi olan WPForms’un profesyonel lisansını kazanacak.

Profesyonel lisansın her biri 199 $ değerindedir ve aşağıdakilerle birlikte gelir:

Sürükle ve bırak form oluşturucu, önceden hazırlanmış form şablonları, akıllı koşullu mantık, güçlü bildirim sistemi, giriş yönetim sistemi, dosya yüklemeleri, çok sayfalı formlar ve mevcut tüm eklentiler (Kullanıcı kaydı, MailChimp, AWeber, PayPal, Stripe, GetResponse, Campaign Monitor, vb.)

Tüm özelliklerin listesine bakın.

İster bir iletişim formu, ister bağış formu veya bir bülten formu oluşturmak isteyin, WPForms ile bunu yapabilirsiniz.

Nasıl Kazanılır?

Geçmişte, yarışmaya katılan ve ödülü hiç talep etmeyen birçok kazananımız oldu. Bu, gerçekten kazanmak isteyen herkes için haksızlıktır.

Bu sorunu hafifletmek için yeni bir konsept deniyoruz, böylece yalnızca eklentiyi kullanma konusunda ciddi olanlar kazanacak.

Çekilişe katılmak için yapmanız gerekenler:

1. WPForms Lite Eklentisini sitenize yükleyin (%100 ücretsiz). ( WordPress eklentisi nasıl yüklenir bölümüne bakın)

2. İçeride, sizi çekilişe katılmak için Rafflecopter widget’ına yönlendiren bir bildirim göreceksiniz.

Bildirimi yanlışlıkla reddettiyseniz, bu bağlantıya giderek bildirime erişebilirsiniz:

**Bu çekiliş sona ermiştir ve bağlantı kullanılamaz** adresini kendi alan adınızla değiştirmeniz yeterlidir.

Hepsi bu kadar.

Kazananlar 6 Temmuz 2016 Çarşamba günü belirlenecektir.

Bu yeni hediye formatı, neden en acemi dostu WordPress iletişim formu eklentisi olduğuna inandığımızı görmek için WPForms’u denemenize de olanak tanıyacak.

WPForms hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek için aşağıdaki genel bakış videosunu izleyebilirsiniz:

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Tüm kazananlar Rafflecopter widget’ı kullanılarak rastgele seçilecektir. Kazananları 6 Temmuz 2016 tarihinde e-posta yoluyla bilgilendireceğiz.

WPBeginner’ı takip ettiğiniz için teşekkür ederiz.

Açıklama: İçeriğimiz okuyucu desteklidir. Bu, bazı bağlantılarımıza tıklarsanız komisyon kazanabileceğimiz anlamına gelir. WPBeginner'ın nasıl finanse edildiğini, neden önemli olduğunu ve nasıl destek olabileceğinizi görün. İşte editoryal sürecimiz.


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

41 yorumBir Cevap Bırakın

  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Mike

    I’ve been trying to enter the contest since yesterday with no luck. The page, (with my site name in place of the “yoursite”, returns this message:

    Not Found
    The requested URL /wp-admin/admin.php was not found on this server.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    What am I doing wrong?

      • Your Real Name

        Yes, and the free version of the plug-in is installed. But it’s past the deadline now, I guess… maybe next time.

  3. Moksha

    I a unable to access the aforementioned page. Please help.

  4. Jill Denovan

    I have clicked on the the enter to win button but am not sure if I’ve entered? I sure hope so.
    Thank you WordPress.

    • Editorial Staff

      It should show you the total entries you have in the giveaway inside the plugin.


  5. Norman

    Would love to win this.

  6. Elizabeth Krill

    I”m new to WordPress so it is hard for me to create a WordPress site and try to install this add-on when I’m not even sure how to find it for installation. So as much as I’d like to enter this contest, I’m not sure how to do this.

      • Elizabeth Krill

        I had hoped to enter the contest, but I don’t have a WordPress site setup for adding the plug-in.
        Unfortunately, the one I was using for my school assignment was eventually deleted off the school server when was off one semester.

        I would loved to have been entered into the contest.

        Thank you, Elizabeth

    • awr

      its really simple go to plugins manu and search for plugin and install thats it…

  7. Simeon Udoh

    Thanks for the giveaway. I have submitted my entry already. I have used WP forms to make most of my contact us forms. I would love to win a PRO VERSION!

    Simeon Udoh.

  8. Akut Wibowo

    Interested to winning this. I’m in!

  9. Sumit Kumar Gogawat

    Nothing happened with link provided by you.

