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Co to jest WordPress Theme Framework? Plusy, minusy i nie tylko

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Zastanawiasz się, czym jest framework motywu WordPress i czy powinieneś z niego korzystać?

Szkielety motywów WordPress pomagają programistom szybciej tworzyć piękne motywy potomne. Mają one jednak swoje zalety i wady, które warto wziąć pod uwagę.

W tym artykule wyjaśnimy dokładnie, czym jest framework motywu WordPress. Wyjaśnimy również różne rodzaje frameworków motywów, omówimy zalety i wady korzystania z nich, a następnie podzielimy się naszymi ulubionymi frameworkami motywów.

What is a WordPress theme framework

Oto przegląd rzeczy, które omówimy w tym artykule:

Co to jest WordPress Theme Framework?

Szkielet motywu WordPress zawiera wiele plików używanych do tworzenia motywu witryny internetowej. Obejmuje rdzeń funkcji motywu, ale nie stylizację i projekt.

Możesz myśleć o frameworku motywu jako o motywie nadrzędnym, który musi być zainstalowany z motywem potomnym. Następnie motyw potomny określa wygląd witryny internetowej.

Jednak zamiast faktycznego dzielenia motywu na wielokrotności, takie jak „nadrzędny” i „dziecko”, programiści po prostu zawierają cały kod w jednej instalacji, którą jest framework.

Deweloperzy lubią korzystać z frameworków motywów, ponieważ pozwala im to na ponowne wykorzystanie dużej ilości tego samego kodu dla wielu różnych witryn. Mogą łatwo tworzyć wiele różnych motywów potomnych dla witryn, które wymagają innego stylu, bez konieczności przepisywania wielu tych samych funkcji.

Dzieje się tak, ponieważ motywy potomne są tworzone przez framework, aby dziedziczyć wszystkie funkcje frameworka motywu bez ryzyka utraty konfiguratora lub funkcjonalności.

Widzisz, we wcześniejszych dniach WordPressa istniały pewne kluczowe problemy ze sposobem, w jaki motywy WordPress były rozwijane i utrzymywane.

Jednym z głównych problemów było to, że nie było dobrego sposobu na aktualizację motywów WordPress bez utraty własnego kodu dodanego do motywu przez klientów.

Kubrick - the default WordPress theme from 2005 - 2010

Zanim powstały frameworki, jedynym sposobem, w jaki programiści mogli ponownie wykorzystać ten sam kod, było skopiowanie i wklejenie go do wszystkich swoich motywów.

Stworzyło to zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa WordPress. Na przykład, jeśli w motywie znajdował się exploit bezpieczeństwa, nie było szybkiego sposobu na zastosowanie poprawki do wszystkich innych motywów opartych na tym samym kodzie.

Aby rozwiązać ten problem, rdzeń WordPress i społeczność wymyślili motywy nadrzędne i podrzędne.

W przypadku frameworków niezwykle łatwo jest wypchnąć aktualizację bez modyfikowania czegokolwiek dostosowanego w motywie potomnym. Ta metoda pozwala zachować „szkielet” twojej witryny bez modyfikowania jej wyglądu.

Jakie są wady i zalety korzystania ze struktur motywów?

Istnieje kilka zalet i wad korzystania z frameworka motywu WordPress na twojej witrynie. Przyjrzyjmy się im obu.

Zalety (Plusy)

