InMotion Hosting är ett av de största namnen i branschen för webbhotell. De tillhandahåller hosting för Beginnare, bloggare, stora företag och alla däremellan. InMotion Hosting är kända för sina tillförlitliga webbhotell, sin kvalitativa kundtjänst och sitt breda utbud av tjänster.
I denna detaljerade InMotion Hosting review kommer vi att analysera deras webbhotell genom att sätta det genom vårt test. Följ är de aspekter vi kommer att titta på:
- Utförd: Hur snabbt kommer din website att hämta på InMotion webbhotell?
- Tillförlitlighet: Kommer din website att vara available för dina användare utan några driftstopp?
- Customer Support: Kan du lita på att deras customer support erbjuder snabb hjälp när du behöver det?
- Funktioner: Erbjuder de allt du behöver för att bygga din website?
- Priser: Erbjuder de bästa priser i branschen? Finns det några InMotion Webbhotell erbjudanden som kan save you pengar?
Längst ner: I vår InMotion Hosting review fann vi att de är en tillförlitlig webbhotell tjänst, med bra planer och hjälpsam USA-baserad customer support som är tillgänglig 24/7.
Det är därför vi bestämde oss för att rekommendera InMotion Hosting som ett av de bästa webbhotellen för WordPress.
Låt oss nu gå in på den detaljerade InMotion Hosting review, så att du kan bestämma själv.
Om InMotion Hosting
InMotion Hosting grundades 2001 och har kontor i Los Angeles och Virginia Beach. Det är ett av de äldsta webbhotellen på marknaden med ett beprövat track record.
Med 200+ anställda erbjuder InMotion Hosting konkurrenskraftigt prissatta webbhotell med 24/7 USA-baserat customer support.
Pro och nackdelar med InMotion Hosting
Alla webbhotell är inte lika bra. De erbjuder all olika funktioner och tjänster med sina egna unika fördelar och nackdelar. You need to carefully weigh them before making your decision.
Här är de för- och nackdelar med InMotion Hosting som vi hittade.
Låt oss först kontrollera de proffs som gör InMotion Hosting till ett populärt val.
- 90 dagars pengarna tillbaka-garanti: InMotion Webbhotell erbjuder 90 dagars pengarna tillbaka-garanti, vilket är ganska generöst. De flesta andra webbhotell erbjuder bara en 30-dagars garanti. (Obs: Domäner ingår inte i garantin, när de väl är registrerade är de yours att behålla och använda med någon annan server)
- Gratis överföring av website: Om din site redan är hosted någon annanstans kommer InMotion Hosting att överföra den åt dig utan extra kostnad.
- Välj location för ditt datacenter: InMotion Webbhotell har centrerat datacenter både på USA:s öst- och västkust. You can choose a data center that’s closer to your target audience. Din site kommer att hämta ännu snabbare för användare nära dessa locations.
- Lagring av SSD-enheter: Alla InMotion Hosting servrar använder SSD-enheter istället för gamla snurrande hårddiskar. SSD-enheter är mycket snabbare än de gamla enheterna vilket gör att din website laddas ännu snabbare. De flesta webbhotell erbjuder inte SSD-lagring och vissa tar extra betalt för det.
- Gratis SSL-certifikat: SSL är obligatoriskt för att skapa en webbplats för e-handel, och det ingår i alla InMotion webbhotell planer. Vanligtvis debiterar andra servrar $ 30 – $ 60 per år för SSL-certifikat.
Det finns några nackdelar som du kanske vill överväga innan du väljer InMotion Hosting som din server.
- Telefonverifiering: Som en bedrägeriförebyggande åtgärd ber InMotion Webbhotell kunder att kontrollera sitt köp via telefon. Detta kan vara svårt för kunder som inte är baserade i USA.
- Ingen fakturering varje månad: Deras startplaner har inte ett alternativ för månatlig fakturering. Du kan betala för 1 eller 2 år i förväg. Om du väljer 2 år får du en större rabatt. Pro plan kunder kan välja månadsvis fakturering, men det finns en $ 40 installationsavgift.
- Eller ej detbilligaste: InMotion Hosting planer är konkurrenskraftigt prissatta, men de är inte de billigaste på marknaden.
