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Hur man deaktiverar alla tillägg när man ej kan komma åt WP-Admin

Har du någonsin haft problem med din WordPress webbplats, men inte kunnat komma åt obszar administracyjny för att felsöka? Det här är en frustrerande upplevelse som många WordPress användare har klurat på.

Ett vanligt steg i felsökningen är att inaktivera alla tillägg och sedan återaktivera dem ett efter ett. Detta hjälper till att identifiera om en konflikt mellan tillägg orsakar problemet. Men vad gör du när du inte ens kan logga in på wp-admin för att utföra detta viktiga steg?

Oroa dig inte, det finns en lösning. I den här przewodniken visar vi dig hur du inaktiverar alla tillägg till WordPress när du är utelåst från obszar administracyjny.

Deactivating all WordPress plugins without accessing admin area

Det finns två vanliga metoder för att deactivate tillägg utan att gå in i admin area på din WordPress website. Du kan välja den metod som ser enklast ut:

Metod 1: Deactivate alla tillägg till WordPress med FTP

För den här metoden måste du antingen använda en FTP-klient eller filhanteringsappen i din panel för kontroll av webbhotell WordPress.

Om du inte har använt FTP tidigare kan du läsa vår guide om hur du använder FTP för att uploada filer till WordPress.

Först måste du ansluta till din website med hjälp av en FTP-klient eller filhanteraren i cPanel. När du är ansluten måste du navigera till mappen /wp-content/.

I mappen wp-content ser du en folder som heter plugins. Det är här WordPress lagrar alla tillägg som installerats på din website.

Rename plugins folder

You need to right-click the plugins folder and select ‘Rename’.

Ändra sedan namnet på foldern till något som du gillar. I vårt exempel kommer vi att anropa den tillägg .deactivated.

Plugins deactivated via FTP

När du har gjort detta kommer alla dina tillägg att deaktiveras.

Det beror på att WordPress letar efter en folder som heter “plugins” för att hämta plugin-filerna. När den inte hittar denna folder inaktiveras automatiskt de aktiva tilläggen i databasen.

Vanligtvis används den här metoden när you är utelåst från admin area. Om issue var med dina plugins, då bör du kunna logga in på din WordPress admin area.

Om du besöker sidan Plugins ” Installed Plug ins i WordPress admin area, kommer du att se notifications för alla tillägg som har deaktiverats.

WordPress plugins deactivated

You will also notice that all your plugins have disappeared now. Oroa dig inte; de är all säkra och du kan enkelt återställa dem.

Byt bara tillbaka till din FTP-klient och gå till mappen /wp-content/. Härifrån måste du byta namn på plugins.deactivate folder tillbaka till plugins.

Nu kan du gå tillbaka till Plugins ” Installed Plug ins page inside the WordPress admin area and activate one plugin at a time until your site breaks again.

Kl. 12.00 vet du exakt vilket plugin som orsakade issue. You can then delete that plugin’s folder from your site using FTP or ask the plugin author for support.

Metod 2: Deactivate alla tillägg med hjälp av phpMyAdmin

FTP-metoden är definitivt enklare, enligt vår mening. Men du kan också deactivate alla WordPress tillägg med hjälp av phpMyAdmin.

Import: Innan du gör något, vänligen gör en komplett backup av databasen. Detta kommer att vara till stor nytta om något går fel.

Därefter måste du logga in på din dashboard på webbhotellet. I det här exemplet visar vi dig en dashboard för cPanel. Dashboarden för ditt webbhotell account kan se annorlunda ut.

You will need to click the ‘phpMyAdmin’ icon under the Databases section.

Selecting phpMyAdmin on cPanel

Detta kommer att starta phpMyAdmin i ett nytt fönster i webbläsaren.

You will need to select your WordPress database om den ej redan är vald. Efter det kommer du att kunna se WordPress Database Tables.

Click at wp-options

Som du kan se har alla tabeller i databasen prefixet wp_ före tabellnamnet. Your tables may have a different database prefix.

Du måste clicka på wp_options-tabellen. I tabellen wp_options kommer du att se row med olika alternativ. Hitta alternativet “active_plugins” och klicka sedan på länken “Edit” bredvid det.

