Lidar com um erro 404 em seu sitemap do Yoast SEO no WordPress pode ser frustrante. O Yoast SEO é uma ferramenta popular, mas, às vezes, um conflito de plug-in ou configurações incorretas podem causar esse erro.
Portanto, se você tentar visitar o mapa do site XML e vir um erro 404, isso poderá impedi-lo de prosseguir. Mas não se preocupe, há soluções fáceis.
Na WPBeginner, encontramos e resolvemos esse problema, se não uma centena de vezes. Neste artigo, vamos orientá-lo passo a passo para corrigir o erro 404 do sitemap do Yoast SEO. Basta acompanhar para que seu mapa do site volte a funcionar sem problemas.

O que está causando o erro 404 do Sitemap do Yoast SEO no WordPress?
O mapa do site do Yoast SEO ajuda os mecanismos de pesquisa a encontrar todo o conteúdo do seu site que você deseja que eles encontrem e indexem.
A correção do erro garante que os mecanismos de pesquisa possam acessar o mapa do site e descobrir todas as páginas e o conteúdo do seu site. Isso pode resultar em melhor visibilidade e classificação nos mecanismos de pesquisa e também ajudará a classificar seu conteúdo mais rapidamente do que se não houvesse um mapa do site.
O WordPress tem um sitemap XML padrão que você pode enviar ao Google Search Console e a outros mecanismos de pesquisa.
Esse mapa do site em XML pode ser acessado digitando o seguinte URL na barra de endereços do navegador:
No entanto, esse mapa do site padrão gerado pelo WordPress é muito básico. Para corrigir isso, todos os principais plugins de SEO do WordPress, como o Yoast SEO e o plugin All in One SEO, criam seus próprios sitemaps XML com mais recursos.
Quando você usa o mapa do site XML gerado pelo seu plug-in de SEO do WordPress, o plug-in reescreve o atalho padrão do mapa do site XML do WordPress.
Isso significa que o URL do mapa do site mencionado acima enviará os usuários para os mapas do site gerados pelo seu plug-in de SEO do WordPress.
Infelizmente, isso pode causar um erro 404 em alguns sites devido a conflitos de plugins ou configurações incorretas do WordPress.
Nas seções a seguir, mostraremos como corrigir facilmente o erro 404 do mapa do site do WordPress no plug-in Yoast SEO. Aqui está uma visão geral rápida de todos os métodos que abordaremos:
Pronto? Vamos direto ao assunto.
1. Atualizar a estrutura de links permanentes do WordPress
O WordPress vem com uma estrutura de URL amigável para SEO, chamada permalinks. Essa estrutura de URL usa um sistema de redirecionamento para informar ao servidor de hospedagem na Web qual página deve ser carregada quando um usuário digita um URL no navegador.
Normalmente, essas configurações de permalinks são atualizadas automaticamente quando você faz alterações em seu site.
A má notícia é que, às vezes, o WordPress não consegue atualizar a estrutura de permalink, o que pode causar o aparecimento do erro 404 do mapa do site do Yoast SEO.
Dito isso, isso pode ser facilmente corrigido acessando a página Configurações ” Permalinks na área de administração do WordPress e simplesmente clicando no botão “Salvar alterações”.

