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Hur mycket kostar det egentligen att bygga en website i WordPress?

Att bygga en WordPress website kostar, även om programvaran i grunden är gratis. Den totala kostnaden beror till stor del på din budget och vad du vill uppnå med din site.

I den här artikeln beskrivs kostnaderna för att skapa en website i WordPress. Vi vill klargöra hur mycket du kan komma att spendera och varför.

Vi kommer också att ge tips om hur du kan hantera dina utgifter. Att lära sig att minimalisera kostnaderna utan att göra avkall på kvaliteten är nyckeln till att bygga en effektiv website.

Our guide will help you navigate the expenses of website creation, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.

How much does it cost to build a WordPress website

Detta är en lång läsning, och det är därför vi har add to en innehållsförteckning. Här är vad vi kommer att täcka i den här artikeln:

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Vad behöver du för att bygga en website i WordPress?

WordPress är gratis för alla att ladda ner och använda. Det är en programvara med open source som ger dig friheten att installera den på alla typer av websites.

Om WordPress är gratis, var kommer då kostnaden ifrån?

Kostnaden för en WordPress site kan delas upp i följande kategorier:

  • Webbhotell för WordPress
  • Domän namn
  • Design
  • Plugins och Extensions (Appar)

För att skapa en … WordPress] som drivs på en egen server behöver du ett webbhotell för att lagra dina filer. Varje website på internet behöver ett webbhotell. Det här är din websites hem på internet.

Det finns olika planer för webbhotell tillgängliga för alla typer av webbplatser. You need to pick one that suits your requirements and fits your budget.

Därefter behöver du ett domain name. Det är adressen till din website på internet och det är vad användarna skriver i webbläsaren för att komma till din website (till exempel eller

Med WordPress finns det massor av gratis website templates available som du kan använda. Men om du vill ha något mer avancerat / custom, kan du köpa en premium templates eller få en customized, vilket kommer att höja kostnaden.

Det finns över 59 000 gratis tillägg för WordPress. Dessa är appar och utökningar för your websites. Tänk på funktioner som kontaktformulär, gallery etc.

Så även om du kan bygga en website med bara kostnaden för webbhotell och domän, kan du beroende på din situation komma att betala för ytterligare tools och tjänster. Det är därför det ofta är förvirrande för människor att ta reda på den verkliga kostnaden för en WordPress website.

Låt oss gå igenom de verkliga kostnaderna för att bygga en WordPress site för dig.

Uppskatta den verkliga kostnaden för att bygga en webbplats i WordPress

Calculating the cost of building a WordPress website

Beroende på dina behov kan din kostnad för att starta en WordPress website variera från $100 till $500 till $3000, till och med så högt som $30 000 eller mer.

Det är viktigt att veta vilken typ av website du bygger och vad du behöver för den eftersom det direkt kommer att påverka din kostnad.

Men oroa dig inte. Vi visar you hur man undviker en ekonomisk katastrof och fattar de bästa besluten.

I den här artikeln delar vi upp websites i olika kategorier:

  • Bygga en website i WordPress (låg budget)
  • Bygga en website i WordPress (med fler funktioner)
  • Bygga en website i WordPress för småföretag
  • Bygga en website för ecommerce i WordPress
  • Bygga en customize website i WordPress

Låt oss nu se hur mycket vart och ett av dessa projekt kostar och hur du kan undvika att spendera mer än nödvändigt.

Vad kostar en website i WordPress (lågbudget)?

Building a low budget WordPress site

You can build a fully functional WordPress website for yourself and keep your costs under $100. Här är kostnadsfördelningen för en WordPress website på en låg budget.

Först behöver du ett domain name och ett webbhotell.

Ett domain name kostar normalt 14,99 USD per år och webbhotell kostar normalt 7,99 USD per månad.

Tack och lov har Bluehost, en officiell WordPress-rekommenderad hosting provider, gått med på att erbjuda våra användare ett gratis domain name och upp till 61% rabatt på webbhotell.

För fler rekommendationer om webbhotell, kontrollera vår guide om hur du väljer det bästa webbhotellet för WordPress.

Därefter måste du installera WordPress på ditt webbhotell account. Se vår Step-by-Step guide om hur du startar en blogg med WordPress för fullständiga instruktioner.

När du har installerat WordPress kan du välja en design för din website med hjälp av en gratis template.

Dessa templates anropas WordPress themes och de kontrollerar utseendet på din website.

Det finns tusentals professionellt designade gratis themes tillgängliga för WordPress som du kan installera. Se vårt experturval av beautiful gratis themes för bloggar i WordPress för några exempel.

När du har valt en WordPress template följer du instruktionerna i vår Step-by-Step guide om hur du installerar ett WordPress theme.

Därefter kanske du vill lägga till vissa funktioner på din website, gillar att lägga till ett kontaktformulär, ett fotogalleri, en slider etc. Oroa dig inte; det finns mer än 59 000 tillägg till WordPress tillgängliga som hjälper dig att göra det.

