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Så här ställer du in Google AMP på din site i WordPress på rätt sätt

Enligt vår erfarenhet kan små förändringar i sidans hämtarhastighet vara skillnaden mellan användare som stannar kvar på din WordPress website och studsar bort från den. Det är här Google AMP kan vara praktiskt.

AMP står för Accelerated Mobile Pages och är ett sätt att få din website att ladda snabbare på mobila enheter. Snabbt hämtar webbplatser ger en bättre upplevelse för användarna och kan förbättra trafiken.

I den här artikeln visar vi dig hur du konfigurerar Google AMP i WordPress.

How to Properly Setup Google AMP on Your WordPress Site

Vad är Google AMP?

Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) är ett initiativ med öppen källkod som tillkännagavs i oktober 2015. Det syftar till att göra web content snabbare att ladda för mobila användare.

Läsa webbsidor på mobila enheter kan vara långsamt eftersom sidor med mycket content kan ta flera sekunder att hämta trots alla ansträngningar som webbplatsägare gör för att snabba upp sina webbplatser.

Google AMP använder minimalistisk HTML och begränsat JavaScript och lagrar content på Google AMP Cache. Google kan sedan servera den här cachade versionen till användare omedelbart när de klickar på din link.

Detta liknar Facebook Instant Articles. Men medan Instant Articles är begränsade till Facebooks mobila appar är Google AMP plattformsagnostiskt och kan användas av alla webbläsare.

Användningen av Google AMP minskar dock, och tidiga användare som gillar Twitter, LinkedIn och Reddit använder det inte längre. Dessutom prioriteras inte längre websites som använder AMP på pages med sökresultat.

WPBeginners webbplats har aldrig använt Google Optimize, och vi rekommenderar att de flesta webbplatser optimerar pages för Core Web Vitals istället.

Det officiella AMP-pluginet är dock fortfarande available, och du kanske vill lära dig hur du ställer in Accelerated Mobile Pages i WordPress steg-för-steg.

Konfigurera Accelerated Mobile Pages eller AMP i WordPress

Det första du behöver göra är att installera och aktivera pluginet AMP. För mer detaljer, se vår Step-by-Step guide om hur du installerar ett WordPress plugin.

Vid aktivering öppnar du plugins onboarding wizard genom att klicka på länken högst upp på Plugins page.

Open the AMP Plugin's Onboarding Wizard

Note: AMP-pluginet har kompatibilitetsproblem med vissa populära WordPress-tillägg, till exempel WPCode, det ledande code snippet-pluginet. Du kommer att meddelas om eventuella inkompatibla aktiva tillägg högst upp på sidan.

Den första page ger dig en översikt över vad tillägget gör. När du har läst detta kan du klicka på knappen ”Nästa” för att fortsätta.

AMP for WordPress Plugin Onboarding Wizard

På den andra page i Wizard kan du välja din tekniska bakgrund.

Avancerade användare som förstår PHP, JavaScript, HTML och CSS kan klicka på det första alternativet. Vi rekommenderar dock att de flesta användare väljer det andra ”icke-tekniska” alternativet eftersom det gör det mycket enklare att konfigurera Google AMP.

AMP for WordPress Plugin Onboarding Wizard

När du har valt en teknisk bakgrund klickar du på knappen ”Next” för att fortsätta.

Pluginet kommer nu att skanna din site efter kompatibilitetsproblem med ditt aktiva theme och tillägg. När skanningen är completed kommer du att meddelas om eventuella issues.

AMP for WordPress Plugin Onboarding Wizard

I nästa steg i onboarding wizard måste du välja ett templates-läge. Om det inte fanns några issues under scanningen av webbplatsen bör du välja alternativet Standard.

I annat fall bör du läsa texten i Transitional och Läsare sections och välja det rekommenderade alternativet.

AMP for WordPress Plugin Onboarding Wizard

Grattis, när du klickar på knappen ”Next” kommer Wizard att vara completed och du kommer att se flera mobile AMP previews av din website.

Se till att du klickar på knappen ”Finish” för att lagra dina Settings.

AMP for WordPress Plugin Onboarding Wizard

You can now visit any post on your website and add /amp/ to the end of the URL like this to see a stripped-down AMP version of the post.

Detta kommer att visas automatiskt på mobila enheter.

Få exakta analyser på AMP Pages

En av de största issues med AMP är att det kan snedvrida dina Google Analytics-data. Visitors to your AMP pages are not tracked accurately and can even be double-counted.

För den mest exakta analysen rekommenderar vi att du använder MonsterInsights. Det är det bästa tillägget för Google Analytics för WordPress.

MonsterInsights AMP addon kommer automatiskt att fixa din tracking så att du får den verkliga statistiken på dina besökare.

Du kan lära dig hur du installerar MonsterInsights i vår guide för nybörjare om hur du installerar Google Analytics i WordPress.

Expertguider om WordPress Prestanda

Google AMP är ett sätt att förbättra webbplatsens prestanda på mobilen. Du kanske gillar att se några artiklar om våra alternativa metoder för att snabba upp din WordPress website.