Isso atualizará as configurações de permalink do WordPress. Agora você pode visitar a página do sitemap XML para ver se isso resolveu o problema.
Se isso não resolveu o problema, você pode continuar lendo.
2. Atualização manual de Permalinks
Se a atualização da estrutura de links permanentes do WordPress não corrigir o erro 404, você poderá informar manualmente ao servidor da Web para redirecionar os usuários para a página de mapa do site do Yoast SEO.
Para fazer isso, você precisará adicionar o seguinte código ao seu arquivo .htaccess
# Yoast SEO - XML Sitemap Rewrite Fix
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^sitemap_index.xml$ /index.php?sitemap=1 [L]
RewriteRule ^locations.kml$ /index.php?sitemap=wpseo_local_kml [L]
RewriteRule ^geo_sitemap.xml$ /index.php?sitemap=geo [L]
RewriteRule ^([^/]+?)-sitemap([0-9]+)?.xml$ /index.php?sitemap=$1&sitemap_n=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^([a-z]+)?-?sitemap.xsl$ /index.php?yoast-sitemap-xsl=$1 [L]
# END Yoast SEO - XML Sitemap Rewrite Fix
Observação: Se o seu site WordPress estiver instalado em um subdiretório ou pasta (por exemplo,
), será necessário usar o seguinte código.
# Yoast SEO - XML Sitemap Rewrite Fix
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /mywebsite/
RewriteRule ^sitemap_index.xml$ /index.php?sitemap=1 [L]
RewriteRule ^locations.kml$ /index.php?sitemap=wpseo_local_kml [L]
RewriteRule ^geo_sitemap.xml$ /index.php?sitemap=geo [L]
RewriteRule ^([^/]+?)-sitemap([0-9]+)?.xml$ /index.php?sitemap=$1&sitemap_n=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^([a-z]+)?-?sitemap.xsl$ /index.php?yoast-sitemap-xsl=$1 [L]
# END Yoast SEO - XML Sitemap Rewrite Fix
Não se esqueça de substituir /mywebsite/
pelo nome de seu subdiretório.
Esse código simplesmente informa ao seu servidor da Web quais páginas devem ser exibidas quando os usuários acessarem os sitemaps XML do Yoast SEO.
Agora você pode tentar visualizar o mapa do site XML para ver se isso resolve o problema.
3. Mudar para um plug-in de Sitemaps XML
Se os métodos mencionados acima não resolveram o erro 404 na página do mapa do site XML do Yoast SEO, você pode tentar usar um plug-in separado para gerar mapas do site XML para o seu site. E um bom plug-in para isso é o plug-in XML Sitemaps.
A desvantagem dessa abordagem é que você terá que contar com um plug-in separado para gerar sitemaps XML e com o Yoast SEO para outros recursos de SEO.
Primeiro, você precisa instalar e ativar o plug-in XML Sitemaps. Para obter mais detalhes, consulte nosso guia passo a passo sobre como instalar um plug-in do WordPress.
Como você está usando o Yoast SEO, receberá automaticamente uma notificação para desativar o plug-in XML Sitemaps ou a funcionalidade de mapa do site do Yoast SEO.

Em seguida, você pode clicar no botão “Toggle Yoast SEO’s XML Sitemap” para continuar.
Isso o levará à guia “Features” (Recursos) em SEO ” General (Geral). A partir daí, você precisará rolar para baixo até a opção “XML sitemaps” e desativá-la.

Não se esqueça de clicar no botão “Save Changes” (Salvar alterações) para armazenar suas configurações.
Agora você pode alternar para a página Settings ” XML-Sitemap para configurar seus sitemaps. Para a maioria dos sites, as configurações padrão funcionariam imediatamente.

Mas você sempre pode definir as configurações de acordo com suas necessidades.
Agora você pode enviar o URL do mapa do site XML para o console de pesquisa do Google e outros mecanismos de pesquisa.

4. Mudar para o All in One SEO for WordPress
Se todas as opções acima falharem e você não quiser usar um plug-in separado para gerar sitemaps XML, esse método poderá ajudá-lo a corrigir o problema do erro 404 do sitemap.
Para esse método, você precisará do All in One SEO para WordPress. É o melhor plugin de SEO para WordPress do mercado e uma alternativa muito melhor ao Yoast SEO.
Você pode ver nossa comparação entre Yoast e All in One SEO para obter mais detalhes sobre as diferenças.
O All-in-One SEO (AIOSEO) vem com sitemaps XML avançados e opções fáceis de gerenciar que lhe dão controle total sobre o que incluir ou excluir deles.
Primeiro, vamos instalar e ativar o plug-in All in One SEO para WordPress. Para obter mais detalhes, consulte nosso guia passo a passo sobre como instalar um plug-in do WordPress.
Observação: Há também uma versão gratuita do All in One SEO para WordPress, que inclui a maioria dos recursos de mapa do site XML, exceto vídeo e notícias.
Após a ativação, o plug-in o guiará por um assistente de configuração. Se precisar de ajuda durante a configuração, siga nosso guia sobre como configurar corretamente o plug-in All in One SEO para WordPress.

