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Sluta använda FeedBurner – Flytta till FeedBurner-alternativ

År 2010 skrev vi vår populära steg-för-steg guide om hur man installerar FeedBurner. För lite mer än ett år sedan bestämde vi oss för att sluta använda FeedBurner för all våra webbplatser. Ända sedan dess har vi fått hundratals frågor om olika FeedBurner-buggar, issues etc. I den här artikeln kommer vi att prata om varför du bör undvika att använda FeedBurner. Om du redan använder det kommer vi att visa dig varför du måste sluta använda FeedBurner och hur du kan gå över till tillförlitliga FeedBurner-alternativ.

FeedBurner is Dead

FeedBurner är Googles tjänst för hantering av RSS-flöden som många bloggare förlitade sig på för flera år sedan (Vad är RSS?). Även om Google inte har stängt ner den ännu, har det ryktats ganska länge att Google kommer att stänga ner den.

FeedBurner har inte sett några funktioner eller updates så länge vi kan minnas. FeedBurner API togs ner. De drog också tillbaka funktionen Adsense for Feeds. Allt detta hände 2012.

Så varför skriver vi om det här nu – två år senare?

Jo för att vi fortfarande får email från användare angående FeedBurner. Under de senaste 30 dagarna fick vår gamla FeedBurner setup guide över 3500 unika besökare från search engine trafik. Eftersom FeedBurner inte har någon support har vi fått dussintals buggrapporter och support requests.

Vi vill hänvisa alla berörda användare till en mer uppdaterad artikel.

FeedBurner Alternativ

Notis: Förutom analys av prenumeranter och möjligheten att tjäna pengar med Adsense, erbjöd FeedBurner två funktioner som bloggare älskade.

  1. FeedBurner gav bloggare ett bättre sätt att visa sitt RSS-flöde tillsammans med att erbjuda alternativ för delning till användare.
  2. FeedBurner erbjöd ett gratis och enkelt sätt för användare att prenumerera på din blogg via Email.

Låt oss ta en titt på hur vi ersatte FeedBurner med alternativ som är bättre.

På WPBeginner använder vi standard WordPress feeds och hanterar dem på egen hand. Att använda standard WordPress-feeds ger dig control på your feed. Vi rekommenderar våra användare att förlita sig på WordPress standardfunktionalitet och hantera feeds på egen hand. Här är varför:

Snygg displayed av feed med alternativ för delning

Google Play Newsstand

Du måste förstå att människor inte besöker din feed URL för att läsa ditt content. Istället använder de flesta människor feed-läsare som Feedly, Flipbook, Googles Newsstand, etc. Dessa feed-läsare utför redan de flesta av de uppgifter som FeedBurner gjorde för ungefär fem år sedan.

Om du använder FeedBurner för bättre display av feed och social delning behöver du inte göra det längre. Men du kan definitivt utbilda dina användare om hur man prenumererar på din site.

Prenumeration på blogg via Email

Många användare föredrar fortfarande att få uppdateringar av bloggen via email, så det är viktigt att du ersätter denna funktion.

Medan plugin Jetpack erbjuder det close alternativet till FeedBurner prenumerera via email-funktionalitet, rekommenderar vi starkt våra användare att inte använda det.

Varför är det så? Eftersom du, precis som FeedBurner, inte kan skicka ut exklusiva updates till dina prenumeranter. Det enda sättet att updating dina prenumeranter är genom att göra en offentlig post.

Eftersom du har fattat beslutet att göra saker på RÄTT sätt, rekommenderar vi att du börjar bygga en email list.

Professionella e-postmarknadsföringstjänster som Mailchimp, AWeber, etc. allow you to offer blogg prenumeration via e-post tillsammans med att ge dig den fulla kraften i en robust e-postmarknadsföringsplattform. You get better analytics such as how many users opened your email, how many clicked on it, etc.

Du får också högre delivery rate vilket innebär att fler av dina användare får dina updates. Sist men ej minst får du flexibiliteten och alternativen.

