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Como fazer: Posts relacionados com miniaturas no WordPress sem plug-ins

Deseja exibir uma lista de posts relacionados em seu site WordPress e prefere usar código em vez de um plug-in?

Na WPBeginner, frequentemente enfatizamos a importância de envolver seu público e mantê-lo explorando seu conteúdo. Uma estratégia eficaz que vimos ser usada em inúmeros sites WordPress bem-sucedidos é a exibição de posts relacionados.

Quando os visitantes do seu blog terminarem de ler um artigo de seu interesse, oferecer uma lista de publicações relacionadas os manterá envolvidos e os ajudará a encontrar novos conteúdos para ler.

Neste artigo, mostraremos como exibir posts relacionados no WordPress usando código, sem necessidade de plugin.

How to: Related Posts with Thumbnails in WordPress Without Plugins

Por que mostrar posts relacionados no WordPress?

Quando o seu blog WordPress começa a crescer, pode ficar mais difícil para os usuários encontrarem outras publicações sobre o mesmo tópico.

Exibir uma lista de conteúdo relacionado no final de cada publicação de blog é uma ótima maneira de manter os visitantes em seu site e aumentar as visualizações de página. Isso também ajuda a melhorar a visibilidade de suas páginas mais importantes, exibindo seu melhor conteúdo onde as pessoas possam encontrá-lo facilmente.

Se você não estiver familiarizado com códigos, será mais simples escolher um dos muitos plug-ins de posts relacionados do WordPress que podem exibir posts relacionados sem código.

Mas, se você já se perguntou se pode exibir posts relacionados sem usar um plug-in, compartilharemos dois algoritmos diferentes que você pode usar para gerar posts relacionados com miniaturas usando apenas o código:

Observação: se você quiser mostrar uma miniatura com cada publicação relacionada, certifique-se de adicionar primeiro uma imagem em destaque a essas publicações.

Método 1: Como mostrar posts relacionados no WordPress por tags

Uma maneira eficiente de localizar conteúdo relacionado é procurar outras publicações que compartilhem as mesmas tags. As tags costumam ser usadas para focar nos detalhes específicos contidos em uma publicação.

Com isso em mente, talvez você queira adicionar algumas tags comuns às postagens que deseja relacionar umas às outras. Você pode inseri-las na caixa “Tags” no editor do WordPress.

The ‘Tags’ Settings Box in the WordPress Editor

Depois de adicionar tags às suas postagens, a próxima coisa a fazer é adicionar o seguinte trecho de código ao modelo single.php do seu tema.

Se precisar de ajuda para adicionar código ao seu site, consulte nosso guia sobre como colar trechos da Web no WordPress.

$orig_post = $post;
global $post;
$tags = wp_get_post_tags($post->ID);
if ($tags) {
$tag_ids = array();
foreach($tags as $individual_tag) $tag_ids[] = $individual_tag->term_id;
'tag__in' => $tag_ids,
'post__not_in' => array($post->ID),
'posts_per_page'=>5, // Number of related posts that will be shown.
$my_query = new wp_query( $args );
if( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
echo '<div id="relatedposts"><h3>Related Posts</h3><ul>';
while( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
$my_query->the_post(); ?>
<li><div class="relatedthumb"><a href="<?php the_permalink()?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><!--?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?--></a></div>
<div class="relatedcontent">
<h3><a href="<?php the_permalink()?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><!--?php the_title(); ?--></a></h3>
<!--?php the_time('M j, Y') ?-->
<!--?php }
echo '</ul--></ul></div>';
$post = $orig_post;

Esse código procura as tags associadas a uma página e, em seguida, executa uma consulta ao banco de dados para buscar páginas com tags semelhantes.

Onde você deve colocar o código? Isso depende do seu tema, mas, na maioria dos casos, você deve conseguir colar o código no modelo single.php do seu tema após a publicação principal e logo acima da seção de comentários.

Se estiver usando o tema Twenty Twenty-One, como em nosso site de demonstração, um bom lugar para colar o código é no arquivo template-parts/content/content-single.php após o cabeçalho e logo após <?php the_content();.

Related Content by Tags Preview

Isso exibirá automaticamente o conteúdo relacionado em qualquer post do WordPress. Você precisará alterar o estilo e a aparência das postagens relacionadas para que correspondam ao seu tema, adicionando CSS personalizado.

