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Hur man visar en lista över child pages för en parent page i WordPress

En av våra läsare frågade oss nyligen hur man visar child-sidor på en WordPress page?

Om du organiserar din website i WordPress med parent- och child pages, kanske du vill displayed your child pages eller sub pages på huvudsidan parent. Du kanske också vill visa huvudsidan på varje underliggande page för enkel browsing.

I den här artikeln visar vi hur du enkelt kan visa en lista med child pages för en parent page i WordPress.

Displaying a list of child pages for a parent page in WordPress

När du behöver visa en lista över Child Pages?

WordPress levereras med två standard post typer som anropas posts och pages. Posts är blogginlägg, och de är vanligtvis organiserade med kategorier och tags.

Pages är enstaka eller fristående content som är vintergröna, som till exempel en ”About us”-sida eller en ”Contact us”-sida.

I WordPress kan pages vara hierarkiska, vilket innebär att du kan organisera dem med parent- och child-sidor.

You kanske till exempel vill skapa en produktsida med child pages för funktioner, priser och support.

För att skapa en child page följer du vår guide om hur du skapar en child page i WordPress.

När du har skapat dina parent- och child pages kanske du vill lista child pages på huvudsidan parent.

Nu är ett enkelt sätt att göra detta genom att manuellt redigera parent page och add to en lista med länkar individuellt.

Manually add child page links

Du måste dock redigera parent-sidan manuellt varje gång du addar eller tar bort en child page. Skulle det inte vara trevligare om du bara kunde skapa en child page och den automatiskt skulle visas som en link på parent page?

Med detta sagt, låt oss ta en titt på några andra dynamiska sätt att snabbt displayed en lista över child pages på parent page i WordPress. Vi visar dig tre metoder, så att du kan välja den som är bäst för dig:

Metod 1. Display Child Pages på Parent Page med hjälp av ett plugin

Denna metod är enklare och rekommenderas för alla användare.

Först måste du installera och aktivera pluginet Page-list. För mer detaljer, se vår steg-för-steg guide om hur du installerar ett WordPress plugin.

Vid aktivering måste du redigera parent page och helt enkelt add to följande shortcode där du vill visa listan över child pages.


Du kan nu save your page och previewa den i en new tabs i webbläsaren. You’ll notice that it displays a simple bulleted list of all the child pages.

Plain list of child page links

Om du vill kan du add to lite custom CSS för att ändra listans appearance. Här är några exempel på CSS som du kan använda som utgångspunkt. {
    list-style: none;
    list-style-type: none;
    background-color: #eee;
    border: 1px solid #CCC;
    padding: 20px;

När du har tillämpat din custom CSS kan du previewa den parent page. Så här såg det ut på vår test website WordPress.

Child pages list with CSS

Pluginet ger ett gäng shortcode-parametrar som tillåter dig att ställa in djup, utesluta pages, antal objekt och mer. För detaljer, vänligen se pluginets page för detaljerad documentation.

Metod 2. Lista Child Pages för en Parent Page med hjälp av kod

Den här metoden är lite mer avancerad och är obligatorisk för att du ska kunna add to kod till din website i WordPress. Om du ej har gjort detta tidigare, vänligen ta en titt på vår guide om hur man copy and paste kod i WordPress.

För att lista barnsidor under en huvudsida måste du lägga till följande kod i ett code snippets plugin eller i ditt temas functions.php-fil:

function wpb_list_child_pages() { 
global $post; 
if ( is_page() && $post->post_parent )
    $childpages = wp_list_pages( 'sort_column=menu_order&title_li=&child_of=' . $post->post_parent . '&echo=0' );
    $childpages = wp_list_pages( 'sort_column=menu_order&title_li=&child_of=' . $post->ID . '&echo=0' );
if ( $childpages ) {
    $string = '<ul class="wpb_page_list">' . $childpages . '</ul>';
return $string;
add_shortcode('wpb_childpages', 'wpb_list_child_pages');

På WPBeginner rekommenderar vi alltid att lägga till kod i WordPress med WPCode plugin.

WPCode allow you to easily add custom code without editing your theme files, so you don’t have to worry about breaking your site.


Först måste du installera och aktivera det gratis WPCode plugin. För steg-för-steg-instruktioner, se den här guiden om hur du installerar ett plugin för WordPress.

När pluginet är aktiverat navigerar du till Code Snippets ” Add Snippet från din WordPress dashboard. Därifrån hoverar du musen över alternativet ”Add Your Custom Code (New Snippet)” och klickar på knappen ”Use snippet”.

