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Como mover corretamente o WordPress do subdomínio para o domínio raiz

Deseja mover um site WordPress do subdomínio para o domínio raiz?

O processo é bastante fácil de seguir, e há uma maneira de salvar suas classificações de SEO também.

Neste artigo, mostraremos a você como mover facilmente o WordPress do subdomínio para o domínio raiz com instruções passo a passo.

Moving a WordPress site from subdomain to root domain

Transferência do WordPress do subdomínio para o domínio raiz

Um subdomínio é uma extensão de seu nome de domínio raiz. Por exemplo, é um subdomínio de Nesse caso, é o domínio raiz.

Os mecanismos de pesquisa consideram o subdomínio como um site totalmente diferente. É por isso que você precisa se certificar de redirecionar adequadamente os mecanismos de pesquisa para o domínio raiz após a transferência. Isso o ajudará a preservar as classificações de pesquisa depois de mover seu website.

Ao contrário de mover um site WordPress para um novo host ou um novo nome de domínio, mover um site para o domínio raiz é um pouco mais fácil.

Principalmente porque ambos costumam ser hospedados na mesma empresa de hospedagem na Web. Isso permite que você pule algumas etapas.

Vamos dar uma olhada em como mover um site WordPress do subdomínio para o domínio raiz.

Etapa 1. Crie um backup completo de seu site

Você deve sempre manter uma solução de backup instalada em seu site para fazer backups automatizados. Há vários plug-ins de backup do WordPress que você pode usar para manter seu conteúdo seguro.

Agora, se você já tiver um plug-in de backup instalado, talvez esteja pensando que pode pular esta etapa.

Esta etapa serve para lembrá-lo de que, mesmo que você tenha backups automatizados do seu site, ainda é necessário criar um backup completo do site. Isso inclui um backup do banco de dados, bem como um backup de todos os seus arquivos e pastas do WordPress.

Depois de criar um backup completo, certifique-se de armazená-lo em um local remoto ou em seu computador.

Etapa 2. Como mover seus arquivos do WordPress do subdomínio para a pasta raiz

Primeiro, você precisa se conectar ao seu site usando um cliente FTP ou o gerenciador de arquivos do cPanel. Depois de conectado, vá para o local da subpasta e baixe todos os arquivos do WordPress para o computador.

Download WordPress files

Em seguida, abra a pasta public_html de seu domínio raiz. Dependendo de como seu ambiente de hospedagem do WordPress está configurado, essa pasta também pode ser chamada de www ou do nome de seu domínio.

Agora, você precisa fazer upload de todos os arquivos do WordPress baixados anteriormente para o diretório raiz.

Upload WordPress files to root domain

Etapa 3. Alterar as configurações de URL do WordPress e URL do site

Depois de mover os arquivos do WordPress, você não poderá acessar a área de administração do WordPress no domínio raiz. Ao tentar fazer login no site raiz, você será redirecionado para a área de administração do site do subdomínio.

Para corrigir isso, mude para o cliente FTP e vá para o diretório raiz de seu nome de domínio. Em seguida, você precisa editar o arquivo wp-config.php e adicionar as seguintes linhas logo antes da linha “That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging”.


Não se esqueça de substituir por seu próprio nome de domínio. Se quiser que o site raiz use www, será necessário inserir os URLs com o prefixo www.

Salve as alterações e carregue o arquivo wp-config.php de volta em seu site.

Agora você pode acessar a área de administração do seu site WordPress no nome de domínio raiz.

Etapa 4. Atualizar URLs

Seu site do WordPress foi movido para o domínio raiz, mas haverá links no banco de dados do WordPress apontando para o subdomínio.

Vamos corrigir isso.

Você precisará instalar e ativar o plug-in Search & Replace Everything. Para obter mais detalhes, consulte nosso guia passo a passo sobre como instalar um plug-in do WordPress.

Após a ativação, você precisa acessar a página Tools ” WP Search & Replace no painel de administração do WordPress.

Na parte superior da página, você precisa inserir o URL do subdomínio ao lado do campo “Search for” (Pesquisar por) e adicionar seu domínio raiz no campo “Replace with” (Substituir por).

Add subdomain and root domain to search and replace fields

Ao rolar a página para baixo, você pode optar por atualizar URLs em tabelas específicas do banco de dados do WordPress, como posts, comentários, opções, dados do usuário, termos e outras áreas. Ou você pode selecionar todas as tabelas.

Em seguida, clique no botão “Preview Search & Replace” (Visualizar pesquisa e substituição).

Select all tables in Search & Replace Everything

O plug-in mostrará uma visualização de todas as alterações que serão feitas.

Se tudo estiver correto, clique no botão “Replace All” (Substituir tudo) para continuar.

Preview changes and click Replace All

O plug-in agora atualizará todos os URLs em seu banco de dados do WordPress.

