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Så här tar du bort alla externa länkar i WordPress

Vill du nofollowa externa länkar på din site i WordPress? Du kan enkelt add nofollow tag till enskilda länkar, men tänk om du vill nofollowa alla externa länkar? I den här artikeln visar vi dig hur du kan nofollowa alla externa länkar i WordPress.

Varför och när du behöver nofollowa alla externa länkar

Automatically nofollow WordPress links

Search engines betraktar links som en ranking-signal för den länkade URL:en och domänen. När du länkar till en extern webbplats överför du din länkjuice till den webbplatsen.

Link juice är typ av ditt poängkort för sökmotorsoptimering. Om du länkar till fler webbplatser än de webbplatser som länkar tillbaka till dig, kommer du att börja förlora behörighet.

Det är därför många sökmotorsoptimeringsexperter rekommenderar att man använder nofollow-attribut.

Exempel på en link med nofollow-attribut:

<a href="" rel="nofollow">Exempel på website</a>

Som standard tillåter WordPress inte att du automatiskt lägger till nofollow till externa länkar. You will have to manually add this to outgoing links to external sites.

Ett enklare sätt är att använda pluginet Rubrik och NoFollow för Links. Det add to ett rubrikfält och en nofollow checkboxes i insert link popup. Du kan göra länkar nofollow när du addar dem.

Title and NoFollow Fields in the Insert Link popup

Men om du run en multi-author site, då ökar chansen att dina författare kan glömma att kontrollera boxen för vissa externa länkar. I det här fallet behöver du en lösning som ej kräver någon input från användaren.

Med detta sagt, låt oss se hur du kan add nofollow till alla externa links i WordPress utan att det är obligatoriskt för användaren.

Lägga till NoFollow till alla externa länkar i WordPress

Det första du behöver göra är att installera och aktivera pluginet External Links. Efter aktivering måste du besöka Settings ” External Links page för att konfigurera plugin-inställningarna.

External links settings

Det första alternativet i plugin-inställningarna tillämpar nofollow globalt. Du kan låta det vara avmarkerat om bara du har tillgång till dina theme-filer.

Rulla ner lite och aktivera ”Add Nofollow” genom att klicka på checkboxen bredvid. Detta alternativ kommer att add nofollow till alla externa links i WordPress posts och pages.

Det finns ett antal alternativ på Settings page som du kan aktivera.

You can add nofollow to links in WordPress text widgets. Du kan också allow the plugin to treat subdomains as local sites and exclude them from nofollow rules.

External Links plugin tillåter dig också att öppna externa länkar i new window och du kan även visa en icon bredvid externa länkar.

Advanced options for external links in WordPress

Om du har några andra webbplatser som du vill utesluta från nofollow-reglerna kan du add to dem under ”Domains to exclude” section.

Lägg ej till http eller www och använd kommatecken för att separera domäner. Click on the save changes button to store your settings.

Viktigt: Obs/observera att pluginet lägger till dessa attribut i farten. Om du deactivate plugin kommer att ta bort nofollow från alla länkar.

Det var allt, vi hoppas att den här artikeln hjälpte dig att NoFollow alla externa länkar i WordPress. Du kanske också vill se vår guide om hur du döljer affiliate-länkar på din WordPress-webbplats.

Om du gillade den här artikeln, vänligen prenumerera på vår YouTube-kanal för WordPress video tutorials. Du kan också hitta oss på Twitter och Facebook.

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Reader Interactions

28 kommentarerLeave a Reply

  1. Jiří Vaněk

    What concerns ’nofollow,’ is it good to always use it, or make an exception for pages with very high authorit

    • WPBeginner Support

      You could skip nofollow for high value sites for your articles but it is a question of testing and personal preference for which sites you don’t include nofollow for.


  2. Christen Costa

    Note: This plugin broke a number of our category pages as of June 2019. I’d be very careful. And by break, I mean the category pages were appearing blank.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you for letting us know, we’ll certainly take a look at the plugin and update the article once we find an alternative should it not be working.


  3. Paul

    Hi there,

    Thanks for the help. I installed the External Links plugin. Quick question though. A lot of the links on my website are in the form of buttons, would the External Links plugin you suggested also work on these and make them nofollow? I assume it would as from my understanding it makes all outbound links no follow correct?


