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How to Add an Author’s Photo in WordPress

Adding an author’s photo to your WordPress site helps personalize content and makes your blog feel more engaging. By default, most WordPress themes use a Gravatar image for authors, but you might want more control over the profile pictures shown.

Thankfully, WordPress makes it easy to add or update an author’s photo. This way, you can choose a custom image that better represents your author or brand.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps for how to add an author’s photo in WordPress quickly and easily.

How to add an author's photo in WordPress

When Do You Need to Add an Author’s Photo in WordPress?

If you run a multi-author WordPress site, then you may decide to add an author info box in WordPress posts. These author bio boxes typically show the author’s profile photo, a brief bio, and a link to their website or social profiles.

By default, most WordPress themes use the person’s Gravatar as their author photo. However, sometimes, you may prefer to use a different image for the author’s photo.

As a WordPress website owner, you may even have rules about the kind of photos you want to show in your author bio boxes. For example, maybe you require your authors to use a professional headshot.

If the author’s Gravatar doesn’t meet your rules, then you may want to edit their profile and upload an image that better suits your brand.

With that in mind, we’ll show you how to add an author’s photo in WordPress. Here’s a quick overview of all the steps we’ll discuss in the following sections:

Ready? Let’s get started!

How to Add an Author’s Photo in WordPress

The easiest way to add an author photo in WordPress is by using the PublishPress Authors plugin.

This plugin lets authors edit their own profile and author photo by adding a new ‘Author Profile’ area to their WordPress dashboard. It also gives site admins the power to edit the author’s profile, including changing their photo.

Changing your author photo

First, you’ll need to install and activate the PublishPress Authors plugin. If you need help, then please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, let’s head over to Authors » Settings. You can then go ahead and switch to the ‘Display’ tab.

PublishPress' author settings

In this tab, you’ll see the ‘Layouts’ dropdowns, where you can choose a layout that includes an author photo.

You might notice that the default layout is ‘Boxed.’ This shows the author’s information in a box, along with the author’s photo.

Default boxed avatar mode

The ‘Centered’ layout is similar to boxed, but with all of the author’s information centered inside the author bio box.

‘Inline with avatar’ and ‘Simple List’ are both layouts that include space for an author photo.

Here’s an example of the ‘Simple List’ layout:

Avatar Simple List layout

Just be aware that those 2 layouts don’t have space for a bio. Even if the author has added a bio, it won’t be shown on your website.

After choosing your layout, you can click on the ‘Save Changes’ button.

You can now visit your website to see the author’s photos on your WordPress posts and pages.

Anyone who has registered on your site with the ‘Author role will now be able to upload a photo using the ‘Author Profile’ settings in their WordPress dashboard.

How To Change an Author’s Photo in WordPress

As an admin, you can also use PublishPress Authors to change any of the individual author photos that appear on your website. This is useful if an author chooses a photo that isn’t a good fit for your site.

To change an author’s photo, simply go to Authors » Authors.

Adding an author's photo to WordPress

You will now see a list of all the authors who are registered with your WordPress blog.

From here, you can click on an author’s ‘Edit Author Profile’ link.

Changing the author's photo in WordPress

Then, just click the ‘Image’ tab.

By default, PublishPress will try to find a gravatar linked to the author’s email address. To use a different author photo, you can click the ‘Custom image’ radio button.

Changing the author's profile picture

Once you’ve done that, you’ll want to click on ‘Select Image.’

You can now choose any image from your WordPress media library or upload a new image.

Then, let’s just click the ‘Update’ button.

Saving a new author photo in WordPress

Your website will now use this new image as the author’s photo.

Expert Tip: If you like this tool, we recommend checking out the entire suite of PublishPress plugins. They offer a lot of really powerful tools that can help you produce the best content possible.

Bonus Tip: How to Enforce Clean Image Filenames

If you have a multi-author blog, it can be tough to ensure every image uploaded has a clean filename. A clean filename avoids special characters like accents, non-Latin characters, or symbols, which is better for search engine optimization (SEO).

Clean filenames also make images easier to find in the media library for future use and prevent display issues in certain browsers. By fixing filenames, you improve both user experience and your site’s search visibility.

Clean image filenames example

For detailed instructions, you can check out our guide on how to enforce clean image filenames in WordPress.

We hope this article helped you learn how to add an author’s photo in WordPress. You can also go through our guides on how to add image hover effects and how to easily lazy load images in WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
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  2. Dennis Muthomi

    The solution that I have REALLY wanted!!
    I have been looking for ways to add an author photo without using Gravatar option.
    You always the best solution! THanks WPBeginner.

  3. Arshad

    Always got a perfect solution! Thumbs Up..

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad to hear our guide was helpful!


  4. Rachel

    I have followed these steps, but there is still no option to add a profile pic – it just shows the ‘blank’ image and no button to ‘add image’.
    Any ideas?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to reach out to the plugin’s support if the add image option is not available and they should be able to assist.


  5. Amanda Don Williams

    Thanks…. awesome plugin very easy to use…

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad you like our article :)


  6. Aditya

    Hi, i have a user registration page on which user registers as a contributor. Then he/she can submit blogs for moderation. However, on that registration page i want users to add their photos mandatorily so we don’t have to rely on them adding it later from their profiles or do the task ourselves.