Related Posts example

Dica: em vez de editar os arquivos do tema, o que poderia danificar seu site, recomendamos o uso de um plug-in de trechos de código como o WPCode.

O WPCode torna seguro e fácil adicionar códigos personalizados no WordPress. Além disso, ele vem com opções de “Inserção” que permitem inserir e executar automaticamente trechos em locais específicos do seu site WordPress, como após uma postagem.

WPCode insertion options for custom code snippets

Para obter mais detalhes, consulte nosso guia sobre como adicionar código personalizado no WordPress. Você também pode conferir nossa análise detalhada do WPCode para saber mais sobre o plugin.

Método 2: Como mostrar posts relacionados no WordPress por categoria

Outra maneira de exibir conteúdo relacionado é listar as postagens que estão na mesma categoria. A vantagem desse método é que a lista de posts relacionados quase nunca estará em branco.

Como no Método 1, você precisa adicionar um trecho de código ao modelo single.php do seu tema ou em um plug-in de trechos de código como o WPCode. Para obter mais detalhes, consulte o Método 1 e nosso guia sobre como adicionar código personalizado no WordPress.

$orig_post = $post;
global $post;
$categories = get_the_category($post->ID);
if ($categories) {
$category_ids = array();
foreach($categories as $individual_category) $category_ids[] = $individual_category->term_id;
'category__in' => $category_ids,
'post__not_in' => array($post->ID),
'posts_per_page'=> 2, // Number of related posts that will be shown.
$my_query = new wp_query( $args );
if( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
echo '<div id="related_posts"><h3>Related Posts</h3><ul>';
while( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
<li><div class="relatedthumb"><a href="<?php the_permalink()?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><!--?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?--></a></div>
<div class="relatedcontent">
<h3><a href="<?php the_permalink()?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><!--?php the_title(); ?--></a></h3>
<!--?php the_time('M j, Y') ?-->
<!--?php }
echo '</ul--></ul></div>';
$post = $orig_post;

Agora você verá uma lista de conteúdo relacionado na parte inferior de cada publicação.

Se quiser alterar o estilo e a aparência das páginas relacionadas, você precisará adicionar CSS personalizado para corresponder ao seu tema.

Deseja saber mais sobre a exibição de postagens relacionadas no WordPress? Confira estes tutoriais úteis sobre postagens relacionadas:

Esperamos que este tutorial tenha ajudado você a aprender como exibir posts relacionados com miniaturas no WordPress sem plug-ins. Você também pode querer saber como rastrear os visitantes do seu site WordPress ou conferir nossa lista de 24 dicas para acelerar seu site.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

182 ComentáriosLeave a Reply

  1. imranhunzai

    Absolutely awesome! and yeah it helps.

  2. shaileshtr

    It is good to show related post in wordpress blog without plugiN. iIt will consume less bandwidth and time to load. Thanks for your suggestion.

  3. zioneyemedia

    I do have a question on this: I’m wrestling on the code to capture posts from child categories versus parent categories. Any advice?

  4. AmandaLong

    This rocks … Thanks!

  5. dustinporchia

    I’m trying to use the related posts by category and I noticed that you said the code has to come before the comments in the main loop. In my code I want the related posts to come after the comments in the loop. When I do this I notice my disqus comment plugin takes longer to load now. Is that because of an error with the comments or is that normal?

    • dustinporchia

      Nevermind…I just switched to livefyre as this is more of what I’m looking for in a comment system anyways…thanks!

  6. subzerokh


    could someone help a newbie like me customize this script so it’ll display related post in an horizontal way?

    from left to right..

    instead of currently showing it from up to down, vertically…

    • zioneyemedia


      How I did it is I replaced the and codes with my own html and css. The codes create lists for each post, and that is usually in a vertical fashion.


      <a href="” rel=”bookmark” title=””> <a href="” rel=”bookmark” title=””>


      I replaced the opening with and replaced the closing with as my html tags. Then I write my CSS to fit that specific div class needs on your website. For example, a sample pleft class could look like this:

      .pleft {float:left; padding:2px; margin:10px; width:278px; height:190px;}

      I use the float: selector on my CSS to move posts horizontally, and the margins and padding to give each post spacing within each other. I added in a specific width and height for additional examples.

      Hope this helps.

  7. gcog

    I’ve got related tags for sure, but when I add the code I see nothing. Also, when I add your code to restrict to a custom post type, it gives me an error. I did change the post type to my specific post type.

