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Geçtiğimiz bir buçuk yıl boyunca, alan adını yazdığınızda WPBeginner’a yönlendiriliyordunuz. Bu birçok kişi için beklenmedik ve hoş olmayan bir sürprizdi çünkü gerçekten popüler içerik yönetim sisteminin evi olan’u ziyaret etmek istiyordunuz. Bugün, alan adını WordPress Vakfı‘na bağışladığımızı duyurmaktan memnuniyet duyuyorum.

Çoğunuz için bu bir şey ifade etmiyor ve hayat her zamanki gibi devam ediyor. WordPress topluluğuna daha fazla dahil olanlar için bu büyük bir olay çünkü artık bana veya WPBeginner’a küfretmeden Tweetlerinize, Slack mesajlarınıza, Facebook durumlarınıza vb. yazabilirsiniz.

Bu yönlendirmenin sinir bozucu olduğunu biliyorum çünkü birçoğunuz bana tweet attınız veya bize kızgın e-postalar gönderdiniz. Hepinizden ve hatta yüksek yolu seçenlerden bile yaptıklarım için özür dilemek istiyorum.

Şimdi muhtemelen neyin değiştiğini merak ediyorsunuzdur?

Kısa cevap ÇOK.

Eşim ve ben ilk bebeğimize hamileyiz. Bu bana bir bütün olarak hayata yeni bir bakış açısı kazandırdı.

Balkhi Baby

Yeni bir vasiyetname hazırlamaktan hayat sigortası kapsamımı genişletmeye kadar pek çok şey oluyor. Hayatımda ilk kez, beklenmedik durumlar hakkında düşünüyorum. Daha yaşlı ve bilge olanlarınız buna “büyümek” diyecektir.

Benim için çok önemli olan her şeyi yazdım ve ailemden sonra en üst sırada WordPress var. WordPress benim geniş ailem ve WordCamp’lerden herhangi birinde benimle tanışırsanız bunu görebilirsiniz. Son 10 yıldır WordPress kullanıyorum ve WPBeginner neredeyse 7 yıldır piyasada.

Başka bir deyişle, WordPress hayatımın %40’ında benim bir parçam oldu.

WordPress’in benim için yaptıklarını düşündüğümde,’u WordPress Vakfı’na bağışlamak yapabileceğim en az şey.

WordPress bir kişiden ya da bir kuruluştan çok daha büyüktür. WordPress Vakfı’nın var olma nedeni de budur. Şimdi bana bir şey olursa, en azından bu alan adının Vakıf tarafından açık artırmayla en yüksek teklifi verene satılmayacağını (aksine evde güvende olacağını) biliyorum.

Tek pişmanlığım bunu daha önce yapmamış olmam. Ama şimdi yaptığıma memnunum.

Hayat bize her gün yeni dersler öğretiyor ve eminim yeni bebekle birlikte ben de çok şey öğreneceğim.

Beni destekleyen herkese teşekkür etmek istiyorum ve WordPress topluluğuna hizmet etmeye devam etmek için sabırsızlanıyorum.


Syed Balkhi
WPBeginner’ın Kurucusu

Açıklama: İçeriğimiz okuyucu desteklidir. Bu, bazı bağlantılarımıza tıklarsanız komisyon kazanabileceğimiz anlamına gelir. WPBeginner'ın nasıl finanse edildiğini, neden önemli olduğunu ve nasıl destek olabileceğinizi görün. İşte editoryal sürecimiz.


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Araç setimize ÜCRETSİZ erişim sağlayın - her profesyonelin sahip olması gereken WordPress ile ilgili ürün ve kaynaklardan oluşan bir koleksiyon!

Reader Interactions

57 yorumBir Cevap Bırakın

  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Nina Montgomery


    Congratulations on your baby, as well as the generous gift. I can’t imagine what a domain name like that would be worth~ so the thought of “donating it” in todays corporate world of greed is quite humbling.

    I do know too that regardless of donating the name or not~ your WP Beginner site has helped me on a weekly basis for the past two years as I stumble my way around building my brand.

    With your generous attitude to help and serve others, along with a keen eye for business, your little one could not have chosen herself greater parents.

    Wishing you all the best for you and your wife~ and God Bless the beautiful #balkhibaby


  3. Sunith Babu L

    Hi Syed !

    I’m a avid reader of WPBeginner, After reading this post, I must tell you one thing, your involvement with the baby will be more than the involvement you’ll have with the blog. Trust me, it was the same in my case, although, my daughter is 1 year and 2 months, I find time to blog only when she sleeps. But still, its worth it.

    Blog like a Baby !

    Sunith Babu L

  4. Paul Douglas

    Just another reason why we count on WPBeginner, WPForms and Syed Balkhi –

    You are Real
    You are Dedicated
    You are an Asset

    to the WordPress Community, WordPress Developers and WordPress Site Development Businesses.

    Congratulations on the baby, we have 5 children 3 – 17 and they are all the blessings I need but having You and Your staff to help building our WordPress business has also been a blessing.

    Thank you.

  5. Adrienne

    Well done on the

    Congrats on the new additional. Ahhh, get ready, you will not be sleeping for about a year! it’s called adulthood, they tell me.

  6. Rajesh P

    This is such an awesome (and rare for these times!) gesture! The whole WP community, am sure, salutes you on this one.

    As for the good news on the domestic front…good things happen to good folks! Hope this good karma rubs off on the exciting future that is in store for you and your wife. Wish you both and the baby all the very best!

  7. Derek

    Congrats on the new addition and you my friend did the right thing and will always be remembered in the community by your action.