Prestanda för InMotion webbhotell
Efter price bör prestanda vara högst upp på listan när du letar efter en server. Det kommer att kosta dig mer pengar och problem om du får dålig prestanda och vill flytta din webbplats till en bättre server.
För denna InMotion Webbhotell review bestämde vi oss för att runna våra egna prestandatester. Vi testade deras hastighet, tillförlitlighet och responstid.
InMotion Hosting Hastighetstestresultat
Hastighet är en mycket viktig aspekt av en websites prestanda. Search engines älskar snabbare websites och rankar dem högre.
Användare hatar långsamma websites. Faktum är att senaste studierna föreslog att en enda sekunds försening kan kosta dig 7% mindre konverteringar och 11% mindre page views.
För vår InMotion Hosting review skapade vi en test site för att se hur snabb InMotion Hosting verkligen är.
Vår test site använde WordPress med standardtema Twenty Seventeen. Vi importerade också dummy content för att utveckla temat med images.
Vi använde Pingdom för att runna vår website hastighetstest. Du kan se resultaten i screenshot under:
Som du kan se hämtar vår test site på strax under en sekund för en server i Dallas, Texas. Det är snabbare än 90% av alla testade webbplatser.
Detta test mätte bara test site med en enda användare. Vi ville se hur InMotion webbhotell hanterar flera användare som kommer åt webbplatsen under rusningstid.
För att run det här testet använde vi ett tool som heter LoadImpact. Det här verktyget skapar virtuella användare och börjar sending dem till en website, gradvis ökande upp till 100 användare.
You can see the result in the chart below:
Som you kan se utfördes vår site bra tills den nådde 25 användare. Efter det saktade den ner i takt med att trafiken fortsatte att öka.
Detta är normalt för delade webbhotell där din website delar resurser med andra websites som ligger på samma server. Om din website börjar få många besökare kl. 25 åt gången, då behöver du uppgradera ditt webbhotell plan.
Det är viktigt att obs/observera att även om vår testsite saktade ner under hög trafikbelastning, så gick den inte ner och förblev responsiv.
InMotion Hosting Server Response Time
Våra hastighetstestresultat visade you hur vår site utfördes under ett normalt hastighetstest. Dessa tester hämtar dock all content på en webbsida, inklusive images, vilket ökar sidans laddningstid. Detta gör att dessa tester är något felaktiga när man mäter en servers Response Time.
Vi bestämde oss för att köra ett test med ett verktyg som heter Bitcatcha. Det fungerar annorlunda än andra tools som testar hastigheten på websites. Istället för att hämta hela webbplatsen registrerar det en servers responstid från olika locations. Detta ger ett mer exakt resultat av hur snabbt en server svarar på användarnas requests.
Du kan se testresultatet i diagrammet under:
För alla locations svarade InMotion webbhotell under en sekund. Responstiden var något högre för locations i Japan, Brasilien och Australien. .
För websites vars målgrupp befinner sig i USA och/eller Storbritannien är InMotion Hosting en snabb och tillförlitlig server. If your target audience is located outside these regions, then you might benefit from finding a server location near those regions.
InMotion Hosting Webbhotell planer och funktioner
InMotion Hosting erbjuder olika planer för webbhotell som passar olika budgetar och obligatoriska trafikbehov.
Följ är de planer för webbhotell som erbjuds av InMotion Hosting:
- Delat webbhotell: Bäst för webbplatser med låg trafik och nybörjare. Med delat webbhotell delar din website resurser med andra konton på servern. Detta är det mest nybörjarvänliga och grundläggande alternativet för webbhotell.
- WordPress Webbhotell: Liknar delat webbhotell, men den här planen är särskilt optimerad för WordPress-drivna webbplatser med extra tools och funktioner för att förbättra prestanda och säkerhet.
- VPS webbhotell: VPS-hosting är en upgrade to shared hosting och tillåter dig att dela resurser med flera servrar i molnet. Detta ger din site lite mer utrymme att växa och hantera trafik.
- Webbhotell för dedikerade servrar: Lämplig för företag och webbplatser med hög trafik. Planen för webbhotell för dedikerad server ger dig en komplett server för din egen website. Nackdelen är att du måste hantera den servern själv.
