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No Self Ping – Evita que o WordPress envie pings para seu próprio site

Todo mundo sabe que a vinculação interna é boa para SEO. Também é bom para a experiência do usuário, pois ajuda o usuário a se relacionar com o que está sendo discutido em um artigo específico. Desde que o WordPress 3.1 introduziu os links internos, nós, como muitos outros, passamos a fazer links para nossos posts anteriores muito mais do que antes. Você não pensaria que isso se tornaria um problema até notar uma grande quantidade de auto pings em seu próprio site. Algumas pessoas gostam muito desse recurso padrão do WordPress, pois ele permite que seus usuários acompanhem as publicações relacionadas nos comentários. Para outras pessoas, como nós, isso se torna um problema, pois acreditamos que isso atrapalha nossa área de comentários.

Seria de se esperar que houvesse uma solução muito difícil para isso, mas é muito simples. Tudo o que você precisa fazer é baixar e instalar o plug-in No Self Pings.

Ao contrário de outros plug-ins, esse plug-in NÃO tem um painel de configurações supercomplexo. De fato, ele não tem nenhum painel de configurações. Ele foi criado para fazer uma coisa e somente uma coisa. Impedir que o WordPress envie pings para seu próprio site. Plug-ins como esse são o tipo ideal, pois funcionam silenciosamente em segundo plano, sem afetar o tempo de carregamento do seu site ou sua atividade diária.

Está cansado dos pings automáticos? Então desligue-os agora com o plug-in No Self Pings.

Divulgação: Nosso conteúdo é apoiado pelo leitor. Isso significa que, se você clicar em alguns de nossos links, poderemos receber uma comissão. Veja como o WPBeginner é financiado, por que isso é importante e como você pode nos apoiar. Aqui está nosso processo editorial.


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

21 ComentáriosDeixe uma resposta

  1. dutchmichael

    The reason the plugin “No Self Pings” has not been upgraded in in the past 6 years, and is only compatible up to WordPress version 3.0.5 is because no self pings was added to WordPress core with File 5224.patch, 1.0 KB (added by Viper007Bond, 9 years ago)
    Remove self-pings via a filter (literal copy/paste of the plugin).


  2. KonaGirl

    Sorry I just read another post where someone had asked the same question. So am I understanding this right? I install the plugin and then I don’t need to untick the link notification in settings so that we will send pings to other sites?

  3. KonaGirl

    I wonder what the difference is between using this plugin and going to “settings” > “discussion” and unticking “Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks)”?

  4. Salud Casera

    I installed this one just now, about 4 years without updates, will see how it goes. Thanks again for a great post.

  5. Nafisul Islam

    thanks for this post, when i searched for “best ping site” i found a post saying that huge pinging may cause trouble. is it true?

  6. Wamiq Ali

    This is something I was looking for my site, as it gets really annoying when WordPress starts to ping back own published posts. Thankyou! But I hope that this outdated plugin may not have any security issues

      • Wamiq Ali

        That’s Great then :) And yes it solved the problem too (y)

  7. Sue Kearney

    I’m late the party here, and I have a questions. No Self Pings shows compatibility only up to WP 3.0.5 and hasn’t been updated in over two years, a danger sign for me. Does it still work for you?

    What about the suggestion above in the comments: “In WordPress Dashboard -> Settings -> Discussion Settings. Uncheck the first option – Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the article. Then it’ll not ping any blog. I think this is best solution. Am I right?”

    What do you recommend to get rid of those pesky self-pings currently?

    Thanks so much!

    Love and light,

    • Editorial Staff

      We still have the plugin active on our site. Often the authors forget to update the plugin (using the logic… if nothing is broken, then why update?). From our understanding unchecking the discussion setting, it should do it as long as you are ok with the fact that you would not send ping to other sites.


  8. Mustapha


    Thank you for the useful tip! I installed the plugin but the linked posts still appear in the comment section. What can I do about that?


  9. Troy C

    kinda trolling your site, lol.. But we did install this as I think I’m going to get caught back up on your info. Thanks guys.

  10. Gautam Doddamani

    i always link my about page and guest page and i wanted to get rid of self pinging which was enabled by default in using this plugin thanks ;D

  11. namaserajesh

    In WordPress Dashboard -> Settings -> Discussion Settings. Uncheck the first option – Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the article. Then it’ll not ping any blog. I think this is best solution. Am I right?

  12. SiteBuilder

    No Self Pings is a useful plugin, I prefer to manage internal links manually.

  13. uncommonchick

    Thank you, I have looking for something to stop the internal pinging…it’s very annoying! I’m going to install this plugin right now :-)

  14. incription

    Another helpful plugin thanks for the information and link

  15. phankimi

    This plugin is all i looking for.

  16. toddsantoro

    I have been looking for a way to do this. Thanks Syed!

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