  • Społeczność – Większość popularnych frameworków motywów ma za sobą ogromne społeczności. Ułatwia to uzyskanie odpowiedzi na twoje pytania dotyczące pomocy technicznej. Na przykład, możesz zobaczyć fora wsparcia dla konkretnych motywów na i uzyskać odpowiedzi na twoje pytania.
  • Wbudowane funkcje – Szkielety motywów często zawierają wbudowane widżety, bloki i inne funkcje. Dzięki temu klienci mają większą kontrolę nad własnymi konfiguratorami i mogą łatwo edytować czcionki i kolory oraz wypróbowywać różne style. Wiele frameworków i kreatorów motywów, takich jak SeedProd, zawiera również gotowe szablony i oferuje funkcję „przeciągnij i upuść”.
  • Jakość kodu – często frameworki motywów są recenzowane, więc istnieje większe prawdopodobieństwo, że będą one zgodne ze wszystkimi najlepszymi praktykami. Jest to niezbędne, ponieważ twój motyw witryny internetowej będzie responsywny i lekki. Szybko wczytująca się witryna internetowa zwiększy również twoje SEO WordPress.
  • Aktualizacje – Możliwość aktualizacji bez utraty własnych konfiguratorów stylu jest wielkim plusem. Jest to również przydatne podczas przywracania kopii zapasowych twojej witryny internetowej. Twoje konfiguratory motywu pozostają nienaruszone i nie musisz ich ponownie wprowadzać.


  • Niepotrzebny kod – frameworki często zawierają mnóstwo wbudowanych funkcji, których możesz nie używać. Jeśli jednak framework jest dobrze zakodowany, nie powinno to mieć żadnego wpływu na twoją witrynę.
  • Ograniczenia fram eworka – często frameworki mają ograniczenia. Jeśli chcesz mocno dostosować swoją witrynę, być może będziesz musiał zastąpić pliki rdzeni, instalując specjalny motyw potomny, nawet jeśli framework obsługuje to za Ciebie.
  • Cena – Większość motywów nie jest darmowa lub oferuje ograniczone funkcje w darmowej wersji. Aby otrzymywać aktualizacje i pomoc techniczną, należy uiścić jednorazową lub roczną opłatę. Jeśli jednak zdecydujesz się na twórców motywów, uzyskasz lepszy stosunek jakości do ceny, a plany początkowe również nie są tak drogie.

Czy warto korzystać z motywu Framework?

Jeśli jesteś programistą uczącym się tworzyć własne motywy WordPress, możesz użyć frameworka motywu, aby skrócić czas programowania.

Z drugiej strony, jeśli jesteś małą firmą, możesz zakupić framework motywu i motyw potomny do wykorzystania na twojej witrynie internetowej. Często zakup frameworka daje dostęp do wielu różnych motywów potomnych jednocześnie.

Dla przykładu, Genesis posiada doskonałe motywy potomne dla różnych branż, które możesz wykorzystać i łatwo dostosować do własnych potrzeb.

Kolejną zaletą korzystania z frameworka dla twojej witryny jest to, że gdy nauczysz się go używać, możesz łatwo zmieniać projekty bez konieczności uczenia się zupełnie nowego motywu lub frameworka.

Nasz wybór najlepszych frameworków motywów WordPress

Istnieje mnóstwo frameworków motywów WordPress, które są dostępne. Oto kilka najlepszych motywów, które polecamy do różnych zastosowań.

1. Framework motywu Genesis

WPEngine genesis framework

Bazując na naszym własnym doświadczeniu, zalecamy korzystanie z Genesis Theme Framework firmy StudiPress. Zawiera on solidną bibliotekę kodu, która jest wysoce zoptymalizowana pod kątem szybkości i wydajności WordPress.

Genesis nie jest przepełniony wieloma dodatkowymi funkcjami, dzięki czemu możesz wybrać konkretne wtyczki WordPress, których potrzebujesz do swojej witryny internetowej.

Istnieją dziesiątki motywów potomnych dostępnych dla Genesis, które można łatwo zainstalować i dostosować do własnych potrzeb. Ponadto, jeśli zarejestrujesz się w WP Engine dla twojego hostingu WordPress, otrzymasz dostęp do Genesis i wszystkich motywów potomnych za darmo.

StudioPress jest teraz częścią WP Engine, najpopularniejszej zarządzanej firmy hostingowej WordPress.

Możesz otrzymać ten motyw i ponad 35 innych motywów StudioPress, gdy zarejestrujesz się na hostingu WP Engine, aby zbudować swoją witrynę internetową.

Bonus: Użytkownicy WPBeginner otrzymują również dodatkowe 20% zniżki. Zacznij korzystać z WP Engine już dziś!