- Hanterat webbhotell: Ett mer kraftfullt alternativ för webbhotell för att hantera mer trafik utan att hantera tekniska saker. Din server tar hand om updating av programvara, säkerhet och andra underhållsuppgifter åt you.
Varje plan för InMotion webbhotell levereras med SSD-lagring, 1-click WordPress installer, och gratis SSL. Varje plan innehåller också en användarvänlig panel där användare kan hantera sitt konto på webbhotellet och aktivera olika addons.
Låt oss ta en detaljerad titt på deras planer för delade webbhotell.
Uppdelning av InMotion Hostings planer för delade webbhotell
Delade webbhotell anses ofta vara det bästa alternativet för bloggare och småföretag. Om du precis har börjat med en ny new website kan InMotion Hostings delade planer vara ett bra val för det.
När din website börjar växa kan du enkelt uppgradera ditt webbhotell till en mer kraftfull plan.
Alla InMotion Hostings delade planer inkluderar obegränsad lagring, bandbredd, ett click installer, gratis SSL och många andra standardfunktioner som du kan behöva.
Deras delade webbhotell är indelat i tre nivåer:
- Lansering: Lanseringsplanen är begränsad till att bara servera två webbplatser och 25 subdomains. Den kommer med alla vanliga funktioner som gratis domän, obegränsad bandbredd och lagring och mer.
- Power: Power-planen är deras mest populära plan för delad hosting. Det inkluderar webbhotell för upp till 6 webbplatser och tillåter 50 databaser.
- Pro: Pro-planen erbjuder det bästa värdet för snabbt växande bloggar och företag. Det tillåter dig att vara webbhotell för obegränsade webbplatser med obegränsade databaser. Du kommer också att få prioriterad support funktion som en del av planen.
InMotion Hosting annonserar Power- och Pro-planer för att också vara redo för e-handel.
InMotion Hosting Support och kundtjänst
Vi behöver all hjälp då och då, om du är en nybörjare eller en erfaren användare. Du måste vara med en webbhotell som erbjuder den mest tekniskt sunda, vänliga och snabba customer support.
InMotion Hosting har ett USA-baserat support team. De erbjuder 24/7 support via chattsupport, telefon och email.
För vår InMotion Hosting review kontaktade vi deras support team flera gånger. Vi blev snabbt anslutna till anställda på chattsupport. Vi ställde komplicerade frågor till dem och tyckte att de anställda var kunniga, vänliga och villiga att hjälpa till.
Vi skapade också flera supportärenden och fick email response inom några timmar.
Slutsats: Är InMotion webbhotell det rätta valet för you?
Efter att ha läst så här långt kanske du undrar om InMotion Hosting är rätt val för din website?
Vi tyckte att de var tillförlitliga, med snabba servrar, bra drifttid och bra customer support. Deras planer passar all budgetstorlekar och delade planer är viss bra för nya bloggar och företagswebbplatser.
De erbjuder en mängd olika planer för webbhotell vilket allow you att växa ditt företag utan att oroa dig för att flytta till en new server. Du kan enkelt uppgradera din plan för webbhotell när du behöver mer resurser.
Är du redo att starta din website med InMotion Hosting? Click here to select your InMotion Hosting plan.
Coupon för InMotion webbhotell
WPBeginners läsare får en exklusiv rabatt på 56% med vår InMotion Hosting coupon code.
Allt du behöver göra är att clicka på denna länk för att köpa. Rabatten kommer att tillämpas automatiskt.
Pete K.
I never had much luck with their support team. I recently chatted with two different agents about my DNS issues and the resulting email errors I was getting. Neither agent resolved my issue and the first agent rushed me off the chat after telling me there is nothing else that can be done as I was pointing my A record to another domain. However, I eventually resolved the issue on my own after hours of researching it online. It required additional DNS and email setting changes which both agents could have walked me through. Their support staff needs to be trained better and not rush customers off of chat.
Matthew Anderson
I have been with InMotion for years and as a web developer, I work with many hosting companies. InMotion support is by far above the rest and the service is great. Highly recommended!