O All in One SEO também permitirá que você importe dados de SEO do Yoast SEO.
Isso garante que todas as suas meta tags e títulos de SEO anteriores permaneçam inalterados.

Após a configuração inicial, você pode ir para a página All in One SEO ” Sitemaps para definir as configurações do sitemap XML.
Você pode clicar no botão “Open Sitemap” (Abrir mapa do site) para ver se o erro 404 do mapa do site foi corrigido no WordPress.

Depois disso, você define as configurações do mapa do site, se necessário.
Por exemplo, o All in One SEO permite que você escolha o que incluir em seus mapas de sites. Você pode adicionar ou remover tipos de post, taxonomias, posts individuais e páginas.

O All in One SEO também permite que você crie vídeos, notícias, mapas de sites RSS e mapas de sites HTML para o seu site.
Basta explorar suas guias para ver se deseja definir mais configurações.

Esses sitemaps também podem ser enviados ao Google Search Console e a outros mecanismos de pesquisa. Isso ajuda os mecanismos de pesquisa a encontrar rapidamente o conteúdo mais recente em seu site.
Dica de especialista: Não quer corrigir esse erro do WordPress por conta própria? Não se preocupe – nós o ajudamos! Diga adeus aos erros frustrantes e volte a se concentrar no que você gosta. Deixe-nos cuidar da parte técnica e agende nosso Suporte Emergencial para WordPress agora mesmo!
Esperamos que este artigo tenha ajudado você a corrigir o erro 404 do Sitemap do Yoast SEO no WordPress. Em seguida, talvez você também queira ver nosso guia completo de solução de problemas do WordPress ou ver como corrigir erros comuns do WordPress.
Se você gostou deste artigo, inscreva-se em nosso canal do YouTube para receber tutoriais em vídeo sobre o WordPress. Você também pode nos encontrar no Twitter e no Facebook.
D Moran
I just bought the Genesis Framework theme and then installed the yoast seo plugin and activated. I then tried to generate my sitmap and get this same 404 error.
“Not found, error 404
The page you are looking for no longer exists. Perhaps you can return back to the site’s homepage and see if you can find what you are looking for. Or, you can try finding it by using the search form below.”
Does this mean that the theme I got from Genesis is badly coded? Did I waste my money??
WPBeginner Support
It is highly unlikely, Genesis Child Themes purchased from StudioPress are very well coded. Try deactivating all your plugin to find out if a plugin is causing this issue.
Chris Sparks
I had a similar issue after installing Yoast SEO. I deactivated the plugin, then restarted and the URL system picked up and started working as expected. This seems to be related to how the permalink structure is set up as only one of our sites has experienced this issue.
Thanks for posting!
Kase Dean
I don’t know what just happened.
But that fixed it!
Thank you
hello I tried fixing the 404 error code and now I get the following messege:
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
and after that i remove the folder of plugin seo and nothing is working again what can i do???
WPBeginner Support
Do you see an error? Can you access WordPress admin area?
Eoin Healy
Another easy way to fix the sitemaps is to simply disable sitemap functionality and enable it again…. works for me every time, doesn’t matter what plugins i have installed.
In Admin, to go SEO > XML SItemaps
Under ‘XML Sitemap’ uncheck ‘Check this box to enable XML sitemap functionality.’, hit save, check the box again and hit save.
Brent G
Eoin, Thanks for the great solution!!!!
This worked for me as well. Thanks!
Fred Higson
This worked for me too! Cheers Eoin!
Jeremy Hogan
So simple and yet so effective. This was the answer for me as well. Thanks!
Great solution, Eoin! Thanks so much for letting us know!
Margot Barrios
I already fixed using the first option, how would I know if it’s working already? Should I need to wait for Google’s webmaster report? This is where I saw the 404 error on my site.
WPBeginner Support
yes you should be able to see your sitemap file in Webmaster Tools