Till exempel kan du erbjuda flera alternativ för prenumeration (dagliga updates, veckovisa updates, etc.) – se vår guide om hur du skapar ett dagligt och veckovis nyhetsbrev.

Vi använder Mailchimp för vår site, och det är GRATIS för upp till 2000 prenumeranter.

Nu när vi har täckt alternativen, låt oss ta en titt på hur du kan flytta bort från FeedBurner.

Att flytta bort från FeedBurner

Om du har använt FeedBurners tjänst för prenumeration av e-post är det första du behöver göra att exportera dina e-postprenumeranter. Logga bara in på ditt FeedBurner account och click på your feed. Därefter klickar du på länken ” See more about your prenumerants”.

Manage your FeedBurner subscribers

På nästa vy rullar du ner till sektionen Email Subscription Services och klickar på FeedBurner Email Subscriptions. Detta kommer att förstora sektionen, och du kommer att kunna se en länk för att hantera din email list. Click on the link to see your email subscribers (klicka på länken för att se dina prenumeranter).

FeedBurner email subscribers

FeedBurner kommer nu att visa dig listan över dina email prenumeranter. Du kommer att se en Export CSV-länk ovanför listan. Klicka bara på den, så downloadas din lista i CSV-format. Du kan sedan importera den här filen till en e-postmarknadsföringstjänst som du väljer, till exempel Mailchimp, AWeber, etc.

Export your FeedBurner email subscribers

Eftersom vi använder Mail chimp för vår site, kommer vi att visa you hur import-funktionen fungerar i Mailchimp. De flesta andra providers har en liknande process.

Det första du behöver göra är att logga in på din Mailchimp dashboard och skapa en new lista i Mailchimp.

Creating a new list for your blog's email subscribers in MailChimp

När du har skapat en new list kan du importera dina email list prenumeranter med hjälp av CSV-filen som du downloadade från FeedBurner. Börja med att clicka på Lists menu i Mailchimp dashpanel och select your newly created list. Detta kommer att ta dig till sidan för hantering av listan. Där måste du klicka på Prenumeranter ” Importera prenumeranter.

Import FeedBurner email subscribers to MailChimp

På nästa vy klickar du på alternativet ”Importera från en CSV- eller TXT-fil” och importerar sedan CSV-filen som du downloadade från FeedBurner.

När du har importerat din lista måste du skapa en RSS till Email-kampanj.

Olika tjänster för e-postmarknadsföring kommer att ha olika namn för den här funktionen. I Mailchimp anropar de det RSS till Email-kampanj. I AWeber anropar de det Broadcasts. Helt enkelt Google ”namnet på din e-postmarknadsföringstjänst och blogg RSS”, så hittar du en tutorial för det.

När du har ställt in all detta kan du stänga av dina e-post prenumerationer i FeedBurner, så att dina användare inte får två email. Du kan göra detta genom att gå in under fliken Offentliggör i FeedBurner och clicka på länken Email Subscriptions i den vänstra colonnen.

Kom ihåg att när du flyttar över dina email-prenumeranter till en new tjänst kan du förlora några prenumeranter, men dessa är inaktiverade prenumeranter som du förmodligen inte vill ha ändå.

Redirect FeedBurner-prenumeranter tillbaka till WordPress Feed

Det var vanligt för bloggare att redirecta sin WordPress feed URL till sin FeedBurner page. Vissa gjorde det med ett plugin som FD FeedBurner, medan andra använde sitt temas built-in-funktionalitet, och de mer kunniga använde ett code snippet.

Om du använder någon av metoderna ovan för att redirecta din standard WordPress feed, vänligen sluta använda dem direkt.

Det bästa sättet att kontrollera om du redirigerar ditt feed är att besöka din RSS-flödes URL:

Om detta redirectar till FeedBurner, då har du inte fixat det.

Skriv sedan ett blogginlägg och be dina prenumeranter att uppdatera URL:en och eventuellt informera dem om hur de kan prenumerera på din site med hjälp av andra läsare.

