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Como escolher a melhor hospedagem para WordPress em 2024 (comparado)

A hospedagem na Web é um componente essencial de todo site bem-sucedido. Escolher a melhor hospedagem WordPress para suas necessidades pode melhorar seu SEO e aumentar as vendas.

Há vários tipos de opções de hospedagem WordPress disponíveis, como hospedagem WordPress gratuita, compartilhada, VPS, dedicada e gerenciada. Neste guia, ajudaremos você a escolher a melhor hospedagem WordPress para o seu site.

O WPBeginner é o maior site de recursos gratuitos para WordPress que recebe milhões de visualizações de página por mês. Tendo ajudado mais de 2 milhões de usuários e com anos de experiência com empresas de hospedagem WordPress, sabemos a importância de escolher a melhor empresa de hospedagem WordPress.

Nosso objetivo com este guia é compartilhar nossos mais de 16 anos de experiência e percepções sobre o que considerar ao escolher uma empresa de hospedagem para sua empresa.

Para ajudá-lo a tomar a decisão certa, também comparamos as principais empresas de hospedagem WordPress lado a lado, incluindo testes de velocidade, testes de tempo de atividade e testes de confiabilidade(role a tela ou clique aqui para ver a comparação completa).

Se estiver com pressa, basta ver a tabela abaixo com nossa lista selecionada a dedo das melhores empresas de hospedagem WordPress. Essas empresas são consistentemente as melhores empresas de hospedagem WordPress do setor no que diz respeito à qualidade e ao serviço.


Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner and Awesome Motive Inc. He started using WordPress in 2006 and has over 16 years of experience building WordPress websites, WordPress plugins, and custom WordPress themes. His WordPress plugins and software apps are used by over 25 million websites today. Syed was recognized as the top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by the United Nations, and his work is featured in top publications like Entrepreneur, Forbes, Inc, Business Insider, The Guardian, Wired Magazine, and more.

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714 ComentáriosDeixe uma resposta

  1. Shahadat Hossain

    DreamHost is good choice!

  2. Catalina Ceps

    I actually went with dreamhost and for now I’m pretty happy. I’ve got hosting + domain for almost the half of the prices of bluehost and with the same features… we’ll see in long term…

  3. Abdul Haseeb

    One of the best guides i have ever read.

  4. M Hussain

    Thank You Very Much
    Very Helpful Website
    I have learnt lot of things from this site

  5. Himal Guragain

    Awesome post. Very informative posts are on this blog.

  6. Raghav Narang

    Nice Article! Thanks for the special hosting offers

  7. Zaki Khalifa

    Excellent stuff Syed and the guys… keep it up.

    You’re helping lots of beginners like me.

  8. Sengnap Sangma

    That’s informative. Your article is always helpful for me.

  9. Md Imam Hossain

    Great resources for WordPress beginners, lucky to have this website.

  10. Sourav khan

    Nice and valuable information to me

  11. Ruhul

    this is so much helpful post for us.

  12. Suraj Singh

    I have already used Bluehost and now I am using site group. These both hosting are best in the market and site ground is a little bit of more specific if you are taking the blogging seriously or as a career and it is the best one for sure.

  13. Brian

    Just discovered this site a week or so ago and everything has been so incredibly helpful. Thank you so much for this!

  14. Farrah

    Great article for a beginner like me. Thank you for really reviewing stuff like this

  15. Nikos Stamatis

    So grateful for helping me start with WordPress

  16. hemanth

    Nice insights With detailed comparsion between hosting sites

  17. Diekola Yusuf

    Great resources for WordPress beginners. Thanks for this

  18. Ahmad

    Very useful article ❤️
    Thank you

  19. Adarsh Verma

    Thanks for writing the post

  20. Lukman Abdulrahman

    Great article and thanks WPBeginner for this

  21. Stuart Johnson

    Thanks – Always appreciate the advice and positivity!

  22. Dwij Mistry

    I really loved your website. It clears all of my doubts. About this article, I would say Siteground and cloudways are the best hostings

  23. nada

    Very helpful! Thanks for this.

  24. Shivam

    Great resources for Wordpress beginners.
    Thank you for all your efforts and making wordpress so easy for non-techies.

  25. swati garg

    I am trying to start my new blogging website and your blogs help me a lot. I learnt a lot. Thanks a lot for this good Information and keep updating.

  26. Agus Tamanuri

    I learned a lot from this site even though I am not a member on it

  27. Aditya

    more clear about different hosting provider, thank you for writing this post.

  28. Shankha Kamley

    I love siteground, cloudways, milesweb

  29. Sathish Jadhav

    Very very useful article for me. Thanks buddy

  30. Joshua Franklin

    SiteGround is really incredible

  31. Rajee Pandi

    thanks for the useful article

  32. Nipuna Ranathunga

    Thanks for this helpful content! I will definitely try Siteground hosting one day.

  33. Shanta

    I used to used Siteground until a friend of mine started hosting her own servers. I’m still a Siteground affiliate and recommend it to people all the time.

  34. Jannatul Naeem Shawon

    Thanks for suggestions

  35. Danni

    WPBeginner’s Wordpress training and content has been a lifesaver for me! Working for a small company and learning web design and development as I go for our Wordpress site – this site has been an invaluable resource to a Wordpress beginner like me!

  36. Meg

    I only heard to try bluehost everywhere I looked!

  37. Deepu Nath

    Hostgator and hostinger are best.

  38. Nancy West Johnson

    You always have great, up-to-date information. Thanks!

  39. Aquilla

    I use dreamhost. So far it has been pretty smooth sailing. No issues and easy enough to figure out. Patience and persistence :)

  40. Soumya

    Really Helpful articles which gives idea on wordpress setup. Following you since i started my Site.

  41. Clara boulinguez

    This blog saved my professional life. Thank you!

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