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Jak naprawiono biały tekst i brakujące przyciski w edytorze wizualnym WordPress

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Ostatnio jeden z naszych użytkowników zgłosił bardzo dziwny problem z instalacją. Podczas pisania wpisu nie można było zobaczyć niczego, co pisali. Ponieważ tekst edytora wpisów był biały. Co ważniejsze, brakowało wszystkich przycisków edytora wizualnego, a możliwość przełączania się z Visual na HTML nie działała. W tym artykule pokażemy, jak poprawić problem białego tekstu i brakujących przycisków w edytorze wizualnym WordPress.

Uwaga dla początkujących: Jeśli szukasz ukrytych przycisków, które możesz zobaczyć na zrzutach ekranu innych witryn, to prawdopodobnie szukasz zlewu kuchennego. Aby zobaczyć inne opcje, takie jak podkreślenie, kopiowanie z Worda itp. należy kliknąć ikonkę zlewu kuchennego.

Kitchen Sink

Niektóre witryny używają również wtyczki TinyMCE Advanced, aby dodać różne inne przyciski, których nie ma domyślnie.

Dla reszty z was, którzy naprawdę mają problem z brakującymi przyciskami lub białym tekstem w edytorze wizualnym, kontynuujcie ten poradnik.

Wyczyść pamięć podręczna przeglądarki

Podczas naszych poszukiwań znaleźliśmy użytkowników sugerujących, że wyczyszczenie pamięci podręcznej przeglądarki zadziałało w ich przypadku. Pierwszą rzeczą, którą powinieneś spróbować zrobić, jest wyczyszczenie pamięci podręcznej przeglądarki lub użycie innej przeglądarki. Może to być problem z twoim komputerem.

Jeśli to nie poprawi twojego problemu, być może jest on związany z twoją instalacją?

Wymiana skryptów TinyMCE

Może ten problem wystąpił po aktualizacji? Cóż, to mało prawdopodobne, ale może coś poszło nie tak w procesie aktualizacji. Spróbuj zastąpić katalog /wp-includes/js/tinymce/ nową kopią.

Poprawkę naprawiono za pomocą wp-config

Jeśli żadna z powyższych sztuczek nie zadziałała, otwórz swój plik wp-config.php i dodaj następującą linię na samej górze po tagu otwierającym php.

define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false);


Ta sztuczka poprawiła problem naszego użytkownika, który zgłosił ten problem. Mamy nadzieję, że jedno z rozwiązań wymienionych w tym artykule poprawi twój problem z białym tekstem i brakującymi przyciskami w edytorze wizualnym WordPress. Jeśli znalazłeś inną poprawkę, która zadziałała, podziel się nią w komentarzach.

Ujawnienie: Nasze treści są wspierane przez czytelników. Oznacza to, że jeśli klikniesz na niektóre z naszych linków, możemy otrzymać prowizję. Zobacz jak WPBeginner jest finansowany, dlaczego to ma znaczenie i jak możesz nas wspierać. Oto nasz proces redakcyjny.


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
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    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Marco says

    Hello, I solved so:

    1) Go to the direcetory „/public_html/wp-includes/js” in your site

    2) DELETE the folder „tinymce”

    3) Enter WordPress dashbord and in top left corner UPDATE and REINSTALL the current version

    I hope this can help you, Marco

    • Gugu says

      Marco, thank you soooo much for this! Yours is the only hack that worked after I had tried almost all the suggested solutions floating around on various help pages. I’d even inspected my code and what not, with no luck but deleting the tinymce folder and re-instaling WordPress DID IT!

      Thanks again!

  3. Shivam says

    Spent 1.30 hour with the customer support agent, before he gave up and suggested me for a ticket. Then I came across your site. Making changes to wp-config worked. Thanks a lot mate.

  4. Paul Livett says

    Every method tried nothing worked.. until I found the “.htaccess” file in my main website folder
    not in the wp-includes folder and I deleted it. Not sure how it got there and it had been there a year but boom!, finally it worked.

