Os widgets do WordPress permitem que os usuários adicionem diferentes funcionalidades aos seus posts e páginas sem escrever uma única linha de código. Seja para exibir posts recentes, feeds de mídia social ou HTML personalizado, a adição de widgets ao seu conteúdo permite a criação de um site mais dinâmico e interativo.
No WPBeginner, usamos vários widgets em nossa barra lateral e rodapé para compartilhar informações importantes, destacar guias populares e fornecer recursos adicionais. Ao fazer uso total dessas áreas, podemos oferecer conteúdo adicional que melhora a experiência do usuário, mantendo o site visualmente atraente e funcional.
Neste artigo, mostraremos a você como adicionar facilmente widgets do WordPress ao conteúdo de posts e páginas.

Por que adicionar widgets do WordPress em posts e páginas?
Os widgets do WordPress são blocos de conteúdo que você normalmente adiciona às barras laterais, cabeçalhos, rodapés e outras áreas. Eles oferecem a flexibilidade de adicionar muitas funcionalidades e recursos diferentes ao layout do seu site WordPress.
Por exemplo, você pode mostrar suas últimas publicações, adicionar um formulário de contato usando um bloco de widget e muito mais. A melhor parte é que você não precisa editar o código para adicioná-los.
Anteriormente, os widgets do WordPress só podiam ser adicionados a áreas de widgets, como barra lateral, cabeçalho ou rodapé. Entretanto, com o editor de blocos do WordPress, agora você pode adicionar widgets facilmente aos posts e páginas do seu blog.
Por padrão, o WordPress oferece diferentes tipos de widgets para arquivos, calendários, categorias, HTML personalizado, códigos de acesso, comentários mais recentes, postagens recentes, RSS, recursos de pesquisa, ícones sociais e muito mais. Muitos plugins e temas do WordPress também oferecem seus próprios widgets do WordPress.
Dito isso, vamos ver como você pode adicionar widgets do WordPress a posts e páginas.
Adição de widgets do WordPress ao conteúdo de posts e páginas
Primeiro, você precisará editar uma postagem/página existente do WordPress ou adicionar uma nova.
Quando você estiver no editor de conteúdo do WordPress, clique no botão “Add Block” (+) para adicionar um novo widget.
Em seguida, role para baixo até a seção Widgets e arraste e solte o bloco de widgets que deseja adicionar ao conteúdo.

Digamos que você queira mostrar as últimas publicações do blog do WordPress em seu conteúdo e aumentar o envolvimento.
Para fazer isso, basta clicar no widget Latest Posts, e seus artigos recentes aparecerão no conteúdo.

Você verá mais configurações no painel de blocos à sua direita para editar e personalizar suas opções de widgets.
Usando blocos de widgets, você também pode adicionar códigos de acesso e HTML personalizado ao seu conteúdo sem escrever código. Isso torna muito fácil adicionar personalização avançada e obter mais controle sobre a aparência do seu site.
Se você também quiser adicionar um widget personalizado à sua página/post, consulte nosso tutorial sobre como criar widgets personalizados no WordPress.
Da mesma forma, você também pode usar um bloco de widgets para qualquer plug-in do WordPress que esteja usando em seu site.
Por exemplo, se você estiver usando o WPForms, poderá adicionar seu formulário ao conteúdo usando o bloco WPForms.
Ao adicionar o bloco WPForms ao conteúdo do post e da página, basta selecionar o formulário no menu suspenso do próprio bloco.

Quando terminar, publique o post ou a página do blog em seu site do WordPress.
Bônus: Widgets úteis para o seu site
Agora que você sabe como adicionar widgets às suas páginas e posts, lembre-se também de adicionar apenas widgets seletivos. Se adicionar widgets desnecessários, suas páginas poderão parecer desorganizadas, resultando em uma experiência ruim para o usuário.
Por exemplo, você pode instalar e ativar o WP Call Button. Depois disso, você pode definir as configurações do plug-in e adicionar o widget à sua página de contato para adicionar um botão de chamada agora.
Para obter detalhes, consulte nosso tutorial sobre como adicionar um botão click-to-call no WordPress.