2. Divi


Divi to popularny motyw WordPress typu „przeciągnij i upuść”. Jest to tak naprawdę framework motywu, choć nie korzysta z rzeczywistych motywów potomnych. Zamiast tego korzysta z kreatora motywów i układów, dzięki czemu twoje konfiguratory są bezpieczne po aktualizacji frameworka.

Korzystając z potężnego kreatora stron typu „przeciągnij i upuść„, możesz łatwo importować własne szablony lub korzystać z setek gotowych układów, aby tworzyć własne strony i witryny zgodnie z potrzebami.

3. SeedProd

SeedProd website builder

SeedProd to najlepszy motyw WordPress i kreator stron docelowych. Jest to przyjazna dla początkujących wtyczka, która pomaga tworzyć własne motywy bez dotykania ani jednej linii kodu.

Najlepsze jest to, że otrzymujesz ponad 300 zestawów szablonów tematycznych, ponad 90 bloków do konfiguratora, kreator motywów typu „przeciągnij i upuść” i wiele więcej. W ten sposób można tworzyć witryny internetowe dla każdego rodzaju niszy.

SeedProd to kompletne rozwiązanie do uruchamiania biznesowych witryn internetowych. Każdy zestaw szablonów zawiera stronę główną, strony docelowe, stronę kontaktową i wiele innych. Możesz po prostu zastąpić fikcyjny tekst i obrazek, aby rozpocząć.

4. Themify


Themify to framework motywów WordPress typu „przeciągnij i upuść” z ponad 42 motywami, potężnym kreatorem stron, mnóstwem dodatków i dodatkowych szablonów i nie tylko.

Pozwala to programistom i właścicielom witryn internetowych na tworzenie stron internetowych bez pisania jakiegokolwiek kodu. Dodatkowo otrzymujesz 11 wtyczek i plików Photoshop dla wszystkich motywów.

5. Beaver Builder

Beaver Builder website

Beaver Builder to popularny kreator stron WordPress z dodatkiem Beaver Themer, który pomaga mu funkcjonować jako pełny framework. Pozwala to na tworzenie niestandardowych stron docelowych, a także całych własnych motywów WordPress bez pisania jakiegokolwiek kodu.

Oferuje szablony motywów z różnymi układami stron. Możesz także tworzyć układy dla produktów WooCommerce, stron 404, stron wyszukiwania i innych. Poza tym Beaver Builder umożliwia tworzenie różnych elementów, takich jak nagłówki, paski ogłoszeń, przyciski wezwania do działania i inne.

6. Astra

Astra WordPress Theme

Astra to jeden z najpopularniejszych motywów WordPress na rynku. Główny motyw może być używany jako samodzielny motyw, ale dzięki dodatkowi Starter Sites można również importować kompletne projekty witryn internetowych do twojego głównego motywu z funkcjonalnością frameworka.

Astra jest połączeniem frameworka motywu opartego na bibliotece kodu, takiego jak Genesis, z frameworkiem typu „przeciągnij i upuść”, takim jak Divi. Może być również używany z dowolnym kreatorem stron, który wybierzesz, co daje użytkownikom mnóstwo swobody.

Który motyw WordPress jest najlepszy?

Wybór najlepszego dla ciebie motywu zależy od poziomu twoich umiejętności oraz ilości czasu i pieniędzy, które jesteś skłonny zainwestować.

Dla deweloperów zalecamy korzystanie z Genesis. Istnieją one najdłużej, a framework motywu Genesis jest wysoce zoptymalizowany pod kątem SEO i wydajności.

Dla przeciętnych użytkowników, którzy chcą zbudować witrynę internetową dla swojej firmy lub bloga, zalecamy korzystanie z frameworków typu „przeciągnij i upuść”, takich jak Divi, SeedProd i Themify. Nie wymagają one żadnych umiejętności kodowania, aby rozpocząć i są bardzo elastyczne.