Ravi Shukla
Inmotion hosting deducted $300 from my debit card, ostensibly for “Renewal” when I hadn’t subscribed to them. We were considering hosting with them at which point the card details must have been given to them, which they misused. The fine print says that there will be automatic billing for renewal, but I never subscribed to inmmotion hosting.
Alan Burr
No drama, no problems for almost 3 years. The price is affordable for what they offer. When I did have issues at the very beginning (user error) they were quick to help without judgment.
Happy customer.
I am thankful to give such a good service and I appreciate how the support team goes through the trouble of helping solve the problem. So many times with online “support” you get the run around. InMotion has always gone the extra mile whenever I needed assistance So thank you for giving such good service. you always done a great job with web hosting and reliable email servers.
Naman Modi
InMotion Hosting service is dedicated to giving its users great services. That is why a lot of manpower is invested in customer support. While other companies put less effort in customer experience, InMotion spares no dime to give you exceptional services. I recommend you try it for the first-hand experience.
Terry Alcorn
Just a quick note to say thank you to support staff who was very patient with me through email exchanges and helped me find the information I needed in a centralized location on my server.
Brad Townsend
I just got off the phone with Brandon P who was extremely helpful in resolving a couple of issues that I have been struggling with. His instructions were very clear, he acted very professional, and I am delighted with the results.
I would like to thank you for the excellent support that you guys provide. Despite being a short time using the inmotionhosting, I have to admit that your customer support are great. I am very satisfied with my Vps plan.
Having dealt with various hosting providers in the UK and receiving very poor server up-time and having to wait days for support, I knew it was time for a change. At first, I was skeptical about going with a US-based provider however I have no regrets at all. Getting a phone call and speaking to a human when opening the account to ensure everything was working really got it off to a brilliant start. The technical support is second to none and can’t be faulted at all. Being UK-based, the time different doesn’t get in the way at all with it being 24/7. Any faults I’ve had have been fixed within 5 minutes of initiating a live chat. Can’t praise them enough!
David cuff
The level of support is wonderful at Inmotion Hosting!
Support staff and the other techs have saved me so much time solving support issues.
That’s is the reason I purchased a second dedicated server from them.
Winn C.
InMotion Billing Chat rep relieved my anxiety when we decided to upgrade to a far more expensive hosting plan mid-term. They explained our change in billing scheme in a very clear and concise way even gave a few months free with a special discounted rate. Highly recommended. Among the best in service and expert advice.
I’ve been working with InMotion for nearly 2 years with 2 different websites. I am very happy with the way things turn out and their support team is always supportive and informative. I am about to establish my third website and without a doubt, I will be using InMotion to save all my troubles and really focus on my business.
Kerrie Redgate
I’ve been with InMotionHosting for the past 2 years on their Business Power Plan (multiple sites). It’s true, their Customer Service is terrific! I live in Australia and I can click onto a Live Chat at any time of the day or night and on any day of the year, and it generally takes less than a minute for me to be connected to a tech support person. All the IMH support people have been kind, courteous, very patient, and knowledgeable.
However, I recently decided to try a different host, as IMH have just ONE thing missing: at this time, they can’t support free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates on Shared Hosting plans. Google will not index websites now without SSLs, and though I have one on my payment site, it was an expense for my other sites.
I lasted 24 hours with the other host (who offered comparable services and prices but also offered free Let’s Encrypt SSLs with every site). The obviously stressed Chat support person at that other host was on multiple simultaneous Chats, and chatted to me in unintelligible acronyms, providing links to copious reading matter, and was verging on rude. After 24 hours my sites were no closer to migration.
So I rushed back to IMH! (The stress was not worth the SSL savings.) The IMH support person I then spoke to had suggested I get a Multidomain SSL, and took the time to explain all the SSL types to me so I could make an informed decision as to whether I could stay with IMH. I’m glad I did! I feel like I’m back home now with my family. Whew! You just can’t beat great Support!
Akula Systems
I was blown away with the level & quality of tech support professional, knowledgeable & very polite. Support is the reason I feel Inmotionhosting was the best choice for my companies hosting needs. BRAVO!
I totally appreciate the assistance received from support when it was noticed all our website pages for some reason had lost their “https” depite the SSL being active and in place.