Plugins gillar appar eller utökningar för din WordPress site. Se vår Step-by-Step guide om hur du installerar ett plugin för WordPress.

Under har vi valt ut de viktigaste WordPress tilläggen som du bör installera på din website. Alla är tillgängliga gratis.


Optimering av website

Säkerhet för websites

Det finns många fler gratis WordPress plugins för att add to olika funktioner och utöka din WordPress site. Se vår kategori Bästa tillägg för WordPress, där vi har reviewat hundratals tillägg för WordPress.

Total kostnad för website: 46 – 100 USD per år

Vad kostar en site i WordPress (med fler utvalda funktioner)?

Cost of WordPress site with more features

Vi rekommenderar alltid våra användare att börja i liten skala och sedan add to fler funktioner i takt med att deras website växer. På så sätt betalar du ej för något som du egentligen inte behöver.

När du addar fler funktioner till din website kommer kostnaden för din website att börja öka.

Du kan fortsätta att använda Bluehost för webbhotell för WordPress för att hålla kostnaden låg och få ett gratis domain name.

Men eftersom du kommer att lägga till fler funktioner på din website kan det vara vettigt att få en kraftfullare konfiguration av webbhotell som SiteGrounds GoGeek-plan. Detta kommer att kosta dig lite mer, men det kommer med premium funktioner som staging, snabbare prestanda och kan hantera upp till 100 000 besökare per månad.

Du kan använda vår SiteGround coupon för att få 83% rabatt för det första året av ditt webbhotell.

You can also go for a premium WordPress template for your site. Till skillnad från gratis WordPress templates kommer dessa templates med extra funktioner och prioriterat support. Se vårt experturval av de bästa responsiva WordPress-temana för några bra premiumteman som du kan använda.

För fler funktioner på webbplatsen måste du använda en kombination av gratis + betalda addons för plugin.

Här är några viktiga premium WordPress plugins och tillägg som du behöver när din site växer:


  • WPForms Pro – Adderar en drag-and-drop form builder till din WordPress site.
  • WP Rocket – Premium WordPress caching plugin för att snabba upp din site.
  • SeedProd Pro – Adds a drag-and-drop WordPress page builder.
  • WP Mail SMTP – Förbättrar email deliverability och fixar problemet med att WordPress inte skickar email.
  • Uncanny Automator – WordPress automation plugin som hjälper dig att ansluta din website med populära tools & tjänster utan någon kod.



  • Duplicator – För automatisk backup av WordPress och säker molnlagring.
  • Sucuri Firewall – Firewall för website och skydd mot skadlig kod.

Det finns många fler tillägg WordPress och tjänster som du kan add to. Varje betald tjänst eller addon som du lägger till kommer att öka kostnaden för din WordPress webbplats.

Total kostnad för website: Beroende på vilka premium WordPress plugins och tjänster som du addar till kan det bli mellan 500 och 1000 dollar per år.

Vad kostar en website för småföretag med WordPress

Många människor frågar oss ofta hur mycket det kostar att bygga en website för småföretag med WordPress. Svaret beror på dina affärsbehov och de tools som du kommer att använda för att utveckla ditt företag online.

I princip kan du räkna med att kostnaden ligger någonstans mellan en WordPress-webbplats med låg budget och en WordPress-webbplats med fler funktioner.

Tänk på att du inte add to en fullfjädrad ecommerce store till ditt företags website. I så fall, se nästa section i den här artikeln för en mer exakt uppskattning.

Om du precis har börjat och behöver en enkel website som visar upp dina produkter och tjänster, rekommenderar vi att du börjar med Bluehost. Deras startpaket kommer att minska kostnaden avsevärt och ger dig pengar som du kan spendera på andra premium tools om det behövs.

Om du har en mer flexibel budget kan du registrera dig för SiteGrounds GrowBig-plan. De är kända för sitt utmärkta support, vilket är bra att ha för en småföretagare utan teknisk bakgrund.

Därefter måste du välja en design för din website. Du kan leta efter ett WordPress-tema för företagswebbplatser eller välja ett responsivt WordPress-tema som matchar dina krav.

Du kan välja ett gratis theme för WordPress. Men eftersom det är en företagswebbplats rekommenderar vi att du köper ett premiumtema som ger dig tillgång till support och updates.

Låt oss nu prata om tillägg.

You will need to use a combination of free and premium plugins to control the cost. Följare är några av de premium tillägg som är absolut nödvändiga för en webbplats för småföretag.


  • WPForms Pro – Premium-versionen ger dig tillgång till alla funktioner du behöver för att generera leads. Detta inkluderar PayPal-, Stripe- och Square-betalningar, conversational forms, integration av e-postmarknadsföring och mer.
  • SeedProd Pro – Adds a drag-and-drop WordPress page builder.
  • WP Mail SMTP – Förbättrar email deliverability och fixar problemet med att WordPress inte skickar email.
  • Uncanny Automator – WordPress automation plugin som hjälper dig att ansluta din website med populära tools & tjänster utan någon kod.