Eric Kuhn
I replaced the edit files with the XML sitemap fix and completely removed what was there initially. Google webmaster tools has accepted the sitemap however, my sitemap doesn’t show a 404 or anything. Does that mean everything is ok?
WPBeginner Support
Yes, everything looks OK.
I tried fixing the 404 error code and now I get the following messege:
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache/2.2.23 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.23 OpenSSL/1.0.0-fips mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/ Server at Port 80
I cannot access the WP Admin Site… How can I revert to before I added this code :
# WordPress SEO – XML Sitemap Rewrite Fix
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^sitemap_index\.xml$ /index.php?sitemap=1 [L]
RewriteRule ^([^/]+?)-sitemap([0-9]+)?\.xml$ /index.php?sitemap=$1&sitemap_n=$2 [L]
# END WordPress SEO – XML Sitemap Rewrite Fix
to the htacess code in YOAST? Please Help.
WPBeginner Support
As the tutorial suggests you added the code in .htaccess file on your webserver? If yes, then simply edit the .htaccess file and remove the code you added.
I thought I followed to the letter your second suggestion but have the same issue as Melissa. Now waiting for the Webhost for a solution. What about adding a warning in your second solution that it can lead to a 500 Internal Server Error.
WPBeginner Support
You can also revery back by editing the file your modified through FTP. Connect to your website using an FTP client. Locate the file you modified (.htaccess or class-sitemaps.php) and remove the code you added. Alternately, you can also delete the WordPress SEO folder from your wp-content/plugins/ directory through FTP.
Thanks a lot. The first fix worked for me as well.
Thanks, I had to apply both fixes to get mine too work! Job well done.
Thank you very much for this. Works perfectly!
Can anyone advise on how to delete the post-sitemap.xml as I cannot find it in my root directory! I have turned of the generate sitemap in Yoast.
I have wordpress 3.6 with Avada theme and WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin.
First I got the 404 error page.
Then I applied the .htaccess fix without any result.
Then I applied the class-sitemaps.php fix, now the sitemap returns a blank page.
What to do?
Please help. Avada isn’t a crappy theme, I think.
Cheers, Koen
I’m having the same problem I was thinking it was a Nginx issue because I’m not hosting on an Apache server.
are you hosted on a Apache server?
I know more than 1 with avada theme an the same problem.
Gbenga Adebayo
Appears i still have a few issues to sort out. Google webmaster reporting http 403 errors with my sitemap. I can’t find the sitemap anymore in my root folder. I can navigate to the sitemap using my browser without getting a 404 error message.
Any suggestions or help is appreciated.
Gbenga Adebayo
Many thanks! .htaccess addition fixed the error for me
Phew … Thanks again!
I updated my SEO pluggin and the sitemaps had the same issue.
I had to incorporate both the fixes.
Rajesh Thakur
Thanks First one did worked for me need to clear w3 cache after that and wait a little also disable XML sitemap checkbox and check it again
I tried the second set of instructions and it resulted in a “Fatal Error” message and I was unable to access my WP site, or even the login page. Scary!
Hi all
I’m an very frustrated to say that I am too getting 404 error, I’m using kriesi replete theme.
I have tried both options however nither worked
I’m not sure if I’m doing it write, can somebody explain…. In simple terms are we deleting and replacing the existing code on both options? Or just adding? It’s not clear or does it make a difference if the prexisting remains
Thanks in advance
Jonny R
Awesome thanks, implementing both worked perfectly!
Fin O'Suilleabhain
Worked like a charm. Grateful for the helpful post.
Ahmed Alahdal
Thanks for the fix
Thank you so much!
this worked — had to make both changes, (edited the class-sitemaps.php file).
Thanks a lot!
It worked
Damn helpful.

