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Så här begränsar du åtkomst till WordPress site via IP eller inloggade användare

You are about to launch a new product, and you have developed a great website for it using the world’s favorite web publishing platform, WordPress. Du vill testa den live på en egen domän och ett eget webbhotell, men du är ännu ej redo att göra den offentlig. Tidigare i en annan artikel har vi berättat om hur du kan skydda WordPress med password utan att registrera användare. Vad sägs om att begränsa åtkomsten till en site för besökare som är inloggade eller tillåtna via IP-adresser? I den här artikeln visar vi dig hur du begränsar åtkomsten till WordPress site via IP eller inloggade användare.

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Det första du behöver göra är att installera och aktivera tillägget Restricted Site Access. När du har aktiverat pluginet går du till Settings ” Läsa. Rulla ner längst ner så ser du alternativ för att konfigurera begränsad åtkomst.

Restricting access to a site for logged in users or specific IP address

Med hjälp av pluginet Restricted Site Access kan du begränsa åtkomsten till en WordPress-webbplats för endast inloggade användare eller för personer med specifika IP-adresser. Du kan också välja att omdirigera användare utan åtkomst till webbplatsen genom att skicka dem till login page, omdirigera till en annan webbadress, visa dem ett custom message, eller till och med omdirigera dem till en specifik sida (coming soon page) som du har skapat på samma site. Funktionen Begränsning via IP är mycket användbar om du vill att flera anställda på kontoret ska ha tillgång till utvecklingsprojektet utan att de är obligatoriska att registrera sig som användare.

Detta tillägg kan vara mycket användbart för att betatesta din site före en produktlansering. Det är också bra för att skapa privata bloggar endast för vänner och familj. Vi hoppas att den här artikeln hjälper dig att run dina projekt diskret. Har du andra sätt som du har använt för att begränsa åtkomst till WordPress webbplatser? Dela det med oss i kommentarerna under.

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24 kommentarerLeave a Reply

  1. Jeff

    Can you restrict by IP by role? We want to limit by IP user logins that have full admin rights. Subscribers, Authors, and Editors will not be limited by IP address.

    • WPBeginner Support

      We do not have a specific recommendation for role-specific limitations at the moment but we will be sure to share if we find a method we would recommend.


  2. Prince Lee

    I was wondering if there was a way to restrict my signup page to only visitors from a given location

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would normally need a security plugin to achieve something like that.


  3. Terry

    I think this plugin is great for my wholesale accounts. but the end user (retail) for me is a customer that has to approve designs. I do not understand how to make the private page with password open for them while keeping the wholesale side ip protected. Is there a plugin that allows access by page while restricting by ip address. The password feature for the wholesale side is too vulnerable to being shared.

  4. chris

    According to the FAQ’s here is a way to make exceptions for specific pages:


    function impressum_override( $is_restricted, $wp ) {
    // check query variables to see if this is the feed
    if ( ! empty( $wp->query_vars[’pagename’] != ’name-of-page’ ) ) {
    $is_restricted = false;
    return $is_restricted;

  5. Eran

    The only problem is that this plugin restricts the access to lost password page as well.. this is a problem..

    • Jim Gore

      I also liked this simple and effective plugin, until I discovered that the lost password page couldn’t be reached. I also tried another nice plugin (restrict site access), also simple to set up & effective, but it suffered the same problem. The author of that plugin suggested that the problem could be resolved by hooking code in to handle that page.

  6. JR

    Thanks a lot !!! This plugin rocks…I was exactly looking for this ..God Bless You

  7. Shoeb

    How to handle the scenario with the Dynamic IP addresses. If we unrestrict certain IP addresses then every time the IP address will get change. Then what to do in this situation ?

  8. Mariska Van de Langenberg

    If you would have a subscription sign up for a product as well as a registration as affiliate on your site….would there be an option to avoid people to sign up as affiliate first and then subscribe to the product in order to get commissioned on them? Like a check on IP amongst the affiliate IP’s?

  9. kate

    I have a problem when my members sign up they are taken to payment page but if they click off this page they can log in without paying. How do i restrict their access until they have paid the fee

    in a nutshell How can i restrict access to my members until they pay

  10. Mona

    Can you please clarify the following:

    By restricting site access to those who are ”logged in” – does that mean users have to set up a WordPress account? I’m trying to make it as easy as possible for the non-savvy computer user for accessing a family website.

    Also, do restricted access plugins only work on self hosted sites? What about free sites like


    • Editorial Staff

      Most techniques mentioned on this site including this one are for self-hosted WordPress and will not work on free


  11. Ruchi

    Is there a way to restrict users to only a certain section on the site, where they can access product data etc. based on an email login? I’m an amateur webmaster and have been struggling with this.

    • Editorial Staff

      Yes. You would have to use one of the many membership plugins such as S2 members or Easy Digital Downloads etc.


      • Ruchi

        Thanks. I ended up using word press access control since it allowed more customization, been workin like a charm..
        Used a lot of tips from your website though. You guys are doing a great job! Thanks much!

  12. Simon

    So basically install a plugin… what a very informative article.

    If anyone else is interested you can add code in your functions file to prevent anyone who is not logged in from viewing your site:

    function password_protected() {
    if ( !is_user_logged_in() ) {
    add_action(’template_redirect’, ’password_protected’);
    add_action(’do_feed’, ’password_protected’);

    • Editorial Staff

      Thank you for sharing an alternative code solution, but why reinvent the wheel? There is absolutely nothing wrong with installing a plugin to do a simple task. That’s what plugins are made for. Also the author of that plugin is fairly well-reputed in the community. When we need to restrict site access by IP or logged in users, we use this plugin.


    • Barry

      Hi simon,

      Your code seems so simple yet it doesn’t work for me. I even check by putting a simple echo before the if statement to check if the function is being called at all and it doesn’t.

      So which add_action should i use?

    • Malc

      Simon, this plugin allows access to a whitelist of IP addresses. Not a common request – but very useful from time to time. Do you have code that could handle that function?

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