Click the Activate_Plugins option

På nästa vy måste du ändra fältet option_value till a:0:{}.

Klicka sedan på knappen “Go” för att save your changes.

Reset active plugins

Du har utan problem deaktiverat alla tillägg till WordPress med hjälp av phpMyAdmin. Om ett plugin hindrade dig från att komma åt WordPress-admin, bör du kunna logga in nu.

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Vi hoppas att den här artikeln hjälpte dig att inaktivera alla tillägg i WordPress. Du kanske också vill se några andra przewodniker om felsökning av tillägg i WordPress:

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Reader Interactions

337 kommentarerLämna ett svar

  1. ARoibal

    I am really thankful that you posted this article. I had no idea how to fix the problem and in my case it was a plugin. Thank you!!!!

  2. Robb Dearth

    I usually don’t comment on posts like this, and I know this post is insanely old (by today’s standards) but I just wanted to thank you for this quick fix. I was able to access the /plugins folder via Media Temple’s file manager, change the folder name, and target the problem plugin… THANK YOU!!!

  3. Cindy

    I could not get into my blog at all to edit anything. I followed your directions on deleting a plug-in. That fixed it. Thank you for the info and for explaining it in a way that is easy to understand!!

  4. Jairo Levi

    Super! I was able to fix my site by renaming the Plug ins folder, then re activating the plug ins one by one.

    Just wanted to say thank you!


  5. Dennis

    Hello thanks so much for the article,
    i was developing my wordpress offline using wampserver localhost.
    When i finished it worked just fine on my localhost but after uploading it i started having the issue, only the index page could load and every other page still have the offline url ( that is localhost/mysite/thepost) when i manually change the localhost url to the normal url it ought to be, i gets a 500 Internal Server Error.

    I’ve tried all method mentioned here but my problem persist.
    Please I really Need help.

    Thanks so much.

  6. Franck

    Great article! saved me a headache. Had to go through the whole process but was worth it. Now my site is back and everything up to date. Great job guys!

  7. Paolo Euvrard

    Great info, it worked!!!

  8. maros

    debian@otherland:*/wp-content/plugins$ sudo chown root:root menu-icons/
    debian@otherland:*/wp-content/plugins$ sudo chmod -R 700 ./menu-icons/

    then I reloaded “tab with server error 500” and it said to me something like plugin deactivated …files not found.

    • Brian H

      Try clearing your cookies and cache, then see if you can get into the admin panel/dashboard

  9. Lesley Parolis

    Thanks very much. It was really helpful. Deactivating the plugins solved the problem. There was one plugin which was causing the white out.

  10. Richard

    Hi. I’ve renamed the plugin folder to plugin.deactivate but still have the white screen. I was so hoping I could fix my problem as quickly and easily as other have but not as yet. Any other suggestions? Many thanks.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Switch to a default theme. You can also try deleting your .htaccess file.


  11. Dwayne

    Nice article. If you know which plugin is causing the problem, can you disable just that plugin from the DB?

    • Sue Cloutier

      Yes…in the your file manager. Just did it successfully-no white death screen

  12. brian h

    You can actually do this with the theme directory as well. This is what I had to do as I had both issues, plugins behaving poorly AND a theme issue that locked me out.

    Renamed themes to themes.deactivate and it let me back in to theme management which was keeping me from going any further than dashboard PERIOD.

    Once in there it told me what theme caused the issue in detail but I still had to recreate a new directory called “themes” and copy the good themes over to it before it would let me activate a new theme!

    Hope this sheds some light on possible additional errors :)


  13. Al Betancourt

    Thank You! for the instructions I was able to deactivate the plug-in causing the problem

  14. Alexsandro

    Thank you very much! It works!

  15. Teejax


    Thanks for the good job.

    I run WordPress on a self-hosted IIS via virtual machine.

    Unfortunately I could not rename my plugins folder, I kept getting “folder in use”

    What do I do?

    Thanks in advance.

    • John Wiley

      Turn off the World Wide Web Publishing Service while you rename the folder. IIS is reading and locking that folder open.