Alternatywnie, możesz po prostu użyć samodzielnego motywu WordPress z elastycznymi opcjami konfiguratora, takiego jak Astra.

Mamy nadzieję, że ten artykuł pomógł Ci dowiedzieć się więcej o frameworkach motywów WordPress oraz ich zaletach i wadach. Możesz również zapoznać się z naszym przewodnikiem na temat tego, ile kosztuje zbudowanie witryny internetowej WordPress i naszym porównaniem darmowych i premium motywów WordPress.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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76 komentarzyZostaw odpowiedź

  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
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  2. Diane Caron says

    I’m trying to learn and understand the world of websites and website building as well as blogs and their development.

    When the word ‘framework’ is being used, its meaning is a selection of specific code used to build a website or blog.

    If I use the analogy between Website framework and house building framing, the wood studs framework is like the framework for website building except it’s code. Whereas the outer perimeter of wood framing is the “parent framework”which generally stays the same. The inside wood framework is the child framework which can be modified wo changing the parent framework.

    Is this a good and correct analogy? Is this what you mean when you say parent and child framework when pertaining to websites and blogs?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      It is as close as that analogy would get We would recommend re-reading our guide for the specifics.


  3. Johanna says

    Another disadvantage of using a framework is if the creator is a one man shop who decides to close the shop and cease support and further development.

    With the continuous development of WordPress, PHP versions and plugins, it is important that the framework/themes also keep up with the changes to stay compatible.

  4. Krayl says

    Great article! Given this article was written in 2012 would you still recommend using the suggested frameworks or are there more current options you would suggest in 2018
    Thank you in advance!!

  5. Arif chy says

    Thanks a lot sir for more valuable content. i want to know what child theme has been used for wpbeginner from studiopress? please let me know it help me a lot

  6. Hiwa says

    dear wpbeginner thank you for good help
    i have a website at the first it was based by Web2py of Python programming language next i change this to Django from web2py and after i take decide to use wordpress because python take more time at me than wordpress and now i am using the wordpress right now i am agree of wordpress and i want to design a theme for myself but i dont know to use which framework who be good for speed and tools. i read the article but i need more help
    which frame work do you suggest to use?
    thank you very much

  7. Joe Calka says


    I have been using worpress for about 2 years now and I love your site i have learned a ton of things. I use Genesis Framework to build my sites I am not an expert coder but I love the functionality of this framework ….

  8. Deepak Singla says

    Nice post. WordPress theme frameworks are the building blocks of the theme. There are tons of theme frameworks such as Genesis, Cherry Framework, TemplateToaster, Headway available. The choice depends upon your requirements.

  9. Nilanchala says

    Some of the comments here are inducing more questions then answering problems. Though I am not having expertise on WordPress development, I believe for high volume traffic websites going with any theme frameworks might not be a best option. It might be good to start with to go live quickly but overtime you will feel to write your own custom theme.

    On my site, I have tried many different frameworks. Currently I am stuck at Redux Framework. It just serve the purpose but it comes with the cost. It makes too many DB queries, and lot many useless code blocks it has to go through before rendering a page.

    Hence, I am writing my own theme from scratch. Design the layouts you need, and place the templates required. I believe thats the way to go! Having said that, if your client is stuck at low budget, you have no choice but to use some frameworks.

  10. Diane Broadley says

    Hi Thank you for this – very helpful. As someone who has tried for years to learn WordPress, the thing i find most difficult is understanding the file scenario behind the site. EG – that you need a folder of wordpress for every site you build. When you download it from your host, why can you not choose where its put, why can’t you move it and does that affect your personal home page which maybe a separate site. I cant make the connection between a starter wordpress theme on your server and using a theme online. Basic information about the file management behind it all is really difficult to find and understand. Beginners courses are frustrating because they rattle on about blogs, which has nothing to do with building a site. Lynda beginner wordpress seems hopeless.

    Thats my experience anyway!

  11. Thierry Muller says

    I always advise Genesis lovers to take a look at Beans Theme Framework. It is also a fragmented approach but offers even more flexibility without compromising on performances.