    I try to enter the giveaway but every time wordpress ask to login and open my site’s dashboard

    What can i do now?

  10. Tammi L. Coles

    Syed, thanks for all you do. Quick question: No mention on the repository page of localization in general or WPML compatibility specifically. Is WPForms an English-only plugin?


  11. Nino blasco

    Yes you are right ! Win and then leave the offered gift is not fair. I have installed and tried the free version, but now I would like to participate for the Pro version. Thanks.

  12. samuel

    Am looking forward to winning, because most of my customers are small scale businesses so with the current prices that are on the market including the ones I quote them makes it hard for them to aford a decent website.

  13. Syams

    I hope i win so i can provide free forms to the visitors with less money. All the best.

  14. Nathanael Jackson

    I installed wpforms lite, it started asking if I wanted to enter the giveaway. Then it stated that I had wrong version of woocomerce. So updated woocomerce, and deleted reinstalled wpforms lite but cannot get back to the entry giveaway. First time trying any of this so I am lost.

    • Editorial Staff

      Use the link we mentioned in the article above to get the page back. We set the notice inside the plugin to dismiss after the first time to make sure we don’t annoy existing users.


  15. Verdi

    Installed it just to enter the raffle, since I happened to be looking for a good form plugin. Turns out I’m really liking it!

    Just need to find out how to translate the subtitels. Maybe it’s a pro feature, maybe I haven’t looked in the right spot yet. But even without, this plugin seems solid.

  16. Diane Ziff

    can’t wait to start working with this

  17. Paula

    I have WP Forms lite installed. Raffle copter is not visible and when I use the link supplied above I get this message: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.

    • Editorial Staff

      Hey Paula,

      Can you make sure the plugin is activated? Not sure why you would be seeing this error.


  18. Terri Benson

    This is a good forum to help me learn about features of WP. Thanks for having it.

  19. Olivia Morris

    I did as you asked in order to win a copy of this Forms, I want to see if I could use it on my newest website, alas, even though I installed it on one of my sites, it did not take me to Rafflecopter and using the link you gave only made me go back to my own site, with no way to enter this contest.

    Maybe I should ask the question before winning something that I don’t need.

    Will this form work for a Custom Clothing site, where people could input their measurments and information?

    I am branching into custom made clothing and need a form that can be filled out and sent/available to me with customer information. Will the pro form do this?????

  20. Kat

    I am a super beginner for this but have plans. I would like to win this as I will need them for my plans.
    Unfortunately I have not had time to figure out much about WordPress and I do not know how to install WPForms Lite Plugin. I have downloaded it but do not see where on my site that I can install it.

    I know …..I know gotta be very basic but as I have said I am bit by bit trying to learn this.
    I am not young and not experienced in this. It will take me time.

    So can someone just tell me how to install this please

  21. Jon Gergeceff

    Cool beans as we say in the Midwest . Thx for all of the continued work and effort to keep raising the bar here . I do appreciate all the info you have provided me and many others .
    Sincere thanks ,


  22. Martin

    This looks like a very nice plugin and easy to use. I am in :-)!

  23. Sue Manah Buteau

    I’m a WordPress newbie with much to learn. I find most is intuitive, but occasionally I’m stuck. I need to learn more!

  24. George Aulenbacher

    I would like to apply for the free giveaway referenced in the email I received today, the “10 lucky users will win a Pro license of WPForms – drag & drop form builder (value $199).”

    I tried to download the plugin as directed , but all I can do is assume it came with my basic packages, as I do not see the specific reference in my dashboard to having the WPForms lite pugin.

    I have been able to register about 20 blogs with WP. I have been gathering content and blog ideas and my aim now is to get better versed at using everything I need to begin and continue all that which I have registered.

    Please see that I get entered into this giveaway, or email me to confirm what I need to do that I have not already done.

    George Aulenbacher

  25. Richard Szpin

    I think it is very commendable that you do these kind of giveaways. But old codgers like me find it mind boggling to navigate and manage the installation process and activation procedures.

    Remember, not only do I underline my age, but there are many user who like me, lack the skill development and knowhow which you may be assuming too much. K.I.S.S. KEEP IT SUPER SIMPLE man so that we can avail ourselves of all that you offer.

    I have discovered you site and feel it likely has much merit for my use, but I need to go slowly to garner the benefits it potentially offers.


    • Editorial Staff

      Thanks for the feedback Richard. I will take it in consideration for the next contest.


  26. Albert Puper

    I hope i win so i can provide free forms to the customers with less money. Keep up the good work!

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