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Så här åtgärdar du problem med uppladdning av bilder i WordPress (7 enkla tips)

Fel vid uppladdning av bilder kan vara frustrerande, särskilt för nybörjare. Ena stunden fungerar allt som det ska och i nästa stund kan du inte ladda upp en bild utan att du behöver göra några ändringar.

Detta är faktiskt ett av de vanligaste bildproblemen i WordPress. Den goda nyheten är att det är enklare än du kanske tror att åtgärda det.

Vi har stött på otaliga problem med bilduppladdning på våra egna WordPress-webbplatser, så vi vet hur irriterande dessa fel kan vara. Lyckligtvis innebär detta också att vi känner till flera metoder för att felsöka och åtgärda dessa problem.

I den här artikeln guidar vi dig genom stegen för att åtgärda problem med bilduppladdning i WordPress. Följ med, så kommer du att kunna ladda upp bilder igen på nolltid.

Fixing image upload issues in WordPress

Vad orsakar problemet med uppladdare av images i WordPress?

Det finns några vanliga orsaker till att du kan ha problem med att ladda upp bilder i WordPress.

För det första kan problem med olika webbläsare vara en faktor. Ibland går det bra att ladda upp en bild i en webbläsare, men inte i en annan. Olika webbläsare hanterar filuppladdningar på olika sätt, vilket kan leda till problem.

Ogiltiga filnamn kan också orsaka problem. Om ditt bildfilnamn innehåller specialtecken eller mellanslag kan det hända att WordPress inte accepterar det. Därför rekommenderar vi att du alltid använder enkla filnamn med bokstäver, siffror och bindestreck.

Cachen kan också störa bilduppladdningar. En föråldrad cache kan orsaka alla möjliga problem, så att rensa webbplatsens cache kan lösa uppladdningsproblem.

Dessutom kan vissa plugins komma i konflikt med bilduppladdningsprocessen. Ett plugin kan orsaka ett problem utan att du inser det. Till exempel kan inställningarna eller funktionerna i ett plugin ibland störa uppladdningsfunktionen.

Eller så kan det vara ditt tema som är boven i dramat. Vissa teman är inte byggda på rätt sätt och kan störa uppladdningen av bilder. Ett dåligt kodat tema kan skapa konflikter och fel som förhindrar lyckade uppladdningar.

Det kan också bero på felaktiga filbehörigheter. Detta innebär att WordPress inte kan skriva till din uppladdningsmapp och att du kommer att få fel under uppladdningen om behörigheterna inte är korrekt inställda.

Slutligen kan det vara ett problem med minnesgränsen. Om din webbplats inte har tillräckligt med minne tilldelat av din värdtjänst kan den inte hantera stora filer. Detta kan leda till uppladdningsfel eller ofullständiga uppladdningar.

Vill du inte hantera bildproblem på egen hand? Låt experterna på WPBeginner Pro Services hjälpa dig! Vi erbjuder prisvärd Emergency WordPress Support för att snabbt åtgärda WordPress bildproblem eller andra fel. Sluta stressa över din webbplats och få den omhändertagen. Kolla in WordPress Support Services idag!

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Fixa problemet med uppladdning av image i WordPress

Att förstå de vanligaste orsakerna till problem med bilduppladdning i WordPress är det första steget. Och nu när du känner till några av de vanligaste orsakerna till problem med bilduppladdning i WordPress, ska vi visa dig hur du åtgärdar dem.

Här är en snabb översikt över alla de tips som vi kommer att ta upp i den här guiden:

Är du redo? Låt oss komma igång.

Tips 1: Ladda om sidan eller testa med en annan webbläsare

Först och främst kan problemet oftast lösas genom att ladda om sidan. Det kanske låter som en enkel lösning, men det fungerar ofta.

Problemet med bilduppladdningen kan orsakas av att din inloggningssession löper ut. Om detta händer kommer du att loggas ut om du laddar om sidan eller navigerar tillbaka från en annan flik. Du kommer att behöva logga in igen.