    That combined with UIkit (only load what you need on a per page basis) pretty much cover any type of layouts we can imagine. The Beans API is incredibly powerful and with the ability to assign fields (post meta) to template pages, it means that we can have an admin side matching the front end on a page template basis.

    No bloat, powerful and light weight. Oh and it is also free :-)

    • Kanishk Kunal says

      Having worked with Beans Theme Framework for WordPress theme development, I would second that Thierry! I love how Beans gives you the power to select which UIkit components to load.and intelligently optimizes loading based on page needs.

      I have only started to dive into the Beans API and find it quite powerful as well as easy to work with. Since Beans is free and we have a great community building around it, I am sure it is going to turn out to be one of the most favored WordPress theme framework.

    • Warwick says

      A great article – thanks for the comprehensive detail, and thanks Thierry for the tip on Beans. I’m installing as we speak!

  12. sreekanth says

    present im using truepixal theme,so here my doubt is can i use the genesis framework parallel to run my website.

  13. Tamara says

    Thank you for this article. It’s helping me slowly get my head around all the terminology.

    I didn’t even know of the existence of „theme frameworks” until about 10 minutes ago, but I can take any theme that I mostly like and customize it with a Child Theme. So I still don’t quite understand the difference or relationship between a Framework and a Parent Theme.

    Or are you saying that the framework is not a theme itself but rather the toolbox that a theme designer uses to create a parent theme? And the average user like me then installs and perhaps modifies the parent theme? Is there any reason I need to be concerned with frameworks if I’m not a designer?

  14. Pete Gregory says

    Outstanding article & I especially appreciate you mentioning the learning curve involved to use these frameworks! Many newbies don’t understand the amount of work associated with building any custom website, but these frameworks, once learned do make things easier. Personally, I like iThemes Builder but it is geared more towards a developer type with at least some code experience.

  15. kamlesh sharma says

    Nice n meamingful post to let ppl understand what a framework is.
    As am new to web developing. Can I still use Genesis framework ?
    I have say zero knowledge of codes n all. Can I make a robust n decent website using genesis …. ?

  16. Eric Gross says

    Alright leave it to me to reopen a post from 2012, but hey still relevant for those getting deeper into web design. I’ve been using a subscription to Elegant Themes, a super cheap price which gets access to all their themes, but as I understand it no framework. You just install their themes, some of which have the functions you mentioned like sliders, or use ratings plugins. Create a child theme, tweak CSS, they even have an ePanel for adding your analytics code, uploading a logo… But I’m ready for that next step…

    From my vantage point I see frameworks as a more robust way to add functions to a site, than say adding plugins. You purchase a framework with the understanding that a team of mad coders are checking to ensure that their php files that enable eCommerce, won’t conflict with their already existing js code that allows a page to be translated into Spanish. Am I right? Perhaps some examples would help. Specifically the „learning curve” to utilize the power of the framework would be nice.

    My work is from SEO background, brings up the concern though of page speed. For SEO a faster loading page ranks higher than a slow one. If a site is built on a theme that has numerous capabilities, but your site doesn’t use them is that possibly hurting your page speed? In Disadvantages, you make the statement this „doesn’t directly influence you”. Makes me wonder who this article was written for and who is influenced by unnecessary code?

    Thanks in advance, I’m just trying to figure things out, great website. Keep up the good work.

    • Eric Gross says

      So am I right? The benefit of frameworks is that you benefit from the strength of a team who developed the framework, to avoid downtimes.

      And what about my speed to load concerns? Thanks.

  17. Patrick says

    Quote: Our Pick

    There are tons WordPress theme frameworks that are available. ….. Yes, you do need to have development skills to code a child theme for this.

    You can use the Genesis Extender Plugin which has a CSS Builder and PHP Builder so that takes care of development skills.

    The Genesis Extender Plugin is by Cobalt Apps. You can design any Theme with the Dynamik Website Builder if you don’t have a Genesis Child Theme.

    The Genesis Extender Plugin is as Powerful as The Dynamik Website Builder but If you have a Genesis Child Theme then use The Genesis Extender Plugin.

