Espera-se que o WordPress 4.9 seja lançado em 14 de novembro de 2017. Colocamos nossas mãos na primeira versão beta para verificar os novos recursos e as mudanças que estão por vir. Neste artigo, mostraremos o que está por vir no WordPress 4.9 com recursos e capturas de tela.
Observação: você pode experimentar a versão beta em seu computador ou em um ambiente de teste usando o plug-in WordPress Beta Tester.
Ela ainda está em desenvolvimento, portanto, alguns recursos podem não ser incluídos na versão final.
Salvar e agendar alterações de tema no Customizer
O WordPress 4.9 introduzirá o salvamento de personalizações de temas como rascunho. Agora, quando você fizer alterações em um tema usando o personalizador, terá a opção de salvar suas alterações como rascunho em vez de torná-las ativas.
Esse novo recurso também permitirá que você compartilhe a visualização das alterações com um URL. Você pode enviar esse URL a qualquer usuário, e ele poderá ver seu site com as alterações feitas nesse rascunho específico.
Deseja publicar suas alterações de tema em um momento específico? O WordPress 4.9 também permitirá que você agende alterações.
O novo widget de galeria
O WordPress 4.8 trouxe widgets de mídia, incluindo rich text, áudio, imagem e vídeo. O WordPress 4.9 apresentará o novo widget de galeria.
Ele permitirá que você crie uma galeria nativa do WordPress e a adicione a qualquer área preparada para widgets.
Entretanto, se você quiser uma galeria mais avançada com álbuns, precisará procurar um plug-in de terceiros, como o Envira Gallery.
Adicionar botão de mídia no widget de texto
O widget de texto recém-introduzido veio com editores de texto visual e simples. Entretanto, se você quisesse adicionar uma imagem, ainda teria de escrever código HTML.
O WordPress 4.9 corrigirá isso adicionando o botão “Adicionar mídia” na parte superior do editor de texto. Isso permitirá que os usuários adicionem facilmente imagens dentro do widget de rich text.
Experiência aprimorada de edição de código
O WordPress 4.9 trará uma experiência de edição de código muito melhor. Você verá um editor de código aprimorado ao editar o código no CSS personalizado, no editor de temas ou no editor de plug-ins.
Esse editor de código vem com realce de sintaxe, sugestões de código e preenchimento automático.
Se você já se deparou com erros de sintaxe ao editar seu tema, esse aprimoramento corrigirá automaticamente muitos erros comuns que causam esses erros.
Não gosta do destaque de sintaxe? Ele pode ser facilmente desativado na página do seu perfil de usuário.
Alterações diversas
É provável que essas alterações internas entrem na versão final do WordPress 4.9.
Melhor mapeamento para widgets de temas e menus de navegação após a troca de temas. #39693, #39692
Remoção da biblioteca SWFUpload do núcleo. #41752
Pesquisa recursiva de arquivos nos editores de plug-ins e temas. #6531
Esperamos que este artigo tenha ajudado você a saber o que está por vir no WordPress 4.9. Diga-nos quais recursos você considera interessantes e o que gostaria de ver nas próximas versões do WordPress.
Se você gostou deste artigo, inscreva-se em nosso canal do YouTube para receber tutoriais em vídeo sobre o WordPress. Você também pode nos encontrar no Twitter e no Facebook.
The new WP 4.9 sucks (at least from a programmer’s point of view). While I do appreciate line numbers being added, making coding troubleshooting a bit easier, automatically adding HTML commands (including brackets, parenthesis and so on) is a real pain in the butt, especially when you want to change or update existing code.
It’s taking forever now having to digest every new code I insert to ensure WP didn’t add extra HTML coding on its own.
Other than that don’t have much else to say about it.
Prashant Chamoli
The add media part of the text widget is awesome. It will save a lot of time.
It gives me the option of WordPress 4.9–en_GB or WordPress 4.9–en_US please what does this mean? What are the implications of each?
Many thanks
WPBeginner Support
Hi Ugochi,
WordPress is avaialble in multiple languages. This packages are for English Great Britain, and English United States. You can choose the one that you want to use. You can always change site language from WordPress settings.
This is really amazing.