  5. Magda says

    NOTHING worked for me, so I decided to edit the editor css, which was stupid but I was desperate (and tired). When I was checking the path to css folder I realized it was in the theme of mine (custooooom). HOW SO? It appeared that it was coded in sass file of base theme I usually work with.
    So, check as well if something isn’t wrong with your theme. For not experienced: right-click on the editor and „inspect element”. If css shows that the font color for the editor is #fff, hover cusor over css path and you will see the whole path to where it’s stated (chrome). Check if it’s not the theme issue.
    good luck and thanks WP beginner you usually help me the most :)

  6. Carl Glancey says

    I’ve tried every suggestion on here but still only on my front page does the text appear white. Every other page and post is fine. So frustrating!

  7. Charlie Tobler says

    Sweet! Was having the exact issue mentioned in this article. I tried the first two solutions without success, but the wp-config edit did the trick! I am using Newspaper theme, and for some reason it seems to be causing it, but good to know there is a fix.

    Thanks for the help!


  8. Andrew Macia says

    What a freaking nightmare, thank god I found this post. I was finally able to fix this by updating the wp-config file. Thank you!

  9. John says

    Thanks for the help. I just edited the wp-config.php with it. My problem wasn’t the same my whole editor was missing but did the trick none the less. Cheers.

  10. Deepak says


    All of the solutions listed above, did not work for me. When I add this code, the Add New page in Admin does not load either define(’CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false ); What should i do

  11. Princess Kaurvaki says

    Thank you for sharing this solution. Unfortuntely, all the above methods didn’t work for me. I’ve tried disable one by one plugin and finally find the problem from one installed plugin

  12. Dinnae Galloway says

    My issue is that it is only doing it for editor accounts, but my admin account is just fine. UGH. Will try the wpconfig suggestion, but if it’s working for admin, I hesitate to make changes…. Will update when I find a solution. Thanks wpbeginner, you guys rock. :)

  13. Pop says

    I’d tried it on 3 different browsers, but all my buttons had gone and all text was white.

    define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false); worked for me.

    Thanks a million.

    • finn schjøtt says

      Well, that worked for mee too.

      However it only fixed TextMode.
      I’m still served with white text on white background in visual mode, – and absolutely no buttons.
      Everything worked just fine yesterday, – only change is upgrade WP from 4.3 to 4.4.

      I have updated the whole tinymce-folder – no change.
      I have installed tinymce-advanced plugin – went smoothly, but no change.

      I’m in really trouble, as I need the visual editing

  14. Paul says

    While setting up a website encountered this problem of the Visual Editor / WYSIWYG / TinyMCE not showing text (white text), not showing the editor buttons and text mode disabled…

    In my case, the constant define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false) in the wp-config circumvented the problem but the culprit was in fact an .htaccess in wp-includes directory. I had put it there myself to prevent code execution but some security/firewall plugin might also create it…
    After its removal the constant define is no longer needed nor recommended, it isn’t a long term solution and should only be used for debugging.

    • Daniel says

      Gosh Paul, you saved my life. I had accidently uploaded my htaccess to wp-includes a week ago and was facepalming ever since, trying to get my bizerk website to work.

      Thanks for mentioning that. I deleted it and now everything is back to normal.

    • Mauricio says

      Yup, nothing worked until I removed the „.htaccess” file from the „wp-includes” folder. Yes that worked, now hoping I didn’t break anything else doing that!

      • Jamie says

        Thank you a thousand times. I knew when I started I was having an .htaccess problem but its been a minute since I’ve had any issues, that I forgot the reasons behind it. I removed the “.htaccess” file from the “wp-includes” folder. I didn’t break anything else in the process and the problem was solved. Super fast, super simple. Thank you.

    • Peter says

      That worked for me. If I had any hair I would have been tearing it out, but it was the htaccess issue. Bug? Hack?

  15. Don Niam says

    I tried adding the code and it did not work. I added tiny mice plugin but no help there. I re-installed wordpress and no help. Uploaded a new tiny mice folder and no help.
    If any new fixes have been found please let me know.
    My problem still exists

  16. Alex Wivell says

    I can’t thank you enough for the define(’CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false ); solution.

    I had been having issues with Visual-Composer on a site for a while. I had found a get around of turning off a couple of translator plugins but they were paid translator plugin so couldn’t ditch it.

