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A2 Hosting to popularny hosting znany z ultraszybkiego i niezawodnego hostingu WordPress oraz pomocy technicznej guru. Firma została założona w 2002 roku jako przyjazna dla programistów firma hostingowa, która oferuje całą elastyczność i zaawansowane funkcje potrzebne do stworzenia twojej witryny internetowej. Od tego czasu firma rozwinęła się, oferując szeroką gamę planów hostingowych dla każdego, od początkujących blogerów po duże firmy. Ich zespół pomocy technicznej jest dostępny 24/7/365, aby pomóc ci zacząć. A2 Hosting to doskonały wybór dla blogerów i właścicieli witryn internetowych, którzy potrzebują 99,9% czasu działania, najwyższej jakości pomocy technicznej i dużej przestrzeni do skalowania.

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Reader Interactions

101 A2 Hosting Opinie użytkownikówZostaw recenzję

  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Gregory Paschalides says

    Clear and easy server (Tomcat) configuration with quick deployment and low starting prices. Prompt reply from technical department showing concern and giving the feeling that one can rely on them.

  3. Jaye C Rosenstock says

    Support is wonderful! They were quickly trying to get me over to my new swift server! I really appreciate how seriously they were taking my request for ASAP switching over as I have an anxious client that wants my site up ASAP!

  4. CARA says

    Customer Service means everything when it comes to services one depends on. In this regard, A2hosting excels. Support (both tech and billing) has always been friendly, efficient, and responsive. The whole feeling of the group at A2hosting is one of cooperation and high standards.

    I give this company highest marks — on customer service and on every aspect of web-hosting, speed, reliability, cost, available plans, and, most of all, that one feels valued as a customer — it’s not „just words,” they do just what they promise!

  5. John Volk says

    Switched our small Church WordPress website to A2. Whole process took less than a day with A2 doing all the migration work for free. Installation of Let’s Encrypt ssl certificate amazingly easy. Very pleased customer!

  6. D. Palmer says

    Good for wordpress users, fast server, and offer free SSL. They transfered over all my cpanels and email from other hosting fast and efficiently.

  7. Sameer says

    Awesome support. My query was solved in 2 hrs. My query was attended in 90 secs on phone that’s awesome

    • Cheryl Lee says

      A2 hosting is extremely comprehensive and detail oriented. Support is almost always immediate, with clear and precise explanations.

  8. Kathryn Griffiths says

    A2 is the best in the business!

    A2 hosting has the best support and migration team in the business. Because of the nature of my primary site and 11 add-ons, I knew the migration may not be easy, and it was not. However, between the migration and support team the problems were over come quickly and I’m up and running. Communication was excellent. I was quickly kept informed by way of e-mail every step of the way. Their explanations and instructions were clear and very easy to follow. I have already moved two clients over to A2 and will be moving more to A2 in the near future. I could not be more pleased with their service and I look forward to a long relationship.

  9. Boon says

    Incredibly fast support, detailed replies within minutes or even seconds. After upgrading from swift to turbo shared hosting, my webpage loading speed exploded from 5 seconds to less than 1 second in 10 countries….I was blown away!

  10. Peter Toth says

    I received very impressive and quick help in site migration with a tight deadline. Communication was continuos. Very grateful and satisfied!

  11. William Thompson says

    I’m new to A2hosting, they just migrated my site yesterday. The migration was much quicker than their estimate. I had one little issue which made my site not load at all, one phone call with a 10 minute wait gave me a very knowledgeable tech that fixed it instantly. Somehow I was double billed for my new account and a very friendly person in the billing department took care of that immediately. I had to do a little work on my content to adapt it to the free https/ssl and a couple of tweaks to the email but that was painless and everything seems to be working perfectly now. The hosting speed is a huge improvement over my previous vendor. I’ll be interested in long-term results but the first impression is excellent! Thanks for the great service getting started.