  • Duplicator Pro – Premiumversionen av tillägget kommer med automatiskt schema för backup, fjärrlagringsplatser för att hålla dina backups, drag and drop site flyttar, och mer.
  • Sucuri Firewall eller MalCare – Brandvägg för website och skydd mot skadlig programvara.

Nu finns det många fler tillägg och tools som du kanske vill använda. Vi rekommenderar att du först provar den gratis versionen och ser om det gör jobbet för you. Många premium-verktyg är tillgängliga med de gratis testversionerna, dra nytta av dem för att se om du verkligen behöver det verktyget.

As a business website, you would want to spend money to grow your business. Vi avråder dig ej från att spendera pengar när det är vettigt och du har råd med det.

Mer detaljer finns i vår Step-by-Step guide om hur man skapar en website för småföretag.

Total kostnad för website: Återigen beror det på de premium tools och tillägg du köper. Det kan vara var som helst mellan $ 300 och $ 700 per år men kan gå så högt som $ 1000 per år.

Vad kostar en website för ecommerce i WordPress?

Cost of building a WordPress eCommerce website

WordPress driver miljontals webbplatser för ecommerce runt om i världen.

Kostnaden för att bygga en WordPress eCommerce website kan vara betydligt högre, men vi kommer att visa dig hur du bygger en WordPress eCommerce website samtidigt som du undviker potentiella förluster och överutgifter.

Förutom webbhotell och domän behöver din site för ecommerce också ett SSL-certifikat, som kostar cirka 69,99 USD/år. SSL är obligatoriskt för att säkert överföra kunddata som information om credit card, användarnamn, password etc.

Vi rekommenderar att du använder Bluehost. Det ger dig en gratis domän och SSL-certifikat, plus en rabatt på webbhotell.

Efter det måste du välja ett WordPress eCommerce plugin.

Det finns flera tillägg för ecommerce för WordPress, men inget kommer ens close till WooCommerce. Det är det mest populära tillägget för ecommerce i WordPress som allow you att bygga robusta online stores för att sälja dina produkter/tjänster.

Därefter måste du installera WordPress och WooCommerce på din website. Vi har en Step-by-Step guide om hur du startar en butik på nätet.

WooCommerce är gratis, men du måste använda betalda addons för ytterligare funktioner. Kostnaden för din website kommer att gå upp beroende på hur många addons du behöver lägga till på din website.

När du är igång måste du välja ett WooCommerce WordPress-tema för din webbplats. Det finns flera betalda och gratis WordPress templates med fullt stöd för WooCommerce. Om du väljer en premium- eller betaltemplate får du tillgång till support och extra funktioner.

Vi har en lista över de bästa gratis WooCommerce addons, men beroende på dina behov kan du behöva använda några betalda utökningar också.

Här är några andra betaltjänster som du behöver på din website för ecommerce.


  • WPForms – To add customer inquiries and feedback forms, surveys and polls, and more.
  • SeedProd Pro – Adds a drag and drop WordPress page builder to create beautiful product grids, customize the WooCommerce checkout, and more.
  • WP Mail SMTP – Förbättrar email deliverability och fixar problemet med att WordPress inte skickar email.
  • Uncanny Automator – WordPress automation plugin som hjälper dig att ansluta din website med populära tools & tjänster utan någon kod.
  • FunnelKit – Skapa försäljningstrattar med hög konvertering, slide out cart, friktionsfria kassor, 1-klicks upsells, order bumps och mer.



Kom ihåg att det bästa sättet att hålla kostnaderna nere är att börja i liten skala och lägga till utökningar och tjänster i takt med att ditt företag växer.

Total kostnad för att bygga en WordPress website för ecommerce: $1000 – $3000. Det kan bli högre beroende på hur många betalda addons och tjänster du lägger till på din site.

Vad kostar en customize site i WordPress?

Cost of a custom WordPress website

En customize WordPress site är när du anlitar en WordPress utvecklare för att skapa en unik design och bygga specifika funktioner för den.

Vanligtvis väljer väletablerade, stora till medelstora företag denna väg.

För att stödja en custom WordPress site kanske du också vill välja en hanterad WordPress hosting provider. Detta är ett WordPress-centrerat webbhotell med hanterade updates, premium support, strikt säkerhet och utvecklarvänliga tools.

Förutom ditt webbhotell och domain name kommer du också att betala webbutvecklaren som bygger din website. Beroende på your behov kan det vara bra att ta in offerter från flera themes utvecklare, webbdesigners och agencies.

Kostnaden för en customize website beror på dina obligatoriska krav, din budget och ratingen för den utvecklare eller agency du anlitar.

Enbart ett standard customize WordPress theme kan kosta dig upp till 5 000 USD. Mer robusta WordPress webbplatser med specifika utvalda funktioner kan kosta upp till $15,000 eller ännu högre.

Men om du vill få en anpassad WordPress-webbplats utan att spränga banken erbjuder WPBeginner Pro Services design och utveckling av anpassade WordPress-webbplatser till revolutionerande priser .