Import: DO NOT DELETE your FeedBurner feed. Det finns några webbplatser som kommer att berätta för dig att DELETE dina FeedBurner-feeds som förmodligen kommer att redirect dina prenumeranter, men det gör det inte. Det är en fruktansvärd idé, och du kommer att förlora dina prenumeranter. Varför skulle jag göra det?

För när du tar bort ditt feed kommer FeedBurner att lägga till en new post som meddelar dina läsare att ditt feed har flyttats. Detta uppdaterar inte automatiskt feed URL på dina användares feed läsare. Om användaren inte vidtar någon action inom 15 dagar förlorar du den prenumeranten för alltid. Dessutom kan en konkurrent efter 30 dagar göra anspråk på din FeedBurner URL och alla användare som inte uppdaterade sina feeds kommer att börja få hans uppdateringar.

Återigen, RADERA INTE dina FeedBurner-feeds.

Skriv helt enkelt ett blogginlägg för att meddela dina läsare att uppdatera sina URL: er. Utbilda dem med resurser om hur de kan göra det.

Efter det låter du helt enkelt FeedBurner-feeden dö en långsam död.

På så sätt fortsätter de som inte uppdaterar din feed URL i sin RSS-läsare fortfarande att få nytt innehåll, men alla dina nya läsare prenumererar på rätt sätt.

Skapa formulär för prenumeration, page för prenumeration och mycket mer

Nu när du har skapat din email list och standardiserat tillbaka till WordPress feed URL, bör du göra lämpliga uppdateringar på din site som att ta bort alla omnämnanden av FeedBurner URL, uppdatera dina email signup forms etc.

OptinMonster Banner

För att lägga till signup forms på din site rekommenderar vi att du använder OptinMonster. It allows you to create effective opt-in forms such as sidebar signup forms, after post forms, floating footer bar, slides-ins, lightbox popups, etc.

Vi använder det på vår site, och det har hjälpt oss att växa vår email list med 600%.

Därefter vill du förmodligen skapa en prenumerera page som visar läsarna hur de kan prenumerera på din site.

Eftersom du använder WordPress standard feed har du mycket flexibilitet och alternativ för customize.

Du kan lägga till thumbnails i dina RSS-flöden, lägga till annat anpassat content i RSS-flöden, eller så kan du helt skapa egna RSS-flöden.

En annan snygg funktion som är built-in med WordPress är kategorispecifika feeds. Du kan allow your användare att prenumerera på enskilda kategorier med kategori RSS-flöde. Läs vår artikel om hur du tillåter användare att prenumerera på kategorier i WordPress.

Vi hoppas att den här guiden hjälpte dig att hitta ett sätt att hantera FeedBurners bortgång och gå vidare till bättre alternativ. Vi rekommenderar starkt att du slutar använda FeedBurner.

Om du gillade den här artikeln, prenumerera på vår YouTube-kanal för fler WordPress video tutorials. You can also join us on Twitter and Google+.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

70 kommentarerLeave a Reply

  1. Andrew Blackman

    Very useful, thanks! I signed up with Feedburner back in the pre-Google days, and I’ve stuck with it out of laziness all these years. Finally getting around to moving away from it, and this guide is just what I needed.

  2. Ryan

    Feedburner now allows for a permanent redirect when deleting a feed. There’s no longer a 30 day window.

  3. Ankit Dhadwal

    I have seen other Rss platform like Alltop. Can you please post a tutorial for this. I have been struggling to figure it out how to use it. Others can also find it useful.

  4. Leslie Myricks

    I recently subscribed to Feedburner. I went on to other services to enter my blog info. Each time I entered it into Feedage, I got a message saying it wasn’t working. It said take the url and enter it in search. If my feed came up, (which it did) that was supposed to let me know I have the correct url. However, whenever I attempt to submit it to other services, I get the same message. I don’t understand. Maybe you can advise. Thanks!

  5. Coach Maria

    Well, I’ve decided to use feedburner for what it’s worth :) I do have an ezine, too. I tried Jetpack’s version of subscribing and actually liked it since people get new posts delivered without me having to do anything.

