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Så här fixar du WordPress White Screen of Death (steg för steg)

Den vita skärmen av död kan vara en webbplatsägares värsta mardröm. Detta frustrerande WordPress-fel gör att du stirrar på en tom sida utan att få några ledtrådar om vad som gick fel.

Till rågaallt kan detta vanliga WordPress-fel ibland påverka specifika delar av din webbplats, t.ex. adminområdet eller enskilda inlägg.

Vi har till exempel sett den vita dödsskärmen inne i WordPress adminområde medan allt annat fungerade bra. I andra fall såg vi det bara när vi tittade på ett specifikt inlägg.

Att förstå de grundläggande orsakerna till detta fel är det första steget mot att hitta en lösning. Den här guiden kommer att ta upp några lösningar för att åtgärda den vita skärmen av död och ge handlingsbara steg för att återställa webbplatsens funktionalitet.

How to Fix the WordPress White Screen of Death (Step by Step)

Note: Innan du gör några ändringar på din site ska du se till att du har en backup av din WordPress-webbplats. Om du inte har tillgång till admin area, se vår guide om hur du manuellt skapar en backup av WordPress database.

Varför ser du den vita vyn av döden i WordPress?

När du ser en vit vy när du försöker besöka din website i WordPress betyder det för det mesta att ett skript på din website har förbrukat minnesgränsen.

Skriptet som inte svarar dödas antingen av din WordPress server på webbhotellet eller så tar det helt enkelt slut. Därför genereras inget egentligt message error, utan du ser bara en tom vit vy.

WordPress showing white screen instead of website

Ibland kan du dock se ett error message.

Du kan till exempel se ett critical error message i stället för en tom page.

Critical error in WordPress

Om du ser en tom vy eller meddelandet ”There has been a critical error on your website”, så är det samma fel.

Detta error kan också uppstå på grund av ett dåligt kodat theme eller plugin installerat på din site. Ibland kan det hända om det finns en issue med din web server.

Eftersom error på vit vy kan orsakas av många olika saker, är det obligatoriskt med metodisk felsökning för att fixa det. Här är de steg du bör försöka:

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Om du föredrar skriftliga instruktioner är det bara att fortsätta läsa.

1. Kontrollera om problemet uppstår på dina andra webbplatser

Om du har andra WordPress-webbplatser installerade på samma webbhotell konto, då vill du börja med att kontrollera om problemet händer på andra webbplatser också.

Om det är så, är det en stark indikator på att något är fel med ditt webbhotell för WordPress. Detta kan vara en tillfällig issue som påverkar deras tjänst, och du måste kontakta deras support för mer hjälp.

Å andra sidan, om the issue bara inträffar med en website eller en viss del av den webbplatsen, då vet you att problemet är med just den webbplatsen.

2. Fixa error med vit vy med WordPress återställningsläge

Om erroret ”White Screen of Death” orsakas av ett plugin eller theme för WordPress, kan WordPress kanske fånga upp det.

Den nya funktionen för skydd mot fatal errors som introducerades i WordPress 5.2 kan ibland fånga upp error, så att du kanske inte ens ser en vit vy. Istället kommer du att se ett message om att webbplatsen har tekniska problem.

This Site Is Experiencing Technical Difficulties Error Message

WordPress kommer också att skicka ett email om problemet till din admin email address.

Emailet kommer att ha rubriken ”Your Site is Experiencing a Technical Issue”.

Technical Difficulties Email With Link to Recovery Mode

Detta email message kommer att peka ut det plugin eller theme som orsakar error, och det kommer också att innehålla en speciell länk.

Denna link allow you to logging in to the WordPress recovery mode and deactivate the faulty plugin.

WordPress recovery mode dashboard

Men om du ser den vanliga vita dödsskärmen utan alternativ för email eller återställningsläge, måste du fixa felet manuellt.

3. Öka limit för minne

Vanligtvis beror detta error på att ett skript har förbrukat din web servers minne och avslutats mitt i.

För att fixa detta måste du öka PHP-minnet som är tillgängligt för WordPress. Detta kommer att allow skriptet att använda mer minne för att slutför det jobb som det var tänkt att göra.

Du måste editera wp-config.php-filen på din WordPress site eller använda ett code snippet plugin som WPCode.