WPBeginner Pro Services Custom Website Design

Custom Web Design-paketet, som kostar 1 299 USD, inkluderar en dedikerad projektledare, WordPress-installation, skräddarsydd design av homepage, 5 templates för undersidor, analytics setup, Brandy style guide och mycket mer.

För fler rekommendationer, se våra val av de bästa platserna att anställa WordPress utvecklare.

Update: Eftersom flera av er har bett om mer details om denna section har vi skapat en omfattande guide om hur mycket ett custom WordPress theme kostar och tips om hur du kan save pengar.

Notis: Vi har även skapat en guide för nybörjare om hur mycket det kostar att starta en membership site i WordPress.

Oavsett vilken typ av custom website du vill skapa, är ett effektivt sätt att minska kostnaderna för custom WordPress sites att använda SeedProd plugin. SeedProd är en drag and drop-webbplatsbyggare som allow dig att skapa anpassade teman och page builders utan att editera någon kod.

SeedProd drag and drop WordPress theme builder

Du kan använda SeedProd för att minska kostnaderna för din customize WordPress site med så mycket som 90%.

För mer details, se vår tutorial om hur du enkelt skapar ett custom WordPress theme med SeedProd.

Hur undviker man att betala för mycket och hur minskar man utgifterna?

Vi rekommenderar alltid våra användare att börja i liten skala och sedan skala upp sin WordPress site i takt med att den växer. I många fall behöver du inte alla de utvalda premium-funktioner som du ser på många väletablerade websites i din bransch.

Tänk på att dessa webbplatser hade ett head start, och det tog dem sannolikt lite tid att räkna ut hur man hanterar kostnader och växer sin verksamhet.

You can start with a budget website using free plugins and templates. När du börjar få besökare kan du överväga att lägga till premiumfunktioner som en premiummall, e-postmarknadsföring, ett betalt plugin för backup, en brandvägg för webbplatsen, en e-postadress för företag, telefontjänster för företag, chattsupport och så vidare.

Samma sak gäller för din website för ecommerce. Börja med det allra nödvändigaste, och när du sedan börjar sälja kommer du att upptäcka exakt vilka tools som hjälper dig och dina customers.

Leta efter de bästa erbjudandena och kupongerna för WordPress för att få ytterligare rabatter när du kan.

Även för robusta WordPress webbplatser behöver du inte alltid anlita en utvecklare. Vi har Step-by-Step tutorials om hur man skapar olika typer av WordPress websites, t.ex:

Vi hoppas att den här artikeln besvarar dina frågor om hur mycket en website kostar att bygga. Du kanske också vill se vår lista över legitima sätt att tjäna pengar online med WordPress, och vårt AI-drivna verktyg för att generera företagsnamn för att komma på idéer till företagsnamn.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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105 kommentarerLämna ett svar

  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. al amin Sheikh

    I don’t know why still people go to Shopify where WP with WC can be scaled up for large e-commerce websites.

    Very helpful for the business owner.

    • Moinuddin Waheed

      Most of the times when we get into something and start doing , it becomes very difficult to come out of that platform and test other available options.
      I had similar interests in other platforms untill I tested wordpress myself. once I started working on wordpress, it started giving a feeling like I can make anything on the web with the help of wordpress.
      This has led me to make a nearly complete transition to this platform.
      Those who are using Shopify or other platforms are infact never tasted the ease of wordpress.

    • Jiří Vaněk

      The answer is simple. Because WordPress is not that easy for beginners. It requires maintenance, updates (which don’t always go smoothly and can sometimes break the website), and it often needs coding adjustments. That’s why many people prefer simpler, ready-made solutions that require little to no maintenance. And that’s also very appealing.

  3. Jiří Vaněk

    It’s an interesting comparison when I compare it to the prices in the country where I live. Web hosting here is at a similar price, but, for example, own server here is significantly cheaper. The biggest costs for us are the plugin prices, which are the same for everyone, and then, of course, the developer, who costs about 50 Euros per hour of work. However, a small blog or personal portfolio in the Czech Republic costs around 500 Euros, and a large website or e-shop costs ten times as much.

  4. Moinuddin Waheed

    Thanks for the breakdown of the costing for making an online presence whether it’s a blog or a website.
    The cost may vary depending upon the nature and requirements of the website but the basic and standard cost of most important aspects of the website like domain name , hosting almost remains the same.

  5. Iriogbe peter

    I appreciate the effort you put into crafting this article.

    I want to ask, how much should a web developer charge from a client who wants to build a customized WordPress website?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It heavily depends on the individual and site, we do not have a guide for deciding pricing from a developer’s perspective at the moment sadly.


  6. Ahmed Omar

    An insightful exploration into the real costs of building a WordPress website!
    Your detailed breakdown of expenses, from hosting to premium themes, is invaluable for budget planning.
    A technical suggestion, leveraging Caching Plugin can significantly optimize performance and cut down on hosting costs.
    Thanks for shedding light on the true investment

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome!