      • Haywhy blaze


  16. Fareena

    Hi pls help! I have a blog on the free as such there is no independenthost but wordpress itself. I m unable to log on to the backend dur to 2 step authentication plugin on wordpress.
    Im trying to connect to my WP page via ftp can ypu pls confirm whether the username and password for ftp access is the same as my wordpress username password ? . At this stage I’m unable to acesss the backend and keep getting a could not connect to server error.

    I am trying to disable the 2 step authentication plugin for my site. As I no longer have the mobile sim it’s sending the verification code to. Pls help out as I’m pretty frustrated. Cheers

  17. jean jacques amani

    please help me!
    there is 4 days i can access my wp pannel even by FTP using filezila.
    day before i open my wp pannel and saw one plugin need an update. i’ve did the automatical updade and since my website don’t pass.
    i can’t access the directory to deactive the plugin.
    i’ve followed the step you said using phpMyAdmin but can’t find “active plugin” in wp-option
    please help me

    • WPBeginner Support

      Contact your web host to find out why you can’t access FTP. You can also access your files and folders using the file manager in cPanel (Your web hosting account dashboard).


      • jean jacques amani

        first i have to thank you for your assistance.
        I’m using a free mode in my web host and this don’t allows me to interract with them.
        when i try to open my website in the browswer i get this message:

        Warning: require_once(assets/ilenframework/assets/lib/utils.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u673270787/public_html/wp-content/plugins/yuzo-related-post/yuzo_related_post.php on line 24 Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘assets/ilenframework/assets/lib/utils.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php’) in /home/u673270787/public_html/wp-content/plugins/yuzo-related-post/yuzo_related_post.php on line 24

  18. Pesa

    Great Article. Saved a lot of time troubleshooting and fixing my site. Keep up the good job.

  19. Lohith

    Thanks a lot.. Your article did the miracle to my WordPress site which suddenly went blank :)

  20. Carla

    I know my white screen came from a bad plugin and everything went sideways when I tried to uninstall it from wp-admin. Now I’m getting the white screen and the plugin is not showing up in my cPanel….what now?

  21. Squalle

    Huge help for me this morning! I hadn’t been on my admin panel in a few days. I open it up and selected all the plugin updates and updated them all at once… big mistake. Got the WSOD and started freaking out. lol

    Then I found this article which helped immensely! Worked like a charm. I found the bad plugin and deleted it.

    Thanks for the great article!

    • Muhammad Awais Sarwar

      I have a same problem. I can open dashboard of wordpress and also home page. But when I open any other page it says This webpage has a redirect loop

      I remmber I only delete 2 plugins. I didn’t any update. But it remains. Kindly guide me.

      • WPBeginner Support

        If you have tried deactivating all your WordPress plugins, then try this.

        Connect to your website using an FTP client. In the root directory you will find a .htaccess file. Download it to your computer. Delete the original file from your website. Visit your site’s admin area and go to Settings » Permalinks. Do not change any settings on the page, just click on the save changes button. Check your website to see if the error has resolved.


        • Muhammad Awais Sarwar

          Thank you for you kind reply.
          I solved the problem last night after post here.

          This is the solution and how to fix it:
          In our wp-config.php, we overwrite the given server-variables that cause the problem by adding this below your database-configuration in wp-config:

          if(isset($_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR’])) {
          $list = explode(‘,’,$_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR’]);
          $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’] = $list[0];

          I saw this link.
          You all can visit it. Thank God, I was trying for three days. Thank you all of you.

  22. Martin Fuller

    Hi, I ran into this problem today. I knew the name of the plugin causing the problem and engaged a consultant.

    He had access to my cPanel. Somhow he was able to deactivate the problem plugin but would not tell me how he did it.

    Do you have any idea how he might have done it?

  23. Elaine

    Thank you. I installed a bad plug-in updated and got the white screen of death. Your clear explanation helped me restore the correct plug-ins and regain access to my site.

  24. Rhyauna

    I followed all of the steps and was able to deactivate my plugins, but when I tried to activate them again, it gave me a white screen. Not sure whats going on. Please help

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can rename the plugin folder to deactivate all plugins again. Create a new plugins folder under /wp-content/ and then download and install fresh copies of all your plugins.