Da mesma forma, você pode adicionar um widget RafflePress para adicionar uma oferta, um widget Compact Archive para exibir seus arquivos, um widget WP Simple Pay para adicionar um formulário de pagamento ou um widget Social Count para exibir seus seguidores de mídia social.
Todas essas opções podem ajudar a impulsionar o engajamento, gerar leads e aumentar as conversões em seu site. Para obter mais informações, você pode ver nossas escolhas de especialistas para os widgets mais úteis do WordPress.
Esperamos que este artigo tenha ajudado você a aprender como adicionar widgets do WordPress a posts e ao conteúdo de páginas. Talvez você também queira ver nosso tutorial sobre como adicionar widgets de painel personalizados no WordPress ou nosso guia para iniciantes sobre revisões de posts do WordPress simplificadas.
Se você gostou deste artigo, inscreva-se em nosso canal do YouTube para receber tutoriais em vídeo sobre o WordPress. Você também pode nos encontrar no Twitter e no Facebook.
It does not work for me: “Widget not in any sidebars”.
WPBeginner Support
You would want to first ensure your widget you’re trying to add works in a regular widget area
Mick Holmes
Fantastic! Thank you!
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome
Pat Walter
THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR THE amr shortcode any widget. I have tried and tried to get other shortcodes working, but could not. But your plugin really helped me. Thanks again.
WPBeginner Support
Not our plugin but glad our recommendation could help you
Is there anyway you can show us how to do this WITHOUT using a plugin? Please let me know, thank you.
WPBeginner Support
We will be sure to add that to our tutorials where it would make sense but writing out the code for a custom plugin would act the same as if you were installing a plugin to handle this.
Edu Hoffmann
Thanks for sharing!
This tip was very usefull and save lots of my time
WPBeginner Support
Glad our guide could be helpful
Chris Beller
Hi I just tried doing this in block editor and I cannot find a way to get the widget block to the right of my posts…. Like how the sidebar looks on my blog page. How can I do this?
WPBeginner Support
If you mean you want your widgets on the side widget area, you would want to reach out to your theme’s support for if there is a widget area there for posts and pages.
Thanks for this.
What will be the name of the “Top Posts & Pages Widget” by Jetpack ?
WPBeginner Support
It should use that name, if not you would want to reach out to the plugin’s support and they should be able to assist.
Another thing:
I tried testing it on sidebar and I got something like: There is nothing to see here (meaning there are no new posts, or so i thought)
Is there a way to show my most popular posts, no matter the date it was published?
WPBeginner Support
You would want to reach out to the support for the popular posts widget that you are using for what they use for showing the posts.
Great tool, works well. No hassles installing and setting up. Thanks
I can’t seem to add another icon. When I click the button nothing happens.
Not working on clipper them
How can I add a widget to the Post Page (i.e Blog)?
You have to add the amr widget plugin to do that. Its easy though.
Siddiqa Pathan
Perfect! Thank you so much for the Tutorial!
AMAZING! – thank you so much. You have saved me from pulling any more hair out..
guys….please help me….
what should i do to make wordpress download manager and easy digital download run into native worpress post…i dont want to make a post into their plugin but wanted to post something in my native wordpress post…what should i do then???
so i can get the valuable thing both of this plugin just in my native wordpress
help me please
Hi I really don’t understand these codes and html things. I want to add the categories widget in my archives category page. I also want to add the monthly archives widget to the very same Archives page wjat do I do? I am really lost.
Amazing – worked perfectly. Thank you for this useful tutorial!
WPBeginner Support
Glad you found it helpful. Make sure you follow us Facebook.
works like a charm, thanks so much!!!
WPBeginner Support
Hey Carol, glad you found it helpful. Make sure you follow us on Twitter to get more WordPress tips and tricks
Palla Sridhar
I actually have a different requirement.
I want to add some text and html link inside post content for all posts with the same category. For a different category, I want to include different text and html link. Hope you understand. Please help
Inam U Khan
It’s helpful post if anyone wants to use any widget within a post or a page.
hi there, how can i use text widget in post. i used code [do_widget text] but it isn’t working. i want to insert image slider in text widget please help me with this way or any other way. thanks
this isn’t working properly.
I’ve installed the plugin and pasted the code at the bottom of the page, and when i push preview the widget ends up being the header as opposed to showing up where i put it.
Is this supposed to work with the Customizr theme? The widgets seem to work in left and right side bars, but not within content. I even installed a plugin that provides widget IDs, so I can include proper ID in the [do_widget ] short code.
How can I fix this?
Jeffrey Beckers
I’m using your plugin to show the widget of recent topics. But the shortcode isn’t generating in the widget.
This is an amazing plugin. Is there an way to change the design of the plugin
Hi, this is a great plugin. Thank you for it.
Is there a way to change the styles on the widget in the AMR without it affecting the widgets throughout the rest of the site? Mainly I’m concerned with the padding of 20% which centers the content awkwardly on my page. If I change it to 0% in the .widget css it looks great but the widgets on the other pages are all messed up. Is there a way to apply separate CSS to the AMR content without it affecting the other widgets?