Du kan följa instruktionerna i vår tutorial om hur du ökar PHP-minnet i WordPress.

4. Fixa felet med vit skärm genom att inaktivera alla tillägg

Om det inte hjälpte att öka minnesgränsen för PHP, eller om du har en hög minnesgräns, gillar 256M eller 512M, måste du börja med troubleshoot.

I vår erfarenhet av felsökning av detta problem har vi alltid funnit att issue är antingen med ett specifikt plugin eller ett theme. Låt oss gå vidare och inaktivera alla tillägg.

Om du fortfarande kan komma åt WordPress admin dashboard, kan du helt enkelt gå till Plugins ” Installed Plug ins page. Välj alla installerade tillägg och välj sedan ”Deactivate” i dropdown-menyn ”Bulk actions”.

Deactivate all WordPress plugins

Men om du inte har tillgång till admin area i WordPress måste du deactivate alla tillägg via FTP.

Anslut först till din WordPress site med hjälp av en FTP-klient eller din hosting providers filhanterare. När du är ansluten går du till mappen wp-content, där du ser mappen tillägg.

Nu måste du högerklicka på mappen plugins och sedan välja ”Rename”. You can rename the plugins folder to ’plugins-deactivated’.

Using FTP to Rename the Plugins Folder

WordPress letar efter en folder med namnet plugins för att hämta alla tillägg. Om den inte hittar denna folder deaktiveras helt enkelt alla tillägg.

Om detta fixar problemet aktiverar du ett plugin i taget för att komma till botten med problemet. När du har hittat det plugin som orsakar problemet kan du ersätta det med ett alternativ eller rapportera problemet till plugin-författarna.

5. Activate standardtema

Om felsökningen av plugin inte fixar problemet, bör du försöka ersätta ditt aktiva tema med ett standardtema.

Anslut först till din website med en FTP-klient och gå till mappen /wp-content/themes/. Den innehåller alla teman som installerats på din website.

Högerklicka för att selecta ditt nuvarande WordPress theme och downloada det till din dator som backup.

Using FTP to Download the Current Theme as a Backup

Därefter måste du ta bort ditt nuvarande theme från din website.

Högerklicka bara på din theme folder och välj ”Delete”. Din FTP-klient kommer nu att delete temat från din website.

Using FTP to Delete the Current Theme

Nu, om du har ett standardtema för WordPress som gillar (Twenty Twenty-Two eller Twenty Twenty-Three) installerat på din website, kommer WordPress automatiskt att börja använda det som standardtema.

Men om du inte har ett standardtema installerat måste du installera det manuellt med FTP.

Om detta fixar problemet, bör du titta på ditt temas functions.php-fil. Om det finns extra mellanslag längst ner i filen måste du remove dessa, och ibland fixar det the issue.

Om du använder en dåligt kodad funktion i ditt temas functions.php-fil kan det också orsaka error med white screen of death.

Överväg att downloada en ny kopia av your theme från källan och sedan installera det manuellt med FTP.

6. Aktivera debug-läget för att fånga upp error i WordPress

Om inget har hjälpt hittills är nästa steg att slå på debug i WordPress. Då sparas error logs som allow you att se vilken typ av error som skrivs ut.

Add helt enkelt följande kod till din wp-config.php-fil:

define( 'WP_DEBUG', true);
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );

När du har addat detta kommer den tomma vyn nu att innehålla error, varningar och notices. Dessa kan kanske hjälpa dig att hitta grundorsaken.

Om du inte ser några fel kanske du ändå vill kontrollera debug-loggen.

Besök bara wp-content foldern på din website med hjälp av en FTP-klient. Där hittar du en new debug.log-fil som innehåller en logg över alla fel, notices och varningar.

Debug log

7. Clear cachen i WordPress

Ibland kan du ha tillgång till back-end, men front-end av webbplatsen har den vita dödens vita vy.

Detta kan hända på grund av ett plugin för caching. I så fall behöver du helt enkelt tömma din WordPress-cache.

Du kan se vår guide om hur du clearar cachen i WordPress för detaljerade instruktioner.

8. Fix the White Screen Error för längre artiklar

Om du bara har en vit skärm av död på en mycket lång post eller page, kan den här metoden fungera.