  7. Sameer Hussain

    Such a detailed and organized article, considering there is so much competition out there. I would just like to add one thing. Start small and keep the ’Snowball effect’ in mind. Treat your website as a plant seed. And don’t forget to water it. The tools mentioned in this article are spot on.

  8. Shafqat Khan

    Great breakdown of WordPress website costs! Your detailed guide covers expenses for various site types, emphasizing the smart approach of starting small and expanding as needed. The section on avoiding overpaying is insightful, suggesting a gradual adoption of premium features. The step-by-step tutorials are a valuable resource. Overall, your article is a go-to guide for users at different stages. Kudos for providing valuable insights to the WordPress community!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Happy to hear you liked our article and found it helpful :)


  9. Lara Carter

    I was wondering, how do websites, like wpbeginer make money if all of the content is free, is it just from adverts?

  10. Suresh

    Building a WordPress website is really affordable if you choose the right hosting company that supports WordPress. This guide explains it all.

  11. Lara Carter

    I have recently started to try and learn about website development and how to build a website yet and a question I kept trying to understand was about the cost of WordPress. This website explained it clearly naming all the differences in price between the different plan options including the features and the different options, comparing the value of the different plans. I have been wanting to experiment with WordPress by starting website possibly for young enterprise, but I didn’t want to spend too much money on it as I am only experimenting and playing around with the website, becoming familiar with it. This webpage was very helpful for to gain an understanding of this.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad to hear our article was helpful :)


  12. Олександр

    At the age of 53, I need to learn a new profession. I want to try my hand at creating websites. But I am an absolute zero in this area of knowledge, so I need very simple and detailed explanations. I hope your blog will help me with this. What I have read here inspires me to keep learning. I don’t know if I will be able to go all the way, but you have convinced me to keep learning with this article. Some things are already becoming clear. At least, the skeleton of understandable concepts is beginning to emerge. Thank you for your work. Greetings from Ukraine!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad this guide was helpful and we hope you find our other articles just as helpful!


  13. Shashwata

    Very well explained, A person without any single programming knowledge can easily understand what you want to saying. Very Nice, Keep it up…

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  14. Iwuozor John

    Thank you so much WPbeginners. You explain these concepts so well that I no longer have doubts. I really appreciate.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our guides are able to help :)


  15. julius

    This is beautiful and well detailed explaination

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you, glad you found our article helpful :)


  16. Jackie Lambert

    Hi – this is a great and comprehensive article, but it has left me with a couple of questions.

    I am on a Premium plan. I understood that I can’t install plugins but you mention free plugins that I should install even on a most basic website.

    I would love to have backup at the very least. What do you suggest?

    I set up my blog on Wordpress. How does Bluehost relate to this? I don’t remember choosing hosting.

    Thanks a mill!

  17. Richard Thatcher

    I enjoy reading through WP Beginner for the wealth of information that I will need to learn to have a good site in the future. It also has an interesting Do-it-yourself spirit to it that is empowering.

    I am looking forward to learning as much as I can.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad you like our content, hope we continue to be helpful with your learning and site itself :)


  18. William Becker

    I really appreciate your work that you have done in this blog.I like it keep it up.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you, glad you like our content :)


  19. James D. A. Terry

    I’m an author, book reviewer and author interviewer. I also produce a monthly newsletter. Which Wordpress should I use .com or .org and at what level?
    Also, if I decide to go with .org can I transfer my .com to .org?

  20. ashley

    I’m wondering if it makes sense to host something on Bluehost PLUS pay for’s Business Plan for $25/month? Or do both of those offer more or less the same thing?

  21. Lisa

    The articles on your site are very very much informative and straight to the point. I am really thankful for your help.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our articles are helpful :)


  22. Bill Patterson

    I would avoid at all costs. They handcuff you if you want to expand and get into the backend files. I have taken over sites built on that platform and had nothing but trouble moving to a normal site hosting.


    There is a great blog, very good information in it, very good its content, this has helped me.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our content help :)


  24. Keith

    I need to build a page with a header photo and title followed with 3 columns of photos. Can you recommend a theme that is simple for a beginner/non-programmer to accomplish this? Thanks

  25. Moses

    Thanks a lot for this article, it was so helpful to me.

  26. Kim

    I am a small blogger (blog is less than 1 year). I currently am on My renewal is coming up and I am wondering if I should upgrade to the business plan on the .com site or move over to ? I’ve been focusing this year on content (I’m a food blogger), but I want to get social media numbers up so I can get paid work. Would love your advice!

    • Sadi has some limitations while .org is more preferable in your case.
      Their is a post regarding Vs on Wpbeginner, it will help you take better decision.

  27. Fred

    Hello, I’m interested in building a financial eCommerce (paid subscription via credit card, Square, PayPal) website with 3 to 5 pages and a 30-45 second YouTube video explaining my business model.

    I’m undecided between using Bluehost or GO Daddy, which one can deliver a more robust performance at a lower cost?

    Or can you give me a better alternative instead of Bluehost or GO Daddy?

    Thank you so much!

    Best regards,

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Fred,

      The performance of your website depends on how many people will be visiting it and how well optimized it is. We recommend using Bluehost and then gradually increasing your server resources as your traffic grows.