  8. subzerokh

    @wpbeginner hello

    thanks for your quick answer…

    but i’m a real novice at all you are saying..

    can you please give a litlle exemple?

    for making them horizontal as on your own blog?

    can get in touch by my mail: khiloc at gmail dot com

  9. wpbeginner

    @subzerokh You would have to edit the styling. It is not that hard. Simply wrap each post in a div. Specify a width for that div and then set a float left property. Adjust the margins and such and you have it.

  10. subzerokh

    hello all!! thanks for this wonderfull script!!

    It’s the only thing i found doing exactly what i wanted!!!

    But it’s just showing related post in vertical way (from up to down)

    I would like it to be shown from left to right (horizontally)

    How to do that please??

  11. ConnectIndia

    Error Fatal error: Call to undefined function the_post_thumbnail() in /home/connec92/public_html/wp-content/themes/weekly/single.php on line 59 Can some one help. website

  12. xavpro


    great post! maybe you could help me:

    i have a auto thumb if none is defined,

    if ($thumb_array[‘thumb’] == ”) $thumb_array[‘thumb’] = ‘link to your default thumbnail image’;return $thumb_array;

    now my question is how to define a thumb for each category, which will be used if none is defined at post.

  13. dehahs

    works nicely, thanks for sharing!

  14. AdnanAsif


    thanks for your great post..

    But any change to get posts by categories but not in ul and li and not in thumb..

    I mean full posts show in related posts..just like show on home page, with readmore link.


    waiting your reply..

  15. AdnanAsif


    thanks for your great post..

    But any change to get posts by categories but not in ul and li and not in thumb..

    I mean full posts show in related posts..just like show on home page, with readmore link.


    waiting your reply..

  16. ibadullah25

    Can I have a CSS For this please

    • Editorial Staff

      The CSS we used was for a client’s site. You can add your own CSS on how you want to display this.


  17. titusmagnet searching for this kinda Code

  18. jaffa

    This is great, just what I have been looking for. I wonder though, how could I combine the two above and if there are no tags then it displays posts from the same category?

    Trying to figure this out but not getting very far yet

  19. nikbanks

    Thanks for the code it worked but how do I style it. I’d like it to be 4 stories side by side like yours. It is listed one on top of another on my site and not listed like yours.

    • Editorial Staff

      That is CSS. We are not using this code to show related stories. Second, i believe what you are talking about is featured stories on our sidebar. We have written another post about that in our site.


  20. Coolguy

    is ther a way to dispay the thumbs in related post without using featured images or post thumbs??
    i.e to use any image used in the post …

    • Editorial Staff

      Yes, you can utilize the fallback techniques shared by other developers which pulls the first image from the post. But we recommend using the WordPress post thumbnails…


  21. Hetal

    Thanks for this article. I was wondering if there is a way to auto-tag posts without having to manually enter them.

  22. Sisko

    What if I want to display related posts by category without thumbnails?

  23. Terry

    Thank you for posting this tutorial, it helps me a lot.

  24. Adrian

    Hi there…Just wanted to say that I’ve been building my wordpress website from the ground up and this code works perfectly for me using WP 3.1….All I need to do now is style the CSS and get some thumbnails happening for the posts. Thanks for your help with the code.

  25. Patricia

    Hi, is there a way to exclude categories? I have two main categories where all the categories get assigned to. The main categories have sub-categories and I would like to show just related posts from the sub-categories.

    Is this possible, by excluding the id’s of the main categories?

    Thanks for your advice!

    BTW…love the code…and it works great!!!

  26. usman

    I was searching for related post with thumbnails plugins but the code that you paste above, solve my problem.

  27. John

    Just one question, is there a way to only pull tags from the same post type? Maybe using something like ‘post_type=videos’?

    • John

      By the way, got this figured out as well:

      Just add it to the array:

      ‘category__in’ => $category_ids,
      ‘post__not_in’ => array($post->ID),
      ‘posts_per_page’=> 2, // Number of related posts that will be shown.

  28. marion


    Thank you for this tutorial. I’m wondering though if there’s anyway the related products can be randomized? I’ve checked different products in the same category and the same related products were shown.


      • phdean


        I too would like to randomize the posts that display for the categories as, otherwise, they’ll display the same 2 every time. Can you please give me the code to do this?