Detta trick ökar i princip PHP:s textbehandlings-capability genom att öka recursion och backtrack limit. Du kan klistra in följande kod i din wp-config.php-fil:

/** Trick for long posts */

Vi förstår att detta är ett mycket frustrerande error, och vi hoppas att ett av knepen ovan har löst problemet för dig.

Du kanske också vill se vår WordPress-felsökningsguide, som lär ut de steg du bör ta för att hitta och åtgärda WordPress-problem själv, eller vår lista över de vanligaste WordPress-blockredigeringsproblemen och hur du åtgärdar dem.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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295 kommentarerLeave a Reply

  1. pammiechick

    After I cleared my cache, it fixed. Why wasn’t this put into the article?

    Thinking I was going to have to get into code when it was a simple fix is silly.

    Please clear your browser cache first before you try anything else.

    • WPBeginner Support

      It is very rare that your caching would cause that specific issue but we’re glad that clearing the cache worked for you. :)


  2. Hamza shah

    Finally after changing the name of the faulty plugin via FTP i got the access to my wordpress dashboard but not the website… now what do i do to get my website back to normally working?

  3. Akindele Afeez

    Hello, please i am currently experiencing a red screen while uploading from local to live server. Kindly help me out.

    • WPBeginner Support

      That would depend on if there is an error message when you see that screen or not. If there are no error messages, you would still want to follow the recommendations in this article.


  4. Sandi Purinton

    You saved my behind twice today. Thanks for your tutorials. They are amazing!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guides were helpful :)


  5. Robin

    I suspected a new plug-in was the problem, locking me out of the WordPress dashboard, but it wasn’t. I then searched and found your article. After reading it, I checked my functions.php file and found it had spaces at the end. I deleted the spaces and I was back in. Thank you.

    You’ve saved me from a lot of frustration.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide could help solve the issue :)


    • Ash

      Thank you Robin – Your answer fixed my issue! Had been stressing out all day.

  6. Jay

    Your article says deactivate plugins then goes on to talk about FTP – you don’t say what to do after I’ve deactivated the plugins… unless I missed it.

    • WPBeginner Support

      If the error disappears once the plugins are disabled, you would then know that the error is caused by a plugin and you would need to find the specific plugin.


  7. Matt

    Thanks, DEBUG options helped. Error was due to having a blank line space in my functions file.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our recommendation could help :)


  8. priya

    Hi, I got white screen problem ..and get result from my site is” briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance.check back in minute.”

  9. Gerry

    I got the white screen. I had just made changes to my child theme functions php, so I knew what the problem was. I followed your steps to my wp-content /themes, Then I did this…and it was easy. Right click on child theme, topen, then functions php file, deleted what I did. Saved changes. Checked if I could enter wp-admin, and all was good. I did not have to hassle with changing themes or plugins on/off. I use your site often, and I hope you test this option, and put it as a simple solution.

    Thanks for your helpful site.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you for your recommendation to be included in the article, for those editing the code of their site it is a good option to try removing recently added code.


  10. Rafael

    Thanks! It was the plugins.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our recommendations could help :)


  11. Teshome

    Hello there! My website based on WordPress has been working properly since Marc 2003. It needs maintenance and upgrading professionally. What do you suggestion me?

  12. erc

    i can’t even logout from my admin panel.
    in all condition it is just show only the “WHITE SCREEN” with the error

  13. Ron

    I had this issue several months ago and found a temp work around. Click next to your url and hit your enter key. It always reloaded for me. The permanent fix is as one of your great suggestions. I increase the php memory and it hasn’t plagued me since.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thanks for sharing what worked for you :)


  14. Jasmine

    Your site has been so informative. Sadly though it hasn’t fixed my fatal error. I am unable to open the wp_admin/Dashboard. the below message is displayed. I have tried your plugins and this advice using my PHPAdmin to no luck.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_is_recovery_mode() in /home/huhu5715/public_html/wp-admin/includes/update.php on line 840

  15. Rahul sharma

    I added my three websites on hostinger Premium plan. today I’m facing this problem. when I log in my admin panel it’s just loading and after that, it shows an error. all my three sites is not working. what should I do?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on the error but you may first want to reach out to your hosting provider for them to ensure it is not an error on their end.