  7. Sébastien

    How to show avatar on the frontpage? This method only show on the loaded pages.

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you are displaying your posts on your home page instead of a static home page then you would need to reach out to the support for your specific theme to edit the theme’s template


  8. Helen

    Thank you! Been trying to work this out for ages!!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our tutorial could help :)


  9. Tony

    If anyone else is wondering why your photo isn’t showing up in author bio, it may be because there’s also separate settings for the plugin itself. You have to check the box that says, “display author avatars”. At first all I did was went to the author settings and uploaded the photo not realizing that there was extra settings for the plugin itself.

  10. Alexander

    awesome resource….my picture appeared in a twinkle of an eye.thank you very much

  11. Jason

    Doesn’t seem to show my picture. It uploads and shows in the Author page in Word Press but not showing on the actual site. Help!

  12. nestor fuhr

    after proving a dozen plugin…. this is the only that works correctly. Thank you

  13. Adey Jones

    I am using this plugin on a site that also uses co-authors plus as some posts are written by 2 people, but this plugin only allows 1 author image to display, how can I amend the userphoto_the_author_photo() to display both authors images in 1 post?

    • Constantin Colac

      Thanks mate. I was actually surprised people go for a plugin instead of a function..

      You get some good karma from me ;)

      • Ryan

        Is there a way around having to deal with or whatever? It seems crazy it isn’t just a built in feature of Wordpress.

  14. Simon Green

    Just use gravatar! Tried this plug-in and was not satisfied. I don’t want the author photo pasted everywhere that there’s a post, multiple times on the site. No good.

  15. Keith Agnew

    Awesome Plugin. Worked perfect immediately. Thanks!!!

  16. Raj Kumar

    Thanks, but can we do it without any plugin?

  17. Keme Kenneth

    Simple Local Avatars is working fine for me. Thanks all.

  18. Yoopd

    Thank you!!!

  19. heny astuti

    it works..tx

  20. Juan Manuel

    Thanks for sharing this info. However I am not sure if this is what I need. When I write a post on my website ( at the end of each post it says: “This article was written by: Juan Manuel Macarlupu Peña” and a default picture and mi bio. I have tried everything on earth (or that’s what I think) and I cant change that default picture. Can you help me with that?

    I would reaaaaaally appreciate it.

  21. Kat

    Can you help, I had this plugin working fine on a test site but not on the live site – the user pictures appear in the user back-end but not on the post or author pages?

    Does anyone have any ideas why this would happen?

  22. Shonda Rogers

    So I have to download the plugin to get the image to show on google searches, am I correct? I have everything else setup and linked with google+ profile, email verification etc. I was thinking the image would show up from my google+ profile. But it sounds like I need the WP plugin as well. Can you please confirm?

  23. Nida's Beauty Bag

    Is there any way that a non wordpress user can use an image while commenting on my blog??? whenever people comment on my blog , if they are non-wordpress user no display picture is shown

  24. Joey

    A better and more updated plugin: Simple Local Avatars (search wordpress plguin reposiroty)

    No need of editing any files.

    • Ken

      Joey, that plugin you posted is useless and very broken. The User Photo plugin is the best one out there right now and works perfectly!

    • kuyax

      joey is the best, it’s working perfectly…
      thanks dude…

    • Emilio

      Thanks Joey! Simple Local Avatars was awesome! For anyone downloading this plugin, there plugin settings are not in the “settings” or “tools” section. Just upload the plugin and go to the “Users” section. The upload form will be in the users information where you put the bio, email, and other social media contact info.

    • Nadir

      Thanks Joey, it works… perfect… saved me from frustration

    • Jennifer

      Thank you! It realy works fine!

  25. Sham

    The image is not displaying in all user lists. Can any one help ?

    • wpbeginner

       @Sham You have to make sure that you have the php code to display the image in your template.

  26. caspian

    We have a theme that has a registration/profile page on the front end. any idea on how to add the upload image option to the front end? thanks.

  27. ushackers

    really helpful post

  28. ArsalanTosifi


    I have successfully uploaded user photo plugin. Successfully imported image. But image does not display. What is missing?

      • wpbeginner

         @Rahoof PM  @ArsalanTosifi You do not have the code in your theme to display it. You have to add the user photo code. Click on the plugin page, they have the code there.

  29. Ruth Martin

    Thank you for this post and plugin! I have been searching for something and am so happy to have found my answer!
    Thanks again!
    Ruth M

  30. Brian

    Any idea on how to integrate this with bbpress discussions?


  31. Aaron


    I have about 200 jpeg photossaved, and I would like to put them in the userphoto folder and have them become that person’s photo, and the user can come back and change it if they wish. I tested this out by placing a photo admin.jpeg in the folder, but it did not take effect. do you know how I can do a mass upload of photos for userphoto?



    • Editorial Staff

      You can’t just FTP stuff because the value is also stored in the database. It is better to ask all your editors to add the pictures by themselves.


  32. Omaha Homes

    Yeah this is nice good wp plugin to share author’s picture.

  33. Rick

    Thank you for highlighting this plug-in.

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