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Så här lägger du till en admin-användare i WordPress Database via MySQL

Har du någonsin glömt din husnyckel och känt dig fast utomhus? Att bli utelåst från din WordPress-webbplats kan kännas ungefär så. Det är superfrustrerande, särskilt om hackare har raderat ditt administratörskonto. Men oroa dig inte, du kan komma tillbaka in.

Tänk på din webbplats som ett hus med en hemlig bakdörr. Bakdörren är webbplatsens databas, och den nås vanligtvis med hjälp av MySQL-kod. Det låter kanske komplicerat, men det är som en uppsättning instruktioner som du kan använda för att göra ändringar på din webbplats bakom kulisserna.

I den här artikeln ska vi lära dig hur du använder MySQL för att skapa ett helt nytt administratörskonto för din webbplats, precis som att få en ny nyckel till ditt hus. På så sätt kan du låsa ute hackarna och ta tillbaka kontrollen.

How to Add an Admin User to the WordPress Database via MySQL

Varför ska man add to en Admin-användare till WordPress Database via MySQL?

Vi runnade en gång på en issue där en användares site hackades och deras admin account blev borttaget från databasen. Detta låste dem ute från deras website i WordPress.

Vi kunde hjälpa dem att få tillgång till sin website genom att skapa en new admin användare direkt till WordPress-webbplatsen. Vi gjorde det med hjälp av phpMyAdmin, ett webbaserat verktyg som allow you att hantera MySQL databaser med hjälp av din web browser.

Om du är utelåst från ditt admin area i WordPress på grund av hackare eller för att du helt enkelt har glömt ditt password, kan du göra samma sak.

Du bör dock alltid göra en backup av din database innan du utför några MySQL edits. När du sedan kan logga in på din website igen, kan du behöva följa vår guide för nybörjare för att fixa din hackade WordPress site.

Med detta sagt, låt oss ta en titt på hur man addar en admin-användare till WordPress database via MySQL.

Lägga till en admin-användare i WordPress Database med phpMyAdmin

phpMyAdmin kommer förinstallerat med de flesta högst upp WordPress webbhotell. You can find it in the Databases section of your hosting account’s cPanel dashboard.

Här är en skärmdump från Bluehost-kontrollpanelen:

Selecting phpMyAdmin on cPanel

Om du klickar på ikonen öppnas phpMyAdmin-gränssnittet. You need to select your WordPress database from the left column.

Därefter kommer phpMyAdmin att visa alla tabeller i din WordPress database. Du kommer att göra ändringar i tabellerna wp_users och wp_usermeta.

You Will Be Making Changes to the wp_users and wp_usermeta Tables

Lägga till en användare i wp_users-tabellen

Först måste du hitta tabellen wp_users och clicka på den. Då visas de användare som för närvarande finns i tabellen.

Notice in the screenshot below that there are two user ID:s in our demo website’s table, 1 and 2. When we create a new user for our demo site, this ID needs to be unique, so we’ll type the number 3.

Du måste clicka på tabben ”Insert” högst upp på vyn så att du kan inserta informationen för en ny användare.

Click the Insert Tab

Add to följande information till fälten i formuläret Infoga:

  • ID:n: välj ett unikt nummer (i vårt exempel använder vi 3)
  • user_login: användarnamnet som ska användas vidlogging
  • user_pass: add a password, och se till att välja MD5 i funktionsmenyn (se screenshot under)
  • user_nicename: användarens fullständiga namn eller smeknamn
  • user_email: användarens email address
  • user_url: adressen till din website
  • user_registered: select det datum och den tid då användaren registrerades med hjälp av kalendern
  • user_activation_key: lämna tomt
  • user_status: sätt detta till 0
  • display_name: användarens fullständiga namn eller displaynamn
Fill In the Fields for the New User

När du har slutfört, se till att du klickar på knappen ”Go” för att lagra den nya användaren.

Lägga till en användare i wp_usermeta-tabellen

Nu måste du hitta tabellen wp_usermeta och clicka på den. Efter det ska du klicka på tabben ”Insert” som du gjorde i föregående steg.

Följaktligen måste du add to följande information till formuläret Infoga:

  • unmeta_id: lämna detta tomt (det kommer att genereras automatiskt)
  • user_id: det ID:n för användaren som du använde i föregående steg
  • meta_key: detta bör vara wp_capabilities
  • meta_value: insert this: a:1:{s:13:"administratör";s:1:"1";}
Fill In the Fields for the New User

När du sedan rullar nedåt hittar du fält för en andra row. Du måste add to följande information:

  • unmeta_id: lämna detta tomt (det kommer att genereras automatiskt)
  • user_id: det ID:n för användaren som du använde i de föregående stegen
  • meta_key: du måste enter wp_user_level
  • meta_värde: 10
Fill In the Fields for the New User

När du har slutfört att enter informationen i fälten måste du klicka på knappen ”Go”. Grattis, du har nu skapat ett nytt användarnamn för administratörer!