Vi hoppas att den här artikeln hjälpte dig att lära dig hur du ställer in Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) i WordPress. Du kanske också vill se vår guide om hur du förbättrar din WordPress site health eller våra expertval på de snabbaste WordPress webbhotellen.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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87 kommentarerLämna ett svar

  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. tfk, the5krunner says

    the AMP pluigin disables JS scripts.
    therefore things like
    1. WordPress outbound click stats are disabled
    2. Google adwords conversion tracking is disabled.

    so think carefully before using it

  3. ToTemat says

    I tested AMP on the website for over 6 months. My conclusions are like this. The website worked faster on a mobile basis, but it had no effect on its position. Additionally, plug-in conflicts appeared from time to time. Also, fewer people on AMP pages accessed subsequent pages of the website. That’s why I believe responsive pages are better and more relevant than using AMP. I turned off AMP completely by myself some time ago.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      That would be a personal preference question, we would recommend taking a look at the pros and cons we state at the start of this article.


  4. Sohail Ahmad says

    Hi, I don’t know which one is better for my WordPress basic or advance in the amp.
    can you give me any suggestion about it?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      That would be a personal preference question. For questions about the plugin in its current state, we would recommend reaching out to the plugin’s support.


  5. wishlovequotes says

    Hello Admin
    am facing amp issues with my site
    i have tried all i know but not working because the errors keep increasing on my search console
    i really need help because my site ranking and traffic is affected

    • WPBeginner Support says

      It would depend on the specific errors you are seeing on your site for what would be the issue


  6. mreshane says

    As i can see why ’wpbeginner’ didnt take the step to use AMP on they site, look at all the comments, i think that is why.

    Still got error and bugs to clear, unfortunately i was trying to find solutions for using AMP but after all the comments here, i’ll take back my step … It’s not worth yet but for the Accelearating pages let just use cached plugins for now.

    Until all quite good and no more trouble using AMP i will rewrite my step but for now, lets just stay low.

    Thank you WP Beginner for the articles, it helps.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You’re welcome, we also mention the reasons we did not add amp at the start of our article as well :)


  7. Apoorv says

    ’The site is experiencing technical difficulties.’

    This is what I’m seeing when I’m opening the amp version of my site.

  8. Akash Gogoi says

    I got frustrated because I was finding not solution before reading your article. Thanks for your help.

  9. firstfly says

    it’s very interesting, Thanks for sharing a valuable information to us & Knowledgeable also, keep on sharing like this.

  10. Alison Wright says

    HI I wondered have you now started using AMP for your own site or is it still best avoided? Love to know your view.

  11. Mohsen \hefni says

    Hello WP Beginner

    Thanks for your wonderful effort, really you gave mt a lot of help.
    Unfortunately, I couldn’t enable AMP for my website.


    • WPBeginner Support says

      If the method in this article isn’t working then you would want to reach out to the AMP plugin’s support and they should be able to help troubleshoot the issue :)


  12. Aakash says

    Hey Wpbeginner Can you plz make a guide on how to place ads in amp wordpress websites ?

    Thank you for sharing your Information :-)

    • WPBeginner Support says

      We will certainly look into updating the article as we are able and as it is needed :)


  13. Subodh Gupta says

    Now Google AMP showing image size error.

    Image size is smaller than recommended size. Images should be at least 1200 pixels wide.

    That huge. What’s wrong with Google AMP?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      It is a change for Google’s top stories carousel for why that size is now being requested. The AMP plugin is saying that it is receiving that error from Google and letting you know.


  14. nack says

    how can we use wordpess theme into amp layout, because after entring amp url the page layout is not match as per our site url.

      • WPBeginner Support says

        AMP uses limited HTML, CSS, and Javascript. You would want to reach out to your theme to see if there is something that can be done to make the theme more AMP friendly.


  15. Reja says

    Thanks for this valuable article. Not only this one, but also all of your articles are so helpful for us.

    Thanks you all.

  16. Eva Rubio says

    This is a fantastic article! The structure and detail are easy to follow and user friendly. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Friday Alex says

    Thank you for this post!

    I already activated AMP for one of my site and it is performing well but here you did not recommend it.

    Well said, on my next site I will just leave it without implementing AMP and test the two.

    Thanks from Nigeria

  18. Fred Sessoms says

    I see more pitfalls than gains in implementing AMP – particularly with a plugin. For now, I’ll follow your advice and, ”not switch to Google AMP, just yet.”

  19. Amin says

    Hi, Thank you indeed for your helpful post. I have two points:

    1- Have you used the AMP yet or not? How can I be notify if you are going to use it in the future?

    2-In w3 total cache, there is an addon for AMP, is that ok?

    For me I will not install the plugin as you recommended.

    I think you can get the best ranking when you have great content, seo, good speed which can be implemented without apm.

    Thanks indeed

  20. Sarah Carter says

    I can’t seem to get AMP analytics working. the Yoast SEO tab for analytics never saves my analytics ID. Any suggestions?