Add a new custom code snippet in WPCode

Lägg sedan till en rubrik för ditt snippet och klistra in koden ovan i boxen ”Code Preview”.

Glöm inte att välja ”PHP Snippet” som code type i dropdown-menyn till höger.

Paste code into WPCode plugin

Efter det är det bara att toggle omkopplaren från ”Inaktiverad” till ”Aktiv” och klicka på knappen ”Save Snippet” högst upp på sidan.

Activate and save your custom code snippet

Den här koden kontrollerar först om en page har en parent eller om själva page är en parent.

Om det är en parent page visas de child pages som är kopplade till den. Om det är en child page, visas alla andra pages som är underordnade till parent page.

Slutligen, om detta bara är en page utan någon child eller parent page, så kommer koden helt enkelt inte att göra någonting. På den sista raden i koden har vi add to en shortcode, så att you enkelt kan displayed child pages utan att ändra dina page templates.

För att displayed child pages add to följande shortcode i en page eller textwidget i sidebaren:


Glöm inte att save dina ändringar och previewa dem i en ny tabs i webbläsaren. Så här ser det ut på vår testsite.

Plain link list

Du kan nu styla den här page-listan med hjälp av lite customize CSS. Här är några exempel på CSS-kod som du kan använda som utgångspunkt.

ul.wpb_page_list {
    list-style: none;
    list-style-type: none;
    background-color: #eee;
    border: 1px solid #CCC;
    padding: 20px;

Metod 3. Dynamiskt visa sidor för barn utan någon shortcode

Att använda shortcodes är bekvämt, men problemet med dem är att du måste add shortcodes på alla pages som har parent eller child pages.

Det kan sluta med att du har shortcodes på många pages, och ibland kanske du till och med glömmer att add to dem.

Ett bättre tillvägagångssätt skulle vara att edit filen page template i ditt theme, så att den automatiskt kan visa child pages.

För att göra det måste du edit main page.php template, eller skapa en custom page template i your theme.

Du kan editera ditt huvudtema, men dessa ändringar kommer att försvinna om du ändrar eller updaterar your theme. Det är därför det är bättre om du skapar ett barntema och sedan gör dina ändringar i barntemat.

In your page template file, you need to add this line of code where you want to display child pages.

<?php wpb_list_child_pages(); ?>

Det är all. Ditt theme kommer nu automatiskt att upptäcka barntema pages och visa dem i en vanlig lista.

Du kan customize formaten med CSS och format. Här är ett exempel på hur OptinMonster website visar parent page och sub pages:

OptinMonster Sub Pages Example

Vi hoppas att den här artikeln hjälpte dig att lista child pages för en parent page i WordPress. Du kanske också vill se vår guide om de viktigaste sidorna att skapa på en new WordPress-webbplats, och vår jämförelse av de bästa drag and drop WordPress page builders för att skapa customizes layouts utan någon kod.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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  2. Denise

    For third level pages (grandchild), I want to show the same menu that is seen on the child pages (all the child links of the parent). With this snippet, when on a grandchild page, I only see the other grandchild pages in the menu. How would this code need to be modified to show the all child links even when on grandchild pages?

  3. vicky

    how to get child page ids not the granchild ids…………….pls help im a bigginner

  4. Meredith L

    I’m relatively new to blogging and I recently switched over to the Kale Wordpress theme. I have been trying to do page attribute pages (under the parent page Recipes) so I can have separate categories for appetizers, desserts, etc. Everything seems to go through on the admin part but then on the site itself there are no page attributes/drop down form the Recipes category. What am I doing wrong? It is all set to public so I’m not sure what the problem is.

  5. Daves

    Thank you for this code. But I don’t want this to be shown on the homepage (static page), just on the parent pages only. Please how can it be done?

    Thank you.

  6. Boris Budeck

    I am using Generatepress Theme (created a child theme from it for customizing) and I can’t get this to work. The shortcode is displayed in the output page, it seems it is not even ercognized as being a shortcode. I use Elementor widgets and neither text nor shortcode widgets work.

    Any idea of how to make it work when using elementor widgets?

  7. Frederic

    a great post, it’s exactly what I’m looking for since many hours ! and it works like a charm, just adding the code in the function.php of the theme then adding the short code in the page where I want the sub pages to appear, and voilà!!!
    wonderful, thanks a lot for your generosity !!

  8. Mariano


    Thanks for the code. How can I display the featured image of each child page?

  9. Ron

    Like with so many of the snippets we find, one has to go through all the comments in order to get it to work. What’s wrong with testing what you write?

  10. Alicia

    Can you do a drop down menu for parent/child pages on, or does it have to be the .org version?