Etapa 5. Redirecionar todo o tráfego do subdomínio para o domínio raiz

Agora que você moveu os arquivos do WordPress, vamos garantir que o tráfego do subdomínio seja redirecionado para o nome de domínio raiz.

Vá para a pasta do subdomínio e verifique se os arquivos ocultos são forçados a ficar visíveis.

As configurações de seu cliente FTP têm uma opção para sempre mostrar arquivos ocultos. No FileZilla, ela está localizada na opção Servidor ” Forçar a exibição de arquivos oc ultos.

Show hidden files

Se estiver usando o cPanel File Manager, clique no botão “Settings” (Configurações) no canto superior direito da tela. Isso abrirá a janela pop-up de preferências. Você precisa selecionar “Show hidden files” (Mostrar arquivos ocultos) e clicar no botão “Save” (Salvar).

Show hidden files in cPanel file manager

Se a pasta do subdomínio já tiver um arquivo .htaccess, você poderá excluí-lo e criar um novo. Dentro do novo arquivo .htaccess, você precisa copiar e colar o seguinte código:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^yoursubdomain\.example\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ "$1" [R=301,L]

Não se esqueça de substituir seu subdomínio pelo subdomínio real e pelo nome de seu domínio.

Observe que a linha RewriteRule usa um URL não www. Se quiser usar www em seu domínio raiz, será necessário adicionar o URL com um prefixo www.

Salve as alterações e carregue o arquivo .htaccess no servidor.

Isso é tudo. Você conseguiu mover seu site do subdomínio para o domínio raiz. Agora você pode visitar seu site para vê-lo em ação. Teste seu site para ter certeza de que tudo está funcionando bem.

Esperamos que este artigo tenha ajudado você a mover seu site do subdomínio para o domínio raiz. Talvez você também queira ver nosso guia definitivo de SEO para WordPress para iniciantes, bem como nossas escolhas dos melhores plug-ins de redirecionamento 404 para WordPress.

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62 ComentáriosLeave a Reply

  1. Anna

    I’m moving from a subdomain to a new domain – can I follow this guide to do this?

  2. Heidary

    hello and thank you for this article
    i moved a website from subdomain to domain but the problem that i have is when i enter the subdomain url in the browser the website is being displayed but the url that is being displayed in the address bar is the subdomain , and when i click one of the links on the website then i am being redirected to main domain , please note there is nothing on the subdomain right now.
    i do have 301 redirect on the subdomain but something doesn’t seem to be working properly , any idea what could be causing this? any help or tip would be appreciated
    thank you in advance

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you’ve already done the step to update your URLs, we would recommend checking your Settings>general page to ensure the URL was updated correctly there.


  3. Jesse Dill

    I am going through the steps and on step 3, I followed the php syntax but it caused some errors and I couldn’t get to any of the wordpress admin sites. I had to remove the pre tags and just use:


    After that it worked. Just in case anyone comes across the same issue as me.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you for sharing that in case someone else runs into that issue!


  4. sarah

    Hi, Step two doesn’t seem to work for me as CPanel won’t let me download the directory

    I can download individual files but not folders or directories. I have tried compressing to .zip but the .zip file is empty.

    Can you please advise? Many thanks

  5. Jessica

    I see that Velvet Blues Update URLs plugin on is noted “This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.”

    Do you recommend a different plugin now or to still use this one?

  6. Caleb Byers

    Do you need to update anything in the databases after doing the steps in the article? Whenever moving a site I’ve seen people say that there are a few steps in the databases, but not in this article… Is there a reason why?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Step 4 handles that :)


  7. Del Abernethy

    Worked a charm up until I tried to login to wp-admin. The site already had files (which I over-wrote) and users but now it won’t recognise the existing users. It does allow me to login using the username & password from the sub-domain so I’m assuming it is linked to the sub-domain database. Is it possible to link it to the existing original database?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to check the wp-config file for the database it is connected to for your site and you would be able to change that in your file. That would normally happen if you didn’t overwrite the existing file if you were trying to replace a site with the one on the subdomain.


  8. Peter Harrison

    Does this method update all the references in the database too?


    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on what references you are talking about. If you mean links in the articles then the velvet blues plugin updates those.


  9. Mucha

    please advise on the steps for the htaccess. if my subdomain is /new what should it be on the new htaccess?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to take a look at step 5 in the article for that information.


  10. Kat

    I get a Web Application Firewall error whenever I implement phase 4. What could be the problem?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would likely want to check with your hosting provider to ensure they don’t have a firewall and your SSL certificate is active as the most common reasons


  11. Ben

    Hey – do you reccomend also using Googles change of address tool, to tell it is now ?


    • WPBeginner Support

      If you want you can also use that tool, the redirects would normally resolve this for you.


  12. Sunita

    Thanku so much… it wouldn’t be possible without your help… thank you again!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  13. Sara

    I followed your steps up until the end of step 3, where I have edited the wp-config.php file
    I then go to the wp-admin. I enter my details and it just goes back to the same login. It’s not allowing me to login to the wordpress backend.
    It’s like it’s redirecting me.
    Are you able to help?
    I’d really appreciate it.