Support was able to solve my issue relatively quickly and tried more than one way to fix persisting until it was resolved.
He was friendly and knowledgeable. Kudos!
LeRoy OBryan
At approximately 3:15 today (26 June 2017), I spoke with support. who assisted me with a file(s) upload problem I was having.
Even with my numerous questions (some of which were repeats), They maintained their calm, collected, voice and answered my every question.
Their attitude was courteous; in addition, they were very knowledgeable about how the InMotion Hosting site works.
I have been an inMotion customer for several years. They have always done a great job with web hosting and reliable email servers. Whenever I have a question, they solve it quickly, and they teach me how to do things (by pointing to the proper online tutorials they have, which are simple to understand) in case I want to learn and do it myself.
J.P. Parrot
I appreciate how the support team goes through the trouble of helping solve the problem. So many times with online “support” you get the run around. InMotion has always gone the extra mile whenever I needed assistance.
Jim McCarthy
Kudos to support at InMotion for helping me with a billing issue and reconciling a domain name transfer. They were knowledgeable, courteous and efficient.
This is my second time selecting InMotion for hosting and I’ve yet to be disappointed.
Great experience so far. Tech support has been spot on. I was pleasantly surprised. No long wait times on chat, reps were knowledgeable and got my issues resolved quickly. Glad I moved from that other hosting service. Thanks guys keep up the good job.
Just wanted to say. I had a live chat today and support impressed me. Fast, quick and efficient. Resolved all my questions with the minimum of fuss and with some proactivity which is always appreciated.
Thanks. It’s good to know support like this is available on the rare occasions I need it.
Brad Martin
Support at InMotion hosting was excellent in responding to support questions regarding our account.
Cudo’s to InMotion in general for continuing great service and support. They continue to be a step ahead of all others. Trying to reach Go Daddy or Gator Host is virtually impossible….
You can put your trust in the staffers of inmotion. They are the best in the world. Add to that their knowledge and friendliness. TOPS.
Cindy Speece
Had several technical issues that I needed assistance with and support.\
was fast efficient and very knowledgeable. They quickly solved the issues
and also took care of getting our word press updated.
Rate his service: A+++ Great job!!!!
Nicole S.
Had some speedy and great help today from support.
Appreciate their help very much!
I would like to say a big Thanks to the Support Team specially
who help me with Email issue I was having to set it up.
And that was straight forward help.
Thanks a lot again and keep it up.
Christina Veveris
Support at provided me with excellent support the other day – saved me a ton of time! Really nice to communicate with an individual who quickly grasps the issue, knows what to do, and just does it. Kudos.
InMotion has been an AWESOME host for me. I have no experience with web design, but they have been extremely helpful and patient. I’m so thankful to have signed on with such a great host!
In the world of tech, nothing is perfect. What does count is customer support. When you run into a problem or have a question or just don’t know how to do something these guys and girls are right at your side.
I don’t know if they are the cheapest but I do know they are the best I’ve worked with.
Via chat, support person was patient,
knowledgeable and helpful with my questions this morning as I moved an
existing site into WordPress and cloned it for a client.
I’ve only had great service from them. Great platform good prices and good service.
I have used a tonne of other hosts and none of them have come close to the level of excellence I receive with InMotion. With a combination of fast servers, amazing support and 1-click WordPress installer, who wouldn’t like this company?
Brian Woodley
I have been a customer of InMotion for 7 years now and have had an excellent experience with all their services. I find the price very reasonable for the number of websites and email addresses we get. The speed of all our websites is excellent. Never a problem updating or working on them either.
If I do have a question their support department is quick to respond and always helpful.
They have protected our sites from attempted brute force attacks, recommended critical updates when necessary, and caught email spammers who had hacked my passwords, and cut them off in minutes.
I like the service, the speed, and the overall experience with them.
Note: I do not work for them, or know anyone in the company, or have anything to do with their business. I just like what they do, and think they deserve to be praised for it.
Excellent service on a recent chat session. Solved my problem in no time.
Juan Carlos González
We at Sinergia are having a very good experience. Their hosting service is very fast an reliable and the Customer Service is really 24/7 with a quick and helpful response.