    The Dynamik Website Builder has three components: Dynamik Settings, Dynamik Design Options and Dynamik Custom Options. The Genesis Extender Plugin has two comp: Extender Settings and Custom Options which are both the same components as in The Dynamik Website Builder.

    I haven’t seen anything that’s as powerful as The Dynamik Website Builder or Genesis Extender Plugin. The next closest might be DMS (Drag And Drop Design Management System) by PageLines.

  18. Kamran Abdul Aziz says

    Nice n meamingful post to let ppl understand what a framework is.
    As am new to web developing. Can I still use Genesis framework ?
    I have say zero knowledge of codes n all. Can I make a robust n decent website using genesis ?

    • Srihari Thalla says

      As you said you „have zero knowledge of code”, I wouldn’t recommend Genesis at this point of time. Go on with Headway Themes. It is a complete drag-and-drop framework and you don’t need any knowledge of coding.

      Later, when you develop your coding skills, you are ready to move on with Genesis :)

      • Melanne says

        When you say that you need coding knowledge to create a child theme for genesis, how much coding knowledge do you mean? Right now I create child themes for twenty eleven, and the only files I work with are style.css and occasionally some php files, though only very minor edits. Will I be able to code a child theme for genesis or do I need to know how to actually write php to do that?

  19. Lori says

    Thank you for sharing this informations. What I can’t understand ’bout framework and parent themes working with child one is:
    1) when I’m building a new theme to sell, for example, do i zipped both parent and child theme together and make them two installing as one is based on the other? Or do you develop the new theme overriding the parent one (but in this way all future updates of the parent theme can’t be done correctly)?
    2) A framework isn’t actually a theme and i guess is not a standalone theme, so how can developer use it? Pasting code needed? Or putting the framework folder INSIDE the new theme folder and include and calling functions needed?

    Sorry, I’m just starting right now developing with wordpress and i’m quite confused :D
    However, i’m building my first personal parent theme :)

    Thank you for anwser!

    • Editorial Staff says

      1. Most companies offer the parent theme as a separate download. If you own both the parent and the child theme, then might as well go the same route as others. If you are selling a child theme of another framework, then you should send people to get that framework (whether it is free or paid).

      2. Frameworks are themes themselves, but they have hooks that other developers can use to customize things without overriding a theme file.


  20. Martin says

    This is all very well, but you dont actually give a definition of „Theme”. Youve sold me on the framework, but what is it a framework of? What actually IS a theme?

  21. Robin Jennings says

    Genesis is a great framework. Just ensure you get a mobile responsive theme straight up as not all of them are.

  22. Pat Fortino says

    Have used genesis, woothemes, yoothemes, and twentytwelve. Twentytwelve is the is easiest to understand and very fun and easy to work with. Genesis is the most difficult to understand. woothemes canvas and yootheme warp are in the middle. For the life of me, I cannot understand the love for genesis. I hate it. Using genesis is like building a ship in a bottle: you can never get your hands on the code. Instead, you spend most of your development time scouring studeopress site and the web to find out how to do simple code changes. Also, genesis is the most expensive of all and i have not found the support to be anything other than OK.

    Yootheme templates are very powerful, but their support is aweful. Mostly volunteer answers.

    • Utkarsh Bhatt says

      The love for genesis is because of its referral program. I have used Genesis, Woothemes and pretty much any framework available for WordPress, and I have to say that Genesis was pretty hard to understand, at least in the beginning, Like you said, the best theme for development is Twentytwelve.

      • Editorial Staff says

        Actually referral program for other themes convert far better than Genesis because most folks buy their themes based on how it looks on the outside rather than the code itself. Ofcourse creating a standalone theme works and is probably easier in the short run to just tweak something like twenty twelve. However, to speed up development time and not reinvent the wheel in every single theme… it is much better to just spend some time on how Genesis works, and then simply start using it across your site.


