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Hur man delar upp WordPress posts i flera pages (sidonumrering av post)

Långa WordPress inlägg kan vara svåra att läsa. Hur delar du detaljerat innehåll utan att förlora dina läsares intresse?

Svaret är sidonumrering av inlägg, vilket innebär att man delar upp ett långt inlägg i flera kortare sidor. Vi har använt den här metoden för att dela upp stora przewodniker och långa poradnikar i några av våra bloggprojekt. Varje gång märkte vi att läsarna engagerade sig mer i innehållet.

I den här przewodniken visar vi dig hur du delar upp dina inlägg i WordPress på flera sidor. Vi går igenom enkla metoder, med och utan tillägg.

How to Split WordPress Posts

Varför dela upp WordPress Posts på flera pages?

Om du har WordPress blogginlägg eller guider som är långa, kan du genom att ställa in WordPress sidonumrering förbättra läsbarheten av ditt content.

Det hjälper att dela upp ett långt post i olika sektioner och dela upp dem på flera pages. På så sätt kan besökarna enkelt smälta ditt content och läsa den section de är intresserade av.

En annan fördel med att dela upp WordPress inlägg är att det kan öka din användares engagemang. När användare navigerar genom sidonumrerat innehåll bidrar varje sida de visar till ökade sidvisningar, vilket kan påverka webbplatsens övergripande mätvärden positivt.

Med detta sagt, låt oss ta en titt på hur man delar upp WordPress posts i flera pages. Vi kommer att täcka hur du delar upp dina WordPress-poster i flera pages utan ett plugin och med hjälp av ett WordPress-plugin:

Metod 1: Dela upp ett enskilt inlägg i flera sidor utan ett plugin

Det enklaste sättet att konfigurera sidonumrering av inlägg är att använda blocket ”Sidbrytning” i din WordPress-blockredigerare. Du behöver inte ett tillägg till WordPress för att dela upp dina artiklar i flera sidor.

Först måste du editera eller lägga till en new post på din WordPress website med hjälp av Gutenberg block editor.

Efter det klickar du på knappen ”+” där du vill dela upp ditt content och add to ett Page Break block.

Add a page break block

You should now see a page break line in your content to indicate where the sidonumrering will appear.

Det kommer att se ut ungefär så här.

See page break in your content

Om du använder den gamla klassiska Editorn kan du använda taggen <!--nextpage--> för att dela upp ditt content.

När du skriver ett blogginlägg går du bara till ”Text” editor view för att enter taggen där du gillar att dela upp den långa artikeln.

Insert next page tag in the classic editor

Du kan också använda tangenterna Alt + Shift + P på ditt tangentbord för att infoga page breaks. Det gör du genom att gå till ”Visual”-vyn och trycka på tangentbordstangenterna där du vill lägga till en page break.

Efter det kan du previewa och publicera blogginlägget. Du kommer nu att se sidonumrering längst ner i postens content.

Post pagination example

Metod 2: Dela upp flera WordPress-poster till flera pages med hjälp av ett plugin

Ett annat sätt att dela upp långt content i olika pages är genom att använda ett plugin för sidonumrering. Fördelen med denna metod är att den automatiskt kommer att sidonumrera posts när de uppfyller vissa kriterier.

För denna metod kommer vi att använda det gratis Automatically Paginate Posts plugin, eftersom det är lätt att använda och fungerar med alla WordPress tema.

Note : Du kanskenoterar att detta plugin inte har testats med de senaste WordPress-versionerna. Vi har dock testat det själva, och det fungerar bäst av alla tillägg vi har kontrollerat.

Du kan läsa mer om om du bör använda otestade WordPress tillägg i vår artikel. Om du hittar ett tillägg som fungerar bättre än det vi erbjöd, får du gärna berätta det för oss i kommentarerna under!

Först måste du installera och aktivera pluginet Automatically Paginate Posts på din WordPress website. För mer detaljer kan du se vår tutorial om hur du installerar ett plugin för WordPress.

När pluginet är aktivt på din site, gå till Settings ” Lä sa och rulla ner till ”Automatically Paginate Posts” section.

Du kan selecta vilka post types som ska delas upp på olika pages. Därefter väljer du om du vill dela upp posts efter det totala antalet pages eller ungefärligt antal ord per page.

Automatically Paginate Posts section

Klicka sedan på knappen ”Save Changes” för att spara dina inställningar.

Tillägget kommer automatiskt att dela upp ditt content baserat på dina Settings. Du kan dock också lägga till page breaks manuellt till ditt content medan du använder pluginet.

Bonus tips: Använd AIOSEO för att optimera sidonumrering av dina post

Sidonumrering av din långa post kan definitivt förbättra upplevelsen för användaren. Med detta sagt är det viktigt att du konfigurerar posten korrekt så att den inte påverkar webbplatsens sökmotorsoptimering (search engine optimization) negativt.

