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Så här flyttar du en Live WordPress site till en lokal server

Vill du flytta en live WordPress website till en lokal server på din dator?

Installing WordPress on your computer (local server) allows you to easily learn WordPress and test things. När du flyttar en live WordPress-webbplats till en lokal server aktiveras du att experimentera med samma data som din live site.

I den här artikeln visar vi dig hur du enkelt flyttar en live WordPress site till en lokal server utan att något går sönder.

Moving a live WordPress site to a local server on your computer

Varför och vem skulle vilja flytta en live WordPress site till en lokal server?

Om du har run WordPress website under en tid, kanske du vill prova new themes eller ett plugin. Men om du gör detta på en live website kan det leda till dålig användarupplevelse för dina användare.

För att undvika detta skapar många användare en kopia av sin WordPress website på en lokal server för att testa nya themes, tillägg eller göra utvecklingstester.

This allows you to set up your theme with all your content and test all the features without worrying about breaking your site. Många användare kopierar sin site till en lokal server för att öva sina WordPress- och kodningsfärdigheter med faktiska site-data.

Även om du kan göra all testning med dummy content i WordPress, ger riktiga site-data dig en bättre visuell representation av hur dessa ändringar kommer att visas på din live site.

Förberedelser för att flytta en lokal site till en lokal server

Först måste du se till att du alltid säkerhetskopierar din WordPress website. Det finns flera bra tillägg för backup av WordPress som du kan använda.

För det andra måste du installera en lokal servermiljö på din dator. Du kan använda WAMP för Windows och MAMP för Mac. När du har installerat miljön måste du skapa en new database med hjälp av phpMyAdmin.

Besök helt enkelt följande URL i din webbläsare för att starta phpMyAdmin.


Härifrån måste du klicka på tabben ”Databases” och skapa en new database. Du behöver den här databasen för att senare packa upp data från din live site.

Create database

Nu är du redo att flytta din live site WordPress till en lokal server.

Metod 1. Flytta Live WordPress site till en lokal server med hjälp av plugin

Den här metoden är enklare och rekommenderas för alla användare.

Det första du behöver göra är att installera och aktivera pluginet Duplicator. För mer detaljer, se vår steg-för-steg guide om hur du installerar ett plugin för WordPress.

Duplicator allow you att enkelt skapa ett duplicerat paket av hela din website. Det kan användas för att flytta din WordPress site till en new location, och kan också användas som ett backup plugin.

Vid aktivering lägger pluginet till ett new ”Duplicator” menu item i din WordPress admin sidebar. Om du klickar på det kommer du till vyn med paket för pluginet.

Creating new package in Duplicator

För att skapa ett nytt paket måste du klicka på knappen Skapa nytt paket. Duplicator kommer att starta paketguiden och du måste klicka på knappen Nästa för att fortsätta.

Duplicator package set up

Plugin kommer sedan att sanera din webbplats och köra några bakgrundskontroller. Det kommer då att visa dig en summary av dessa kontroller. Om allt ser bra ut klickar du på knappen ”Bygg” för att fortsätta.

Duplicator scan

Duplicator kommer nu att skapa ditt website-paket.

När det är slutfört kommer du att se en archive ZIP-fil som innehåller all din webbplatsdata och en installatörsfil. You need to download both files to your computer.

Download package files

You är nu redo att packa upp och installera dessa filer på din språkversion av servern.

Först måste du skapa en new folder i rotmappen på din lokala server. Det är den folder där din lokala server lagrar all website.

Om du till exempel använder MAMP kommer det att vara /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ folder. Alternativt om du använder WAMP, då blir det C:\wamp\www\ folder.

I den här mappen kan du skapa nya mappar för varje new website som du vill importera eller skapa på din lokala server.

Creating a website folder on your local server

Efter det måste du öppna den folder som du skapade för din lokala website och sedan copy and paste både archive ZIP-filen och skriptet för installeraren som du downloadade tidigare.

Copy and paste Duplicator package and installer files

För att köra installationen måste du öppna skriptet installer.php i din web browser.

Om du till exempel klistrade in båda filerna i /mylocalsite/ folder, så kommer du åt dem i din webbläsare genom att besöka http://localhost/mylocalsite/installer.php.

