Se você realmente deseja levar seus designs do WordPress para o próximo nível, tem até 4 de dezembro para economizar quase 500 dólares no Mojo Themes WordPress Cyberbundle! Ele inclui 15 temas para WordPress, sendo que 10 deles são os itens mais populares do mercado no momento. Também inclui 5 temas WordPress de nicho para restaurantes e páginas de destino. No final, você poderá obter temas WordPress no valor de US$ 515 por apenas US$ 29! Essa é uma oferta por tempo LIMITADO, portanto, seja rápido. A oferta expirará em 4 de dezembro de 2011. Aqui está uma amostra do que você terá:
Mojo Themes WordPress Cyberbundle – Grandes descontos
By Editorial Staff | | Reader Disclosure
WPBeginner - WordPress for Beginners
It is our understanding that these themes are released under GPL, so yes you may reuse them on your client’s projects. However, just going and outright reselling them as part of the package without changing anything is just wrong….
Its like us creating a studiopress bundle site where we make all pro-plus theme for $20 because they are GPL and we can do that. While we can use Genesis and child themes on our client’s site, its just wrong to simply go and re-sell it to the masses like some turnkey.
Mitchell Williams
In that case, sure. $29 really isn’t that bad really for all these themes. Do they come with resale or reuse licensing for designers who would use them on client sites or resell them?
WPBeginner - WordPress for Beginners
Yes, you can always do that if you don’t need these themes. However any smart designer, blogger, or developer will take up this offer. Because you never know when you can utilize these themes.
This is the vary reason, why we bought the StudioPress Pro-Plus version. We have deployed the pre-made child themes on numerous client’s sites with few tweaks. There are people who can’t afford to pay a lot of money to get a custom site built. So they are ok with a pre-made theme with tweaks… So you turn your $29 investment into $500 profit with just one client.
Mitchell Williams
Or I could save the $29 and not buy anything at all.