Om ett blogginlägg är fördelat på flera pages på grund av sidonumrering kan Googlebot komma att indexera flera kopior av samma content. Detta kan sedan leda till duplicerade innehållsproblem.

Tack och lov kan du undvika detta genom att använda pluginet All in One SEO (AIOSEO). Detta WordPress SEO plugin gör det enkelt att göra din site SEO-vänlig, även om du inte har någon teknisk expertis.

AIOSEO infogar automatiskt ett sidnummer i sökmotorsoptimeringen av sidonumrering av content. På så sätt kan search engines förstå att posten har spridits över flera pages och ej är en kopia av en annan post.

The AIOSEO settings page

Dessutom kommer AIOSEO att ta bort dessa sidnummer från URL: erna på dina post sidor. På så sätt får search engines veta vilken sida i blogginlägget som de ska ranka för relevanta keywords och som användarna ska se först.

Detta görs genom att automatiskt aktivera inställningen ”No Pagination for Canonical URLs”.

AIOSEO's no pagination for canonical URLs setting

För mer information om AIOSEO, vänligen se vår artikel om hur du konfigurerar AIOSEO för WordPress.

Fler tips för att hantera långt innehåll i WordPress

Att dela upp inlägg i sidor är bara ett sätt att hantera långt innehåll. Här är några andra användbara tekniker som vi har funnit användbara:

  • Etykietka är bra för att lägga till extra detaljer utan att störa ditt huvudsakliga innehåll. De dyker upp när läsare för över vissa ord.
  • Håll läsarna engagerade genom att visa dem relaterat innehåll mitt i dina inlägg.
  • Om du har ett omfattande ämne att ta upp kan du överväga att skapa en serie inlägg istället för att skriva ett långt blogginlägg om det. Detta hjälper läsarna att följa med enkelt.
  • Rubriken på ditt inlägg är vanligtvis bara ett enskilt inlägg, men du kan dela upp den på en ny rad om den är för lång för att göra den mer läsbar.

Vi hoppas att den här artikeln hjälpte dig att lära dig hur du delar upp WordPress inlägg i flera sidor. Du kanske också vill se vår przewodnik om hur du lägger till en hämtar mer knapp i WordPress inlägg och våra expertval av de bästa tillägget för Relaterade inlägg i WordPress.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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  2. maik

    How to invert the pagination, I want create a page and spliting in multiples pages to show the recent posts? : This mode: 3, 2, 1. and no Pages 1, 2, 3.

  3. semmy

    Hi thank you very much for your tutorial. It’s work, oh ya I want to ask something about adsense, how we can add adsense below multiple pages, can you create a tutorial for that one? many thanks

  4. Edwin

    Thanks for the tip, I’ve recently tried this, and the pagination shows up correctly, but when clicking the links (2,3,4,etc.), i get a page not found error. Do you have any idea what would cause that?

    • Ricardo Cury

      You might want to check you Permanent Links Structure.

  5. Edmond


    Really love the feature of splitting pages. I also see that you have the ”View All” option on How can I add that same feature to my website? I’d really love to see a tutorial for this too.

  6. João Paulo Porto

    If for some reason, pagination is not showing up after you have pasted the next page tags, then you would need to add the following code in your single.php loop.

    Which code are you talking about? I really need this code.

    • Lester

      Olá João Paulo,

      Have you noticed how to manage pagination on wordpress long posts? This thread is not really helpful. I´m using wp 2.2.2 and I´m looking for splitting long posts in 1,2,3,4…view all pages too !

  7. Josh

    how to create pagination like ? thanks

  8. Ameet Mehta

    Hi, where is the code that is supposed to be pasted, seems like something got pulled out of the article?

  9. kankan929

    YES!!!! I saw that Kim Komando did this and wondered HOW. So glad I stumbled across this blog. And now I’m a FAN! Thanks for sharing this information.

  10. WPBeginner Staff

    Yes it does if you have long articles with lots of images. You split the page, which reduces the page load time. Increased page views and lower bounce rates are an added bonus.

  11. MikeMeisner

    Great little tip – do you think this helps with SEO and rankings by lowering the bounce rate and increasing pageviews? I notice a few buzzfeed types sites using this method..

  12. Donna

    what is a single.php loop? where do I place that code? the pagination is not working for me.

  13. Jamie_Mannion

    I paste the code in the text view, switch to visual and it’s there as I pasted it, switch back to text and it shows as <!––nextpage––> the problem was the ”pasting”. I manually typed it and I was away. Thanks guys!

  14. Patrick

    Hi Syed,
    Thanks for the tip. I’m wondering, though, the page numbers come up at the top of the post, rather than following it. How can I change that, or at least duplicate it?