    What I’d say is that IF your ideal audience likes RSS feeds (as mine seems to), then use it. If not, don’t.

  6. Anne

    The main problem I see is the difficulty in switching from a free service to a paid service. Website after website talks about MailChimp and other services being free, but it’s only if you have a small number of subscribers. At the same time, these blogs tell us how we should be CONSTANTLY growing our subscribers. Which means we will quickly outgrow the ”free” service.

    Which will then cost about $40 or more per month.

    Could you write an article about truly FREE Rss to Email programs like Feedburner? Or maybe there’s a paid service out there that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg if you have more than 2000 subscribers?


  7. Don

    99% of rss feeds are not read, they exist today only for SEO purposes. You use feedburner because google owns it. Period.

  8. Leslie

    feedburner changed my original feed to

    I know you said not to delete it, but I, sadly have no subscribers here. However, I use the above rss for my mailchimp account. Is that easily fixable? It doesn’t matter if I delete the above feed and return to using my original from wordpress?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Leslie,

      If you used your FeedBurner feed to send your posts via email to your MailChimp email list, then you can edit the integration and replace FeedBurner feed with your WordPress RSS feed.


  9. malcolm

    i dont want feedburner or its alternatives as i have no use for them but i keep getting a message from feedburner with some sort of gambling link how do i stop all feedburner links. i have never subscribed to them so would like to stop them please help
    p.s idont have an account with them

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Malcolm,

      If you are getting this in your WordPress site’s comments section, then those are called trackbacks. See our guide on how to how to stop WordPress trackback spam.

      If you are getting them in your email, then report them as spam and your email filters will start sending those emails to spam.


  10. toni

    wordpress feed requires users to make a wordpress account.
    that is to much efford. most won’t go through that. even feedburner having to type email address, code and a confirmation email is to much for most. is there and option with facebook?

  11. Thomas

    I don’t know if these comment threads are still monitored, but I started with Feedburner back in the beginning and am finally making the transition away. The problem is I use it to track podcast downloads. What’s a good alternative?

  12. David P

    Please help. I am new to WordPress and all this RSS stuff and I find it all very confusing. Someone please help me to understand. Perhaps an article that simplifies for actual WordPress beginners, everything about RSS, from what it is to how to use it and how to set it up in WordPress, RSS Feed, RSS Feed subscriptiona and all that jazz… would be much appreciated.

    I am currently setting up a new WordPress site that is going to replace another live WordPress site. But before I begin setting up RSS subscription or a new RSS feed or RSS whatever for the new site I imagine I need to determine whether the current site already has all this, an associated Feedburner account perhaps or any subscribers for that matter. How do I do this? The WP theme I am using has a Newsletter subscription widget that includes in it’s settings an option to enter a Feedburner URI. If I should not bother with Feedburner then perhaps I should not bother with this widget. Maybe I should just go ahead and replace it with a widget from Mailchimp and in the event that current subscribers to the old RSS feed get dropped then I will cross that bridge when I reach it but first…. how do I start?

  13. monique

    Hi Syed and team, Your article is very much about getting away from feedburner. Can you do one on how to set up an rss feed and what it is and how it works with aweber, etc I still don’t get how it is different to subscribing with email if rss sends you an email anyway. I’m just starting out and I don’t need the move away from feedburner stuff and it’s left me very confused as to what to do now. thank you!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi monique,

      RSS it self does not send email to subscribers when you publish a new article. For that you will need an email service. The email service provider then uses your WordPress RSS feed to fetch articles and automatically email them to your subscribers. Hope this helped, let us know if you have more questions. :)


  14. Erin

    I feel like I’m missing something here. I moved away from Feedburner YEARS ago when they first announced they would not longer update the API. I moved to Feedblitz and run that feed through Mailchimp in an rss campaign.

    The issue I’m having, and how I stumbled upon this post, is that Feedblitz inserts a 1×1 pixel image in the feed and Mailchimp converts it to a 600×600 pixel image that pushes my feed content down the page. SO I’m looking for alternatives. But is having to run the WordPress Feed through an rss service even a thing anymore? Can I skip the whole rss service and run the straight through Mailchimp’s rss campaign for auto sends?


