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WWW vs nie-WWW – co jest lepsze dla WordPress SEO?

Kiedy po raz pierwszy tworzysz witrynę internetową, musisz wybrać strukturę adresu URL. Niektóre witryny internetowe używają „www” (jak, podczas gdy inne nie (jak Który z nich jest najlepszy?

Istnieją techniczne różnice między tymi dwoma formatami adresów URL i wiele osób pyta nas, która opcja jest lepsza dla SEO. Udzielimy prostej odpowiedzi opartej na naszym własnym doświadczeniu i poinformujemy, czego używamy na naszych własnych witrynach internetowych.

W tym artykule pomożemy Ci zrozumieć różnicę między adresami URL www i non-www oraz które z nich są lepsze dla SEO WordPress.

WWW vs non-WWW - Which is Better For WordPress SEO?

Wyjaśnijmy to, zanim zaczniemy.

Dla przeciętnego użytkownika lub właściciela małej firmy nie ma absolutnie żadnej korzyści z wyboru adresu URL witryny www lub nie. Wszystko sprowadza się do osobistych preferencji.

Tak, istnieje techniczna różnica między nimi i omówimy ją w dalszej części artykułu. Ale dla większości ludzi nie będzie to miało znaczenia.

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Korzyści SEO wynikające z WWW vs nie-WWW

Litery „www” oznaczają „World Wide Web” i znajdują się na początku wielu adresów witryn internetowych. Jednak wiele witryn internetowych w ogóle nie używa „www”. Więc, co jest lepsze?

Wybierając adres URL dla twojej witryny, powinieneś wiedzieć, że nie ma absolutnie żadnych korzyści SEO z wyboru www lub non-www. Powinieneś po prostu wybrać ten, który wolisz.

Ważne jest, aby zachować spójność. Powinieneś nadal używać tego samego adresu URL, który wybrałeś podczas uruchamiania Twojej witryny internetowej WordPress.

Innymi słowy, nigdy nie powinieneś zmieniać adresu URL twojej witryny, dodając lub usuwając przedrostek www. Wynika to z faktu, że wyszukiwarki takie jak Google uznają wersje www i non-www za dwie różne witryny, co prowadzi do problemów z powielaniem treści i spadku w rankingach.

Jeśli jednak korzystasz z wtyczki All in One SEO (AIOSEO), problem ten jest usuwany. AIOSEO automatycznie ustawi kanoniczny adres URL w nagłówku witryny jako www lub non-www i poinformuje Google o twoich osobistych preferencjach.

To wszystko, co naprawdę musisz zrobić. Więcej szczegółów można znaleźć w naszym przewodniku na temat konfiguracji All in One SEO w WordPress.

Być może zastanawiasz się nad naszą preferencją między www i nie-www.

Na witrynie WPBeginner zdecydowaliśmy się używać www. Jednak inne witryny, takie jak i wpForms. com, nie używają www.

To tylko osobiste preferencje i tyle.

Techniczna różnica między WWW a nie-WWW

Dodanie www przed adresem URL witryny działa jak nazwa hosta. Jest to pomocne na kilka sposobów, takich jak elastyczność w DNS, możliwość ograniczenia plików ciasteczka podczas korzystania z wielu subdomen i nie tylko.

Z drugiej strony, domeny inne niż www, które są również określane jako nagie domeny, mają pewne ograniczenia techniczne. Jednym z przykładów jest to, że dostawca CDN nie może przekierować ruchu z uszkodzonego serwera na zdrowy serwer w nagiej domenie.

Jednak te techniczne różnice są odczuwalne tylko wtedy, gdy twoja witryna internetowa otrzymuje miliony odsłon dziennie. Dla większości użytkowników nie stanowią one żadnej różnicy.

Przewodniki ekspertów dotyczące adresów URL WordPressa

Mamy nadzieję, że ten artykuł pomógł wyjaśnić wszelkie nieporozumienia między www i non-www dla adresu URL twojej witryny. Możesz również zapoznać się z innymi przewodnikami dotyczącymi adresów URL WordPress:

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

61 komentarzyZostaw odpowiedź

  1. John Culotta

    Great post, thank you. Question, I changed my sites over to a new host. They automatically changed the primary domain to the NON-www. For years they have had the www. Should I change it back? Will this mess up rankings of very old pages/posts? Thanks!