Problemet kan också bero på att WordPress förlorar sin anslutning till webbläsaren. Detta kan bero på problem med din internetleverantör eller tillfälliga problem med din WordPress-host. Om du laddar om sidan och laddar upp bildfilen på nytt kan detta fel lösas.

Andra gånger kan problemet med uppladdning av bilder vara webbläsarrelaterat. Du kanske vill prova att ladda upp din bild med en annan webbläsare. Detta kan hjälpa dig att identifiera om problemet är specifikt för din nuvarande webbläsare.

Tips 2: Ladda upp bilden på nytt via mediebiblioteket

Om problemet kvarstår efter att du har laddat om sidan eller bytt till en annan webbläsare, kanske du ska försöka ladda upp bilden på nytt via mediebiblioteket.

Så istället för att ladda upp bilden direkt via inlägget eller sidan, vill du gå till Media ” Lägg till ny mediefil från din WordPress instrumentpanel .

Klicka sedan på ”Välj filer” och försök ladda upp bilden där.

Uploading images through the Media Library

Detta kan ibland lösa problemet.

Tips 3: Byt namn på din bildfil

Om ditt bildfilnamn innehåller mellanslag kan det hända att WordPress avvisar det. Du bör också undvika att använda specialtecken som ”#”, ”!” eller ”@”. Dessa tecken kan skapa problem eftersom webbservrar och webbläsare kanske inte stöder dem.

Så låt oss se till att du byter namn på din bildfil till något enkelt och okomplicerat. Du vill bara använda bokstäver, siffror och bindestreck.

I stället för ”min bild #1!.jpg” kan du till exempel byta namn på den till ”min-bild-1.jpg”.

Tips 4: Rensa din cache

En föråldrad cache kan leda till olika problem, bland annat problem med uppladdning av bilder.

Cachelagring används för att snabba upp webbplatsen genom att kopior av innehållet lagras, men det kan ibland orsaka konflikter. En föråldrad eller skadad cache kan hindra nya uppladdningar från att identifieras eller behandlas korrekt.

Att uppdatera cacheminnet kan ofta lösa problemet genom att säkerställa att din webbplats bearbetar den nya uppladdningen utan att några gamla, motstridiga data kommer i vägen.

Lyckligtvis är det enkelt att rensa webbplatsens cache. Detta kan vanligtvis göras via ditt cachningsplugin, som WP Rocket, eller din hostingleverantörs kontrollpanel.

How to clear the WP Rocket cache manually

Då kanske du också vill rensa webbläsarens cache. Din webbläsare lagrar kopior av webbsidor, inklusive bilder, för att ladda webbplatser snabbare nästa gång du besöker dem. Det är därför en föråldrad webbläsarcache kan orsaka problem med nya uppladdningar.

För att rensa webbläsarens cache måste du vanligtvis gå in i webbläsarens inställningar, hitta alternativet för att rensa surfdata eller cache och välja det.

För mer information om hur du rensar cachen kan du se vår guide om hur du rensar din WordPress-cache. När cachen har rensats kan du fortsätta och försöka ladda upp bilden igen.

Tips 5: Kontrollera om det finns problem med plugins och teman

Ibland uppstår det konflikter mellan plugins eller teman och bilduppladdningsprocessen. Detta kan bero på att vissa plugins eller teman inte är helt kompatibla med den senaste versionen av WordPress eller med varandra.

För att diagnostisera och åtgärda detta måste du utföra några felsökningssteg.

Först måste du avaktivera alla dina plugins. Detta gör du genom att gå till avsnittet ”Plugins” i instrumentpanelen i WordPress och välja ”Avaktivera” för varje plugin.

The Deactivate button under a plugin's name

Du kan också avaktivera dem alla samtidigt.

För mer detaljerade instruktioner kan du läsa vår guide om hur du enkelt avaktiverar WordPress-plugins.

Därefter kan du byta till ett standardtema, till exempel Twenty Twenty-One.

Du kan göra det genom att gå till Utseende ” Teman i din WordPress-panel och aktivera standardtemat.

Activating Twenty Twenty-One

Detta steg hjälper dig att avgöra om problemet är relaterat till ditt nuvarande tema.