    • WPBeginner Support

      Yes, you can use the default WordPress RSS feed through MailChimp’s RSS to email campaign.


  15. Ron

    One thing I hate about Mailchimp is that it displays my physical address and email at the final confirmation message to subscribers. I mentioned that to customer service but it’s part of the anti-spam policy. Address should be kept confidential for a variety of reasons.
    I also don’t like the captcha ….there is no way of disabling that functionality. It’s a pain and can turn people off from signing up.

    • Vince

      I totally agree. I’m looking to switch from mailchimp before my list starts to grow.

  16. Candice

    Hi. I am 3 weeks into building my first blog on WP, haven’t thought about acquiring email lists that much as opposed putting contents in… I have downloaded this plug- in called Ultimate Social Media Plus… It also come with this prompt that ask reader to subscribe for new posts… How is things like different from MailChimp? The WP also has a widget that let’s me put a subscription box on the pages… again, how are these different from these email services you guys are talking about? I have v. little technology background, hopefully my question is not too silly. Thanks in advance!!!

  17. Dan Stafford

    What I’m wondering is how to replace Feedburner’s podcast listing support & pingshot services.

    • ikomrad

      Same here. I get most of my news from Feedly, and I would like to register with them so that if someone searches for my blog in Feedly, they can find it and subscribe to my rss feed.

      Is there a way to do that?

  18. Henning Uhle

    Great post. Thank you. But one thing is strange.

    Mailchimp works like a charm. I use RSS driven campaigns that send out emails to my subscribers once a day at a specific time. If WordPress RSS isn’t available at this time, no email is sent. And the Mailchimp guys informed me to use Feedburner or other RSS caching services to prevent this issue.

    And since Feedburner didn’t die, I use it as recommended by Mailchimp. Now I think about switching to Google Newsstand to have a RSS caching service that’s more future-like. But I am not sure if Mailchimp works together with it. But I will try.

    Cheers, Henning

  19. shan

    There is no alternative to feed burner right now. Because this is a free service. And emails never go to spam folder. If you have lot of money to burn for email subscription close feedburner service and find alternative.

    • Yeah sure

      Of course. FB is sent by google so it is still the best way to deliver email.

  20. Alana

    Thank you for all of the tips! I just switched over to MailChimp and this helped a ton!

  21. andrea

    I switched to Aweber about a month ago. When we imported my subscribers into Aweber, there were no names, just email addresses. Does feedburner even capture first name? If not, Yikes! Not sure how I can go back and capture the names of 600 subscribers!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can contact Aweber support. You may have to require all your users to confirm subscription again.


  22. Ganesh

    Nice post thanks for sharing feed burner information .

  23. Kady

    Thanks so much for this blog post! It was so helpful as I switched all my email posts from Feedburner and Jetpack to Mailchimp!

  24. Nostromov

    Ugh, dunno whether you guys are unaware – or, what?! FeedBurner is dead and gone… Its domains, & are parked; outside of Google, it does *not* exist any longer!..

    Perhaps updating the article, or something, would be good?? :))

    • Josh

      Those domains were deactivated about 5-6 years ago after Google’s takeover of the Feedburner service was completed. Feedburner can now be found at

  25. Jennifer Harry

    I use newsletter plugin to send newsletters, but I have a problem understanding what to do about sending regular newsletters. I suppose I’ll just have to focus on it and get it done, but it’s difficult when you have a million other jobs to do!

  26. Lance McGrew

    Email subscriptions are becoming or have become old-school. Instant push notifications are the new way. Better instant gratification experience, no problem with your feeds ending up in junk mail folders. Get your subscriber’s attention even when their email client app is not open. Problem is, I am not finding a clear way of integrating instant push notifications with WordPress posts. Feedburner 30-minute push is insufficient. Boxcar2 requires user to manually type in a custom URL. No obvious way to allow subscribers to custom select what feeds or notifications they want pushed to their mobile devices.

