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Przenoszenie instalacji WordPressa z serwera regionalnego do witryny na żywo

Uwaga redakcyjna: Otrzymujemy prowizję z linków partnerskich na WPBeginner. Prowizje nie mają wpływu na opinie i oceny naszych redaktorów. Dowiedz się więcej o Proces redakcyjny.

Po spędzeniu trochę czasu z WordPressem na twoim lokalnym serwerze, w końcu zdecydowałeś się przenieść go na żywą witrynę internetową. Wydaje się jednak, że nie wiesz, jaki powinien być twój następny krok. Ten poradnik przeprowadzi cię przez kroki niezbędne do przeniesienia twojej lokalnej instalacji WordPressa do witryny internetowej.

Przed podjęciem się tego zadania konieczne jest posiadanie domeny i hosta internetowego. Napisaliśmy artykuł o tym, czego szukać w hostingu internetowym i wskazówki dotyczące wyboru najlepszej domeny dla twojego bloga. Motyw użyty w tym poradniku został stworzony przez Indeziner i wydany przez Smashing Magazine.

Ujawnienie: Nasze treści są wspierane przez czytelników. Oznacza to, że jeśli klikniesz na niektóre z naszych linków, możemy otrzymać prowizję. Zobacz jak WPBeginner jest finansowany, dlaczego to ma znaczenie i jak możesz nas wspierać. Oto nasz proces redakcyjny.


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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  2. darrenth says

    Have you ever tried uploading to a temporary url? Do you then change the web url and blog url to point to the temp url instead of the domain name?

    • wpbeginner says

       @darrenth Yes, you would have to. Often when working on bigger projects what happens is that you upload on a subdomain, then use .htaccess to point the main domain to that subdomain and make it look like that everything is on the main domain. A little complex, but that is what we do when working with larger clients.

  3. MarkKeylon says

    Thank you very much. I just followed your procedure to load my dev site onto my hosted site <a href=”>Best Forex Trading Signals</a> and for the most part, worked like a charm. The only problem I had was that even though I did the whole search and replace thing, there were still some links that I had to convert manually. Among them, custom menu links. I’m not sure if I did something wrong, but it wasn’t too bad to tweak it to finish it afterwards. Thank you.

  4. wpbeginner says

    @harwood.wilson6 Yes, you may need to change the media path for that if you find images broken. Glad we were able to help.

  5. harwood.wilson6 says

    @wpbeginner Wow, that was an easy fix thanks for the help. The next thing I am going to do is track down some of the pictures that are broken.

  6. wpbeginner says

    @harwood.wilson6 Make sure the pages exist in the wp-admin panel. If they do, then go to Settings > Permalinks page, and just click Save. Leave everything as is.

  7. harwood.wilson6 says

    @wpbeginner @harwood.wilson6 i am getting the 404 page not found error. Normally I would just make sure pages are on the server but since wordpress uses php it is a bit different. Please check out the site at My goal is to get the site on the root folder eventually. Thanks for any help.

  8. harwood.wilson6 says

    All of my pages broke when I uploaded the site. The homepage works but everything else is missing from the server. Does anyone know where I may have made this fatal error?

  9. Vijay39 says

    Great post, I almost stumbled on the last task where the database had to be imported. I tried to overwrite an existing databas and that was my error. A NEW DATABASE must be created in MySQL and the local database imported into this empty database.

    Very helpful & clear! Thank you very much!

  10. Linda says

    Thanks Adeline and „Editorial Staff” – I did manage to find my way back in by editing the URL in the local database.

    So I’ve got it up and going again, THANKS!!

    Again, great video – very helpful.

  11. Adeline says

    This video was great and I was successful in moving a local WP to a web server.


    I had the same issue with mine and I found the WP Codex useful.

    Check out:

    Make sure you back up your database.

    „Add these two lines to your wp-config.php, where „” is the NEW location of your site.


    This worked out fine for me.

  12. Linda says

    Hi there, thanks so much for this clear video explanation of how to move the local site to a live server.

    I would like to gain access to my local site again, but before I exported my database I followed the instructions and changed the domain location in Settings > General. So now, of course, the domain points to the live site.

    I can’t figure out where I go to change those URLs back again on my local site. Thanks for your help on this!

  13. ebflute says

    In the post and in custom fields the URL that I hard coded says something like http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/myimagefile.jpg

    but my new URL should be

    Do I need to go in after I move the site and change each one of the URLs by hand in the posts and pages?

    or is there a way to use relative URLs in custom fields and posts, I know I cannot use somethign like „TEMPLATEPATH” . because I can’t write PHP in my posts…

    • Editorial Staff says

      You can simply edit it using the MySQL query. Go to your phpMyAdmin and select your database. Click the button SQL

      update wp_postmeta set meta_value =

      Make sure you make a backup first. This will replace everything in that value. Meta


  14. ebflute says

    How do you handle images that have absolute URLs in the blog? Can you edit the export file before importing it?

    • Editorial Staff says

      Do you mean you want to replace the URLs of the image to point to something else?

      If they are all with the same domain and you are switching, then its just a simple query away.


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