  21. pratik agarwal says

    i need to know if i can add my pages in amp , currently it is just working on posts. when i type PAGE_URL/amp it takes to 404 page

  22. Mathukutty P.V. says

    What is the difference between Automatic AMP and Accelerated Mobile Pages plugin? Free site on is displaying theme header image and better looking in mobile with their AMP plugin,but self hosted site with AMP do not have theme header image and not looking good like free site. Why like this?

  23. zeeshan says

    i have activated amp in my wordpress .. my question is how to now that amp is working on my posts and if i build amp page except main post then what will happen ?

  24. Harold Hunt says

    I am using AMP for WP and have generated and listed some pages. Now I want to discontinue AMP. Can I just delete the AMP for WP plugin or is it a more involved procedure?

  25. Ashutosh Bharadwaj says

    Hello. I have been using the AMP plugin by Automattic without any issues for the past 6 months. However we started getting AMP errors in search console that said Prohibited or invalid use of HTML Tag on 12 pages including this one

    Has anyone noticed this?

    Posted on the plugin page as well but did not get a reply.

    I hope the bug gets resolved fast as the pages have been removed from search results and have led to a loss of traffic. :(

  26. Petra Jonartha says

    AMP can not install in my wordpress
    Every time I try to install it says ”installation failed: destination folder already exist” now should I do so that the AMP in wordpress can be installed??

  27. Ryan says

    Yeah I’ve been having the same issue for months. No matter what I enter in the Analytics box, it won’t save.

  28. Dishu Thakur says

    I used this plugin but i got one problem. This plugin added amp page for my home page when i tried to open that link then it will redirect it in blog amp page . How can i change it?

    • David says

      I am getting this same effect. when I go to my It does not show home home page, but it shows blog post page. How can we change it to where it shows home page?

      • Rhett says

        Under the AMP Plugin. Go: AMP/Getting Started/Homepage then enable AMP Frontpage –> custom amp front page. Then, just below that you will select your homepage from the drop down menu.

        It should all (finally) show up on the AMP version if your homepage/front page.
        I hope that helps!

  29. Nick Patel says

    Hie Guys,

    Very informative post and WordPress is among the early supporters of Google AMP Project. Google AMP plugin for WordPress is quite useful for making the mobile web faster i.e. 4 times faster, which will be a crucial factor for enhancing user experience.
    Also, Baidu – the Chinese search engine is now supporting Google AMP project and will consider AMP sites in SERP result as Google has made it a norm for getting higher ranking on search result. Very soon others will be following the same trend and we will be witnessing Google’s footsteps.


  30. Dipendra Shekhawat says

    Great Article. Does anyone knows hoe to trigger AMP automatically when user is viewing our website on mobile device. I mean for viewing AMP pages I dont want to manually go and type /amp at the end of URL. Is there a way?

    • Eslam Tolba says

      As far as I understand, typing /amp at the end of the URL is only for testing, but the plugin already creates the AMP version of the posts and add the related HTML tag to the source code and then google will index those AMP posts and show them to mobile users

  31. Raj singh says

    AMP is not installing in my wordpress .
    Whenever I trying to install it says ”Installation failed : Destination folder already exist ”

    Now what I have to do ??

  32. Sankar says

    I have use AMP on my website. But always one error detect on some posts. This is image optimization. I try to to use AMP image html code for insert image on post. But this time no image are shown. How can i fix this problem. Please help me. Thanks in advance.

  33. L. Pazzaglia says

    I WANT to switch to AMP but since many of my posts have recipes, tables and image grids none of these show up on AMP pages.

    I’d like to do AMP pages like the New York Times does, basically there is a long excerpt with a link to continue reading the story that takes you to the non-AMP page.

    Any recommendation on how to find a plug-in or how to tweak the WordPress AMP plug-in to do this?



  34. Allspired says

    I tried everything in this tutorial, but I still get a blank page when I input myURL/amp/ on my browser. Can you please help me out?

  35. Dave Bergschneider says

    The correct way to implement AMP is to do it as apart of your theme. The AMP plugin is merely a band-aid to bridge the gap from an existing theme. AMP is so new that there’s very little examples of how to include it as your WordPress theme. I’d be interested in knowing if anyone has taken it this far yet. I’ve done some AMP development already and I find it to not be all the difficult.

    • Adjie Purbojati says

      I have trying AMP for a 5 months. And the result is amp not recommend for my site. Because amp make appearance broken. And yes, amp WordPress doesn’t not give features that we need

  36. Vikram Sarin says

    How do we make it work for woocommerce? AMP plugin throws up very basic layout of a woocommerce site with the menu also losing all its style and formatting.

  37. Chris says

    Does the AMP plugin still only work on Posts and not Pages? Has anyone found a solution that works on entire sites? Thx!

  38. Shaeel Iqbal says

    Hey! Thanks for this AMP WordPress. I have a question in my mid. Can i have to edit my old posts URL and add /amp at the end?

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