  11. Razvan

    What if I want to display child posts, not child pages?

  12. Rudy

    Using this code ends up displaying the parent page along with the child pages, which is redundant. As I understand it, what we really need is to display only the child pages, not the parent page. Any suggested modification that can do this?

  13. Milos

    On plugins update, for some strange reason I always get an error:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wpb_list_child_pages() (previously declared in …/wp-content/themes/pagelines/functions.php:25) in …/wp-content/themes/pagelines/functions.php on line 34

  14. Jeffrey Fry

    How can you also display the date of the child page?

  15. ethann

    Hello great article,
    Can you please help me creating a dropdown of child pages in parent page.I need this functionality for one of my wordpress project and i am totally newbie to wordpress.

  16. Alex

    Am I the only one that cannot get it to work?

    I have the following structure

    — Page 1
    — Page 2
    — Page 3

    When on the ”About” or a child page (1, 2 or 3) I would like to have a list with my parent page (About) and all children (1, 2, 3) – Anyone got that working?

    Thanks! :)

    • Kendra

      OMG sorry this is annoying Please ignore my other posts. Didn’t realize you couldn’t paste code into the comments.

      I was NOT able to get it to work with wpb_list_child_pages();

      I WAS able to get it to work with echo do_shortcode( ‘[wpb_childpages]’)

      And to get the title of the parent page, i inserted this above the child page list:
      $current = $post->ID;

      $parent = $post->post_parent;

      $grandparent_get = get_post($parent);

      $grandparent = $grandparent_get->post_parent;

      PHP if ($root_parent = get_the_title($grandparent) !== $root_parent = get_the_title($current)) {echo get_the_title($grandparent); }else {echo get_the_title($parent);

  17. Jean Bishop

    I am using this code and it works great. Is it possible to also display categories in menus along with pages?

  18. Michelle


    I want to do the following

    Parent page must be either for sale and or for rent
    Then I want the child for example a province (gauteng) to link to the for sale and the for rent parent.
    How do I do that?


  19. Zakhar

    How can i create shortcode with param, for example, [wpb_childpages id=”1″], where id=”1″ is an id of parent page?

  20. Strand


    Is it possible to limit the links to a specific number such as maximum 12 child pages?


  21. Aander

    Thank you,

    Could you explain, please, how can I organize child pages in drop down list that would be accessible through the parent page? (I don’t want the visitors could see all child pages in a form of a blogroll.)

    I.e., on the parent page I want to create drop down list (listbox) to which child pages would be added in predefined order (say in alphabetical order). After reading Introduction a visitor can proceed by choosing any page from the list at her wish (child pages has no logical connection so in any case she will search the exact page).

    Is ’my dream’ realizable?

    Thank you again.

  22. Quantum-mecha

    How do I add pagination for Child Page?


  23. Astrid

    Hi WPBeginner Staff,

    I used the code you guys provided with the ”short code option” and it worked (links to child pages). However, I wanted to use the permanent option, and that didn’t work.

    When I added this line of code [ ] the parent page returns a 500 error and no child pages are displayed at atll.

    What am I doing wrong?

    On a side note if I wanted to display and excerpt with its respective image how would I go about it? Thanks!

    • Astrid

      I was able to figure this out.

      I added the code snippet then added this shortcode [wpb_childpages] to the parent page where I wanted the child pages displayed. Awesome!

      Now in order to display excerpts and an image would I use the same queries– just like posts under a category.

      Thanks in advance :)

      • Jade

        Hey I was wondering what you meant by ’query’? How exactly did you get the excerpts and images to display in the parent page?


  24. Mehar

    Really useful. Thank you.

  25. Pradeep

    Could someone confirm that the example page used in this tutorial uses this feature or not? To me it looks like it they are using tabs, instead of child pages.

    If I’m right, could someone direct me to a resource to get that feature, as I’m desperately looking for a fluid solution like the one they have in that page?

    Many thanks,


  26. Andrew Roberts

    For the non-shortcode option, you might want to let users know they need to either change
    return $string; to
    echo $string; or
    in their page template echo out the function
    echo page_list_child_pages();

    Thanks to Erik for pointing this out above

    • Meredith Adams

      Thank you!

    • Gaby

      Thank you! I was wondering why the code wouldn’t work…

  27. Howard

    Hi, I can get this to work when I am visiting my domain with a subdirectory (e.g – but when viewing the site without this ( the list of sub pages is not listed. Can anyone point me as to where I am going wrong?

    Thanks in advance – very new to Wordpress.

  28. Emily Jennewein

    How do you get this function to display the parent page itself at the top of the list along with the list of child and grandchild pages? On the child pages it does not list the parent page.

