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Jak wybrać najlepszy hosting WordPress w 2025 roku (porównanie)

Hosting jest kluczowym elementem każdej udanej witryny internetowej. Wybór najlepszego hostingu WordPress dla twoich potrzeb może poprawić SEO i zwiększyć sprzedaż.

Dostępne są różne rodzaje hostingu WordPress, takie jak darmowy, współdzielony, VPS, dedykowany i zarządzany hosting WordPress. W tym przewodniku pomożemy ci wybrać najlepszy hosting WordPress dla twojej witryny internetowej.

WPBeginner to największa darmowa witryna z zasobami WordPress, która otrzymuje miliony odsłon miesięcznie. Pomagając ponad 2 milionom użytkowników i mając wieloletnie doświadczenie z firmami hostingowymi WordPress, wiemy, jak ważny jest wybór najlepszej firmy hostingowej WordPress.

Naszym celem w tym przewodniku jest podzielenie się naszym ponad 16-letnim doświadczeniem i spostrzeżeniami na temat tego, co należy wziąć pod uwagę przy wyborze firmy hostingowej dla twojego biznesu.

Aby pomóc Ci w podjęciu właściwej decyzji, porównaliśmy również najlepsze firmy hostingowe WordPress obok siebie, w tym testy szybkości, testy dostępności i testy niezawodności(przewiń lub kliknij tutaj, aby zobaczyć pełne porównanie).

Jeśli się spieszysz, możesz po prostu zobaczyć poniższą tabelę z naszą ręcznie wybraną listą najlepszych firm hostingowych WordPress. Firmy te są konsekwentnie najlepszymi firmami hostingowymi WordPress w branży, jeśli chodzi o jakość i obsługę.


Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner and Awesome Motive Inc. He started using WordPress in 2006 and has over 16 years of experience building WordPress websites, WordPress plugins, and custom WordPress themes. His WordPress plugins and software apps are used by over 25 million websites today. Syed was recognized as the top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by the United Nations, and his work is featured in top publications like Entrepreneur, Forbes, Inc, Business Insider, The Guardian, Wired Magazine, and more.

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Najlepszy zestaw narzędzi WordPress

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Ujawnienie: Nasze treści są wspierane przez czytelników. Oznacza to, że jeśli klikniesz na niektóre z naszych linków, możemy otrzymać prowizję. Zobacz jak WPBeginner jest finansowany, dlaczego to ma znaczenie i jak możesz nas wspierać. Oto nasz proces redakcyjny.

716 komentarzyZostaw odpowiedź

  1. Rebecca Burnsworth

    I am definitely going to give all of these choices some thought and see what I can do to make my site better and can be monetized.

  2. Emmanuel Kyei

    That´s amazing, thank you

  3. yusuf

    thanks alot. it’s useful info for wp beginners.

  4. Shannon

    I chose bluehost before reading this. Still not sure if self-hosting is for me

  5. salah

    thanks for your great information

    • Ogbonnaya chikwado

      Ever since I come in contact with WPbegginer my WordPress journey has been a smooth ride .
      Thanks so much Syed

  6. Abhishek Singh

    Thank you for you valuable information it will really help me

  7. Megan

    Thank you Syed for such helpful information! WPBeginner has quickly become my go-to for all WP-related questions. Keep up the awesome work!

  8. Adnan Ahmed

    I will prefer Siteground.

  9. Ahmad Saleem

    Bluehost is the best hosting for wordpress sites.

  10. Ahmed Kasem

    Thank you for this post, it is really beneficial
    I changed from bluehost to siteground.
    Happy Birthday

  11. Juan

    I personally chosed bluehost for my first website and so far it works amazing.

  12. Chandramohan

    Yes, I agree that siteground is an awesome and fast hosting service. Congratulations, on your upgrade too. I will too, follow your lead.

  13. Jonathan

    Thanks for all the help.

  14. jake kirkham

    wow! I’ve only just started looking at a wp site. so glad I found this site now. will save me hours!

  15. Shomirul Islam Bonny

    Thanks for this amazing guide! It will help me choose the best hosting!

  16. Tatenda

    Thus was so informative and helpful I really appreciate that you took time to compile this and share it with us

  17. Gurjot

    Thanks for the information regarding hosting as i just started wordpress use over a month back and was always somewhat confused about the hosting process. This helped a lot, thanks again. Cheers.

  18. Pavan

    Liked the way it provides updates and explain wordpress

  19. Simona

    Thank you Wpbeginner. The most useful and comprehensive resource!

  20. Valensius Primsa

    I just started my blog, wpbeginner helps me a lot with their tutorials, advices and other. Keep up good work team!

  21. Malik Aamir

    It’s helpful to chose a domain and hosting much easier

  22. santosh pawar

    such a beautiful way of explanation.thank you.

  23. MahdiAli

    Nowadays, Choosing a WordPress hosting is very difficult! After reading this article it’s very easy to choose to host as per requirements.

  24. Krish

    Content very well explained and all the information is legit and correct.

  25. honey

    A very good article thank you!

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  27. Gerhard

    You guys are providing such valuable insights for us newbies. A Million times: THANK YOU!!

  28. Muhammad Anees

    BlueHost is best web hosting of beginner it is also helpful for them.

  29. Rafi

    I used BlueHost in my earlier days as a blogger, but switched to different hostings over the time. Since you mentioned SiteGround, I am looking into it to see if my new site that is underway, will possibly go for SiteGround.

  30. Ashkan

    Almost covers all aspects. Well-done

  31. Courtney

    Thanks for the comparisons! I’m just getting back into blogging and plan to stick with my current host but am tempted by BlueHost.

  32. Mat Luoma

    nice real world data and recommendations.

  33. satpal bansal

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  34. Nancy Black

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  35. Solty

    Cool guides and nice articles.Thanks)

  36. Geethu

    Wow..Excellent Post on comparison of Hosting Providers…I am kinda leaning towards Dreamhost for my new website.

  37. Allen

    Wonderful context…. It’s very useful

  38. André Valverde

    I’m a happy SiteGround customer and I feel I’ll stick to them for a long time,

  39. ASIYA

    The only best website for WordPress learners.

  40. Aishwarya Aggarwal

    This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for such an informative piece.

  41. Mike

    Great resources thanks. Love the giveaway.

  42. Anushan

    Since the beginning, I got lot of knowledge from, WPBeginner. Thank you WPBeginner Team and Syed Balkhi!

  43. Obaidur Rahman Faiz

    Happy Birthday!!
    You are the best guide for wpwordpress and I’m still learning more from your site.

    Don’t Stop!!

    Thank you,

    Kind Regards,
    From everyone!

  44. suraj

    thanks for the detailed post, surely one of the best

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