Nu bör du kunna logga in på din WordPress admin area med användarnamn och password som du angav för den här användaren.

Så snart du loggar in måste du navigera till Användare ” Alla användare och sedan klicka på användarnamnet du just skapat.

Navigate to Users » All Users and Edit the New User

Nu, utan att ändra något, rullar du längst ner på sidan och klickar på knappen ”Save”.

This will allow WordPress to clean up the user you just created and add to some extra information that is needed.

Lägga till en Admin-användare i WordPress Database med hjälp av en SQL-sökning

Om du är utvecklare kan du påskynda processen med hjälp av kod.

Du behöver bara lägga in denna SQL-fråga i din database:

INSERT INTO `databasename`.`wp_users` (`ID`, `user_login`, `user_pass`, `user_nicename`, `user_email`, `user_url`, `user_registered`, `user_activation_key`, `user_status`, `display_name`) VALUES ('3', 'demo', MD5('demo'), 'Your Name', '', '', '2022-09-01 00:00:00', '', '0', 'Your Name');
INSERT INTO `databasename`.`wp_usermeta` (`umeta_id`, `user_id`, `meta_key`, `meta_value`) VALUES (NULL, '3', 'wp_capabilities', 'a:1:{s:13:"administrator";s:1:"1";}');
INSERT INTO `databasename`.`wp_usermeta` (`umeta_id`, `user_id`, `meta_key`, `meta_value`) VALUES (NULL, '3', 'wp_user_level', '10');

Se till att du ändrar ”databasename” till den database du arbetar med.

Glöm inte heller att ändra de andra värdena till dem du vill ha för den nya användaren, som vi förklarade i den första metoden.

Drop This SQL Query Into Your Database

Expertguider om vad du ska göra när du är utelåst från WordPress Admin

Nu när du vet hur man lägger till en admin användare via MySQL, kanske du gillar att se några artiklar om hur du fixar din website när du är utelåst från WordPress admin area.

Vi hoppas att denna tutorial hjälpte dig att lära dig hur du lägger till en administratörsanvändare till WordPress-databasen via MySQL. You may also want to see our ultimate WordPress security guide or our list of common WordPress errors and how to fix them.

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240 kommentarerLeave a Reply

  1. zohaib

    Thanks a lot, Yes I got my problem solved and this was due to the the role assigned to my user name. Cheers

  2. Bichir Mihail

    Thanks, really helpfull

  3. Rastislav Nichta

    Really very simple and clear guide to how to create a user through MYSQL WordPress database, thank you.

  4. Mary Janis

    This info is outdated cause HG format has all changed. Where the heck is wp_user?

  5. Susan Marshall VA

    Thank you so much for this. Just had a client that locked herself out of her site and I was able to get her back in with these instructions.

  6. Kumar Mritunjay

    I’ve used this on my websites. Works like a charm…very easy to follow!

    Thank you for this amazing time saver technique.

  7. sara asadiha

    i did everything u said, but it did not work :( what else should i do?

  8. Peter Gough

    Thanks for this. Really helped when I was locked out of WordPress :)

  9. Michael Sineni

    I have changed my admin access to editor because i was trying to change role capabilities to edit gravity forms. Suddenly i no longer see edit cornerstone or have access!! HELP!

  10. Ayesi

    Really good, everything works perfect, thanks a million!!

  11. Stella

    Thanks a lot! This saved my day. Whew!

  12. Nilo Velez

    I don’t now if it is an update to WordPress data structure, but I’ve just encounter a site in which I’ve had to enter the wp_options meta_key values as:

    [table_prefix]capabilities instead of wp_capabilities
    [table_prefix]user_level instead of wp_user_level

    I leave this here as it might be of help.

    • Takis Pan

      You sir are awesome!

      I guess it uses the database prefix but in case the site has been moved, or someone changed the prefix from ”wp_” to something else, capabilities and user_level should be changed accordingly.

    • Abraham Quilca

      Thanks, this comment helped a lot.

      I had to double-check and get the exact table_prefix value from our wp-config.php file. Ours meta_key values were correct except for capitalization. I believe some hosting companies with single-click wordpress installs will set their own table_prefixes, so be sure to check for that as well.