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you set up redirects there should be no SEO change for your content.


  2. Frances

    Hello! Thanks for this great article. Also: Help! I’ve just changed my (relatively new) non-www site to www because the new Google Search Console was being finicky. Have I just screwed up my SEO completely? Do I really need to use redirects? Thanks so much. Best, Frances

    • WPBeginner Support

      You have not screwed up your SEO, As long as your site has the canonical URL set through your SEO plugin you should be fine.


  3. Rachel

    I have used a few speed testing tools (GT Metrix, Pingdom, Google PS) and have entered my site with and without www. In each test my site received a better rating if I entered with www. Does the www actually impact speed or is it just a fluke?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on the specific warnings or messages but most likely, your hosting provider is redirecting one of the URLs to the other causing the slowdown which would mean it is nothing to worry about.


  4. Sean

    What if I have both non-www and www version on my site? I previously use www version and it’s just okey. But, then I need also non-www version to verify with GA. Do I need redirect or it’s just fine. What about the penalty from Google for having same domain and subdomain?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Google Analytics accepts www versions of sites, you would want to also ensure you set your preferred domain with Google.


    • Peter Iriogbe

      My little addition to what the admin has answered you.

      Having both non-www and www versions of your site without proper redirection can lead to duplicate content issues. It’s advisable to set up a 301 redirect from one version to the other to ensure consistency and avoid potential SEO penalties from search engines like Google.

      Regarding penalties, having both versions (www and non-www) typically won’t result in a penalty, but it’s crucial to pick one as the preferred version and redirect the other. Google may treat them as separate entities, potentially impacting your search rankings. Choose either www or non-www, set up the redirect, and stick with your preferred version for better SEO.

  5. ARPIT

    I am Satisfied with this Article. Thanks for This type of Informative article. This article Answered my question.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad you liked our article :)


  6. Giacomo Lawrance

    I changed mine just now to www from non www, will this damage my prexisting SEO? I already have both added to Webmasters and just changed my preference.


    • WPBeginner Support

      If you set up the canonical url then it should have minimal effect on your SEO.


  7. Mintrx

    When I enter URL directly of my website after clearing cache then store id is displayed along the url is it good for seo or not.
    Here is the url:

    • WPBeginner Support

      They can be considered duplicate content when indexed, you can use Google’s URL parameters tool to avoid indexing those.


  8. Ahmed

    This is very informative for me

    THANKS, WP Beginner,

    WordPress users exist because you guys exist on internet, otherwise many people got distracted and ruined their business.

    All best for you.

  9. Jerry

    What is the risk of changing fron non-www to www site ?

  10. Sonam Sinha

    thanks knowledge of url for seo

  11. Phil

    This would be important if the domain was used before buying it so its important to check any existing backlinks as there may be a benefit to www or non www depending which has the best metrics.

  12. Khalid Abubakar

    Hello, thanks for this great article I have successfully verified my side with www but to set www based version as my preferred one, I have to also verify the non-www version which fails after I add the tag and use other means of property verification but to no avail please help how I can achieve that… My site is

  13. Muhammad Abbas

    Hello, After setting my preferred domain to www version , my non www version is showing me robots.txt fetch error, while in www version i have no such error. i set 301 redirect from non www version to www version too.
    But due to fetch error i cant see any indexing on non www version so what should i do with robots.txt fetch error for non www version of my site in search console.
    Sir/Mam, i am eagirly waiting for the reply.
    Thank you

  14. Prakash

    I have a domain and Indexed like (not www) and I added my site(same domain) in webmasters like (www included) and I’m not getting any data like search and traffic info about the domain and nothing is happening there even after few weeks. is including www in webmasters for the domain is a problem for that? If its that how can I resolve it? Please give me some suggestions to overcome it

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Prakash,

      Yes, this is the problem. You need to add your non-www URL to webmaster tools.


  15. Fabio

    I have always wondered if not including the www in my url hurt SEO. Thanks for the article. Answered my question.