Du kommer nu att se installationsskriptet för Duplicator så här:

Duplicator installer screen

Klicka på knappen Nästa för att fortsätta.

Duplicator kommer nu att packa upp archive ZIP-filen och kommer att be dig att enter din lokala site’s database information. Detta är den Database som du skapade tidigare.

Duplicator database information

Namnet på servern är nästan alltid localhost och användarnamnet är root. I de flesta fall har din installerade lokala server inte ett password för root, så du kan lämna det tomt.

Längst ner på sidan ser du en ”Test Database” knapp som du kan använda för att se till att din databas är korrekt.

Test database connection

Om allt ser bra ut klickar du på knappen ”Next” för att fortsätta.

Duplicator kommer nu att importera din WordPress database. Efter det kommer den att be dig att dubbelkontrollera informationen om den nya website som den automatiskt har upptäckt.

Check local site information

Klicka på knappen Nästa för att fortsätta.

Duplicator kommer nu att slutför installationen och visa dig en knapp för att logga in på din lokala site. Du använder samma WordPress-användarnamn och password som du använder på din live site.

Import finished

Alltså har du utan problem flyttat din live site till en lokal server.

Metod 2. Flytta en Live WordPress-webbplats manuellt till en lokal server

Om tillägget inte fungerar för dig, kan du alltid manuellt flytta din Live site till en lokal server. Det första du behöver är att säkerhetskopiera din website manuellt från ditt WordPress webbhotell konto.

Step-by-Step 1. Exportera din live-webbplats WordPress-databas

För att exportera din live sites WordPress-databas måste du logga in på din cPanel dashboard och click på phpMyAdmin.

Note: Vi visar screenshots från Bluehosts dashboard.

cPanel phpMyAdmin

Inuti phpMyAdmin måste du välja den databas du vill exportera och sedan klicka på export tabs högst upp.

Export WordPress database manually

phpMyAdmin kommer nu att be dig att välja antingen snabb eller custom exportmetod. Vi rekommenderar att du använder customize-metoden och väljer zip som komprimeringsmetod.

Ibland kan tillägg till WordPress skapa sina egna tabeller i din WordPress-databas. Om du inte använder det pluginet längre, tillåter den anpassade metoden dig att utesluta dessa tabeller.

Lämna resten av alternativen som de är och klicka på knappen Go för att ladda ner din backup av databasen i zip-format.

Select export options

PhpMyAdmin kommer nu att downloada din database-fil. För mer detaljer, se vår tutorial om hur du gör en backup av din WordPress-databas manuellt.

Step-by-Step 2. Download all your WordPress filer

Nästa steg är att downloada dina WordPress-filer. För att göra det måste du ansluta till din WordPress site med hjälp av en FTP-klient.

När du är ansluten väljer du alla dina WordPress-filer och downloadar dem till din dator.

Download all your WordPress files

Step-by-Step 3. Importera dina WordPress-filer och din database till den lokala servern

När du har downloadat dina WordPress-filer måste du skapa en folder på din lokala server där du vill importera den lokala webbplatsen.

Om du använder WAMP vill du skapa en folder i mappen C:\wamp\www\ för din lokala site. MAMP-användare måste skapa en folder i mappen /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/.

Efter det är det bara att copy and paste dina WordPress-filer i den nya mappen.

Därefter måste du importera din WordPress database. Öppna helt enkelt phpMyAdmin på din lokala server genom att besöka följande URL:


Eftersom du redan har skapat databasen tidigare måste du nu välja den och sedan klicka på Import tabs högst upp.

Import WordPress database

Klicka på knappen ”Choose File” för att selecta och uploada filen för att exportera databasen som du downloadade i första steget. Därefter klickar du på knappen ”Go” längst ner på sidan.

PhpMyAdmin kommer nu att packa upp och importera din WordPress database.

Nu när din database är all, måste du updating URL:erna i din WordPress-databas som hänvisar till din live site.

Du kan göra detta genom att runna en SQL-sökning i phpMyAdmin. Se till att du har valt din lokala sites databas och klicka sedan på SQL.