    • George

      Hi Fred, Go for Godaddy…if you can manage Amazon AWS is even better, try lightsail. I tried both Godaddy and AWS, the later edged over….it’s just the setting up needs a bit of tech.

  28. Steve Donoso

    We are setting up a simple webpage on Wordpress (hosted by Bluehost) for a nascent film festival. It will solely be an informational webpage with three links to other sites. Nothing will be sold, or downloaded or uploaded on the webpage. Wordpress wants to know if we want to build a personal or business site — given what I’ve just described, which option is simplest?

  29. Don Vannice

    Hi…My book just got published and will be for sale on Amazon.

    I need a site that shows a graphic of my book cover, plus a link to Amazon, plus a forum, plus a blog, plus links to FB and Twitter.

    I already have my domain name with Go Daddy.

    Can I hear from someone on this setup and the cost?


  30. David

    The many levels of hosting plans is what confuses me the most. I see a lot of add-ons and features.

    I want to create a blog with with a forum feature for discussions. I am doing it more for my own satisfaction than to make money but monetizing the site would be nice. I would use either an affiliate program and/or pay per click.

    It would also be nice to have a separate email associated with the domain.

    Any suggestions on where to start and what level hosting plans would get me what I want.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi David,

      If you are just starting out, then the basic or plus plans on Bluehost would be good for now.

      However, you will need to upgrade your hosting as your website gets more users.


  31. VectorJournal

    I see that many web designers have chimed in and were worried that they would lose jobs because people were building their own websites. If that logic stands, then there would be no hope for carpenter, chef, plumber, marketer, business consultant etc.

    Indeed, a few years ago when Canva, a graphic design software was launched, many graphic designers were worried that it would take their jobs. But many are still doing fine. Canva’s primary market is bloggers who hope to monetize from their blogs. They have never been a big client for graphic designers. It takes much more than script fonts, gaudy background, Photoshop level adjustment to ensure a consistent and beautiful branding image for your website.

    So folks, keep calm and focus on growing your skills. And huge thanks for WPBeginner for the most helpful Wordpress tutorial series on the planet.

    • Vicki

      Well said VectorJournal.

      I am a total believer in an educational approach with my clients. I find the more I educate them on how to ”do-it-yourself,” the more they rely on me to take them to the next step, and the next – at their pace of readiness. They also learn what they don’t want to do themselves and what takes too much time for them to do (and get me to do that task instead) or what they can do themselves. When they understand the time and cost involved in the processes, they can better make decisions about where there money and time goes. I find it is a win-win situation. There is plenty of work to go around, but when we want to hold onto our knowledge tightly, it only breeds distrust.

      In regard to this article, I think it is great.

    • Vicki

      I don’t often subscribe for stuff based on one article but I find your style is very easy to understand and progresses logically. Thanks! So many ”educators” actually leave out simple but crucial steps. Nice job!

      My question is…if I want a responsive site, can I still obtain that through getting a .org template and adding bootstrap? Is it that easy? Or, as a beginner in wordpress, will I need to hire someone to get bootstrap and worpress to work together?

      • WPBeginner Support

        Hi Vicki,

        Most themes on .org are already responsive. There are also some themes that are built using bootstrap.


  32. JoDel

    Hi! Thank you for the article it’s clear and very helpful.
    I was wondering though, if I wanted to pay someone to review everything I’ve done and check the security of the domain as well as everything I have on the hosting site, where would I go to find someone? There’s so many random people and places, it’s hard to tell who is legit and who is going to run off with all of my info. :)
    Thanks in advance for any help you can give!

    • WPBeginner Support

      hi JoDel,

      You can find developers on websites like UpWork and Freelancer. Thoroughly check their profiles and completed jobs before hiring them.


  33. Yonatan

    A great website and great content; very much helpful for beginners.

  34. Ellen

    I read your article and several others, and I’m still not clear.
    – You say WordPress is free but WordPress lists the cost of $4/month (in another place on their site I thought I saw $12/month) for a site with a custom domain. The WP site says that cost includes a custom domain name. Does that mean you don’t have to pay extra to register the domain?
    – If you pay the $4/month, you still have to pay for a host, correct?

    Thanks much.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Ellen,

      You are probably looking at prices. We recommend using self-hosted and the article above will give you an estimate of how much it would cost to start a WordPress blog using self hosted


      • Ellen

        Thanks! So, I can create a Web site by paying for just the domain and the host?

        • WPBeginner Support

          Hi Ellen,

          Initially, yes. However, you will have to use free themes and plugins has thousands of free plugins and themes. If you choose to use paid themes, plugins, or services then this will increase your cost.

  35. Elli

    Hi, thanks for a straight-forward article!
    I am a total beginner taking on a challenge to build my first simple blog site…
    I use bluehost
    I use wordpress
    I am playing with some templates
    I have created a localhost to work on
    I am making good progress!

    My question is:
    When do buying Genesis and a child theme come into play?