  16. Strats

    Hi guys, I have a site configured as non-www but the www results are better than the non-www ones. Should I switch to www?


    • WPBeginner Support


      If you are saying that the same website is indexed with both www and non-www URLs on the same domain name, then this is actually causing the duplicate content issue for Google. You would need to pick one and stick to it. You will also need to redirect users and search engines from the URL format that you drop.


  17. Shahas

    why https is not showing in your url…i assume you have SSL

  18. david

    If your site is on cloudflare, your address will become a www address

  19. Nitin

    My site is without www so is it good or bad ?

    • Cezar

      Did you read the article? Does it matter www or no-WWW

  20. Gustavo

    i just launched a new wp site using a subdomain – One of my friends told me „not working as„. So i checked and sure enough it wouldnt come up with the http://www., just „”

    So i went into the dashboard and changed it from to and as soon as i clicked „save changes” the site hasnt been able to be located anywhere, not even in wp dashboard.

    not sure what to do to get i back online, and am just reading here to NOT change it after the initial time… so, any ideas? didnt backup since i had literally just finished it enough to announce it but was still working on adding many pages and features

    • WPBeginner Support

      As we have mentioned above, the www is technically a subdomain itself. Some web hosts configure their servers in a way that automatically redirects users to non-www url when someone tries to access it with www. It seems your host doesn’t support this by default. This means when you changed URL from WordPress settings to, then it started pointing to a subdomain that does not exist.

      Here is how you can fix it. Connect to your website using FTP. Go to your the folder containing your WordPress files. Then go to /wp-content/themes/your-wordpress-theme/ folder and open the functions.php file. Add this code at the bottom of your functions.php file:

      update_option( 'siteurl’, '’ );
      update_option( 'home’, '’ );

      Replace with your own domain name. Save and upload the file back to your server. You should now be able to visit your website again.



    i have set my preferred domain with www but i had done my seo submission without www. is their any technical issue in serp.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yes, you will need to redirect users and search engines if they are not already being redirected.


  22. Dustin Brohm

    Here’s the question… just learning about SEO now. Before I setuo my new website I was putting my links all over the web as www. But then my new website shows up as non-www. Is google seeing this as 2 different websites? Are they not connecting the backlinks that have a www to the new website that is non-www?

    If all my backlinks have a www, should I have my website person change my site to include www? This has been so confusing to me, so hopefully you can clear this up

  23. Philip

    Thanks for this tip – what is stupid is that Google gives you the opportunity to change the version in WebMaster Tools but they do not pass the domain authority from the old to the new…

    I saw this option after noticing that no one uses www anymore in conversation and it seems more streamlined (less is more?) so I removed it. I ended up losing massive amounts of SEO juice and that could have ruined my business.

    If Google is going to let you change, then why don’t they send the juice with the change!?!?!?!?!

    • Barry

      Maybe you didn’t understand that www is a subdomain. When you switched, you technically changed your website’s „home”. You moved homes from the subdomain www to the „base” URL.

      Google let’s you update your webmaster to tell them you’ve moved homes. They won’t „send the juice” to your new URL because you didn’t gain the rank using that address.

      Effectively what you’re asking for is „tradeable” SEO. Not happening buddy :D

  24. Brittney

    Where can this be adjusted in yoast?
    After making sure the redirect for www to non-www is in place, how long before webmaster tools will index the non-www version.

  25. munish

    confusing article not clearly said to which is best or which you preffer any way thanks

  26. Mike

    Thank you for the article, it answered a couple questions I have had. I am wondering if we set our preferred domain with Google WMT and set the same domain structure (non-www) in the wordpress settings does that alone define the canonical url? or should we also add a www to non-www 301 in our htaccess file? Thank you

    • sid

      Seriously guys I would always choose www.

      I decided to choose non www. because I liked it better but I am now having all kinds of problems later down the line.

      For example.

      My host offers cloudflare at a reduced rate. After spending 19 days on tech questions they now tell me that I cannot have a non www. domain running cloudflare through my control panel.
      Instead I have to go to cloudflare and set up through them at an extra 15 dollars a month. :/

      In changing over I have also had problems with my ssl certificate.

      Non www. just isn’t as flexible at DNS.