  15. Bonnie Martin

    Awesome tip. I didn’t know about that before this.

  16. James

    Hi Syed,

    I have just implemented a facebook like button at the top of every post page. and split a few long blog posts up into multiple pages.

    The problem is if someone is on page 3 of the article for example, and clicks the share button, the url of that page gets shared –

    How can I ensure that just the first page/main page of the post gets shared with all my paginated posts?

    Thank you,


  17. Boby Kurniawan

    You know , i always love this website. I found many wordpress trick here. Thank you .

    I have a question, how i put the ”split” at top of article after the title ? is it posible ? thanks .

    Sorry for bad english

  18. Basavaraj Tonagatti

    I have few posts which have plenty of comments like around 800. Because of this these particular posts load slowly. So how if I paginate them by going to Discussion Settings–>Other Comments Settings–>Break Comments into pages of 100 each?

  19. Lops

    Hey! This worked incredibly fine, replacing the — manually did fix it when it didn’t work and now it’s awesome.

    I’m just having trouble because I’m working on very lenghty articles and I would like a table of contents at the top of the page too, not just at the bottom of the page. Can’t we have the [1] [2] [3] etc. links at the top of the page too?

  20. ashutosh joshi

    I need to show ”next page” and ”previous page” in place of pagination. What should I do for that?

      • David

        You mean, without writing anything in the canonical url space? Does it do it automatically so that I don’t have to specify it?


      • David


        After a bit of investigation, I’ve found out that if you don’t write anything on WPSEO canonical space, wordpress will take care of it and create a different canonical url for each page, with duplicate content. It doesn’t play nice with all the themes probably, so it’s better to check.

        So if you write the right canonical url (usually the main page) in the WPSEO space, it will index the first and not the others and will relate all the others pages /2, /3.. to the first. And this is one solution.

        But if you want to index all the content of the other pages, because maybe they are worth it and long pages as well, then you can write ”next” on the canonical space, and all the pages will be linked as rel=”next” and rel=”prev”.

  21. Edward Chung

    Thanks for introducing the technique. What I concern most is the SEO implication, would the author please suggest whether the SEO would be hurt or not? Thanks!

    • WPBeginner Support

      No, if any thing it will probably improve SEO. Your page load time will increase, users will not have to scroll a lot this means user experience will improve. A Better user experience is also one of the factors considered by search engines when ranking a site. Using post pagination correctly will benefit your site’s SEO. However, using it just to increase page and ad impressions will probably backfire.


  22. Oscar Gonzalez

    Do you know of a plugin or a hack that would allow me to give the user an option next to the pagination links when using multiple pages?

    Like page 1, 2, 3,

    OR below that show a link that reads:

    view as one page

    I think some big sites do that with slideshow posts, Any suggestions on providing that to the user?


  23. Crear Cuenta Outlook

    thank for the info i will use this in my site, but how i can get pagination on the home page?

  24. Kalyan

    I being having a travel blog (wordpress platform), thought of splitting the article. But, by using the method you said above, the url of the page is changing for each split. Is there any plugin or any thing which can split the article with the url remaining the same. Please let me know if you know any such plugin.
    Thanking You

  25. Diana

    The pagination shows up, but whenever I click to an actual page, it still shows me the entire article.

  26. Laurence

    I leave blogs split over many pages they’re really annoying. I can’t scan the page so it takes too long. Especially the blogs that have. ”Top 10 whatever” with each one on its own page. Just put them on one page for me why on earth make it harder for me to get content. I don’t think split pages decrease the average bounce rate across all pages.

  27. Aslam

    I saw a lot of people complaining that the code tags aren’t working and the reason is that if you copy paste the on this page it will not work, maybe some character issue with the ”–” characters on this page.
    Just manually type the ”–” wherever you are using the tag and it will work.
    Manual typing worked for me.

    • Kristof Bernaert

      Exactly the problem I faced too. Thanks for posting that!

    • James Roland

      Thanks! That was my problem as well. Typing it manually did the trick :)

    • Aristides Guerra

      I almost gave up upon manually replacing the underscores ( _ ) from the code given above but then I also replaced the two dashes( — ) from

      and it works! thank you all!

    • Seema

      Thanks Aslam, you solved my problem.

    • Tor André Sandum

      THANKS! Manually writing worked, copy/paste did not!

  28. John

    @Syed Balkhi I have to agree with AleC that original post split looks very boring. Please write a detailed tutorial for a newbies like us, on how to give it a beautiful and stylish looks with eye catching colors, just like you are using at list25. Thanks and i hope you will share it soon with your regular reader. I will wait :)

    • WPBeginner Support

      We will try to show how to style WordPress post pagination links. Meanwhile, do check the Codex page for styling page links. Also feel free to study and use list25 stylesheet and modify it to match your theme.