    • Cheryl

      this worked for me too, thank you Abraham

  13. Loren Helgeson

    I’ve used this on three different websites so far. Works like a charm!

    Thank you for this amazing time saver.

  14. Steve Day

    Thank you – saved my day :-)

  15. Kirst

    It looks like there’s been a database change in the most recent version of WP, so this post may need to be updated.

    I’s been an awesome resource, thank you!

    • Loren Helgeson

      I can’t verify this with previous versions of WordPress, but I just tested this with the latest version of WordPress, and it worked fine for me. Can anyone also confirm if this was a fluke?

  16. Abid

    I have done same sql quires to make admin user. User created and logged but showing Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page error. Please help me about this.

  17. Jade

    THANK YOU SO MUCH! I had an issue with WooCommerce Product Vendors, where I have applied as a vendor while logged in as admin. From that point on I couldn’t log in and I was receiving a message”You will be notified once your account has been approved” O_o

    Previously I had to re-install WP because of this!!! Now I found your post and it was such a help!!! Thank you so much for sharing this :) x

  18. Ben

    Didn’t work at all for me. I get a ”ERROR: Incorrect username or password.”

    Yeah yeah, I’ve check it. Password and user are correct.

    So what now? I used to have admin access but now only have a lower basic level that doesn’t show the user settings.

  19. Loren Helgeson

    This worked perfectly on the past two sites I’ve had to use it on.


    Awesome….saved me tons of hardship like for other issues. I saw that for some reason all the administrators in my site became something else…


    The guys who discussed about wp_prefixes…..perfect….

    Ah !!!

  21. Werner Ullrich

    For me it is a great helpful post. I have modified this SQL script and re-animated my door to the administrator entry of my wordpress homepage. Thanks.
    Werner Ullrich

  22. Smithg0

    Okay this YouTube video is much enhanced than last one, this one has pleasant picture feature as well as audio.

  23. Jerry L

    I wanted to change several ”Nicename” entries to other values than that user’s Login ID. From within PhpMyAdmin, I exported the ”wp_users” table.

    Then I made the necessary changes in my code editor.

    Then after saving a backup of the original users table and the entire database, I ”Import”ed just the ”wp_users” table back into the database using PhpMyAdmin.

    Worked fine for me.

  24. Brad

    Worked like a charm! Thanks!

  25. kali

    I followed this and was able to login but cannot go to the dashboard. I get this error: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.

    • Oleg

      I have the same issue.

      • Eileen

        I had the same problem but in wp_usermeta where we are told to write:
        meta_value – insert this: a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;s:1:”1″;}

        I changed the value to:

        and it worked. I found this value in the corresponding value further up in the table for the original administrator account. Check your table and see if there are any other previous administrators, and copy the same value (just in case it differs to my value).

        • Mark P

          This worked for me thank you!

  26. Ardestani

    It works , thank you , really thank you

  27. Jason Coleman

    This didn’t work for me :(

    • Daniel Payne

      For this to work with the latest WordPress 4.4.2 I had to update the meta_key names because my WordPress install was using a table prefix of wp_brnq_ instead of the typical wp_ prefix.

      • Rose

        What do you mean? This is no working for me either.

  28. Robert Drummond

    Thank you for this! It saved me from an errant plugin that over-wrote my admin record in the users table!

  29. Nadia

    I am currently fixing the website of my mom for her own company and I am a kind of wordpress-dummy. I couldn’t properly log in because she sent me the wrong password. After three failed attempts it said I should look in the data. Message: ’Username or password are not correct. Please check your data.’
    I followed these steps here and I followed all of these steps very precisely, but still, with my new username and password, I am unable to log in. My prefix was different than wp_ what this article stated, so I changed the prefix as well – but can’t come through. Now I am locked out until tomorrow.

    What happened, can someone maybe help me / explain me what I did wrong and how can I fix this. I really promised my mom to build her website, and it needs to be updated really soon! :(

  30. Joe Harkins

    you were doing a great job of step by step until you got to

    ”meta_key – this should be wp_capabilities”

    What does ”should be” mean in this context? Does it mean that it should already say that that in that field, perhaps generated from something prior? If is not there what is required?

    There’s a drop down field to the right of meta_key. That file name ”wp_capabilities” does not exist as a selection. There’s a blank field to the right of that. Do I paste wp_capabilities into it? Is there a value of that name somewhere that I should be putting in that field?

    And I see more trouble ahead. You say ”insert another row.”

    I take the word insert as a verb. Where and how do I do that? I am already on the Insert page. There is nothing on it says ”Insert new row.”

    Looking further down – all the way at thre bottom – skipping over the next section (which I an told to do) I see a field that says ”Insert as a new row.”