Försök sedan att ladda upp bilden igen. Om uppladdningen fungerar betyder det att ett av dina plugins eller ditt tidigare tema orsakade problemet.

För att hitta den exakta orsaken kan du börja återaktivera dina plugins ett efter ett. När du har aktiverat varje plugin kan du försöka ladda upp en bild igen. På så sätt kan du hitta det specifika insticksprogrammet som orsakar konflikten.

Om problemet återkommer efter aktivering av ett visst plugin har du hittat den skyldige. Nu är det dags att leta efter ett alternativ eller kontakta WordPress support.

Om problemet inte löses genom att byta plugins kan det vara relaterat till det tema du använde. Du kan kontakta temautvecklaren för support eller överväga att använda ett annat WordPress-tema.

Tips 6: Justera filbehörigheterna

Problemet med att ladda upp bilder i WordPress kan också bero på felaktiga filbehörigheter. Dina WordPress-filer lagras på ditt webbhotells server och behöver specifika fil- och katalogbehörigheter för att fungera.

Felaktiga filbehörigheter hindrar WordPress från att läsa eller ladda upp filer på hosting-servern. Du kan få följande WordPress-fel när du laddar upp en bildfil:

”Det gick inte att skapa katalogen wp-content/uploads/2019/04. Är dess överordnade katalog skrivbar av servern?

Unable to create directory error

Eller så kan du se felet:

”Den uppladdade filen kunde inte flyttas till wp-content/uploads/.

Ett annat tecken på denna issue är att dina images försvinner från mediabiblioteket WordPress.

Missing images in media library

Min site fungerade bra tidigare. Vem Changed filens behörigheter?

Detta kan hända av flera olika skäl. En felkonfiguration på din server för delat webbhotell kan ibland ändra dessa behörigheter utan att du gör något.

Din webbhotellleverantör kan t.ex. ha gjort en uppgradering som oväntat ändrade filbehörigheter.

Om allt annat fungerar bra på din WordPress-webbplats kan du helt enkelt använda rätt filbehörigheter för att åtgärda problemet med bilduppladdningen.

Obs: Den här metoden är lite mer avancerad. Om du behöver hjälp, tveka inte att kontakta vår Emergency WordPress Support för att få hjälp.

Ändra filbehörigheter

För att kunna ändra behörigheter för filer måste du använda en FTP-klient.

Låt oss först ansluta till din webbplats via FTP och sedan byta till mappen /wp-content/. Där hittar du mappen uploads, som är den mapp där WordPress lagrar alla dina mediauppladdningar, inklusive bilder.

Högerklicka nu på uploads-katalogen och välj sedan ”File permissions”.

Opening file permissions dialog box for uploads folder

Detta kommer att visa dialogboxen för filbehörigheter.

Härifrån måste du ställa in filbehörigheter för uploads-katalogen och alla underkataloger i den till ”744”.

Change folder permissions

För att göra det kan du ange 744 i rutan för numeriskt värde och markera rutan bredvid ”Återgå till underkataloger”. Sedan klickar du bara på alternativknappen Tillämpa endast på kataloger”.

Gå vidare och klicka på knappen ”OK” för att tillämpa dessa ändringar. Din FTP-klient kommer nu att börja tillämpa filbehörigheter på katalogerna.

Note: Om det inte verkar lösa your problem att sätta behörigheten för directory till 744, prova då 755.

I nästa steg måste du ange filbehörigheter för alla filer i uploads directory.

Det gör du genom att högerklicka på katalogen uploads och välja filbehörigheter. I dialogrutan för filbehörigheter ändrar du det numeriska värdet till ”644”.

Sedan kan du kryssa i rutan bredvid ”Återgå till underkataloger” och välja Tillämpa endast på filer”.

Slutligen klickar du bara på knappen ”OK” för att tillämpa dessa ändringar.

File permissions

FTP-klienten kommer nu att ändra behörigheterna för alla filer i mappen uploads. När det är gjort kan du gå tillbaka till ditt WordPress-adminområde och försöka ladda upp bilder igen.

If you have any file upload forms on your website, you should test those as well.