  29. Michael

    how can i customized this to just display the child page of a specific page?

  30. Yester

    How do u add a active class on the current ?

  31. Jenny

    Is there now a plugin that can do same ?

    and also can we decide where the box with submenus pages will go in any are of the page not just top of page? Using a plugin

  32. WPBeginner Staff

    Yes it can be used for custom post types. Like this:

    function wpb_list_child_pages() {

    global $post;

    if ( 'movie' == get_post_type() && $post->post_parent )

    $childpages = wp_list_pages( 'post_type=movie&sort_column=menu_order&title_li=&child_of=' . $post->post_parent . '&echo=0' );
    $childpages = wp_list_pages( 'post_type=movie&sort_column=menu_order&title_li=&child_of=' . $post->ID . '&echo=0' );

    if ( $childpages ) {

    $string = '' . $childpages . '';

    return $string;


    add_shortcode('wpb_childpages', 'wpb_list_child_pages');

  33. Daniela

    This is great! Is there a way to do the same for Custom Post Types that have child posts?

    • Caroline

      Also wondering!

      If anyone knows, please help!

  34. dpc

    Is there a way to modify this in order to print custom post type child posts on a custom post type post page? Thanks, it is very handy!

  35. Sokeara

    It’s very greate for me! Anyways I would like to know how can I display title and thumbnail of child page to parent page.

    • Ashley Bell

      Hi, I have the same query. I really like how the list is styled on the Beginners Blueprint page but I have no idea how to start. Can someone recommend an article to read or give some advice, thanks.

  36. Razvan Zamfir

    Nice snippet, but how do I list only grandchild pages?
    Thank you!

  37. amitabha197

    There is an error in the pages which are not having child pages so I have slightly modified
    if( count($childpages) != 0 ) {
    $string = ” . $childpages . ”;

    instead of
    if( $childpages ){
    $string = ” . $childpages . ”;

  38. WPBeginner Staff

    In order to execute a shortcode in WordPress templates you need to add it like this:

    • Matt Rock

      I couldn’t get the template code ”wpb_list_child_pages();” to work, but echo shortcode did the trick. Cheers!

      • Erik

        Just change the ”return $string” to ”echo $string” (this will print out the pages).

        • fariha

          thanks, it worked

  39. Coen Siebenheller

    I’ve added the code to the functions.php and when i add the [wpb_childpages] shortcode in side my text it works. But when try to add to one of my templates it doesn’t show a thing. Anybody knows what i’m doing wrong?

  40. Elena Rapisardi

    Great explanation!!
    Is there a way to display always the parent pages?

  41. Quin

    This is brilliant, thanks.

    Is there a way to adapt it so the Parent displays the Grandchild, and not the Child?

  42. Dejan

    Great function , thanks !

  43. Richelly Italo

    The great idea, thanks dude.

  44. Steph

    Can you tell us how to stop the list at the first level? I’d like to show all the subpages of that parent, but not the subpages’ children. Thanks.

    • Stefan

      Just add &depth=1

      sort_column=menu_order&title_li=&child_of=’ . $post->post_parent . ’&echo=0&depth=1

  45. Martin Capodici

    Great. I love this idea of a site plugin and seeing the code you are adding (so you know it is clean and doesn’t do bad stuff) rather than relying on some plugin that could be installing anything.

    For something as simple as listing child pages I agree it should be part of a larger plugin rather than just one plugin otherwise you end up with so many plugins it is hard to keep track.

  46. Rishi Gangoly

    This is great. I had a page on my website called ”Services” and was manually linking the sub-pages, but not any more. Awesome. Thanks for this tip. Worked like a charm and did exactly what I was doing manually. :)

  47. Bojan

    This is great! Putting it in a plugin is great feature and great opportunity to extend functionality by adding:
    – child page featured image (as thumbnail)
    – child Title
    – rest of the meta (author, date, comment count)
    – styling in columns maybe
    and so on

    This way, we would have almost complete Portfolio plugin – portfolios made of Pages rather than just made of custom post types.

    Thank you..

  48. yousef mayeli

    hi there
    thanks it was very useful . but if you could show it by video it was very more tyler moor would do

  49. Nancy

    This is great! I have a lot of manually added links to child pages, and this is going to make maintaining our site MUCH easier. I’ve just been testing in my development environment, and I’d like to tweak the function a little bit, so that on a child page, when the shortcode is included, all of the children of the same parent are listed EXCEPT for the currently displayed page. I’m really still learning PHP, so while I’ll be trying to figure this one out on my own, I’d welcome any assistance in making that change to the code.

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