    • MOHAN

      There may be a common plugin.

  16. Abhijit

    I am facing the the wordpress white screen of death, after login I am facing the issue. And if I open the website in another tab then the options are visible but I am not able to access those options as when I click on the icons agter redirecting again I am facing white screen of death.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would likely want to enable error reporting in the Other Fixes section to see if it will give you an error message.


  17. Ibraheem

    Hello, I use to have a white screen whenever someone comments on a post on my site. Pls I need help on this.

  18. Sam Chung

    Hi I got the white screen of death.
    Tried to log in with FileZilla but no. says ID doesn’t exist.
    Can’t talk to anyone/chat at WordPress without being logged in.
    So how can I proceed? Please help.

  19. Beth

    my initial message is ”child” theme deleted, but them I can’t install a new theme, because I get ”installation failed: could not create directory”…help!

    Thank you,

  20. Freeman Phiri

    i upgraded from ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 last night now am getting a WSOD if i try to open the admin page i get plain text. tried all the steps you mentioned but nothing happened. i am on localhost

    • WPBeginner Support


      Look for updates and package conflicts using the default package manager or Synaptic.


  21. sanan

    work for me after disabling some plugins . Great job

  22. Terry

    re-installing wordpress fixed it for me. Might be worth trying this first – could save a lot of hassle

  23. Jeramiah

    In my case, the security plugin had temporarily blocked me because I entered the password incorrectly too many times… I forgot I changed it. I was seeing a white screen with the word ”error” in the upper left hand corner.

    To resolve this, I logged into the database and removed myself from the lockout table.

  24. Meghan

    I’ve been trying to access my admin page through an FTP client as recommended and the connection keeps timing out (internet connection is fine, already ran a diagnostic on it) so I’m still locked out and can’t try to solve the WSOD problem. How do I proceed from here?

  25. Dingole

    Had a client who had deleted their theme and this caused the white screen.. I had to look in the database in wp_options > stylesheet to find the the name of the theme and re download it. This fixed the problem for me

  26. Kai

    Thank you for this helpful article. Removing the space at the end of my functions.php did the job ! :)

  27. Muhammadibn

    I had the WSOD when I imported content from another site. The homepage would load but the rest of the links were not working. Turns out the problem was with the Permalinks. I sent to Settings > Permalinks and changed it to only post name and everything started working again.

    Hope that helps someone.

  28. Miri

    We are two administrators, and the white screen of death is only affecting one of us — and not all the time. Any suggestions for this? Thanks.

    • LIAM

      I am having a similar problem where I have had this problem reported by other users, but I do not experience it myself. I am an Administrator, but the people reporting the problem are not. I made a new account set up as Admin for someone who had this issue, and the WSOD did not affect them when using their new account. Because the problem is not universal and seems to be resolvable by changing the profile admin level, it makes me think that it is not the plugins or theme that is causing the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

      • WPBeginner Support

        Hi Liam,

        Many themes and plugins and trigger different functions based on user roles. Here is how you can test.

        1. Create a new user account with a user account that usually sees the WOD.
        2. Disable all your plugins.
        3. Visit your website with that user account in a different browser
        4. Reactivate your WordPress plugins one by one until the user account is able to see the WOD again.

        This way you will be able to figure out exactly which pluhgin is causing the issue. For checking your theme switch to a default theme and see if this solves the issue.


        • LIAM

          Hi there,

          Thanks for the response and the suggestions. It sounds like a good way to start.

          Just to clarify, with Step 1. are you saying that I should duplicate an account that currently experiences this problem OR that I should use an account that sees the WSOD to make a new account for testing?

          Can’t see why it would be the second option, but I just thought I’d check as the wording was a bit confusing.

        • WPBeginner Support

          Hi Liam,

          You should create a new user account with the same user role as the one seeing WOD on your site. For example, if a user account with author user role is seeing the error, then create a new dummy user account with author user role for testing.

  29. shubahm sharma

    yesterday I started my new WordPress blog and for the first time today I log in to my WordPress admin account. after that, I click on visit blog. but I continue shows blank and whenever I tried to take a demo of my any theme available in WordPress store, in the demo it is again showing blank. it’s like every time any demo doesn’t show. how to fix it.