    • Vince

      No sure I agree. fads come and go but email list is still king in iM.

  27. Kimm Boes

    Hello, I am searching for help regarding a feed issue. I recently acquired a blog, my second, and installed a new theme. I also exported the feedburner subscribers to Mailchimp and set up an RSS campaign within Mailchimp to send my new posts to my subscribers each morning. The problem is that my feed is not updating, so mailchimp is not getting the notification that new content has posted, and isn’t sending out the e-mail. As I understand it, my feed still comes from feedburner, but when I log in to that account, it shows old content, from before I acquired the blog. If I click on ”resync”, it will update, but it reverts back. Can you help?

  28. Daniel Boswell

    This comment thread seems a bit old but for those who are inquiring about MailChimp, the RSS to Email feature works in the free version. There are also a few free RSS email templates to chose from that have everything already set up. When going through the RSS to Email setup process, one of the steps lets you select your template. Just add your logo or your name in text on the banner, make any color changes you want, and adjust the font if you don’t like whats there, and you should be good to go.

    • Chaz DeSimone

      Daniel, thanks for posting even though ”this thread seems old.” I need to install RSS and Mailchimp, and your two points about RSS to Email working in the free version, and that I can choose a template and make some simple customization, is the clincher for me. Thank you. (The site I’m building now is for silent films of 100 years ago– . Threading film on a 1906 Powergraph is an ”old thread”!)

  29. Jim

    You recommend using the default WP rss feed, but it is broken and does not generate xml files that work. (WP 4.2.2)

  30. Eli

    Your blog is very good!
    Small question, I’m using with word press blog’s building and have RSS program by WP. When I’m clicking in RSS icon at my website, at Explorer internet the RSS feed is appearing well but at Chrome it’s not appearing. Why? How can I fix so it will appear also at Chrome?
    looking forward & thank you!
    Eli Kassel.

  31. Lucky Bhumkar

    Most valuable post. Thanks for alerting me before fall into the trap of Feedburner.

  32. Sonia

    I recently moved to MailChimp and now want to stop using FeedBurner altogether, but I’m afraid I have no idea how to get that done…

    Now that FeedBurner offers a permanent redirection option, would you say that deleting the feed would be an acceptable way of redirecting the feed back to the original source, i.e. wordpress, or would I still need to take additional steps even if I did that? It has been years since I started using FeedBurner and now I have no idea how to undo that. I know for a fact that I didn’t use a redirect plugin and I wouldn’t have modified the header.php file, as I have no idea how to do that…

    I am at a loss as to how to recover my feed and ditch FeedBurner… Please help!

  33. suryatejaaaa

    but,the problem with mailchimp is when we send the emails through mailchimp,they will go directly to promotions tab and no one will care about them..If you have any suggestion better tell me..

  34. Tri Wahyudi

    For me Feedburner remain useful for capturing traffic to my blog :D

  35. Lukas Brandt

    What about

  36. Nancy Ward

    I have 50 email subscribers that are listed on Feedburner and getting email updates. I also have 740 registered users that are not listed on Feedburner as subscribers and therefore not getting emails. What are my options to moving from Feedburner to another email app to incorporate the registered users?

  37. Quinn W

    Thanks so much for this! I do have one question – you mentioned being able to put together a campaign for either a blog category or tag in Mailchimp RSS to email. I’ve tried to do both, but Mailchimp seems to revert it every time back to my main blog feed. Do you have any insight as to why? ~Quinn

  38. Mary A. Axford

    My blog uses Feedburner to let people subscribe by email. Very early on (blog started in mid-2012) I could log on. However, I started getting a message to log in to claim my Feedburner account, the ID and password didn’t work. The only way I knew to try and get help was to post on a Google forum, and so far Google has ignored mine and a lot of other people’s request for help on this. Any ideas? I don’t want to force my email subscribers to subscribe via something else. Thanks!