  14. Ghassen GaraAli


    Does this work to move a subdirectory to root ?

    thank you

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yes, you can follow our guide for that as well.


  15. Sofia

    Hello, I did everything and it worked! But now I’m wondering, how do I keep my subdomain as a “staging” website, so that I can change things and not affect the one on the domain. I’d have to make a new database (using a backup) right?
    How to assure I don’t do anything wrong?

  16. Oliver

    In my subdomain folder, I have 2 .htaccess files. One is in subdomains/example, the other is in subdomains/example/web. The latter is next to all the other wordpress files. Which one should I delete and replace with the code in step 5?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may need to check with your host but from the sound of it, you would modify the second one.


  17. Aldo Salim

    Hi, thank you so much for the great help.

    However, i do not want to keep the old sub-directory folder. Will it be okay to delete the sub-directory folder?

    • WPBeginner Support

      As long as you’ve moved all of the files you can remove the sub-directory folder


  18. Joshua Orizu

    I am building a websites and the domain name is displaying site.comp50 instead of how do i fix this

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may want to check with your hosting provider to ensure the correct domain is attached to where your site is and then you would be able to update the url in your Settings>General area


  19. Jeremy

    What happens to the blog posts on the root domain during a migration?

    I currently built a redesigned site on a subdomain,, and want to migrate it over to the the root domain. However, I want to keep the blog posts.

    i’m worried about the seo. Do the blog post from the root domain get overwritten? If not how would i access them to redirect them?


  20. Madison


    Would this method work if I wanted to move a subdomain, which a friend uses, ie,, over to their new account so it can be its own website like

    If not, is there anything that would work at all or would they just have to start over, thus losing all the comments, page views, etc?

  21. jeff

    velvet blues didn’t work for me, but another url replacement plugin did (better search replace)

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thanks for sharing the plugin that worked for you :)


  22. Rui

    This tutorial is great, but didn’t work for me. I don’t know why.

    I can access to admin area, in homepage the images are not shown and when i tried to access posts and products says “Not Found
    The requested URL /shop/index.php was not found on this server.”

    I would like some help if possible.
    Thank you a lot

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may want to ensure steps 3 and 4 were completed for the most common reason for that.


    • Canonical Bear

      We had the same problem (my team and I). Only the Home Page would open, and all other pages were broken.
      You need to update the permalinks. Go to Dashboard ->Settings -> Permalinks. Here, don’t make any changes, just click on “Save Changes”.
      It re-apply settings with the current directory as root.
      All the best.

      • John

        CANONICAL BEAR, you deserve two kisses for this comment. No, make that three! Worked superbly.

  23. Milan

    Hello WP Team,

    just one quick question… what is the difference between this procedure and clone website from cpanel installatron (godaddy). Can I use clone for same purpose? Do I need to made some additional changes after cloning. It’s looks much easier to do this with clone option.

    Thanks for good work!

  24. Melind

    This worked like a charm! The part that takes the longest is uploading and downloading the files. Thank you!

  25. smv

    This didn’t work for me at all. Step 4, using the Velvet Blues plug-in to update the URLs, didn’t update most of them. There were still loads of references to the old site. I had to re-do everything, but I used the duplicator plug-in, which worked well.

  26. Gábor Sztárcsevics


    Is this modification will change the records in the database, which is used for my wordpress on the

    Shouldn’t I create a new database for the migrated wordpress?

    Thank you!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Gábor Sztárcsevics,

      Since you are moving from subdomain to root domain on the same hosting environment, your old database would work just fine after you update URLs as shown in the tutorial.

      However, if you would like to create a new database, then you can do that as well. You will then need to export your data from the old database to the new one and update URLs.


  27. Shravan

    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^yoursubdomain\.example\.com$

    in this code, do i need to remove those 2 backward slash’s

  28. Denise

    I don’t see where you remove the old wordpress files. Are they automatically replaced when you upload the subdomain files to the root?
    Thank you.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Denise,

      IF your root site already has a WordPress installation, then you need to overwrite those files.


  29. Charlotte Jones

    I tried this and got a HTTP 500 error. Luckily I backed everything up, but I don’t understand. All the files are there in public_html and I changed the wp-config file to point to the root domain.

  30. Jon

    Very good thank you. Went like a dream apart from an error I made by amending the old subdomain .htaccess file instead of the new one in the root. Your advice was excellent tho.

  31. Juan F.

    Hi guys,

    After doing all the steps, if I want to save a page I get an error and automatically redirects me to the post list, could you help me please?

    Thanks in advance.

    • Anita

      If I make the site in the folder, do I have to move it to the folder or can I just redirect it, how does that work?

  32. Ousman Faal

    This was definitely useful. I was just about to change a demo site on a sub domain to a root domain.
    You guys are live savers.

  33. Kumaar Dev Sharma

    this is very helpful to me….very nice post

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