  23. Bradley says

    I use the Woo Framework. I love the themes, they offer a lot of useful plugins (such as WooCommerce) made specifically to work with their themes, support is great, and I can customize the backend for users.

  24. Lara says

    Hi. Thank you for the post. I am a beginner web designer and I designed my sites the hard way by modifying other people’s code without too much knowledge of css or php. Can you guys recommend a framework that has visual editor and does not require to much coding. I do not want to modify existing themes. I want to build my own. I checked Headway and genesis. Genesis doesn’t have a demo. Headway is not bad. Is there anything similar to Headway besides the ones mentioned in the comments that you would recommend? My issue with headway is that you can not overlap boxes and there has to be 1 pixel in between them and so I’m a little perplexed as to how to execute certain design elements where overlapping is necessary. Perhaps there is another way to do it? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks you.

    • Editorial Staff says

      You will NOT find a solution that you are looking for. Headway is the closest you will get. If you are looking to design sites, then we would recommend investing some time in learning the platform. That will vastly improve the overall quality of your work. I learnt by trial and error (exactly the same thing you are doing). Modifying existing themes to make it work for me. After a little bit of time, I was able to create my own themes. I would highly recommend you to not give up. The founder of genesis and StudioPress learnt the same way.

      -Syed Balkhi
      Founder of WPBeginner


        • Chris Howard says

          Hey Lara

          Just stumbled unto this.

          If you still want an answer, Headway allows you to „Nudge” blocks. That should solve your problem. Look for it in the block’s Design Mode stylings.

          Also, do you the Headway support forums. You should get an answer there.

          All the best

  25. Bernie Roseke says

    „There was not a single comprehensive article that explained what is a WordPress theme framework.”

    YES! Thank you! I am a small time blogger that read Darren Rowse’s book, „Problogger” and he is a pretty big supporter of the Genesis framework. So naturally I went to check it out, but I could not for the life of me figure out what a framework was. I’ve done probably 3 hours worth of web surfing (over many days). The StudioPress page is the worst. You would think if they wanted you to buy it they should tell you what it is. But all you get is „WordPress is the engine, Genesis the body, and the child theme is the paint job”….. what on earth does that mean?

    Thanks for clearing this up. This post deserves higher search engine rank. Good luck.

  26. Mick says

    No mention of any Automatic frameworks?

    Personally I LOVE the _s framework. Yes it is a little more advanced but it has everything there to start building your own custom themes!

  27. Roland says

    Ok, you’re right. You have to spend some time to learn the special hooks of the framework. But afterwards the framwork can save you a lot of time. I use Xtreme Theme and I never regret.

  28. Martin says

    As far as frameworks go there is nothing at the moment that is as powerfull as Ultimatum. I have been using it for a while now and the drag and drop part gives you the abillity to create great looking sites but if you want more you can easily add custom styles and so on. I have tried several others, but none of these even comes close to the power of the Ultimatum framework.

    I would look out for this new contender in the framework market, because it’s going to be big.

    The community is also excellent and very responsive. All in all, the best money I have spend over the last year!

  29. Chris Rouse says

    I’ve been using Standard Theme by 8BIT for a while now. It’s a fantastic framework to work with and has taken me from not knowing a thing about CSS to building child themes for it (that are actually being used other Standard Theme users!).

    I started off with pre-built free themes and always hated something about them. They were tough to customize because I didn’t know where anything was or how to tweak it, and as you said, upgrades broke everything. Switching to a framework has been a game changer for me. Rather than looking through thousands of crappy free themes, or wishing I could afford the premium theme that looks cool, I can just build the theme that I want for the most part.

    Another thing to point out about a number of frameworks, including Standard Theme, is that a number of them are now being built around Bootstrap (formerly known as Twitter Bootstrap). This means they come with built-in responsive layouts for different screen sizes. This saves a lot of work building mobile sites, or having to sacrifice design to use a mobile site plugin that converts the site for you into something that doesn’t look at all like your site.