Obs: Om du inte vet hur man använder en FTP-klient kan du också använda den filhanterare som tillhandahålls av ditt WordPress-värdföretag. Eftersom skärmdumparna varierar mellan olika värdar måste du prata med deras support för att få instruktioner.

Tips 7: Öka din PHP-minnesgräns

Ibland uppstår problem med bilduppladdning eftersom WordPress inte har tillräckligt med minne för att bearbeta uppladdningen. Att öka din PHP-minnesgräns kan hjälpa till att åtgärda detta.

Vanligtvis kan du göra detta genom att redigera din wp-config.php-fil. Det enklaste sättet är dock att kontakta din hostingleverantör för att få hjälp. De kan öka din minnesgräns.

För mer information, se vår handledning om hur du ökar PHP-minnesgränsen i WordPress.

Vi hoppas att den här artikeln hjälpte dig att åtgärda problemet med bilduppladdning i WordPress. Du kanske också vill se vår kompletta felsökningsguide eller vår guide om hur du åtgärdar de vanligaste WordPress-felen.

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296 kommentarerLeave a Reply

  1. Manpreet

    My permissions are 755 but unable to upload images

  2. johaness

    hi , how can I solve this problem. of inserting image in post, , after uploading pic. when I click on insert into post nothing happens

    • Ravi Kant Singh

      Try clicking ’file url’ button first it fetchs url, then click insert into post. Hope it works for you.

  3. Ed S

    I tried this initially with 744. This stopped any images appearing at all for me on either wp-admin or my live website. Which was worrying and panic inducing!
    So then tried 755, and images are appearing again on my live website. Which is a relief.
    Still having exactly the same issue with uploading images though. Getting ’http error’.

    • Angelica Perduta

      Same problem here. for images over a certain size. They do appear in the media library but with no thumbnail and can’t be edited. Small images do work however.


    When i go for 744 all thumbnail are shown but uploading error remain
    but when i go for 755 thumbnail gone but uploading error solved..
    Now what shall i do.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Joy,

      Please ask your hosting provider, they can also fix directory permissions issue for you.


      • JOY DUTTA

        Thanks for reply
        Today i checked also some images are uploaded but some images shown error in uploading

  5. Joe

    Thanks Edo, I worked it out.

  6. Edo Escada

    I did my way, solved very well

    Go to your hosting cPanel, go to PHP Version in the Software block..
    Go to PHP Options in the right button
    Edit to be like this :
    memory_limit 1024M
    post_max_size 128M
    upload_max_filesize 64M

    Then back to cPanel frontpage

    Go to ModSecurity in the Security section
    Change to Disable for your domain.

    VOILAA !!!!

    Let me know your success story

    • Atif

      Thanks a bunch dude, nothing else worked, but this PHP options setting worked for me.

  7. Tom

    If the issue is cropping up after transferring a site to a new domain this works for me:
    open the Settings menu, and select Media. If you see a file path with a textbox displaying where the files should be uploaded to, delete the text in the file path textbox, and click Save Changes once you’re done.

    No try uploading an image, should work fine.

    • Katie

      Thanks – that solved my problem. The server path had somehow been defined in Settings > Media. Removed it and replaced with the default wp-content/uploads, saved and that fixed it :-)

    • Gord

      Hi Tom,

      I just wanted to say thank you as well. Your post saved me a lot of grief! I used a plugin to migrate a site to a new provider. The tool is excellent, but in this instance were so many files in my uploads directory that I needed to exclude images and move them separately via ftp. I spent an hour carefully checking file permissions and ownership in the WordPress uploads directory until I came across your post. Sure enough, nder ”Settings / Media” there was a hardcoded path valid only with my old hosting provider. Great post!

    • Vu

      Thank you very much. My problem was same and your solution was great

    • ceesay

      Thank you, thank you, thank you!! This happened when I migrated this site. Hasn’t happened to any of the other sites I’ve migrated, but the Settings>Media path was exactly the problem.

    • Pri Freire

      Thank you soooo much!

  8. Mika Kaakinen

    Changing folder permissions to 755 resolved the issue for me. Thank you!