    I signed up with Bluehost through The Minimalist website and watched their tutorial to set up. Everyone keeps talking about Genesis but I am not sure if it is something I need right now as a beginner?? And I didn’t see it mentioned above.
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Elli,

      Good luck with your blog :)

      Genesis is a WordPress theme framework, which makes it easier for theme developers to create child themes based on a rock solid and performance optimized parent theme. You can purchase genesis and a child theme for it.

      However, if you are just starting out, then you can start with any good standard compliant theme and with proper optimization it could even outperform a Genesis theme.


  36. Ravi


    I want to build a crowdfunding site in wordpress and cant find any in the mentioned list ’how to create different types of WordPress websites such as:’. please advise how can I do so with the low budget as suggested in the article to start small. to be more precise, it would be an equity crowdfunding site.

  37. Hasnain

    Hello first of all above knowledge is very useful .I have a question that if you make money online via Google adsense so you have to pay wordpress also? If yes so how much?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Hasnain,

      No, you don’t have to pay WordPress. If you are on a self hosted website, then you have complete ownership and control of your website.


  38. Grace


    Thanks for the article. I clicked the button, but Bluehost does NOT give over 60% off ’on web hosting.’ There is no indication of your website either on the Bluehost website while I go through the sign up process. How can I get the discount you mentioned?

    Thanks in advance

    Thankfully, Bluehost, an official WordPress recommended hosting provider, has agreed to offer our users a free domain name and over 60% off on web hosting.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Grace,

      When you click the button it takes you to Bluehost website, where you see a message ’Special offer for WordPress users’. You will see the discounted price above the green ’Get Started’ button.


  39. Raka

    If I were to pay $10k+ for a WordPress ecommerce, why should I not go for a Magento.

  40. Lodi Daniel

    I think this article is great for some one is well articulate with website design and cost implications but a bit misleading for some one who is very naive about website costing. cheap can be cost saving in the short run but a complete disaster in the long run.
    I have built websites for clients who really want to save a huge cost but in the end they fail to get value for their little money.

  41. Awontis

    Everyone wants a beautiful website and luckily WordPress offers many themes at reasonable prices. Since you’re doing things yourself, you’ll probably want to choose a pre-made WordPress theme for your site’s design. A lot will depend on the type of look you want for your WordPress site and you need to think about how you want to represent yourself or your brand online, and that costs.

  42. Nate

    A lot of these articles neglect a huge factor of building your own site: time. If you have never built a site before you are going to spend a lot of time figuring out things work. Then once you do have it built, how do you know it is right?

    What is your time worth? Would you pay me with no experience in your job the same amount you make.

    Looking at the Holistic Cost and the TERM cost is important: Time, Enjoyment, Result, Money. Money is last for a reason.

  43. Jeffrey Samorano

    Great article! I love how you’ve broken it down.

    However, I feel there needs to be some words of caution for the ”cheapest” option you’ve outlined.

    Sometimes, saving money in the short-term can cause headaches and larger financial burdens later on down the line.

    I would add that *if you know you want to grow your site* (more then just validating an idea or starting a blog), that you should really start out with a premium theme. I feel that the ’cost’ (time, headache and money) of changing themes later is unnecessary and more trouble than it’s worth.

    Premium themes are so cheap that, in my opinion, it’s better to start out with something really good that you can grow into, than to upgrade later. This is even more true for ”free” themes that use proprietary visual editors and shortcodes. moving from one shortcode library to another is, essentially, re-constructing every single page of your website.

    Another word of caution is to find a reputable source for free themes. the danger is that ”free” themes could have built-in back doors for potentially nefarious intrusions. beware free themes that have not gone through some kind of checks and balance or, third part verification.

    I’m sure this could probably be an entire post in itself but, i feel it’s worth mentioning here as well.

    Great Article!

  44. Naseem khan

    I am Confused, as I have purchased Domain name from Godaddy and Hosting from Hostgator. But still thinking that I dont know the basic wordpress Editing.
    Currently using Blogger and very Well known. But wanted to work on it.
    Can you please suggest me should I register my domain name and hosting without an experience?

    • Lodi Daniel

      Wordpress can offer your website a better visual appearance and functionality than blogger, But as far as managing your hosting account is concerned, you can watch self guiding tutorials or get some one who is well conversant with cPanel since you said you bought hosting from HostGator and they use the industry standard cPanel, then you’ll have o make GoDaddy point your domain to the Hostgator nameservers where your files shall be hosted.
      I hope this helps a bit.

  45. Jeremy

    One thing that I think is important to point out in terms of cost is maintenance. A lot of people buy or build a website without considering that there are ongoing costs and time. WordPress sites tend to need some TLC when it comes to updates, security, and backups. While some of this can be automated, there’s some risk of updates breaking themes and plugins. There’s also issues that your backups could be compromised, if you’re just letting a server keep 30 days worth.

    Overall, the point here is that if you’re serious about owning a website and keeping it healthy, don’t consider your cost a one-time thing. Factor in the other ongoing costs. Managed hosting does a lot of this, but it’s not the be-all to end all solution.