    My family always comes first before the job and before I even turn on the laptop. As long as you pay your web hosting bill, you can login to your websites to do work on them in your spare time. :)

  8. Tammi L. Coles

    Congratulations and thanks for your contribution and ALL of your great work here!

  9. Matt

    Well played and congratulations!

  10. deuts

    Wow, congrats and nice move! :D

  11. Stephanie

    Congratulations on the baby news! It’s very exciting to have your first baby on its way. Second, thank you for donating the domain. I think it was a nice gesture and I am sorry for the angry emails you received from people (not us). The mob mentality on the web is unpleasant and, at times, excessive.

  12. Gnanes

    Congrats and it was nice of you to donate the domain. Lets see if WordPress will do you a favor and reserve a .blog domain for you since they own it now.

  13. Jermaine Valentine

    That’s a great gesture, one that the entire WordPress community will appreciate. Congrats on your new baby! If your ever in Jamaica let me know, the first round will be on me…cheers!

  14. Yuuichi "Webman" Ashikawa

    Congratulations!!! Please visit to Japan with Happy family!

  15. Brad Miller

    Congrats, Syed!!! Also thank you for giving back to the best community ever.

  16. LeBaux

    That is a very grand gesture from you! I hope karma will keep a note.

  17. Pam Blizzard

    Many congratulations! Your first…how sweet. Yes, your brain gets re-wired in a very good way :)

  18. Kerwin

    Syed, nothing happens before irs time my friend. :)

  19. Atta

    It is an amazing gesture. I appreciate it. WP.ORG is a high value domain and it can easily sell in 6 figures.

  20. Bimakuru

    Congratulations, May the force be with you… :)

  21. Charlie Patel

    Kudos and Congrats on the new addition to your family. Truly an inspiration!! All the best.

  22. Jason

    Kudos on the donation, Nothing wrong to me with a redirect on a domain you owned for a similar relevant site but I can see where some might view it as not wordpress and get angry. I was wondering why had Red in WebOfTrust browser tool with no reviews stating why it had a bad rating but this explains things. I followed you on fb and bookmarked your site so your donation gained me whatever that is worth. Regarding WebOfTrust, Any users that use it and read this should go rate the domain accurately so that visitors with the browser extension are not fooled into thinking is not trustworthy… I will! P.S. Also going to rate this domain and it already has a good score! :)

  23. Amauri Champeaux

    Thanks for this donation It’s very nice for WP community but I guess hard to take..
    Congrat’ for your baby!

  24. Aravind Ajith

    Well done Syed, really appreciate your gesture! That’s a brave move.

    And congrats on the baby! I know that feeling. I became a ‘grown up’ a year back. ;)

  25. Bernhard Kau

    This is really a great step. But somehow I am not redirected to – has someone hijacked the domain?

  26. Blair2004

    Happy to hear that, and this is so kindly. i which the best for your familly and for WPBeginner, my favorite wp tuts source.
    Can we have yet the surname of the babie ?

    Thank you.

  27. Golam Samdani

    Congrats to new father :)
    And thanks for the donation (y)

  28. Nayan Kariya

    I must say this is a great move for you. Its but Obvious that you are getting a huge traffic because of that domain. Great domination for WordPress. I really like this contribution. and Congrats for new baby.

  29. Vinodh David

    Congrats Syed on the new family member. Becoming a parent changes a lot of perspective for sure. And a great selfless move towards the donation. You will be a great dad I am sure :)

  30. Gaurav Tiwari

    That’s great work. But to be honest should go to instead of The later needs less of it.

  31. Bradley Will

    Much love, admiration and respect.

  32. Husain

    Respect. You are awesome

  33. Japh

    Fantastic news on your growing family, Syed! Super happy for you, there sure is a lot to learn, but it’s all very worthwhile too, eh.

    Also, kudos on donating the domain name. I really appreciate this :)

  34. Pad

    Very nice of you. Maybe WordPress should donate to the people at Thesis…

  35. Fernando Morais

    Congratulations for the new baby.
    We’re also expecting to be parents (again) in November 2016 so maybe yours will meet mine in a few years in some WordCamp around the World. :-)

  36. Vitor Madeira

    Those are the kind of stories that will be turned into history.

    I use to say that, to accept some people on some specific jobs in society, one should not be required to have superior education, rather it should be required to be a father / mother in the first place.
    We would definetly have a better world.


  37. George Bikas

    Kudos for the domain !!
    I Wish you the best for your growing family!!!
    Regards from Greece.

  38. Robby

    Alright! Congrats on the baby. What wonderful news. Very happy for you both. :)

  39. Ed

    Well said and I would like to thank WordPress and WPbeginner for being a major portion of my career! Heart WP!

  40. Elvis

    Well, thanks for your commitment to WordPress! Another reason to love this site, along with the helpful tips…

  41. Juwel Khan

    I appreciate your donation. You donated best thing that one could do and ofcourse we didn’t forget the contribution of wpbeginner to the community !

    Best wishes for you, your family and specially for your baby !!

  42. Barış Ünver

    Nice! It was frustrating to see every time I typed, even though I’m (always) a huge fan of WPBeginner.

  43. Dark Matter

    Kudos! Well done.

  44. Chandan

    Great to read this , you did well Syed.
    Congo for your baby.
    Thanks for your donation.

    Chandan Dubey

  45. Francesco Carlucci

    This means a lot for the whole community!

    A HUGE thank you!

  46. Phil Johnston

    So good. Maybe a good time for to follow suit?

  47. Ged Ward

    Well done dude thats a good thing to do and all the best for your family and the new baby to come. :)

  48. Suresh Patel

    This is a very brave move I must say. I am sure you are generating a huge amount of traffic because of that domain. I know donating this domain is a big think. Hats of to you man and congratulation for upcoming baby :)

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