  9. Vimal

    I am facing a very basic problem, i tried many theme but when i add an element on a fresh new page it show the default content of (pagename and the recent post widget is visible and other widgets are behind my element i.e Slider) behind my slider or hero image Guyz PLz Help me

  10. Mark Hetherington

    I must have read two dozen different fixes fir this image error thing, then found a solution that s far, far easier than anything else I have read. In fact here’s the solution in three words: Change your browser.

    Yep, that’s all I did. I’ve tried lots of different ”solutions” with no joy, then just by chance I was working on a different computer one day, using Opera instead of Chrome (I’ve had the error with IE, Edge, Firefox etc. too) and I had no problem uploading my images. I’ve been using Opera for the purpose for months now and never had the HTTP error since.

    I’m not saying it will work for every occurrence but it’s got to be worth a try!

    • Toon

      Wow! worked for me! Safari -> Chrome on OSX

  11. pooja

    I have problem ..I want somebody help me please..
    Some content of website like footer content are not displayed on chrome but it displayed on other web browser.I also change the Setting of chrome but its not work .So please help me…

  12. Pooja

    I have my old pictures in wordpress.
    But i’m unable to upload new images.

    Everytime i got this message….” Unable to create directory uploads/2017/09. Is its parent directory writable by the server”

    I tried all
    but three of them didn’t works for me

    please tell any suggestion ?

    • Heather

      Me too! I even thought I fixed the problem by increasing the upload size through the Media section under Settings and nope! You know what got it to work?

      Resizing my freaking images. Silly me thought I was doing that through the settings on WordPress, but nope!

      I have a Mac and I resized my large images to 1920×1080 or less and made sure my Media Settings allowed that and sure enough, it works! All those hours of frustration… *sigh* I hope that helps!

      • Joe

        I have no problem with inserting photos by doing so inside a paragraph and wraping text around it. But I cannot insert a larger photo in an area free of a paragraph. The size of the photo doesn’t change even though the file is larger. I changed the settings (media/settings) but nothing works. Can you help?

        • WPBeginner Support

          Hi Joe,

          Here is a simple tip that you can try if you haven’t already tried it. Press the enter key twice after adding a paragraph. Click on the upload media button to upload your photo. In the right column, select Full Size and then click on the insert image button. As soon as photo appears in your visual editor, press the enter key twice and start typing.

  13. Alice

    It still doesn’t solve my problem. I recently moved my newly created website from a subdomain to my main domain and everything worked fine except for my uploads. I went to my optons.php and tried to change my upload path. I noticed that when I tried to upload a file, the file is not even in my folder, doesn’t show up in my media library as a thumbnail. However, when I clicked on the broken image and clicked ”edit image,” the image actually showed up!!! How weird! How can I fix my problem?

    • Melina

      Hi Alice, I have exactly the same problem! I tried all the solutions that are given down but because my problem is with my multisite duplicates and not with the root site, none of them works. I can uploads the pictures, the sub-site recognizes they are there but shows just grey thumbnails. When I go to my ftp all access are correct and I have already tried changing the upload path. Nothing works! Could you solve your problem? What was the solution??

      • Lakshya Mohan

        Similar problem is occurring with me. I have tried everything but still no use. When I upload an image, I see a blank thumbnail clicking on which I see a blank preview, but if I click on edit then only I am able to see the image. When I put that image in any post I see a broken link.

        • Chris Culver

          did anyone find the solution to this issue. I am having the same occurrence with a cloned site that was created to work on for a site rebuild

  14. Rafia khan

    Thank you so much for the help. It worked for me as well

  15. Tammy

    I refreshed cache in WordPress and that fixed it.

  16. mosh

    changing file permissions to 655 worked!

  17. Temi

    This is what I did to mine:

    I have moved my main file from one folder to the other in same cPanel and done some redirection. I didn’t change the LINK in Media setting for folder location so rather than images being located in the folder for the current domain directory, it was searching for images in the folder off the current one.