Updating URLs in database

I phpMyAdmins SQL vy copy and paste denna kod, se till att du ersätter med din live-webbplats URL och http://localhost/mylocalsite med den lokala server-URL:en för din site.

UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, '', 'http://localhost/mylocalsite') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, '', 'http://localhost/mylocalsite');
UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value,'','http://localhost/mylocalsite');

Denna sökning kommer att ersätta referenser till din live-webbplats URL från databasen och ersätta den med den lokala webbadressen.

Step-by-Step 4. Update wp-config.php-filen

Det sista steget är att update wp-config.php-filen på din lokala site. Den här filen innehåller WordPress-inställningar, bland annat hur du ansluter till din WordPress-databas.

Gå bara till den folder där du installerade WordPress på din lokala server och öppna sedan wp-config.php-filen i en textredigerare som gillar Notepad.

Byt ut namnet på databasen mot den som du skapade i phpMyAdmin på din lokala server.

Därefter ersätter du användarnamnet för databasen med ditt lokala användarnamn för MySQL, vanligtvis är det root. Om you har ställt in ett password för MySQL-användaren root på your localhost, enter då det passwordet. Otherwise, leave it empty and save your changes.

/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', 'database_name_here');

/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'username_here');

/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password_here');

Du kan nu besöka din lokala site i ett fönster i webbläsaren genom att enter URL:en så här:


Ersätt ”mylocalsite” med namnet på den folder där du har kopierat dina WordPress-filer.

Det var all, din Live WordPress site är nu kopierad till din lokala server.

Vi hoppas att den här artikeln hjälpte dig att lära dig hur du enkelt flyttar en live WordPress site till en lokal server. Du kanske också vill läsa vår guide om hur du enkelt skapar en staging site för WordPress för testning, eller hur du flyttar en WordPress-webbplats från en lokal server till en live site.

Om du gillade den här artikeln, vänligen prenumerera på vår YouTube-kanal för WordPress video tutorials. Du kan också hitta oss på Twitter och Facebook.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
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    You can get more details about the contest from here.
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  2. Joseph

    Hi, just came across this tutorial today, I found out about some of the steps from other tutorials, but my problem is with the SQL Query. I get the error # MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). I followed all your steps about changing site names etc but cant work this one out and so obviously i cant then connect to the local site. I used the Duplicator before on another site but it wont work so good on this one because of all the images on my photo site, ie timeout issues. Kinda going around in circles here, so help would be good.

    • Yarina

      Joseph, check that the table prefix on the SQL tables you are working with are the same. I had this issue before when I didn’t realize that the theme I was copying from had a non typical prefix (wp_extra-text instead of just wp_). When you create the new db on phpMyAdmin, make sure that the prefix matches that of the old db. Hope this helps!

  3. Alan OldStudent

    I tried using Duplicator, and that worked with one minor glitch. So then I dropped the database and tried the manual method. All steps proceeded well until it came time to import. I recreated the database and went to import. Afterwards, I got this error message: ”#1064 – You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ’default’, ’This is the default profile, used when no profile is specified.’, ’a:’ at line 7”

    To me that looks like gobbledygook. Do you have any idea what went wrong and how I can do the import manually?


    • WPBeginner Support

      This could be a syntax error or conflict caused by using different versions of MySQL. To solve this, when exporting your database choose the same MySQL version as your local install. Also make sure that you are using the same character set for both database tables.


  4. Em Cloney

    Just a quick thing I noticed: the Duplicator file is called ”installer.php” rather than ”install.php”.

    • Ben

      I noticed the same thing. Great article, though. So glad I heard about this plugin from you guys.

  5. wpva

    Hi I decided to do it manually

    I created a database for my WordPress site on my local server and tried to import the database that I downloaded before to my computer but im getting this error message:

    SQL query:

    — Database: `aguilar_jmln1`

    — ——————————————————–

    — Table structure for table `gm_AnythingPopup`

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `gm_AnythingPopup` (
    `pop_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `pop_width` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ’380’,
    `pop_height` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ’260’,
    `pop_headercolor` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT ’#4D4D4D’,
    `pop_bordercolor` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT ’#4D4D4D’,
    `pop_header_fontcolor` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT ’#FFFFFF’,
    `pop_title` varchar(1024) NOT NULL DEFAULT ’Anything Popup’,
    `pop_content` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
    `pop_caption` varchar(2024) NOT NULL DEFAULT ’Click to open popup’

    MySQL said:

    #1046 – Aucune base n’a été sélectionnée

    • Kin

      It is saying that no database was selected.
      Yeah I got that as well.
      You need to make sure that you clicked on a database before hitting the ’import”, if not the admin tool will try to import the .sql file on nothing!!