  29. Haseeb Ahmad Ayazi

    Whenever I google any wordpress query, wpbegginner come first, very hard @Syed Balkhi

  30. Christina

    Thank you for your answer. That makes a lot of sense. One more question: Do you know a post pagination plugin with works in combination with a post index? I have some long posts on my website which have their own little post index. If I now implement a post pagination, I would like to keep the post index which means that if a user klicks on a post index element, he should then jump to a separate post sub page.

  31. Christina

    Does post pagination have any impact on site performance/loading time? I was told not to implement it because it slows down the website. Is this true?

    • WPBeginner Support

      The purpose of adding pagination is to break down lengthy posts into pages. It should in fact speed up the page load time.


  32. Lauren Wilson

    Is it possible to have two posts pages? i.e news and jobs?

  33. Sri Ganesh.M

    Not Working, After which line in single.php we should add it ! i added in HTML view only

  34. Kenshin

    Does this work on blogs also?

  35. rami

    YUP!!!It Worked.Thanks for your great contribution.

  36. Pranjal

    I thought, it wasn’t working on mine, lately I read it somewhere else, I need to put the given tag into html view, and finally it worked. Please mention in your article as well, as I know many noobs like me are out there ;)

    • rami

      I agree with Pranjal. Please mention where the tag to be place.

  37. Jose Robles

    Tried it but my links for the other pages shows up at the way bottom left of my website rather than appearing even before the comments. Any ideas why that would be? Website is and the theme is Press Grid.

  38. Eva

    Never mind.. :D Of course it worked AFTER I’d tried for half an hour and finally decided to complaint.

  39. Eva

    I’ve tried to use the code but all I get is the code text in my post :/ I’ve only used the HTML window to place the code and yet – there it is – on my post as text, not as next page.

    What can I do?

  40. AleC

    Hi guys,

    Don’t ask me how, but I manage to do this in my site and it works like a charm!
    BUT I don’t know how to give the numbers a style. I’m looking for something like you did in here, big numbers with a huge box of color. Can you help me with this? May be if you give me the line of code you used.
    Sorry if I sound silly, but I don’t really know code.

  41. Gidon

    Great! And so easy! Thank you!

  42. Tom

    It wont work even if you follow these instructions, the correct code is ’ not as you said (you had only single dashes) – also you should tell people that it needs to be entered in html view on visual.

    • Editorial Staff

      Ah darn the auto-formatting. It was showing correctly in the backend, but then on the front-end it turned our two dashes into one big dash. Fixed that. Thanks for pointing it out.


  43. Colin

    Darnit, tried to get this to work on my site but failed :(

    Was hoping as it was a premium theme it would work out of the box but sadly not.

    As an SEO I can say there should be no problem with this SEO-wise. If anything having an extra couple of pages won’t hurt.

  44. Raja


    I tried what you’ve said, but ot still doesnt work on my theme. i’m using goodnews theme from themeforest

    • Editorial Staff

      Hey Raja,

      This is a standard WordPress feature. If it doesn’t work with your theme, then you should contact the theme author and ask them to add the support for it.


  45. wpbeginner

    You know Stephen, I would have agreed with you on almost all of those cases a few months ago. I still do agree with you that this works only in very specific cases. However, after seeing the numbers on our new site, my perspective has changed a little bit. First of all, if your article is good enough, then the user will go to the next page. In terms of SEO, definitely not true. If you have sufficient amount of content on each page, then it will not hurt you in SEO for a single bit. Forbes, NYTimes, and countless other big name sites do this and rank perfectly fine for SEO. If your content is good, then it will be shared, it will be linked, and it will be read by your users.

    • FuturePocket

       @wpbeginner I agree, I am planning to write a three part article (which is going to be somewhere in the area of 5000+ words) and I really don’t want to fit it all into one page. I am contemplating whether to stick with pagination or split it into multiple articles — but I will have to do a little bit more keyword research before I decide. If the ideas I intend to discuss are in a wide variety of keywords, than I’ll probably split it, otherwise this pagination method will work out quite nicely! Thanks for the share.

  46. YuriyNikolaev

    Thanks God for give us WPBeginner!

  47. Stephen Cronin

    Thanks for telling us how to do this, but I hope not too many people actually implement it and split their posts.

    That’s a relic of the days when people artificially increased their page views to increase advertising revenue, but thankfully most people these days recognise that it leads to a poor user experience. I personally leave sites as soon as I see paged articles (unless I really *have* to read it).

    There’s also the SEO implications – you’re probably going to rank better with one long article than you would with 5 smaller pages.

    And I could go on, but I’ll stop there. It’s not a good idea in 99.9% of cases.

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