    Just go to Settings in your wordpress dashboard, locate Uploading Files, Store uploads in this folder and check the directory (link) in that box. If the domain name is the old one you transferred from, then change it to your current one and save. Try upload images again and you would be glad.

    • Robert

      Thanks to the author and also Temi, both your tips helped fixed my issue. I initially created my WP site in a subdirectory as well and subsequently moved it to the root folder to go live, not realising that Media settings was one of the places where I needed to update with the new URL to remove the subdirectory.

      Just to clarify for everyone else, the Uploading Files field is under Settings > Media.

    • Melvin W.

      Temi you are my hero!

    • Balram N.

      Temi, you are godlike. The uploads folder path setting on WP was the freaking issue!!!! Thank you so much.

  18. Alex mwailu

    I am proud to solve your problems people…Just Login to your Cpanel and deactivate ModSecurity, just deactivate it.then you will be able to upload your images comfortablly

    • Dominic

      Thanks Man, you just saved me, But is there any Disadvantage of Disabling Mod Security

  19. Lee Pascoe

    My images have uploaded into the media library, with no error messages and no permission problem.
    However, when I click Insert into Post, it remains blank.
    In Manage Products, there is a series of icons saying ”No Image”
    I have tried this several times, and have 6 of the same images in the Media library, (which I can’t delete!) but still no images on the product page.
    I have tried this with 4 different pictures for 4 different products.

  20. Divine Raphael

    The fiirst step worked perfectly well for me!!! Thanks WP Beginner

  21. Paul Keating

    If this problem seems to be only when using google chrome- I found the answer to cure this problem as follows:

    Go to settings on chrome- if you are signed in to chrome- sign out. reset the browser, clear the cache, reboot the machine and use chrome without signing in- presto !!!

    You should now be able to upload images using the normal way. let me know if this works for you !

  22. Dheeraj Soni


    I have been facing the issue of new image uploads being shown broken. I tried changing values from 755 to 744 & 711 & did 644 as well as as 655 but the issue is still persisting.. please suggest me how do i get this resolved?

  23. Mayaprakash Pant

    Hey, while I’m trying to upload images, it shows an error message:
    ”Image Upload Error. Precondition Failed”
    How To Solve This?

  24. joe

    I’m having a strange issue related to this that i dont see anything similar in the thread. I uploaded a few images just fine a couple weeks ago. we were updated to the latest WP version at the time. Today I am going to upload images and the progress bar begins, and then just sticks at about 25%. never moves from there. I get no error message or anything. But when i click to leave page it just leaves – there is no ”do you want to leave page while…” message. and then when i come back there is no progress bar or anything. The image is simply not there, no is there any indication i tried to upload it. I didn’t change anything in the settings between the time when i could upload images, and i tried deactivating the only plugin i installed and it did nothing.

  25. Sandeep

    I have a different problem

    When i want to upload pictures, i’m not even getting the folder to select the image. Please help me out

  26. Ahson

    I am facing the image issue with FEW images on my WP website. When I tried to change the permission to 744, ALL of the images were GONE. Please assist how I can have these images appear again.

    Also, I am not using FTP, I am directly changing from Godady hosting panel.

    • sherin

      Please change numeric value as 755 then your pictures will appear gain

    • thor

      Hi, guys, this is how I fix the image issue in WordPress library

      In cPanel, in the Files section, click File Manager.
      Select the button for Web Root (public_html/www).
      hit the setting icon in the right
      Place a checkmark in the box titled Show Hidden Files (dotfiles).
      Click Go.
      Review the numbers listed under the Perms column in File Manager.
      Directories and folders should be set to 755.
      Executable scripts within the cgi-bin folder must be set to 755.
      Images, media, and text files like HTML should be set to 644.
      Or you check the htaccess file by following this:

      Bad .htaccess, Invalid Command

      In the (dot) htaccess file, you may have added lines that are either worded incorrectly or conflicting with another coding in the file. The best way to troubleshoot this is to comment out the lines in the .htaccess file.