  6. TMo

    Wonderful tutorial on how to manually go through this process. Thank you for the clear directions and photos!

  7. Shane Levine

    Hi, is Duplicator an acceptable method for keeping a backup website? I have been using BackWPup but it looks like Duplicator also allows you to create a backup…

  8. Dennis Crayon

    Hi I am not sure if I just got lucky but I was able to download and setup the local version quickly. The only problem I am having is that I have to set permalinks to default which is fine locally will I be able to set them back to post name later when I push the whole thing live? Thanks just getting this far is great

    • Felix

      Dennis, I am new to wordpress but I have so far learnt key configuration issues. Could you lease hel on changing permalinks from default to post name?

  9. Iftikhar Raja

    Just an observation to share.

    If you choose custom structure as permalink, it might not work. The work around is to chose default permalink and save the changes. It worked for me after several hours of head scratching :(

    Hope it helps

  10. Mario

    If you’re using WAMP you need to turn on mod_rewrite to enable custom permalinks.

    Click Wamp -> Apache -> Apache Modules -> rewrite_module

  11. isboleas

    Perfect! I did it manually just in wp-config.php must change and the line
    /** MySQL hostname */
    define(’DB_HOST’, ’ ’);
    With ip appear in phpmyadmin in left up corner.

  12. Anindyo Yudhistiro

    I’ve followed all the steps, but I still can’t see my database in my local wp. I still only have Hello World post.

    I’ve imported it, change all the url’s, and many row has already affected.

  13. Keith Davis

    I used the manual method but the SQL query wouldn’t work for me.
    I had to go into the wp-options and change url in siteurl and home table and then all was fine.

  14. Keith Davis

    Hi guys
    The Duplicator method looks good.
    Do you know how much free disc space you need to create the packages?

  15. Nana

    Any ideas why it gives me a ”Welcome to the famous five-minute install” screen?

  16. WPBeginner Staff

    It is possible that your WordPress URL and Site URL are set to localhost/xammp. If you can access the admin area go to settings and set it to your WordPress install directory.

    • Je

      I checked and it’s definitely not set to that. It is so strange!

    • Je

      I figured it out. It was the W3 cache in the htaccess file causing problems. Thanks for you help and for this awesome tutorial!

  17. Jen

    Great tutorial, I did everything exactly like you said….I thought it was working until I tried to change the theme and it wouldn’t change. Then I started trying to navigate to other pages and it took me to localhost/xammp. Everytime. Any ideas?

  18. dion

    Hi. I did all of this(using the manual option, but when I click on any option, ie login or one of the menu options, I get ”the requested URL … was not found on this server”

  19. wagster

    If you copy the SQL query straight off the screen above, you will get the line numbers as well, which will throw an error like the above. Click ’View source’ and copy the clean code from there.

  20. MrDev

    Thanks for this article. I tried the manual route of moving a WordPress site to localhost, however my stylesheets are not loading. For some reason the ’href’ is not being set on all my stylesheets. Any idea what might be going on?

  21. NikkiC4lyf

    Would you recommend using the Duplicator plugin for doing backups as well as moving sites?

  22. Kin Tatsu

    Great tutorial! The problem I’m having is when I login to to wp-admin with the same login and password I used for my live site I get ”ERROR: Invalid username. Lost your password?” The username and password are correct for the live site but incorrect for the localhost site. I tried to retrieve password with my email address but it says that my email address is not registered. Any ideas?

  23. pbr

    I have only one word about this steps…AAWWEESSOOMMEE!!!!

  24. StefsterNYC

    Did you check your Prefixes?