    I then updated WPJob Board plugin and all CV’s from the site disappeared. I tried the code you suggested not expecting it to work for the CV’s but it did. So grateful.

  17. Tejinder says

    Thanks a lot

    define(’CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false);

    this thing had fixed my problem, please let me know, what is the purpose of the code, what does it do actually….

  18. Sally Minker says

    I tried everything, including disabling all the plugins and replacing the TinyMCE folder, but nothing worked until I added

    define(’CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false);

    What will happen when WordPress gets updated? Does the wp-config.php file get updated when WordPress updates? If so, won’t this fix get wiped out?

  19. Bogdan says

    Thanks a million, adding the „define(’CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false);” worked and the problem is fixed.
    Much appreciated for your help and support

  20. Bart says

    Thanks a lot! The defne concatenate scripts tip was the first thing I tried and it worked right away. Now I can go on and make the changes I want tot my site again :-)

    Again, many thanks!!


  21. Aatu Komsi says

    I had the same problem, but none of the solutions mentioned worked for me.

    Then by disabling all the plugins one by one I found out the problem was with the Visual Editor Custom Buttons plugin , or, to be exact, me transferring a copy of database to another site through WordPress Importer’s XML file.

    The process duplicated all the custom buttons I’ve made but kept their original headings. Apparently having several identical button data caused a conflict to the plugin.

    After I deleted extra copies of button settings the visual editor rows returned back right away.

  22. Gg says

    Well I am having this same problem and when I tried to change the behave of tinymce I got a message of something to be marked as removed already removed as a error message in my WP and suddenly chage the screen. After try everything imaginalbe, even the 'Concatenate…’ I could not fix it! So I read about other options and someone that got fixed by it on the WP forums so I tryed to install CKEditor for WP (plugin) and I got a new editor.. well now is CKEditor but I have again a editor. I could figure out what is the problem and why some mesage when trying to disable the tinymce bubling,,, well thanks.

  23. Jennifer Camp says

    Awesome fixed all of my admin area accordion type selections and fixed the problem I had with Visual Composer not working. Bookmarking your page! Thanks a bunch.

  24. Gautam Singh says

    I used that code in wp-config.php .it’s working perfectly.

    Use this line to on the top of page:-

    define(’CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false);

  25. Deana says

    the last time I posted a blog I followed the yoast S.E.O and put some outbound links to another web sites that related to this post.
    This time I have written a post and I cannot find anywhere, where the outbound box is to be able to type in my outbound link.
    Can you help me and tell me where I can find it?

  26. Courtney says

    So, can anyone tell me HOW to do these things? Where do I access the wp-config.php file? Or else, how do I replace the /wp-includes/js/tinymce/ folder with a fresh copy?

  27. j hartig says

    Thanks Again! I use the same theme and plugins across several sites, and yet I only have problems with one site. I think some of it is the host, but difficult to confirm this.

    The only thing that worked for me was adding the script in wp-config, though can’t understand why this would be needed since it isn’t for the other sites?

    Thanks Again – this site is a life saver.

  28. Mohammed says


    After adding: define(’CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false);, I get a new error in the tags, which make the tag is bad, like: if i will add (wp) as tag i will get: wundefinedp

  29. johnf says

    Fix with wp-config – adding the ‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’ line worked like a charm – i can see text now. THANK YOU!

  30. Hagler says

    The tricks above are not able to solve my problem. Uploads, insert media, screen options, help and theme customization not working, instead, it gives me /wp-admin/#screen-options-wrap in the URL.

  31. Adam says

    Adding the 'CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’ line worked great for me. Just to clarify the issue though, for me all uses with the role 'Administrator’ were fine, but everything else could not interact with the edit box without getting the white text and unresponsive buttons. Thanks for the help!

  32. Ariane says

    After working on the theme, I suddenly had the same pb, I tried the different methods above and from the comments, nothing was working. Finally, I told myself that it must have something to do with one of my new plugins, but I have a lot of plugin and I didn’t wanted to desactivate all of them !

    So I first tried with the recently uploaded ones, and it turns out that the plugin Simple Ads Manager is the guilty one ! (So bad, I really needed this one…) Hope that helps !

    (Sorry for my english, i’m french ;) )

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