Om du har läst vår guide om hur man väljer det bästa WordPress hosting, då vet du förmodligen att Bluehost är en av våra rekommenderade WordPress hosting providers. Men det är inte bara vi. De rekommenderas officiellt av WordPress också. När vi nyligen browsade genom Facebook såg vi statusen att Bluehost nu har gratis built-in integration med Cloudflare. Kolla in videoklippet under:
Så vad är Cloudflare? Tja, det är en tjänst som skyddar och påskyndar din website. När du har integrerat din website med Cloudflare, så dirigeras din trafik genom deras globala nätverk. Du får använda deras CDN. Om du inte vet vad ett CDN gör, kontrollera vår infografik. Du får använda deras säkerhetstjänst såväl som deras analys.
Varför integrerar inte andra webbhotell med Cloudflare? Tekniskt sett fungerar Cloudflare med alla websites. Du måste göra installationen själv. Men för Beginnare kan installationsdelen vara tråkig. Bluehost som är ett av de bästa företagen bestämde sig för att add to gratis integration. Vi är säkra på att andra webbhotell kommer att följa.
Letar du efter en WordPress hosting provider? Då rekommenderar vi starkt att du kontrollerar Bluehost. De är definitivt en av de bästa. Det är därför både WPBeginner och WordPress rekommenderar dem. Tror du inte på oss? Kontrollera Bluehost användarrecensioner.
Some problems with Bluehost/CloudFlare. Need to add www. to the beginning of URL. Subdomains get lost. My subdomain ”doesn’t exist” for the last 3 days now. ”Free” CloudFlare offers support – but only after all paid support tickets are handled, so you can be in the queue for several days according to my one experience. Trying to get totally out from under CloudFlare.
On it says it has ”some features for free” ”some for pay” but then it only lists a pay price. Is this available for free or not? Since bluehost limits their bandwidth at 1.8 Mb/s per account, this might be worth something…
Editorial Staff
The free version is definitely available for everyone. If you want the additional paid features, then you have to pay for it.
The only issue here is none of sites can be activated via bluehost. All sites need to change hosting to be able to be included into cludflare otherqise via bluehost it is not possible to subscribe to this fantastic service.
Muhammad Usman Butt
What is best Maxcdn or Cloudflare.
Editorial Staff
We have been using MaxCDN way before Cloudflare.
zimbrul co uk
One thing that puts me off to sign with them is that they don’t show you the final figure for the purchase and when you click PAY you see you’ve been charged some tax or something…it did happened to me.
Well, they refunded the money but why take the trouble and spend time writing to customer support?
Michael McCarthy
This sounds like a great deal. But why is it being offered for free? Is this just an introductory offer — or are there caveats about signing up that we should know about?
Editorial Staff
Michael, CloudFlare offers this free service just because they have about 22M in funding. This is definitely a freemium model. They acquire the user for free. Hope that you like their service and want to upgrade to their premium plan. You can see the comparison in plans here:
So technically, you can just use the free plan forever. But if you want more features, then you can move up. Since CloudFlare is free, Bluehost decided to make it super easy to integrate with for their users. Since CloudFlare wants a huge userbase, this partnership helps them as well because they were offering the free service anyways. So it’s a win-win-win situation. Win for you, win for Bluehost, and win for Cloudflare.
Hope that explanation helps.