Am still perplexed, the update page suggested I should back up my blog before updating.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Chris,
Yes, you should always create a complete WordPress backup before update.
where can we see a online-demo? BTW i need to see a online-demo of the theme too!? Any idea
I would like to update a published page or post but schedule it for a later date. At the moment all you can do is save it but then that goes live or create another page then copy it when it needs to go live.
I am sure it would be a useful feature for many.
Kevin Uriel Azuara Fonseca
The add media button in the text editor will be very helpful!!..
Thanks for sharing the post!
Thomas Frost
Next we just need the possibility for creating folders in the media library as a standard feature.
Terry Carter
That would be an awesome feature to add as standard!
Would be so interesting!
Sweet! I like the scheduled theme changes. Perfect to get that background ready for the holidays!
The customizer changes are the best new additions. I wish they would have tackled many more important issues, like backup and migration features, yes, those in the core!!!.
But this is going to be the last update before we will be forced forced at a “gunpoint” that disaster called Gutenberg… more appropriately Suckenberg! Many, WP 4.9 will be the last version they update too. WP 4.9 is where WordPress finally starts losing momentum and starts the long process of it’s slow death. all credits should go to Suckenberg !!!
I have to disagree, I am really looking forward to the one core supported page builder, which guarantees a proper downward compatibility for years to come. If you deal with the other available page builders at at the moment, you basically have to rebuild all your content once you want to change the builder. My guess is, that these, together with all these humongous “Multi Purpose” themes will die a slow death instead.
‘one core supported page builder’
Did you make this up?
I wish we could have one core supported page builder, but Gutenberg is nowhere near a good page builder, not now, and not in 5 years, they are light years behind in development. Even the most modest available page builders eat Gutenberg for lunch. Gutenberg’s idea of columns, is 2,…, TWO !!! What am I supposed to do with just 2 columns?
The idea that meta boxes and shortcodes are now considered “legacy” items, is the most troubling. This means that sooner or later they will be completely removed and not supported in the future. Millions of hours of work done by thousands of developers creating themes and plugins that use those, will go down the drain. And this is going to happen with time, as Automattic will get more desperate, just like Microsoft did to Windows 7 users, forcing on them Windows 10,.
Now let’s talk about all the shortcodes left behind when you switch a page builder. Besides the point that 99% of the people marry to their page builders, and never change them, but let’s say some do, how many pages do you think are affected? 5, 10, 20? It will be a matter of minutes to get rid of the shortcodes. Finally, not all page builders leave shortcodes behind, the f(x) builder is an example of such page builder.
The funniest thing with his whole mess are the lies and propaganda that goes along with Gutenberg.
– They say we all have a say and they value our input. Looking at the ratings, clearly we can all see that at a margin of 2 to 1, we don’t want this. At least we don’t want it forced on us. How do they listen?
– They use the term “democratizing publishing”, while in reality by forcing something that most clearly don’t want, they are practicing software communism, or software fascism, use whatever term turns you on… And they don’t hide this either. Andrew Nacin was quoted as “decisions, not options”. Not having options, and not having the majority dictate development is not democracy, it is Automattic dictating their selfish interests.
That said, at least for now, it seems that there will be a way out, and return back to common sense. But as I said before, things might get really dicey as they get more desperate. Things that Automattic control already are doing so. For example, a few months ago, you could post anything negative about Gutenberg (without profanity of course). For the last few weeks or so, it you dare to even hint anything negative about Gutenberg, your post will not get approved. Thank God, there are websites like this one, that are fair and balanced. I would not be surprised, if some funny business is done at the plugin repository reviews too. And they call this democracy !!!
Finally, they are finding excuses for their current failures. They said that Gutenberg is not popular because of “timing” issues, and lack of advertising. LACK OF ADVERTISING !!! Something that is free, does not need advertising to become popular, unless it sucks, and Gutenberg, really REALLY sucks! The whole thing reminds me of a big socialist government, imposing their will and desperately trying to convince the that they know what’s good for them. Sooner or later, we will be forced to say goodbye to Advanced Custom Fields, and a whole sub-industry behind it, just to monopolize Automattic – what a nice democracy!
They are laughing at our faces and nobody is forcefully is calling them out, just like everybody chickened out with Microsoft, just because they are too powerful, or were bought out.
Nirmal Bhowmick
Good Changes.