    • pels

      got same error

      • StefsterNYC

        You may have missed a table or something. Do a search for the old prefix. Also make sure you’re using a fresh new WP-CONFIG. I find that sometimes that messes things up.

  25. StefsterNYC

    Sorry for the delay Mark. Not sure I understand your question. Hopefully I can answer something here.

    If you started with a config file and it originally started with the wp_ and you didn’t use a custom one you’ll be fine. Just remember the config has to match the DB. If you worked locally and are migrating everything to a live site and you use the same DB and same Config that you worked locally with everything should be fine. Just remember to change Username, Password and Hostname.

    The key here to remember here is Prefixes. So many people teach you how to do this and that but they miss the one thing that can mess it all up for you. And that is the Prefix.

    And User Roles, if missed can cause a major headache when adding Admins manually. So be careful when changing and working with prefixes. They are absolutely a great way to tighten up WP sites. I highly recommend using a custom prefix always. dbh_234_ something like that is a great way to protect your site(s).

  26. WPBeginner Staff

    If your live site’s mysql host is not localhost, then you need to change it to localhost. You may also need to change the database name to the database on your local computer. Same goes for DB username which is usually root on local servers, and db password which is usually blank.

  27. Mark

    Hi just to be clear the password in the config.php file should be the same as the one you use for myphpadmin? because that seems to work for me?

  28. StefsterNYC

    Great tutorial. I believe one thing was missed. Prefix. For those of you that use a prefix in the config, make sure when you query the db you change the wp for the query to your prefix. Otherwise your query won’t reset the urls correctly.

    • Mark

      If I have a local install and I move the database live, the prefix will remain the same correct? Do I need to do anything?

  29. Cypherinfo

    Error 404: Object not found: The requested URL was not found on this server. The link on the referring page seems to be wrong or outdated. Please inform the author of that page about the error.
    If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
    ” I followed all of the steps you wrote.

  30. Sophie

    These instructions are exactly what I needed. Thank you!!!

    However, I seem to have encountered a problem…

    When updating the URLs in my database for those of the local server, it returns a #1064 – error in your SQL syntax near line 3. Could you possibly suggest a solution?

    Would I need to include the port number when updating the http://localhost/ part of the code?

    Please Help!!

  31. Vtin

    One more newbie trouble here! Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Of course, I think I’ve done everything correctly (probably not). When I try to access the site via localhost, in the screen appears the index.php file line by line, instead of loading it.
    Any ideas?

  32. W

    This was fantastic. Super quick and worked exactly as intended.

  33. Paul Sahota

    Can you please show how to move a live wordpress site to local using backup buddy on mac using MAMP. I have tried multiple times but it does not work for me. I can easily do the opposite.


  34. Jeremy

    After transferring the live site to my local server (wamp), I navigate to the destination in browser and get a ”Not Found” wordpress error. The site’s navigation loads though and when clicked it takes me to the live site. Am I missing something rudimentary?

    • Kin

      I am getting the same thing. I followed all the steps. Then came back to check again, but the error remains. I am seeing that a couple of people above had the same problem as well. Any idea guys of why this is happening?

  35. Sinuhe

    Thank you!!! I just finished moving my site and a subdomain to a new hosting service and it worked like a charm. I am no techie, actually I am philosopher :P I really appreciate you taking the time to explain this info in detail.

  36. Sam

    Hey, I did everything the same way you said in manual method.
    after setup,

    I can see homepage of my website on local server.
    But when I try to navigate to other page, I get following error:

    ”Not Found: the requested URL /test/logistics was not found on this server.”

    Please help

    • Bill

      I just ran into the same issue. I went into site/wp-admin. Then went to Setting > Permalinks and just clicked Save Changes. It updated something and all of my links work.

      Look at that! My first contribution to the community.

      • Isabela Santos

        thank you! But I had to disable it for it to work…

  37. John

    Awesome. Worked great! Thanks for posting this.

  38. Natalia


    I followed your tutorial on doing it manually to the T, but I still get an error message. I am pulling my hair, here…
    I’m pretty new to WP and I still have to figure out how to actually enter the new content and modify the files… but I can’t even get it to work locally :(

    This is the message I get:
    ”Error establishing a database connection”
    Which I don’t understand, because I did everything as you said in your tutorial.