  25. Daniel

    Thanks a bunch, this worked directly. Was afraid it would not work.

  26. MagK

    When I got the “white screen of death”, I did not even panic for a minute and instead went straight to your site, I knew I would find a solution here.
    Thank you very much for all the advice and resources you make available.

  27. Bhushan S. Jawle

    Thanks a LOT ! Saved hours of work !

  28. cherian

    Thank you
    I renamed Lock down WP Admin folder and Its working fine now
    Thank You

  29. yaser

    thank you so mach!
    i was sad and you made me happy.
    my site is now UP!

  30. Tami

    Thank you! Super helpful!

  31. mike rigley

    Thanks – killing the plugins folder via FTP worked great for me :) Now I can update them and reactivate if needed :)


  32. Nick Karvounis

    OMG! You saved my day, I had installed a security plugin that only allowed me to login from a specific IP address and I could not log in through FTF, thank you for the php access instructions!

  33. Saurabh Gupta

    Brilliant writeup, simple and easy. Our environmental blog Earth5R had this critical problem where authors and admin could not log it, applied this solution and it worked like magic. There was one of the few unnecessary plugins that was causing the problem. That also bring a lesson, keep only the most necessary plugin! Thanks a lot, that was such a time save.

  34. Femke

    Help! I am in the FTP file, but I really don’t know how to change te name of the folder..

    • WPBeginner Support

      In your FTP client, click to select the plugins folder and then right click and select Rename from the menu.


  35. Yann

    Thank you guys for the FTP tip. I am a beginner and you just saved me many stressful hours.

  36. hyma

    Wow Tq Manuel, Saved my time, helps me a lot.

  37. Manuel

    Thank you very much for this useful post!

  38. Jonathan

    Thanks! I could get to my wordpress site, but not into the admin area. I got a fatal error because of a cache plugin. I did this to get it to the admin, deleted and reinstalled the plugin, and it’s working fine.

  39. Paul

    Thanks – saved hours of rework!

  40. Yarina

    None of this worked for me… but then I switched to Internet Explorer and now I can access my wp dashboard. The site has always been live. Any ideas of what could be causing the issue in Chrome?

  41. Chris

    Thank you. Problem was a bad plugin upgrade. Using FTP and changing plugin directory name, instantly gave back my ability to get to the wp-login page, then change the plugin directory back again via FTP allowed me to re-activate plugins in turn, thereby identifying the dodgy plugin easily. This was incredibly helpful and resolved my problem. Thanks you.

    • lynn Page

      if you know how to fix this i need help

  42. Ron Blake

    Great article. Thank you! Bad plug-in and using the plugin.deactivate rename was a lot easier than trying to do it through the admin panel.

  43. John Detlefs

    You. Rock. This article just made me a couple of grand and saved me from having to redo a week’s worth of work. Thankyou very much!

    Specifically, changing debug to “True” made life a whole lot easier. :)

  44. Javier Mayen

    wp-super-cache plugin put my screen in white and death. thank you this article give me the solution

  45. Ashley

    Someone can help me please i did this through my FTP but i still have the “reauth=1 ” after that i deactivate my plugins folder. Thank You

  46. Shawn

    If you’re running WP-CLI, you can also do this by running:

    wp plugin deactivate –all

  47. Crystal Foth

    Thanks – just saved me. Should have deactivated plugins before theme switch!

  48. flafin

    Great post, thank you!
    I got an Internal Server Error while trying to add tracking code to my functions.php file through the editor on WP. After getting the error I removed the code from the file, which should have fixed it, but I still had the error. I opened the file manager in my hosting account and navigated to the functions.php file. When I opened it the code that caused the error was still in the file. Once I removed the code the error went away. Hope this helps.

  49. anticrap

    amazing. i’m a complete novice at all of this and you made it so easy to sort out this problem. thank you so much

  50. Chris

    i tried both and it worked for me, the problem now is i can’t activate my plugins..

    • Nate

      Did you figure out how to reactivate them? I’m having the same issue. Let me know. Thanks.

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