One of my clients had this problem and just took 5 minutes to solve the issue. Just because of this post.
Thanks a lot.
Ron MacGregor
I am new to WordPress and have only begun a using the Canyon theme. I got the 404 message as I was attempting to install a “contact info” plugin. Does anyone know if I just begin at the very beginning again, i.e. go through my GoDaddy account to reinstall WordPress and then reinstall the Canyon theme – might that solve the 404 problem?
Editorial Staff
It is probably the issue with that other plugin.
Thanks for the fix!
Jack Logan
I have two sets of websites (WordPress Multisite installs) and I have no issues with sitemaps on one of them and I get a 404 error with category_sitemap.xml on the other one.
I tried both fixes suggested in this post, but they don’t solve the issue. The only thing that works is going to Posts -> Categories – Edit and changing from “Auto detect” to “Always include” on all categories.
The issue here is that I have over 200 sites, and about 8 categories per page, so it would take too long to do it just to get category sitemaps, even though I could use it….
Is there any way to mass change all the categories on WP Multisite to “Always include”. I think this would be a solution that would work for everyone.
Thank you.
Jacques Karsten
If none of this works try create a file named sitemap_index.xml on your html root through ftp and make sure the permissions are set and the plugin should then take care of the rest.
Thanks!! your suggest worked perfectly!
I did both and it started working. It sounds pretty obvious, but make sure if you copy and paste that you take the line numbers out. I forgot to and broke my .htaccess file for a few minutes.
Hector Torres
Hi, just wanted to give my thanks, used the second option suggested ad it fixed my 404 error. Thanks!
I’m not sure which part worked for me, but I found this page because I was getting the 404, too. I disabled the XML Sitemaps in the plugin, then enabled it and checked the boxes to exclude posts (since I only have pages). Now, it is working perfectly.
Thanks Mate Perfect ! Suggestion for Me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really Greatful Thanks
During research about a similar 404 sitemap xml feed problem, I found a different reason which I would like to share:
WordPress adds a 404 header to all feeds if no posts exist in a site.
More details and a hotfix here:
Brad Dalton
I think there are other issues with this plugin as well.
The attachment pages aren’t all redirecting to the parent page which is something i noticed today.
Editorial Staff
Create a ticket in the support forum. We haven’t tried that feature yet.
No other comment since April. That has been 5 months since. I have the 404 still in Sept 2012! Was able to fix it with the .htaccess fix. Thanks for posting
Just wondering why this is STILL an issue.
Sandie Wright
It worked for me! Open the class-sitemaps.php file located in plugins > wordpress-seo > inc folder. then find the code around line 79 and replace the old code with this new code:
* Initialize sitemaps. Add sitemap rewrite rules and query var
function init() {
global $wp_rewrite;
$GLOBALS[‘wp’]->add_query_var( ‘sitemap’ );
$GLOBALS[‘wp’]->add_query_var( ‘sitemap_n’ );
add_rewrite_rule( ‘sitemap_index\.xml$’, ‘index.php?sitemap=1’, ‘top’ );
add_rewrite_rule( ‘([^/]+?)-sitemap([0-9]+)?\.xml$’, ‘index.php?sitemap=$matches[1]&sitemap_n=$matches[2]’, ‘top’ );
Then, go back to your WP admin page and then go to the SEO plugin > XML sitemaps, and then click the button again (XML Sitemap). The 404 should be replaced with your sitemaps! Easy peasy.
@SANDIE WRIGHT: I followed your instructions but it did not solve my 404 problem.
thanks you, the rewrite rule itself cured the problem of 404 not available sitemap
Thanks for jacking up my site! i tried your code and now i got a 500 internal service error i have been trying for hours to fix! thanks for making my little problem into a HUGE problem!
Editorial Staff
If you are getting a 500 internal service error, you can simply undo the changes. Not sure why you would get that.
Brad Dalton
I’m finding my sitemap gets removed everyday and then indexed again. Here’s what i get every day.
I don’t think it’s my theme as i’m using Genesis.
Not sure but it may be the way my server is configured.
Editorial Staff
Has to be a conflict with something else (another plugin or server settings). We are using Genesis on this site as well and do not have that issue.
Thank you so much for posting this article! With the first fix, I managed to solve the 404 issue for most sitemaps, though there’s still 1 that is showing the error… Any suggestions of what to do?
I thought about exporting the Yoast SEO settings and reinstalling the plugin to see if that does the trick. Just to be on the safe side: does exporting literally export all settings, even the page/article level SEO customizations OR only the general settings?
Thanks so much – this worked for me.
I know you said the plugin is good, and the problem is in the theme or other plugins, but I tried disabling all plugins and switching to the twenty eleven theme, and the sitemap still gave a 404 error. The only thing that worked for me is editing the htaccess file.
… and I tried the same thing. Removed all the plugins, all the themes, and tried it again: 404 error. To make it worse: I’d have an .htaccess file because of IIS. Which options are there for me?
Typo: ‘I’d have an’ must be ‘I don’t have an htaccess file’
Rusty Solomon
I guess SEO Yoast recent update have sitemap problem as I cant see any sitemap on the URL the plugin provide. Let me know if any one has the same issuee and Fix.
Also is there any good plugin avaialble as same as SEO Yoast.
Thanks & Regarsd
Jay Wylie
Hi, I have tried the first fix, but broke my site in the process. Is there anyway to re-edit my htaccess file, to stop it causing a 500 internal server error?
Editorial Staff
You can simply take the code out. Use FTP <
I have edited the plugin as suggested but don’t have a .htaccess file. I still do receive a 404 error.
I’ve also add message on the plugin forum. No replies yet. Suggestions are more than welcome!
Hi Joots, I’m using the latest version of the SEO plugin. I’m going over previous posts and completeing the various fields, “Focus Keyword”, “SEO Title”, etyc, etc but after I update the post and then go back to “Edit” those fields are then blank again. I wondered how I could rectify this?
Liverpool, UK
The solution doesn’t resolved my issue.. I still have a blank page at post-sitemap.xml
Does someone have a solution?? Or I need to unistall this plugin and find another one for my sitemap..
Adam Parnala
Hi, I don’t have any problems with yoast seo plug in as I’m currently using it. I just I want to ask if it is better than the all in one seo plug in? I’m just curious because I found out that a lot of blogs in my niche uses it. Which is better? the all in one seo or yoast seo? (I’m already used to yoast). Oh, can I also ask how to set multiple focus keyword in Yoast seo? because there is only one field and I can’t figure out how to set a few more keywords for it. Sorry for my questions I hope you can answer me. Thanks!
Editorial Staff
Yoast’s plugin is a more complete SEO plugin.
Anyone here who’s willing to test another (and better) fix with me?
I’d be willing to test a better fix for this issue but I’m reluctant to commit to a timeframe as I’m not really good at keeping on top of my todo’s since my stroke. (This is one of the reasons I haven’t returned to work as a PHP coder yet.)
And I’d be *very* interested in helping if I happen to be experiencing any of the issues cited above.
Shawn Poole
Hi,
Yoast, if the offer is still good, I would LOVE too! I am not to savvy with all of this but would be willing to allow you to guide me
Sure, send me an email!
thanks..i use wordpress seo,but not with sitemap,because have no idea to fix this error
Stephen Cronin
Hmm, I think the second part is going to cause the rewrite rules to be flushed on every page load, which <a href=””>the Codex</a> warns not to do due to performance issues:

