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Så här aktiverar du alternativet multi-site i WordPress 3.0

WordPress 3.0 är när den stora sammanslagningen sker. WPMU:s core införlivas i WordPress vilket innebär att du nu kan run flera bloggar från en install av WordPress. Den här utvalda funktionen anropas som Network eller Multi-site alternativ. Som standard är den här funktionen inaktiverad. Om du vill använda det här alternativet i din WordPress, måste du aktivera det.

För att aktivera den här funktionen öppnar du helt enkelt din wp-config.php-fil som finns i din WordPress rotmapp. Lägg sedan till följande rad var som helst i filen:

define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);

När du har gjort det bör du kunna komma åt nätverkssidan från Tools ” Network

WordPress Multi-site Option

Nu behöver du inte längre installera flera kopior av WordPress eftersom du kan run flera bloggar från en installation. Som standard tillåts du bara att runna andra bloggar som en subdomain. Om du vill använda andra domäner för bloggar kan du använda ett plugin för ompekning av domäner.

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  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
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  2. mohadese esmaeeli

    Hello! Is it better to have a WordPress network, or should we use the subdomains and subdirectories feature to launch side websites?
    In a WordPress network, the database is unified, and this may lead to crashes or database heaviness. What is your opinion? Which one is better?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would heavily depend on your specific use case for what would be best to use. If you are concerned about your database size then you would want to create individual sub-sites so each has their own database.


  3. Sean

    Worked like a charm! So ideal for a localhost environment in development of themes and plugins.

  4. Wayne Curran

    Thanks for this info about enabling multi site.

    I have a problem though. I can’t install or upgrade anything. It keeps asking for ftp details. My wordpress is running on a synology NAS.

    • WPBeginner Support

      @Wayne this problem usually occurs when WordPress is unable to write files on the server. It happens when PHP is running under mod_php or CGI as the user instead of the user that owns WordPress files. You can ask your hosting provider for support. Meanwhile you can also add your FTP credentials in wp-config.php file so that you don’t have to enter them each time.

      define( 'FTP_USER', 'username' );
      define( 'FTP_PASS', 'password' );
      define( 'FTP_HOST', '' );


      • Wayne Curran

        Thanks for the reply.

        I think I need to add some more info.

        I installed wordpress on my Synology NAS via the package installer, so it’s installed locally on my NAS at home. The site isn’t hosted externally at all. Completely local. (it can be accessed from the web via a synology domain name)

        I’m currently only experimenting with building my sites. I need 3 sites hence why I need the multisite option. Without this option, I’m unable to experiment with all my sites. I can only play with one at a time.

        Anyhow, I should have also added initally that when I enter the ftp login details, they don’t work. I’ve racked my brains to try and work out what ftp details it could be after but none of them work.

        Are then specific login details for as you mentioned ’mod_php or CGI’. I don’t even know what that means :-)

        • Wayne Curran


          I’ve reinstalled from scratch. All working ok now.

          But, a new question.

          In the general settings, 2 fields are missing. WordPress address and site address.

          Any thoughts?

  5. Grant

    Where do I find the wp-config.php folder?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Grant wp-config.php is a file not a folder. You might find it in your website’s root folder. To access it connect to your website using an FTP client like Filezilla.


  6. Nimitz

    Hi, it is possible that users has a blog on my wpmu then they can have their own domain name? same like on that any blog can upgrade to their own domain name?

  7. Alexander

    Would you provide a step by step guide for creating a multi-site setup on local machine using Xampp on Windows 8.

  8. Yevgen

    It seems that Domain Mapping plugin is unsupported anymore. Are there any alternatives? Is it possible to setup domains manually using functions.php?


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