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Så här flyttar du textfältet för kommentarer längst ner i WordPress 4.4

You did notice that there was a slight change in the comment form fields in WordPress 4.4? Textområdet för kommentarer har flyttats högst upp medan fältet för namn, email och website har flyttats längst ner. En av våra Läsare frågade om det fanns ett sätt att flytta tillbaka textfältet för kommentarer längst ner. Ja, det finns det eftersom vi gjorde det på vår site. I den här artikeln visar vi dig hur du flyttar textfältet för kommentarer längst ner i WordPress 4.4 och senare versioner.

Move comment field to bottom in WordPress 4.4

Varför ändrades layouten för kommentarsformulärets text?

Beslutet att flytta textfältet i kommentarsformuläret längst ner gjordes för att fixa en bugg i WordPress layout för kommentarsformulär.

Tidigare när användare klickade på knappen Reply-To fördes de till textområdet för kommentarer. Om en användare befann sig på en stationär dator kunde de clear se att de måste fylla i fälten för namn och email först.

Men på mobilen kanske användarna inte ens ser fälten för namn och email för kommentaren. De kan skriva och submit en comment bara för att komma tillbaka med ett error om att de glömt att enter namn- och email-fälten.

Detta var dåligt ur användbarhets- och tillgänglighetssynpunkt och WordPress 4.4 tog itu med den issue.

Så här gillar standardformuläret för comments nu.

New comment form layout after WordPress 4.4

Även om denna ändring förbättrar användbarheten tror vissa webbplatsägare att deras användare är vana vid den gamla layouten och vill byta tillbaka. Här är hur du kan göra det.

Flytta textfältet för comments längst ner

Lägg bara till detta code snippet i functions.php-filen i your theme eller i ett site-specifikt plugin.

function wpb_move_comment_field_to_bottom( $fields ) {
$comment_field = $fields['comment'];
unset( $fields['comment'] );
$fields['comment'] = $comment_field;
return $fields;
add_filter( 'comment_form_fields', 'wpb_move_comment_field_to_bottom' );

That’s all, you can now visit a post on your website as a logged out user and see the change in action.

Comparing comment forms before and after moving comment text field to bottom

Vi hoppas att den här artikeln hjälpte dig att flytta textfältet för kommentarer längst ner i WordPress 4.4. Du kanske också vill läsa vår guide om hur du kan förbättra WordPress comments med De:comments.

Om du gillade den här artikeln, vänligen prenumerera på vår YouTube-kanal för WordPress video tutorials. Du kan också hitta oss på Twitter och Facebook.

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Reader Interactions

37 kommentarerLeave a Reply

  1. Mariass

    That’s a wonderful post.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you :)


  2. molina

    This is really helpful. thank you so much for sharing with us such an interesting and useful.

  3. wsef

    how to create leave a reply form

  4. Kneema

    Thank you so so much! I’ve been looking for this code for a long time… God bless you

  5. Andres

    Hi there!,

    Thanks so much, I have resolve my problem :)

  6. lucy

    i like this post

  7. Aleks

    You know what would be nice, if you could provide an example, how to move comment box above comments. Right now I had to go through entire comments, to write it. I want to switch places. Top > Comments Box. Bottom > Comments. So I don’t need to scroll. I can see that it’s quite easy to do in comments.php, but it’s better if there were a safer way to do so; child theme for instance.

  8. Shamim Mia

    It worked well, thank you so much for sharing the snippet!

  9. Romee Prajapati

    It doesn’t work for me. I am using understrap theme. Can anybody help.

  10. majid

    Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge

  11. Ivan Zhotev

    Great snipped. Thanks a lot! Cheers!

  12. Umer Sheikh

    Thank you! It is a useful article.

  13. Anhduc

    Thanks you so much!!!!

  14. Leo Nguyen

    Many thanks to you. This is really big help for me.

  15. Susann

    a big thank you for that snippet. Saved me quite some time :-)

  16. Portekoi

    Thanks a lot ! Save my time :)

  17. Abhilash Sharma

    thank you so much

  18. Emily

    You are awesome!!! Thank you!!!

  19. Ruby Ann Rosales

    Works like magic! Thanks :)

  20. Lucas

    Awesome solution to a very aggravating problem. This should be ranked higher for rearranging the comment field order on wordpress. It’s the only link that actually included a WORKING solution.



  21. Sabin

    Thanks a lot. This was awesome.

    After 2 hours trying to fix it, it took me 1 minute to copy-paste this code. – WP 4.4.2.

  22. Alejandro

    You saved my life, i worked three days trying to fix it thinking it was the theme.

  23. Iman Dastbelaraki

    Thank you very much, very useful article.

  24. Erin Kodama

    Just what I was looking for. Thanks!

  25. Guyom

    Very useful snippet! Thanks a lot for that.

  26. Omid

    It is a useful article, thanks!

  27. moho

    thank you for this tip, I had used a code to automatically approve comments of a specific category but after the last update 4.4 this code not work, do you know how to automatically approve comments in the posts of a specific category?

  28. Mr Darlington

    Really amazing… I just learned a few thing right here.

    awesome article..

  29. Syams

    How to remove website/url coloum?

  30. Simon Lock

    I have been struggling with the comments section for the last 3 days on my wife’s travel blog after it was drawn to my attention that the comments section was not working properly. Of course I had not realized that WordPress had made changes that might impact that area. Seems like the order is now:

    Comment > Write (instead of post > Name > EMail > captcha

    but the more logical order should really be:

    Name > EMail > Website URL (missing right now) > Comment > captcha > Post

    So your article was both timely and appreciated except the code provided does not appear to work with the theme that is currently being used (TeslaThemes ~ Epilog).

    In the theme they provide a place to add custom code but when I pasted in your code nothing changed with the order of the comment fields. Also you show a box for entering a website URL and that does not even show up in the comments area.

    Perhaps you could suggest what is going on – also I was playing around with Jetpack to try and make the comments work and now the home page is screwed up too and is dark brown instead of white. Not sure if this is coming from the Epilog theme or from Jetpack.

    Guidance would definitely be appreciated. URL for the blog was withheld per your policy but can be provided if it is germane to the consideration of this comment.

    Thank you


    • Editorial Staff

      Hi Simon,

      I’m not sure about the Epilog theme, but most themes have insert codes area for front-end (i.e HTML / CSS). The code we’re asking you to enter here must be inserted as a site-specific plugin or in your theme’s functions.php file in order for it to work.

      On our site, we have disabled the website field because it attracts a lot of spam.

      More info on that here:


      • Simon Lock

        Thanks for the hints. I could not figure out where to add this code in to Functions.php but while exploring the appearance editor I discovered a file called Comment.php. Although I don’t really understand all the coding I placed your code in what I thought was the appropriate place. I also discovered the ”Write” button location and changed that to ”Post Your Comment”.

        This successfully moved things around except for the Captcha code created by BestWebSoft. The order now with your code inserted is:

        Name > E-Mail > Captcha > Message > Post Your Comment

        Problem is that I now get an error message ”Time Limit is Exhausted. Please enter CAPTCHA value again”

        If I remove the need for a Captcha ie

        Name > E-Mail > Message > Post Your Comment

        then everything works great!!

        Is there some additional code I should add to position the Captcha after the comment block, OR should I just eliminate the need for entering a Captcha.

        If you recommend leaving the Captcha out, what is the downside – do I leave the site vulnerable to spambots or is there some other mechanism of protecting against this?

        Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge


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