      Always make a copy of the .htaccess file before making any changes to it.
      You can comment out a line in the .htaccess file by adding # to the beginning of that particular line. For example, if the code in the .htaccess file looks like:

      DirectoryIndex default.html
      AddType application/x-httpd-php5 php
      Then, try commenting it out like so:

      DirectoryIndex default.html
      #AddType application/x-httpd-php5 php
      Broken lines and lines that start with php_flags are the most common mistakes. If you cannot determine which line is the problem, then comment out every line.

      usually, the problem come from the line whit the jpg, png, in the code tray to comment this line like so (add # in front of the code line ) and then save
      go to your library and tray to upload a picture

  27. Sara


    We have recently got hacked and figured out that the images weren’t showing because the uploads folder was missing in Filezilla. We tried creating a new folder but it disappears as soon as we refresh. I can upload images in wordpress but they are seen as broken. Is there any way to fix this problem?

    Your help is greatly appreciated!


  28. Naomi Kroneck


    We have been trying to update the pictures on our website because they are outdated. We have several different pages that also have videos and when I try to update the pictures on those pages the videos disappear. But as soon as I delete the new pictures the videos come back. I am not sure what is going on.

  29. pule

    Hi, my media library images are all broken and even if I upload new ones .. I tried changing permissions on c panel to 744, 755, 655 but still no changes on building on page builder …how do I fix this problem

      • Musab

        Hi WpBeginner Support ,

        what do you mean by changing all file permission to 644 , like all files on my website ? or just upload file and his children ?

        I’m facing the same issue and no solution worked for me till now , when I tried to change image format to bmb it works !

        please anyone know how to fix this tell us .

  30. Mandy

    I changed my file permissions to 655 and that worked! So happy it’s fixed such a relief! Thanks for the article!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Mandy,

      You are welcome. We are glad you found it helpful :)

      Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for more WordPress tips and tutorials.


  31. Mark

    I had this problem and tried the above solution but it did not work. What I did was in the Settings/Media area of my WordPress Admin Dashboard I unchecked the option to organise my uploads into month- and year-based folders and after that it worked fine!

  32. Dave Hamelink


    I am currently experiencing issues when trying to upload a new image to the media library. It gives the error: error during uploading, please try again later.

    I tried everything, changing permissions in the FTP server, de-activating plugins, and reinstalling WordPress. I am currently using WordPress 4.7.

    Can someone please help me?



    • Karen Field

      I am having the same issue and have no clue on how to fix it!

  33. dipto

    You guys are really boss. Keep it up bro :D

  34. bvo


    I have the same / a similar problem.

    When I upload a image, it is copied to the right folder. But I can’t see it in the library and it gives a error message (error, try again later).

    When I select a specifiec month in the library, I can see the images from that month, but when I do not select a specific month, I only see one blank square.

    When I select the list view I see all images, but also a few empty thumnails that says ”no title”. I can’t view, delete or whatever these.

    I tried deactivating all plugins, I use the standard theme (twenty seventeen), I tried suggestions above. Noting helps.

    Hope someone can help me…
    Regards, Bas

  35. Larry Dean

    Working fine then all of a sudden it quit uploading image files. I get the error:

    Failed to write file to disk.

    I’ve tried the recommendations using ftp and it still doesn’t work. I installed WP to Buffer at about the same time this happened. Deactivated it but still can’t upload images.

    Thanks for any help.

    • Larry Dean

      It’s working again. The only thing I did was to deactivate the WP to Buffer plugin. Not sure why it took a period of time but all seems ok at this point. Thanks for your help.

  36. Bartosz

    Find in wp-admin dashboard menu ’Settings/Media’. There is forder path do media files. Set correctly your server media path.
    It’s works.

    • Marjorie Ray

      Thank you for this post Bartosz. We had recently migrated a site and there was an address in the Settings/Media/StoreUploads which was causing the problem. I deleted that address, hit save, and it fixed the problem; am now able to upload images.

    • Henk


      Thanks for your answer. I was looking for this.

  37. Garreth

    I had an issue too and found out that my share host was running php version 5.5.36. I had to add ”AddHandler application/x-httpd-php56 .php” to the .htaccess file to get the server to run php 5.6

    I hope this helps

  38. Amin

    Hello I have the same problem but mine is like only for users: it says ”Error during upload, please try again” and I tried everything anyway all i know and ain’t be fixed ._., can someone help? i will apreciate that. thanks !