  12. Viyaleta says

    Thank you support staff from A2Hosting team for helping with the resolving the update website issues , as it is a very important task to do for the security of the website it self. Thank you for your unconditional support.

  13. Ritesh says

    Always a pleasure to be part of A2Hosting. Always there to help me out! Really appreciate the help, which is always given quickly.

  14. Omar says

    A2Hosting is so far the best hosting company in regards to support, they never let me down.
    I sent them a ticket (not urgent one), they solved it within 20 minutes!

  15. demetre says

    I had two very technical issues which I struggled with for hours, before giving up and finally writing to support. One issue was regarding Ion Cube the other was about Refreshing DNS.

    I wrote the email and went to bed. When I checked my email in the morning, both of my issues had been solved within hours.

    I should have started with that email.
    I will definitely be staying with you guys.

  16. Bryan B says

    Tech Support has been the most patient, knowledgeable and helpful representative I’ve ever had the privilege to assist me regarding my ignorance, needs, and issues. It’s because of Technical support reps like him that makes it hard for me to leave A2 hosting even though I’m way in over my head when this platform. Thank you

  17. Cheryl Obrien says

    I got a fast and helpful answer to my question with an offer to provide more support if needed. Couldn’t ask for more. Their support is always great. I have multiple clients hosted with A2 hosting.

  18. Stephen Barlow says

    As a web designer I deal with a lot of different hosting companies. I also used to train customer service reps for a living, and in every interaction I’ve had with A2 they have exceeded my expectations. Thank you for your great work!

  19. Arokoyo Oladimeji says

    A2 hosting support team are very very reliable and dependable, they never leave any problem unsolved and they always reply on time to every support ticket. This is the best support team have encountered online, Thanks very much for your relentless support to your client. I love the Guru’s

  20. T. Lapsley says

    Just wanted to let you know that he service I received from the A2 Hosting Support Team was excellent. The support staff who assisted me were knowledgeable and courteous. The first time I tried the the solution, I messed up. But, no problem, no sweat, I know I could go straight back and get guidance. It is good to know that I can rely on A2 for help whenever I need it. My web experience is a stress-free, productive partnership… me and A2 Hosting.

  21. Ali says

    A2hsoting is currently facing downtime issues. I am very dissatisfy with their chat and phone support. Agents are never available at chat, chat box always suggest to submit ticket. I am currently using their shared & VPS hosting and both are facing frequent downtime of 8 to 10 minutes, 2 to 4 times a day.

    I don’t know how other people are that satisfy with their service but i am NOT.

  22. Jason S says

    Support did a great job of identifying the issue and providing a speedy resolution. Many other support organizations would pass the buck and say „please contact the developer”. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your ownership of your customer’s issues and going above and beyond to resolve them. I’ll be a loyal A2 customer for the foreseeable future!

  23. Johnny says

    I was subscribed to other host before. But a2hosting is the best in web services, fast speed for support, for website…..for all.

  24. David Becket says

    This tech, and each tech we have worked with in this process of setting everything up has been absolutely wonderful. There was a little confusion about the advantages of each company’s SSL and it is not clearly marked on your website anywhere. So we were getting different opinions depending upon which tech we talked to and it took a few tickets and lots of discussion to finally discover what appeared to be the best plan of action, but in any case you’re 24 hour support is amazing and wonderful. Thank you very much.

  25. Luis M. Teijon says

    Great customer support. Incredibly fast reply to a complaint or something.

    I made a mistake when buying a service and I’ve got all money back. Awesome!!

  26. John Fraser says

    Small initial problems; rapidly sorted. Five out of five in my view.
    Lots of useful install components on WP Optimised.

  27. Jeannette VanDoorn says

    I had no clue what I was doing but the service tech helped me get through both roadblocks I came to because my lack of knowledge. Thanks to him my site is functional.

  28. Kay Cosby says

    Support. is extremely helpful! They did not just refer me to an article and then leave me hanging. They went above and beyond what is expected to really help me out! I appreciate their excellent customer service!!!

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