Thank you for this, it works great in the content of one of my pages. However, it doesn’t seem to work on my homepage. The homepage edit area IS different since I have to go to theme options>appearance instead of the individual page…Wordpress just gives me a place to add text, although I use HTML there for other things that seem to work fine. I tried adding the shortcode to the “home” edit page also with no luck.
Another page on this site said to add the following to functions.php in my child theme:
add_filter(‘widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’);
But just adding that doesn’t help either. There must be some setting with the homepage that won’t allow this. Any ideas? Thanks
WPBeginner Support
Your theme may be using a custom template. Contact your theme’s support.
Coach Maria
Would this work to put content at the bottom of each post? (Like a subscription form?)
Sudhakar Goverdhanam
It worked fine, Thanks
Zaheer Abbas
Thank u …. Newsletter plugin now working in pages and posts as well as it works only in right sidebar
I downloaded and activated this plugin then I go to Appearance – Widgets but cannot find Shortcode. Any ideas? Thanks!
Andrea Valgoi
Hello, I have this problem. The widget on a specific page (which works perfectly) overlaps the menus if i scroll down.
Any ideas how to solve it?
Awesome! Thank you! Great plugin! It completely meet my expectations!
Asad Iqbal
Its a pleasure for me to use this plugin.Very nice approach .
Thanks .
Thanks! This worked.
Nicole @ The Pixel Boutique
Thank you! Just what I needed to make a separate page for Jetpack subscription signup. Great plugin I’ll use often.
anand kumar
how i get short codes for php/text widgets .
this plugins is not showing any thing for these
This plugin is perfect! I have a question though: How does one align the widget to the left of the post with the text wrapping around it? What is the exact CSS code that needs to be used?
Love your widget. However, how do you edit a widget to be able to use it on more than one post with different data? For instance, the widget I am using ask what category and how many post in that category I want to display.
As it stands, I have to edit the widget in the short code area, then I can place it in one page. Now I want to add the widget to two other pages with a different category and # of posts. Thanks in advance.
WPBeginner Support
you can add multiple widgets by dragging them into shortcodes sidebar on the widgets screen and using the widget id to display it in the post.
Thanks a lot for this plugin !! Me too I would like to post the same widget in different pages but where do you find the widget id ?
Sameer Verma
Is there anyway to display the widget id in all post. I want to display a widget below post in all type of posts .
Actually i need a share this site below to all posts and pages .
How i can??
Hey! I added the widget in the main sidebarthing at the widget page and put the code in the page. I see the widget, wich is really cool, but i also see this message:
Sidebar Shortcodeswith sidebarid Shortcodes empty or not defined.
Widget dooodl! not in sidebar with id Shortcodes and with name Shortcodes
How can i delete that? And why is it there?
thanks! greetings
WPBeginner Support
The widget you want to display on the page, you need to drag and drop that widget to the shortcodes sidebar first. Then use the shortcode in a page to display the widget.
Krishna veni
Is there anyway to display the widget id in all post. I want to display a widget below post title in all post
Krishna Veni
Cindy tucker
Help! I want to place a subscription widget under each post and I don’t know any code. How do I do this?
kory s
You could simply add the widget to the Shortcode widget and then call the Shortcode in your template where you want it to go…
See wpbeginners other helpful post at https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-themes/how-to-use-shortcodes-in-your-wordpress-themes/
Flame Denise
How about if mw widget is a Text with a title “Our Services”?
All these shortcodes don’t work:
[do_widget Text: Our Services]
[do_widget Text:Our Services]
[do_widget “Text: Our Services”]
Alexander Bradley
Don’t know why the writer didn’t get back to you. I had the same issue but found that the title for the Widget is just called Text. Try that and see if it works. Not sure what happens if you have multiple widgets called Text but I guess I see soon enough.
Daniel Nielsen
What to call it if you wanner use the same widget more then one time in one page:
[do_widget count down]
[do_widget count down]
for example
[do_widget “recent posts”] this one
how can i align it in such a way that it appears with a specific height and width
aligned to the right side of the post or in the middle of the post with the text surrounding it ?
Is it possible ?
WPBeginner Support
you can tweak alignment using CSS.
Is this missing any steps? I’ve tried the debug and it still doesn’t work. When I debug, I get a very generic name for the widget “text-4”.
Is there a way to set the widget I’d manually?
Is there a problem with the amr shortcode widget plugin? Eg is this still the plugin to use as of aug 2013?
Either the plugin has updated or this tutorial was incorrect to begin with.
Use [do_widget id=recent-posts-2] or [do_widget “Recently in news”]
WPBeginner Support
The tutorial is correct, we double checked it and you are doing exactly what we showed in the tutorial above.
Prashant Ghai
This is an amazing tip. My blog has a single column theme and this is just the kind of thing i needed. Thanks a lot.