    • mark p

      did you ever get help on this error?? i have the same issue and nobody seems to be able to fix it, even my web hosting co. . . . ..thanks

  39. Melanie

    I am having an issue trying to rotate picture I downloaded into WordPress. It freezes up then tells me there is an internal error 500. Then it clears up in about 15 min but can not edit or do anything with pictures anymore or does same thing.

    Thanks for any help

  40. Jon

    I followed the directions on changing the permissions for the uploads directory, now the site won’t come up and I can’t even get back into my WP dashboard. I’m getting a 500 error.

    Can anyone tell me how to set the permissions as they were originally? In other words, how to undo the hatchet job that is now my client’s website?

    I understand how to reset the directory permissions, but I don’t know what the file permissions were before.

    • Amin

      500 Error is related to your .htaccess / php.ini file i think you were using a cdn with wp rocket because it have that problem when you do changing directly from ftp and editing files directly like that. try to disable it, delete everything on your htaccess except the part of wp by default than retry again and activate your plugin again.

  41. Vanessa

    The explanation here on this page is trying to shoot a tiny bird with a cannonball.
    It’s quite simple to fix the problem of image upload error in WP! Just DO NOT use any special or foreign language characters in the file names! and keep them short. This is the 101 of computer file naming protocol anyway and resolves the most cryptic of problems.
    Most times, the best solution is the simplest solution.

    • Yenny Kartika

      Wow, you’re right. It’s perfect.

      I previously try to upload an image with ”blabla-1” filename and it wasn’t uploaded.

      I looked for some solutions in internet but found nothing, until this one simple solution.

      After than I change the filename into ”blablabla” and… it’s uploaded perfectly.

      I feel so smart right now.

      Thank you for sharing. God bless you.

  42. christian

    Hi Guys, I’ve been having this issue, along with connection lost problem, and it have caused me to abandon my blog. Still painful.

    Anyone with help?

  43. tomasofen

    I have problems uploading some images. I didn’t know what the problem was, until i see the filename was using characters with written accent, like the spanish ”Según se mire.jpg”.

    Renaming it allows me to upload right.

    Don’t know if this can be helpfull for somebody in the future ;)

  44. Zak

    Hi people,

    Try to put this in your themes file named ”function.php” in the last line:

    add_filter( ‘wp_image_editors’, ‘change_graphic_lib’ );

    function change_graphic_lib($array) {
    return array( ‘WP_Image_Editor_GD’, ‘WP_Image_Editor_Imagick’ );

  45. Jeroen


    Followed the instructions and it didn’t solve the problem. Any other idea’s to get the upload fixed again?

    Tnx in advance

  46. Oziel

    Didnt work, Im getting ”HTTP Error”

    • Alex mwailu

      Did you get the answer to this?Please help me out,i am experiencing the same when I am uploading images from my wp dashboard

  47. Steph

    Hey Guys, I followed all the steps and it’s still not working. Everytime I try to upload an image it says ”HTTP Error”

    Wondering if someone could help me.



    • Alex mwailu

      Did you get the answer to this?Please help me out,i am experiencing the same when I am uploading images from my wp dashboard

  48. Dave

    Didn’t work. :(

  49. linda

    Hi, I wanted to add a spreadsheet I created in Excel and have it display in a blog post. Should not be complicated , Right? But I have not been able to do so. 1st I saved the excel as a PDF file. Then I imported the pdf into Photoshop and saved as a jpeg. I try to upload into my WordPress Blog and it will not accept the image. I keep getting an error.

  50. Rae

    I was having errors with images uploading and then realised I had an incorrect directory in the main Settings > Media

    • umer

      hey guys how are you ..?

      I have problem ..I want somebody help me please..

      In my site images is not working properly in directory and not showing …

      Also this site is not showing responsiveness in mobile ..

      I am waiting for someone whose really know this problem ..I will be very thank full…


    • Anonymous

      Same here! Thanks!

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