    Help, please!!

    • Natalia

      Tried it all over again a second time and still same error message… I’m going crazy :(

    • Natalia

      I even tried in a remote server and I got the same error message. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong… there must be a path somewhere that I’m forgetting about and it’s just not reading the right db…
      Someone, please, help!!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Natalia, the most common cause for this error is incorrect database information. On your live site, you need to edit your wp-config.php file. Make sure that the database information in this file matches the database you have created for your live site.


  39. Kathi Kostiuk

    Thank you, your site is super helpful. New to WP, inherited a site, got it localhost so I can learn/test. When trying to ’upload’ a pic, get this: C:/wamp/www/testsite/wp-content/uploads. Is its parent directory writable by the server? No errors shown in phpMyAdmin, permissions on folders, users look right. Could you possibly direct me to a solution? Have looked everywhere I can think of. Thanks.

    • WPBeginner Support

      When you moved the site to localhost, did you change the siteurl and homeurl options? If you didn’t then you need to add these two lines to your wp-config.php file



      • Kathi Kostiuk

        Thank you, will do that.

  40. Julie Rondeau

    Great tutorials! Thank you, however i keep getting an ”Unknown” Error code 0 from the Duplicator Plugin when trying to create the packages. Is there any other way you could recommend? Any help would be really appreciated.

    Thank you so much,
    Best from Paris.

  41. Rehan

    Best tutorial ever!! :D

  42. Ashley

    Hi! Thank you so much for your great tutorials! Everything worked out great, but I when I was supposed to ”resave permalinks” it wouldn’t let me login. I got that fixed and I am logged in now, but where do I go to resave them now that I don’t have that pop up? I’m assuming this is why when I try to click on posts it gives me a ”not found page” ? Thanks in advance!

    • Jesse

      Can I ask how you fixed the login problem? I’m getting the same issue.

    • Yarina

      Hi! This all worked great until I had to login to the wp dashboard, my login didn’t work and even after changing it manually in the users table, I couldn’t log in, any ideas…?

  43. Angela

    Thank You! I’ve been trying to do this for some time now. I’ve watch several YouTube videos but could not get it to work correctly. This was so easy….the best thing ever. Again thanks!

  44. Ivan


    I followed your instructions to the letter (and sing lol), but was not successful. I think it has something to do with WP installation. I have not installed it, just copied it.

  45. Brett Golding

    Didn’t work for me just ended up with a blank white home page after I ran the program. Re tried 3 times.

  46. Jason Moore

    Thank you! This is was too easy!

  47. ron

    Hi, I’m trying to do exactly this, but I get a 500 Internal Server Error right after I put the database details and hit the Run Deployment button, I get the progress animation and after about 10 or 15 seconds I get the error.

    I was looking at the error logs located at C:\wamp\logs and I could only find this line that seemed somewhat relevant: ”Invalid command ’RewriteOptions’, perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration”.

    I’ve successfully used duplicator in the past, but going from webserver to another webserver.

    Any ideas?

  48. Usama Noman

    Thanks, seems like this is a tutorial posted upon my request :) Thanks guys you are doing good.

  49. Jamie Mannion

    Good guide, but I think you missed the part where you update wp-config.php with the new database details – name is the new name, username is ’root’ and password is empty.

    I tried it manually and it all looks good but the links take me to the WAMP server configuration page, even though the URLs are updated – can’t figure it out. I can get the home page and admin, but that’s it. Cheers!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thanks for pointing out updating wp-config.php thing. We have updated the article.

      As for your redirection issue. Try deleting .htaccess file from wordpress installation on your localserver.


      • Jamie Mannion

        Awesome, thanks! I removed the .htaccess, then visited the permalinks option page and saved and now we’re good! I should admit, the only reason I knew about the wp-config.php settings is because I’ve read your previous articles. Keep up the great work!

      • Kin

        I put a question earlier today, but this worked out for me great.
        Thank you.

  50. Shahraar Khan

    I do this manually. Just zip the files from the server and download it… export the database and replace all the links in my text editor. just a 5 min work.. But anyhow your tutorial is also a very good alternative.

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