Ka Williams
InMotion Hosting has been a tremendously wonderful addition to my website. As someone who is still learning this business, I feel comfortable allowing this company to help me operate my blog. The customer service is exceptional. They are all friendly and patient – as well as work diligently to ensure our needs are met and our issues are resolved.
Inmotion Hosting provides a superior level of technical support. Technical assistance is both effective and timely. Far better than the service I received from my previous provider.
Peter Steeger
I changed from another hosting company which can only be reached by phone or support ticket. They are closed on Weekends! With InMotion I get all support I need and when I need it.24/7. Also the domain and mail transfer went very smooth and w/o interruption of service. I really enjoy the support, you could not do without it.
Been dealing with InMotion Hosting for a over 4 years, Never had a problem, their security is top notch and their staff and help desk are very helpful and quick to help. Invest with them you wont be disappointed.
Reliable 24/7 Live Chat Support. Over 3 years with their hosting. 99.99% satisfaction.
Had a very positive and helpful experience with chat support.
do not believe the hosting company that requires prospective members are members of at least one year. meaning that they are ugly and enterprise hosting hosting fear of being abandoned in the near future, so that the one-year membership, consumers can not do much, ultimately frustration.
Shimul Shahriar
I was here to find a good hosting for my site( it is highly loaded with 3 wordpress running at different section’s) and after review, i visited their site, i knock on the chat and it was live ! A Support stuff replied and text me like i am a Friend . I am impressed enough , but i got a little problem, in Hostgator, i can start with a monthly payment ( i know how bad they are ) But here in inmotion i have to pay for whole next year. Let’s see what is next with them. ( Best of luck both inmotion and me )
Steve Mullen
It’s funny when you read these reviews. People either love IMH, or they’re frustrated by the company’s response to malicious attacks and DoS attacks. In the end, I think what happens is that if your site gets at all popular, you end up with problems at InMotion. I have had a couple of my clients host there, and I also have a hosting plan of my own that I use for developing websites. No one visits the sites on my hosting plan, as they’re under construction. As a result, my experience with that hosting account has been fine. However, each of my clients has been shut down, blocked, and generally hassled by InMotion. Instead of addressing what are clearly security problems on THEIR end, they push the problem back to the customer and make them take care of it. And, when you call them to ask why you’ve been suspended, they generally don’t even know because the suspension is automated. I have used a number of different hosts, and have never had the kinds of problems I’ve had with InMotion. Each of the clients I’ve had use them have ended up switching to another host because InMotion just isn’t worth the trouble.
Marian Pena
I have to admit, I am impressed with InMotion itself as a hosting company. I’ve never had any issues with bad support or tech help. However, my biggest gripe goes to the sheer amount of brute force attacks that seemed aimed at InMotion and not specific domains. I’ve only been with InMotion for about 5 months now and prior to that I never had any issues with google telling visitors my site had malicious code, or the amount of resources being to highly used on the site itself. I’ve spent more time in the last month trying to fix issues that frankly were never an issue on my old host that I’m now questioning why I left that other host. I wish I could remember now why I left.. but I am seriously thinking about going back.
InMotion Support team is above the rest!
As I run my web design/development company I have had to deal with more then a dozen different hosting providers. I recently had to move multiple websites around the InMotion environment and update usernames/passwords. The live chat team was AMAZING – kind, respectful and knowledgable about what and how to get my questions accomplished.
InMotion has easily jumped to one of the top 3 companies I will start recommending for my client to host their websites with!
Martin Fabian
InMotion continues to provide excellent service: The representatives have been professional, knowledgeable, efficient, personable, and helpful — every time I’ve called. After checking out several potential hosts over a significant period of time, it looks like I’ve found the best one available for my needs.
Jacqueline H.
I’ve been with InMotion for about two years now. Initial setup was a little challenging for me, but their chat-help was so good, I was up and running in a pretty short time. Since then, I have updated my site regularly, and most times it is a breeze. Lately I have had issues with authorization (two occasions), but the chat help was AWESOME and got me running in a jiffy.
I am 100% satisfied with InMotion Hosting. The have done a great job for me!
I’m sure they are one of the best company in the hosting market, they are fast, clever, kind and provide the best support i’ve ever tried for every issue.