      This situation has got very messy the further I have progressed with it and multiple changes in htaccess, server setup and code have been needed to maintain proper operation. It isn’t worth it, it slows your site eventually through all the mess it creates.
      Some of the problems I have encountered have been my own fault but I like you was stumbling blindly into stuff and just did what I was told. The free advice wasn’t always all that great and now I’m in a bit of a mess that could of been avoided if someone would of just warned me against the vanity of the non www.

      When I was first reading this up everyone was like… Oh yeah use non www. if you like…Google doesn’t care. Well I now have all my webmaster tools set up, analytics, company stationary, business cards and all the rest done and my site won’t work properly with cloudflare. I think there may be a work around at cloudflare but to use a cname requires a business account at £200 a month.
      I haven’t fully investigated that option because I can’t afford it before anyone asks.

      Also, I get the redirect thing but it’s not the point? It’s all extra work that can be avoided and when your site gets big it adds up.

      If your coming to this raw I would advise you to set up as www. If nothing else to save yourself months and months of reading and frustration.

      You have been warned.

      • Eder Lugo

        Dude. I’m running my domain without www under cloudflare with SSL for FREE, maybe is something about your server. You can see my site here:

      • Alin Pogan

        Hi SID,

        I use for several years the www. and no www. for my blogs and its no technical issue, the only problem is with the SSL certificate, you must release it with the www. version so it can work on both versions if you release it on non www. it will work only on your non www. site.

        Hope it helps.

  27. James Canning

    Its so obvious that wpbeginner changes the date on their old posts to make old content look newer.

    • WPBeginner Support

      We do not change dates. Actually we display the last updated date of a post and not the published date. We regularly update our old articles with new information. We update screenshots and make corrections when necessary.


      • Lonnie Jones

        Yeah, I do the same thing. Every year I have to re-evaluate the „best” overall tools. If I find something important sooner than later then I just post it immediately.

      • Brandon Still`

        Kudos to you guys for getting proper use out of your blog posts! Seriously folks, if you are a blogger and do not regularly revitalize and update old posts you are missing out on opportunities!!!! I see nothing wrong with updating older posts and displaying the recent updated date as opposed to the original post date.

  28. Erick

    I don’t think you really need to worry if you want to change the url from www to non www or vice versa at a later date. You don’t really need to be consistent anymore.

    Wordpress 2.3 version has already improve on this and the only thing that is needed is to go to your wordpress settings->General and add or remove www. wordpress will automatically change all redirects by itself and you don’t have to do a thing, you don’t lose anything, no serp no likes nothing. The only thing you need to change is your webmaster tools url and thats it. Google might take a bit to index all your pages again but google its pretty fast.

    In conclusion don’t worry if at a later date you want to change your url again. You can do it as many times as you want.

    • Gillian

      Hi Erick, Was trying to find an answer to this question as I too would like to change my non-www to www domain and am thrilled to hear its really this easy! What about internal links and media stored on the site? Will that need to be redone? Also, will I need to update my settings with plugins like jetpack or will they automatically be informed?

      Thanks so much for your comment, it really makes things so much easier for me as I’m very new to wordpress!


  29. heather arnita

    So when you list your bog on other sites should you stay consistent and use www or non depending on your preference?

  30. oescar

    Well if u say so i wont doubt it :))

  31. Praying to the Google Gods

    Let’s just say a designer did change your site from www to non www. And your site dropped out of Google. It is advised to wait it out? Or change it back to www ??

  32. Mark Davis

    Thanks for post such a nice blog,
    But my opinion is this,there are no difference between www or without www effects on seo traffic and ranking.
    But technically www is standard way to represents url address so we should prefer with www url.

  33. cyberarm

    The one click install on most cpanels seem to omit the WWW in the setup. This has been my experience anyway.


    Interesting-I didn’t know that. Guess God’s in the detail…the Devil too…

  35. Chris

    Good article. I would just add the importance of doing a 301 redirect from one to the other, whichever way you choose. Thus way all links get resolved to the same domain (subdomain) instead of splitting backlinks.

  36. Becca Heflin

    Great information, but for small bloggers like myself, how do I find out which way I set it up initially? I honestly can’t remember!

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