  4. Natasha

    I thought you only had to make links no follow that would be earning a profit? Like affiliate links?

    So, your saying ALL external links need to be no follow?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yes, unless those external links are to websites that you own and want them to benefit from a dofollow link.


  5. Sagar Patil

    Thank you very much, i used External links plugin.

  6. Amit Singh


    Good Article. I have an issue regarding my wp site. inbound Link on posts or pages (only for posts / page. In sidebars, footer it works fine.) not working on small devices like mobile but working fine in computer. How to fix this issue. I am using WP External Link plugin but no result. I also used open external link wp plugin as i read in your site but not worked. Please help me to fix this issue.


  7. Dheeraj Tiwari

    Thank you very much. It really helps me out!

  8. Sandeep

    I recently loss my ranking in google. I have a job alert website, i do everything correct but i use all externel links without no follow and next website has approx 1000 externel links. Any idea to get back ranking in google? Please reply wpbeginner you are only hope for me…

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Sandeep,

      Please follow the instructions described in the article. With the help of ’External Links’ plugin you will be able to add nofollow to all external links.


  9. sean

    I am using a plugin to no follow all external links. But sometimes I need to make a link do follow and for that I use rel= ”do follow”. When I check, It showed both no follow and do follow.
    What Should I do?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You should see the documentation of the plugin you are using to nofollow all links. Plugin author may have described how to make some links do follow. If they haven’t, then you should ask them how to do that.


  10. Usman

    Thanks for help us by providing step to step guide.

  11. Sheryl

    I recently received a disturbing e-mail from Google saying:

    Google has detected a pattern of links from your site to other sites that is either unnatural or irrelevant. This pattern attempts to artificially boost other sites’ ranking in Google Search results. Such unnatural ranking would cause search results to show preference for results not relevant to the user’s actual query. It also violates Google Webmaster Guidelines. Therefore, we are discounting the trust in links on your site.

    I use Affiliate links in almost every post and I now have over 450 posts — If I have to manually code each link it will take forever to do…. Can I somehow get an explanation from Google on exactly what caused this action?



  12. Rodrigo

    Any further feedback on the pros & cons of non-folliwing al-links? I haven’t made my mind yet. I just installed this plugin, but now, reading the comments, I wonder whether it was the right thing to do.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Not all links. You should only apply no follow to external links. External links are those that take users away from your website to another website.


      • Rodrigo

        Thank you!

      • Arize

        Well, Thanks you should have said that earlier ;)

  13. Ted

    I wish you had given us a real solution to do this. Adding, yet again, another plugin to fix the problem is not the right way to go.

  14. Peter griffiths

    I think it’s important to note that in almost all circumstances it’s not a good idea to no follow ALL external links as that completely defeats the purpose – it’s clear that Google thinks this too
    A while ago I thought about using a plugin to do this but a website looks much more natural if you don’t do this. If you think about it it says to Google that all external links on the site are paid links, and if all links can be bought, how useful would they be for the visitor and a different site that doesn’t nofollow everything should be ranked higher as a result – correct me if I’m wrong though.

  15. Gaurav Khurana

    Good to know such kind of plugins exists which can help in such a nice way

  16. Mickey

    The idea of using nofollow to preserve link juice died in 2009. At this point, it costs you the link juice whether you nofollow it or not. Here’s some details from WooRank:

    If you trust the link, let it be followed. Give them their credit back, because it’s the same to you either way. If you don’t trust the link, why do you have it on your blog at all?

    Nofollow ads, of course, or anything user-generated (comments, etc), but anything else in your blog should be left open and followed.

    • Gaurang Thakor

      Totally agree with you, sir!

  17. Mark Corder

    In SEO / NoFollow discussions, I’ve heard that having links to external sites that supplement your content is good, and that they should be allowed to ”follow”. My photoblog has many external links, and most lead to official information associated with the photo I’m presenting – like State Park / Forest Service websites and Wikipedia articles.

    Should I be marking these as NoFollow?

  18. muncy

    Opening links in a new window is not a good accessible practice.

    • Diamsy

      Why do you say that it is not a good accessible practice?

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