    But ”insert a new row” and being told to go to a field that contains the phrase ”Inert as a new row” are not all the same thing.

    and there is a checked box that says ”ignore” right above it. What’s the point of going further if that box is still checked ignore – and is ”insert a new row” the same as ”insert a new row?”

    And I see the same ”should be” confusion ahead again in the next set of instructions.

    But I’m stuck back the first ”should” because I am literal minded. Please clarify?

    • Jeff

      Hi Joe,

      “meta_key – this should be wp_capabilities” means that the meta_key value (the textbox in phpmyadmin) should be wp_capabilities

      When he refers to inserting a new row, you can do so by clicking insert from the navigation at the top of phpmyadmin this tutorial assumes you have already done the first insert and are on the browse tab.

  31. Rich

    I had a multiple site setup. After doing this I can access both sites, however I have no Network Admin capability and not Plugin management… Under ”My Sites” I see my two sites, but no ”Network” option. On the vertical menu area for my site I seem to have everything other than ”Plugins.”

    Seems I do not have Administration over my WP Network for multiple sites?

  32. sapere aude

    that was awesome! :) thanks.

  33. Bouasone

    Many thank it very helpful

  34. Russ

    Thanks for the great tutorial! I was able to successfully log in.

  35. Arpan Das

    Thanks a lot. Working fine…

  36. Rodolfo

    This saved my life today – thank you!

  37. Phil

    This worked for me with the following modification: the wp_capabilities value had to be taken from another admin users row because it had additional permissions or whatever those are. copy the values in that case from an existing user if necessary

  38. Reid Walley

    If you’ve gone through all of the steps and you’re STILL getting the ”You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page” error message when trying to log in…

    I had to replace the first example meta_key (wp_capabilities) with my own prefix: change wp_capabilities to whateveryourprefixis_capabilities

    Same with the second meta_key example (wp_user_level). I changed it to my specific prefix: change wp_user_level to whateveryourprefixis_user_level

    • Yoana

      Thanks, that fixed it :-)

  39. Terry Hale

    Such a helpful article. Perfectly done, easy to understand. Thanks for the time you spent putting it together. :)

  40. Andre

    This has been very helpful for me on several occasions. Thank you for putting this together!!!

  41. 2046

    for those who still got the You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.
    you might want to check that the wp_capabilities adn stuff follows your db prefix name..
    like if your normally wp_usersmeta has blab787_usersmeta the wp_capabilities will be blab787_capabilities etc.

    • Lydia B

      Thank you, your solution to the ”you do not have sufficient permissions” error message worked perfectly for me.

    • Terry Hale

      Thanks for posting! I ran into that problem, and you solved it. :)

    • Cristian Deraco

      Thank you !!! it worked for me yeah!

  42. Rony

    I can not see the table with user infomations, have any idea?

  43. Denny

    Fantastic walk-through. This is spot on with multiple versions of phpmyadmin so ignore the differences in the screenshots. Thanks for the write-up!


    • Denny

      WordPress 3.6.1. I will test this with 4 and confirm as well.

  44. Ludwik C. Siadlak

    Same here, in September 2015 I get ”You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.” error after using the SQL code provided. Which is strange, since this article is only 6 months old!

  45. Harm

    I followed your instructions to the letter but something went wrong (don’t know what) and now I don’t have access to my website. I get the message: database error.
    Can I undo the changes I made? Please help.

  46. Kiel

    all I had to do was revert the meta data back to admin and it worked great. Thanks for the article.

  47. Matthew Galvin

    Pretty much useless in > version 3. Nice start tho.

  48. Chris Hewlett

    Hello, I dug a little deeper into the problem and found that existing entries in the ”usermeta” table had a prefix that was unique to my site. My wordpress tables all begin with ar_, and once I edited those 2 rows to reflect that, my login was complete, with all priveleges.



  49. Chris Hewlett

    Hello, and thank you for the above write-up on this subject. I have been locked out of my local site (XAMPP) and other articles I have read deal with changing the existing admin user password using phpMyAdmin. I did not have success with those methods.

    I followed your instructions above and the login screen did accept the credentials.

    Unfortunately I was redirected to domain//wp-admin/profile.php and the phrase ”You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page”.

    From the front end of the site, I can see I am logged in but when I click on Dashboard, the same phrase appears.

    Do you have any suggestions that would allow me access?

    Thanks in advance,


  50. Abishai

    Hi, tried the fix by following it to the ”T” yet when I try logging in: url/wp-admin takes me to a url/25/ page as before. Wonder what I did wrong. Please advice. Thanks in advance.

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