  30. Conny Lundberg

    Hello there!
    I have a wordpress blog and have had my first experience of the famous White Screen of Death or at least I think so since the screen is white with only the WP logo. This started when I tried to approve a comment and the button didn´t respond after which I realized that I couldn´t access my admin controls, my stats or any personal controls.
    Since I have no experience what so ever of programming or coding and can´t even access the ordinary support pages without seeing this wsod, I am helpless and would soo appreciate if anyone of you computing wizards could help in any way?

  31. Spiros

    I just update my WordPress core to the last version via FTP and my website is working again.

  32. Marek


    I just tried to update the WP to the latest one 4.9. It took a while and got stuck in the maintenance mode. So I deleted the .maintenance file in the htdocs directory and now I can only see the while screen, nothing else.
    Please let me know how to fix it.

  33. zabyi

    i installed an fresh wordpress ver but got blank page after click on submit comment’s button , can anyone guide me how can i solve this issue /?

  34. alex mwailu

    very helpful, just go to root folder, plugins and delete the most recent plugin or theme/the one that you have just installed

  35. Janlyn

    This is really very helpful. Thank you very much. My blogsite just went blank after I updated some of the plugins. I followed your advised and deactivated all the plugins and activating them one by one. It did fix the issue! Thank you!

  36. Prosper Noah

    Hi Wpbeginner,

    Thanks for this wonderful post.
    Well, I was able to fix mine renaming the wp plugins folder to pluginss

    Great tutorial once more.
    Do have a nice day!

  37. Denis


    1- Changed to PHP 5.3

  38. Milan

    My problem was due to htaccess file. Worked just fine after modifying it. Thanks for the great post.

  39. Frank

    Thanks a lot. This helped me at disabling plugins. God bless you!

  40. James

    Great guide…. I’ve lost my site for 3 days now. Strange thing is that its only lost on iOS mobile (white screen), desktop works fine. W3 Super Cache caused the issue but i’m struggling to get it back up on mobile now….

  41. John

    Thanks for your help on this! Was a dang plug-in causing the issue. Removed it and things worked again :)

  42. Trilby

    I have had the ’white screen of death’ for for weeks. I’ve had to store all of my what-would-be blog posts as notes in my device until I could find the solution. Nothing worked. I was about to create new blogs elsewhere when something struck me. I always browse in private mode. This never bothered wordpress in the past (years), but it occasionally will be the cause on other websites.

    After all this time… I turned off private browsing cleaned cookies for safe measure, and…. logged in just fine.

  43. Akshay Ambarte

    I created company website on WordPress the whole web pages are working fine but when I add blog post then I am unable to see that post simply white screen is appearing without any warning.

  44. John

    Had the WSOD problem when I updated my website theme. I had no website or admin login tried numerous fixes but to no avail.

    The solution that worked for me was to download the latest version of my theme. I renamed previous non functioning theme to themename_old and then uploaded via ftp the replacement theme zip file and extracted the contents and it worked.

    The above will work if you have access to cpanel or support at your serverhost can set up and supply you the ftp username, password.

    Good luck

  45. Sagar Kapadiya

    I did deactive and then active. It’s work.

    Thanks for your help.

  46. Joel

    Thank you for this post. I had the white screen of death on both the admin and public sides of my site. I followed the link to the guide on increasing the memory and that fixed the problem for me!

  47. Jack

    Oh,God, It works!
    I disable all the plugins and then it just works, oh god, i am so happy!
    But what’s the reason?

  48. Gracie

    Hi, my blog has been down for a couple of days and both my admin page and my blog are not loading so there is no way I can get in and delete plugins or anything! Please help! I have put in tons of time and money into my blog and have no idea how to fix it! Thanks so much!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Gracie,

      You can access your website’s files and folders using an FTP client. Your hosting provider should have sent you an email containing your FTP login credentials when you signed up. You can also find this information in your web hosting control panel.


  49. shivakumar

    hai……i am also facing white death of screen problem and i am not getting wp-admin access but i have ftp login credentials in that i am not appearing the wp-content folder

  50. Anthony

    I had the same problem. I replaced the functions.php file with the original and I was back on track.

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