  39. Kennis Wong

    MailChimp is not exactly an alternative to email subscription of blog posting, is it? My understanding is that you will need to manually create an email to send to your subscribers if you are using MailChimp, whereas in WordPress Jetpack, your subscribers automatically receive an email alert for any new post. I see the two services are complimentary to each other (although it could be confusing to readers if you have two separate sign-ups). Correct me if I am wrong about MailChimp though.

    • Anya

      The paid version of mailchimp can be programmed to pull in the RSS feed from a blog and create emails automatically. They can also be styled and branded. It’s fairly simple and it takes some testing, but it is possible.

  40. Doreen

    I believe I have inadvertently signed up for two feedburner accounts, but I can only find one. Can you tell me how I can find the other account so I can ditch feedburner and transfer my subscribers?

  41. WPBeginner Staff

    The best way to figure this out is to retrace the steps you took implementing FeedBurner and just undo them.

  42. WPBeginner Staff

    Go to Plugins page and see if you can find a plugin installed that has feedburner in the name or description. If you find such a plugin, then deactivate it.

    Also check your theme’s header.php file look for a line that contains your feedburner feed URL.

    Lastly, check your theme’s functions.php file. Look for a code block with your feedburner feed’s URL in it.

    • Jacqueline

      The only Plugin I see referencing feedburner is WP Subscriber Form. Currently it is deactivated. I’ll be honest and say I have no clue as to how to find my .php files, much less edit them. I’m a serious newbie to this stuff, and I appreciate any help.

  43. Jacqueline

    I found this post exactly one day after implementing Feedburner. Ugh! I’m very new to blogging and the technical stuff, i.e., editing files, FTP, CSS and the rest. Can you please help me put everything back in order? I can find no way to redirect my feeds back the way they were two days ago. I would appreciate any help!

  44. WPBeginner Staff

    I can understand the issue with sharing your real address. But you also have to give that when you’re registering your domain name.

    Unless you bought private registration or WhoIsGuard, then anyone can find out your address.

    We’ve seen a lot of bloggers simply put their house address for their MailChimp Email.

    I wish I can give you a better solution, but that’s about it. You can use JetPack but again you run into the same restrictions. With FeedBurner you were at the mercy of Google, and now you will be at the mercy of Automattic.

  45. Hangry All The Time

    Thank you for the article. Just what I was looking for online.

    I am a new blogger and at this point have nothing to sell on my site (no income). While I understand that MailChimp is free to use, I will need to submit a physical mailing address to comply with anti-spam laws. That means that I will need to rent a PO Box which is a cost I don’t want to take on now. Other plugins/services for email subscriptions don’t ask for this information, but I realize they have their own limitations.

    Any advice on how to proceed?

  46. Heather Solos

    Transparency, I work for FeedBlitz.
    Native RSS Feeds do work well in most new readers, that said, services like ours have additional features, like the ability to measure the RSS audience and the ability to ad advertising to the RSS feed, creating an additional source of passive revenue.
    We also make it easy to your own static ads to your RSS feeds.
    We also have live support during business hours.
    I would be happy to answer any questions you may have about the service.

  47. just passing by

    Feed Demon. ’nuff said

  48. WPBeginner Staff

    You don’t need to add any code to your RSS feeds. The default WordPress feeds work out of the box. However, if you feel that you need to add something to your RSS feeds, then there are plugins that will let you do that. For example, WordPress SEO will let you add content that will appear below each post in your RSS feed.

    As we mentioned in the article, you will not be deleting your Feedburner Feed. So you will not loose those subscribers and they will continue to receive updates from your site.

    • Heather Solos

      To add to this, do not delete your FeedBurner feed as that allows someone else to step in and claim your extension. Your subs that didn’t move their subscription likely won’t notice that the feed has gone quiet, until one day someone steps into your old extension with something exciting like adult content or pill shilling. I’ve seen it happen many times.

  49. Doreen

    This is a helpful and timely post, as I’ve been thinking about moving away from Feedburner for quite some time. The main thing holding me back is Feedburner has been showing my number of subscribers as 1 for quite some time (and yes, I’ve been following the steps you outlined) and I know this is not the case. Getting help from them is next to impossible, so I’m not sure how I can rectify this. Any advice?

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