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Så här bygger du din gratis email list med WordPress

Som bloggare har du förmodligen hört talas om email marketing. Nästan alla högst upp bloggare har sin egen email list av följare till vilka de engagerar sig med uteslutande via email. Att ha en email list tillåter dig att direkt engagera dig med dina användare och främja dina produkter när du har en. Det är fortfarande ett av de snabbaste sätten att få lojala följare och exponering för dina nya satsningar. Det enda problemet som de flesta bloggare har är de pengar som är inblandade i att bygga din lista. I den här artikeln kommer vi att visa dig hur du kan bygga en enorm email list gratis genom att använda WordPress.

Problem som bloggare står inför

Att samla in email är dyrt. AWeber tar $19/månad för att ha ett nyhetsbrev. Mailchimp låter dig bara ha 500 gratis prenumeranter och efter det måste du börja betala. Prisstrukturen för dessa populära e-posttjänster hindrar många bloggare från att starta sin egen email list. De flesta bloggare gör misstaget att vänta tills de har en produkt för att börja bygga sin lista. Vi får regelbundet frågan när är den bästa tiden att börja bygga en lista? Svaret är RÄTT NU. Börja bygga en email list även om du inte har en egen produkt. För om 6 månader eller ett år när du slutar skapa din egen e-bok eller något annat, kommer du att ha en publik att främja den till.


Använd pluginet som heter WP Email Capture av @rhyswynne. Detta plugin skapar ett tvåfältsformulär för att genomföra emails (From Name & Email). Email är dubbel opt in, och allow you att vidarebefordra opt in till tjänster som e-böcker eller programvara. När du är redo att börja din e-postmarknadsföringskampanj exporterar du helt enkelt listan till din valda programvara eller tjänst för e-postmarknadsföring. När du är redo rekommenderar vi att du antingen använder AWeber eller Mailchimp eftersom dessa två helt enkelt är de bästa. Glöm inte heller att prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev.


  • Redo för widgetar.
  • Använder WordPress interna wp_mail-funktion för sending av mail.
  • Lätt att integrera med posts och pages.
  • Widget för dashboard.
  • Exportera data till CSV-filer, kompatibla med de flesta större e-postmarknadsföringsprogram (inklusive AWeber, Mailchimp, Groupmail, Constant Contact)
  • Dubbel tacka ja, så kompatibel med CAN-SPAM-lagen.
  • Och helt gratis!

Download WP Email Capture

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
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  2. Pamm says

    This is what I want to do…I want to build an email list of people that are interested in a specific topic so that I can send them to my site to check it out? How do I build a specific list of artist, designers, travelers etc?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Pamm you would need to integrate a lead generation plugin on your site, like OptinMonster. You can then show different optins on different sections of your site. This will allow you to build email lists based on user interest in topics on your site.


  3. Elizabeth says

    Will this plugin work for me? Here’s what I want to do:

    Have a visitors key name/email address and upon doing so, receive a free ebook.

  4. Steve says

    I know this post is a little old, but, does anyone know if the double-opt in is required again for importing lists generated from this plugin to aweber?

    Also, Editorial Staff:

    1. How do users double-opt in with this plugin if it only collects email addresses?
    2. You say two things in the comments, 1. users will have to double-opt in with mailchimp and 2. you say it is not necessary if the emails were collected my site. Please clarify.

    • Editorial Staff says


      The user double-optins because this plugin sends a verification email. The user has to click a link in that email to confirm their subscription. The double-optin part when you import these emails to another provider varies. Sometimes, you can upload without the double-optin. Other times, the service may require you to do it.

      If you want to be on the safe side, just use MailChimp. They now offer upto 2000 subscribers for free.


  5. Daniel says

    Thanks alot for the post, it’s a great job.I’m still trying to set my online business and setting up blogs i think with this information i’m ready to dive in and start.collecting email list
    thanks for the sharing

  6. JorgeDiaz says

    Hey thanks for sharing that WordPress Plugin. Also AWeber has it’s own WordPress Plugin you can check that out and you can choose what list directly from that wordpress plugin.

    Thanks and talk to you soon.

  7. lordpercy says

    Aweber give you your first month for something like a buck… Just get all your admin in place first. ie. Your first months follow up emails, a couple of solid affiliate products that are relevant to your niche,sign up, input into the auto-responder and see how it goes. What have you got to lose for a dollar?

    It might surprise you how quickly you make that $19 you will need for the second month

  8. listbuildingcourse says

    Great plugin, i want to try on my site, i heard about this plugin first time.Anyhow want to use it .

  9. jason says

    When they opt-in via the plugin, then when you copy the list to mailchimp do they have to opt-in again?

  10. Marty says

    There are so many versions of these plugins I am simply confused. I’m looking for something that is more effective than the basic but I’m just unsure. Thats the problem with choice. It can be a block.

  11. Jan Rossi says

    I am using AWeber, but yes, it is expensive starting up. I wonder if you are just making more work for yourself if you are collecting emails using a plug-in and then you re-load them into another service like Constant Contact or AWeber. The constant opting-in is where you lose people.

  12. Caleb says

    Well this seems somewhat like GWA Autoresponder except you did not say how many emails can be sent or if they can be preset at intervals?

  13. Murlu says


    I was just about to sink money into Aweber (which I still plan to) but this is a great resource. I’ve been asked by a few people if there are any free options, definitely going to point people this way.

  14. Rob says

    When importing your list into Aweber (or Mailchimp, etc) do you have to get your list to re-opt in? If not, then I think this is a great way to build a list at no cost. If you do have to re-opt in, there’s a good chance you’ll lose a bunch of subscribers during that process.

      • Rob says

        Thanks for the reply. That eases my concerns – I’m definitely digging this plugin now. Though I’m a big fan of Aweber, it’s definitely not cost effect during the early list-building stages. Getting a few months of free building in place would definitely help out.

  15. ovidiu says

    How about featuring this one too? mailpress from or from the repository.

    does loads of things the commercial ones do too and is free. Has theming, double opt in, tracking, etc..

  16. Rhys says


    Thanks for featuring my plugin :)

    As mentioned above, I found newsletter management plugins for WordPress a little overly complicated, mine is designed to work with third party solutions.

    Thanks again, let me know if you have any problems :)

    • Ileane says

      I was listening to a blogging podcast this morning that talked about ditching feedburner and opting for aweber or mailchimp. This plugin seem like it will help with list building.
      Thanks @rhyswynne.

    • Editorial Staff says

      It doesn’t compare to the features that other paid services can offer. It is probably better to collect emails with the plugin we mention in this article and then import it to Aweber or Mailchimp when you are ready because they have pre-made templates, better tracking and a lot of other features that you can’t get with these plugins. Also they deal with all the legal aspects and it saves you a headache.


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