<blockquote>Because this function can be extremely costly in terms of performance, it should be used as sparingly as possible – such as during activation or deactivation of plugins or themes. Every attempt should be made to avoid using it in hooks that execute on each page load, such as init.</blockquote>
I’m guessing that’s why Joost isn’t doing that by default
Of course, I could be wrong because I don’t know his plugin well enough.
I was under the same impression when this article came through my RSS. I’m pretty sure going to your permalinks settings page would accomplish the same thing without having to flush the rewrite rules every time the page loads.
@jonbish Unless you’re running a crappy plugin or theme that DOES flush on every pageload before this plugin gets a chance to get its rewrites in.
@yoast @jonbish Yes we understand that this is probably a compatibility issue. Yoast sitemaps work fine on our sites. We had to do this on a client’s site.
@wpbeginner @jonbish I know YOU understand, question is: do your readers
We’re working on a fix for these kinds of issues in core btw:
@yoast @jonbish Added a note at the beginning of this article, so users understand as well
You’re 100% right Stephen. Something else *is* doing it on each pageload, which forces this “fix”, which isn’t a fix but a workaround for a broken theme or other plugin…
And now? It seems a lot of people can’t use your plugni as intended.
Thanks! I was about to switch to All-In-One because I kept getting sitemap issues.
Do you know what to do when the sitemap returns a blank page?
Its probably not blank, just how your browser renders XML (maybe Chrome, mine does it too). View the source code of the page and you shall see the light
Editorial Staff
This happens for a few reasons. Either you’re running low on memory. Two the file that generates the visual layout in your /wp-content/ directory is not working properly. Perhaps because you blocked the php execution?