    • Barbara J

      That is so true. I have seen so many people say they want to upkeep and maintain thier websites, but they don’t.

      • Jeffrey Samorano

        Oh man.. Every client I’ve ever had. :o)

  46. satya

    how to create a flate image for blog post like you ???? ?????

  47. Nanang

    An appropriate comparison to notify the clients, that there is a fair price if you want to get a professional website. If you want cheap, you will ”play” in around a free templates that is used millions of others throughout the world.

  48. Brett Atkin

    The title of this article is misleading at the very least. Nowhere do you mention the cost of content, imagery, learning WP, etc… Building a web site is so much than what you outline, even for experienced individuals.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Brett,

      We wrote this article for our DIY users. They normally create their own content. You can use WPBeginner to learn WordPress (all for free). There are tons of cc0 images that one can use as well.


      • Amanda

        WordPress and web designers dont need to worry about their future just because people can build their own site for free. Yes, anyone can learn how to make a WordPress page for free, that is so true. But I have many years of experience working with a lot of clients both building websites for them and teaching them how to manage it themselves, and there are two important reasons why the general public will always need web designers. First, many people are completely incapable of Googling something or even reading a WP Beginner article and doing their own DIY. If the entire world was capable of DIY there would be no Jiffy Lubes or plumbers. Tons of people will always need their hand held or someone to just do it all for them. The other reasons why people will always need to hire web designers is that you can teach a few of them how to *build* it, but so many will stop learning there, and never realize that being a carpenter is not the same thing as being an architect. Good design is hard to find on most DIY sites. Only a tiny fraction will ever push through both learning construction and learning design, let alone marketing. The rest will always be willing to throw a couple bucks into hiring a designer with business & marketing knowledge.

        I like your article…except that it leaves out even the possibility of hiring someone to help with design until they are at massive corporate website level. I think you should consider that probably a good number of your subscribers are semi-pro designers who are the real people who do DIY. And at least give them a nod. Recognize that if small businesses didn’t hire web designers the web would be filled with hideous websites, with menus that have too many options, sidebars cluttered with dozens of distracting widgets, headers that don’t look right on mobile….and worse….Possibly dancing baby gifs, visitor counters, guest books…wallpaper!

        I think you need something in between the ”basic DIY site” and ”Site with more features”. Because ”more features” obviously means more paid plugins. And a good designer can get a wordpress website to do more and look better with less plugins…And certainly avoid paying for plugins for as long as possible. Depending on how ”fussy” the client is they could easily have this designed for them for a one time fee of $300 – $500. Now I am being controversial because I know some designers charge $1000 and up. But I am talking simple sites for small businesses that only take a few hours to set up. Paying $1000 for that is over-paying.

        And if I really want to get controversial and fly in the face of DIY, I have recently been exploring designing Wix sites for a few small business people. They may be built for DIY, but they still need someone with a designer’s eye and good marketing sense to help them out.

        • Vicki

          Amanda I totally agree. I like to think of my superpower as being the Madame of General Knowledge of Everything. I can put together an html site (for examp) and it will look decent. U can do a certain level of seo and web marketing, and marketing in general. That is what many webbie newbies need to get their feet wet at a low cost. However, I also know my limitations as well as my gifts, and I know when my client is ready for the next level, and when it is time I bring my talented friends in for specific tasks. It is also about time and efficiency and money. For myself, just learning wordpress, I will do what I can, but there will be certain limitations with templates esthetically and functionally that I will overcome by bringing in a more talented tool (talented person) in my toolbox to change this or that…and it really doesn’t have to cost much to do that. In fact more of you would get business if the general public understood that. They don’t need to hire someone for $5000. They can hire someone for a couple to 10 hours at a reasonable cost.

      • Dr.Varun

        It is less costly if you just buy domain and let your friend host for you. For me, premium version cost 700 INR. Special thanks to the guy, hosting is the real money. And for addons, i guess it’s better to leave them and focus on your content first. Once you have 20-30 posts (or had earned from adsense), go premium plugins.

  49. John

    Why would a person select Woo Commerce instead of paying $29.95 for Shopify? By the time a person purchased the paid plugins for Woo Commerce wouldn’t it be more expensive than just getting a shopify store? Thanks.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi John,

      Most WooCommerce plugins come with yearly licenses, WooCommerce itself is free. You are free to add features and extensions to your eCommerce site but you are not required to. You can control your expenses quite easily and spend as your business grows.


  50. Pankaj Dhawan

    Hello Syed,

    Great post as always. One thing though, for security, I am using Wordfence. I hope that is also a good plugin for the security purpose.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Pankaj,

      We use Sucuri on all of our websites. We try to recommend products and services that we use ourselves.


  51. Joe B

    This is a very comprehensive breakdown of WordPress associated cost. Very good to see the breakdown from low cost to advance cost for ecommerce. This gives the novice user a better understanding of what WordPress is and how it can be leveraged for various types of projects as what we do. Ultimately, professional looking websites don’t have to cost a bundle.

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