        Many thanks in advance :)

  29. John

    Nevermind, I got it figured out. Thanks for the post!

  30. John

    I copied this code and put it in my single.php without changing a thing and nothing gets outputted. Anything wrong with my code?

  31. James

    This doesn’t bring up a thumbnail — there isn’t even a call for an image int eh code. I don’t see how anyone can get this to work.

    • Editorial Staff

      The code for the image is: the_post_thumbnail(); << This is not static html where you will see img src code. The function calls in the database to search for a featured image aka thumbnail that is attached to each article. If found, it will output the image. Now if you do not have post thumbnails enabled in your theme, then you need to add it first:

      The article clearly stated that in the Note: section. You should consider reading it thoroughly.


  32. Roberto Silva

    hey man, I love your blog!

    I have a question?

    Can you do the same trick but ” BY Author” ?

    showing the latest posts by author?

    you will save my life :-)

    Btw thanks for this website!

      • Roberto Silva

        yessss, thanks…

        It will be a great article.

        bacause “latest posts by author without plugin” is hard to find on internet.

        you are the best.

  33. Quinn

    Thanks for this code! I’ve given it a try and it works somewhat.

    I can get it to give a listing of the related articles, a huge benefit.

    But I can’t seem to get any images to show up.

    The articles have images if this code scrapes.

    I also went in and created images for each post with the custom tag “relatedthumb”. But alas, still no images.

    Is there something else I need to do?

    Many thanks in advance!


    • Editorial Staff

      This trick is using the default WordPress thumbnails which was added in WP 2.9. If you have an image attached as that thumbnail, then it will pull it.


  34. Anthony

    Is it possible to exclude a category from this module ?

    Thanks a lot,

  35. Madhav Tripathi

    Hi, thanks for this good tutorial, currently I am using Thesis theme, so I want to know if there is a way in thesis theme implement this .php code.

  36. Sophie

    I’m trying to modify his code in order to use it with categories within a custom post type. Can anyone help? I’m fairly new to php.


  37. rulethenation

    ok i got it to work, is there anyway to put a default pic if a thumbnail is unavailable

    • Editorial Staff

      Yes, you can use the if paramter to check if there are plugins… if not then you can display a default image.


        • Quickbrown

          In order to use default images when no post thumbnail available, replace with <?php if (has_post_thumbnail()) {the_post_thumbnail()} else {echo '’;} ?>
          Then put a default-image.jpg under your themes’ image folder.

  38. rulethenation

    i cant get this to work, it just messes up my whole layout near the comments, am i missing something? i had to take it off my site

  39. Heather Hill

    Thanks for this information! This is exactly what I was looking for.
    Is there a way to add an excerpt to this, along with the photo?

    Thanks again for your help!

  40. Jez

    Thanks for this, exactly what I was looking for! I love how straight to the point your articles are, no confusion.

  41. Omer Greenwald

    Thanks for sharing. I’m using this code for a while now but it has a problem: when adding tags to a post, WP sorts them alphabetically regardless of the priority I added them. So this code displays related posts matching the first tag only which are less relevant sometimes.
    Maybe you have an idea how to prevent this auto sorting of tags by WordPress or any other solution?

  42. Doug C.

    All that first code did was put two instances of the same post on the page. It didn’t show any related anything.

    • Editorial Staff

      Doug please contact us using the form with a live link example, and we can help. We know this code is working because a few of our client’s site is using it.


  43. Liam

    Great tutorial. Would someone mind showing me a working single.php with this code?

    I’m still learning php.

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENDIF in C:\xampplite\htdocs\mock\wp-content\themes\scwd\single.php on line 76

    • Editorial Staff

      Here is a working example Flowtown Blog.

      Note that this code is so it will work inside the loop. Where are you trying to post this? If it is outside the loop then just add the end if code endif; << like that.


        • Editorial Staff

          Don’t know what could be going wrong. After the clearfloat class it should work fine. That is how we put it in flowtown and it is working perfectly.

        • Liam

          I will finish the theme and try it on a live site instead of xamp. I will let you know.

  44. Shahab

    Nice tutorial!
    Right now i am using YARPP but would love to give this a try!

  45. Vivek @ InfoEduTech

    Thanks for this article. i am searching for lot of time to show the thumbnails with my article i am unable to perform this. i have tried many wordpress plugin but couldn’t done this. hope this might help me out

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