  30. Aditya says

    I have been using themes from themify for long time…..but with lot of recommendations I am thinking to move towards to genesis….but as you said in the post that genesis is for developers but I am not a developer but I really love themes from genesis…..and I also intend to learn somewhat things about coding….
    So should I go with studiopress or can go with drag and drop frameworks like headway or thesis ?????

    • Editorial Staff says

      If you like the child themes from Genesis, then use that. You don’t have to be a developer to use it. You have to be a developer to customize the themes unless you go with something like Headway.


  31. Tushar says

    Thanks for this article however I could think of 2 things
    1] This topic has a very large scope whereas this post could very well be a part 1 of that
    2] This article seems very limited around Genesis / Headway towards the end.

    Also, one must not forget about good free frameworks such as Theme Hybrid and Gantry Framework.

    I am using Theme Hybrid since a year or so and the kind of support I received is phenomenal. I have also tried Gantry for few couple of client sites and that too is very good for developers.

    I don’t mean Genesis is bad, its great too but when we talk about WordPress in general (and not just Blogs) – Genesis is not the last stop.

    Thanks again :)

    • Editorial Staff says

      Hey Tushar,

      The topic „framework” is very broad YES. However, we covered exactly what the title said. It is intended to explain what frameworks are. It doesn’t say that we will list ALL frameworks that are out there. Surely there are tons of amazing frameworks out there. We haven’t tried all of them. We can only write and recommend the ones that we have tried. This is exactly why we asked users to tell us which frameworks you are using. Yes, we have heard great things about ThemeHybrid however we haven’t tried it. This is why we cannot recommend it in the article.


  32. Zimbrul says

    This is one comprehensive article about WordPress frameworks, what they are and what they do.
    I’m using Headway Theme, a bit of iBuilder (not quite like it), Thesis and of course, Genesis. As with the release of Thesis 2.0 Genesis became my favourite WordPress framework and the reasons are simple: clean code, easy to alter, easy do do basic modifications without getting your hands dirty with CSS, simple to understand even for someone with little or no experience with frameworks. The nice thing you can say about Genesis is that the more you get it to know the more you want to learn. And of course it the support. Support for Genesis framework is the best I came across in the market. Never closed a support ticket without being answered and the problem clarified.
    Headway Theme is amazing, you can do great things with it IF YOU HAVE ENOUGH IMAGINATION IN DESIGN (not my case).

  33. Karen F says

    Why did you leave out the Builder Framework? It’s really fabulous with a first rate community and support staff. I sound like I’m shilling for them – I am not! But it’s really great – and widely used – and I’m baffled that you don’t mention it! In addition, I’d love to hear you evaluate it’s pros and cons and compare it to the other Frameworks. And Builder has a wider reach in a way, between their BackUp Buddy plugins and their from which I have learned SO much with their webinars on everything WordPress. Honestly, you are doing a disservice to the WP community to exclude them. And again, I am not associated with them as anything other than a customer!

    • Editorial Staff says

      Hey Karen,

      We know the folks from iThemes, and we are good friends with them. Yes Builder is a great framework. This article is not meant to list all frameworks that are available. Plenty of other articles do that just fine. The point of this article was to highlight what is a framework, why you should use the framework, pros and cons of the framework, and then our pick. We believe that we did a pretty good job at covering what the article intended to cover. This is exactly why we asked users to suggest which framework they use and love. In a sense that is doing pretty of service to the community. A reader can come to learn about frameworks, and then see what others are using and recommending.

      Thanks for dropping by and commenting.


    • Karen F says

      LOL! You are right! When I reread your post — you WERE asking for everyone’s experience with Frameworks! Well, let my ruuuusssshhhh to wave the flag for the iThemes team be a testament to their fabulous community and the loyalty they inspires! Sorry for jumping the gun there. And, it would be great for you to evaluate the strengths of the top Frameworks.

  34. Rusho says

    All the theme listed in this article are commercial. You should mention some free framework such as Granty or Thematic Framework. Anyway, the topic is helpful.

  35. Fred Romano says

    StudioPress and Genesis rock! I will never go back to other frameworks after using Genesis. The code is clean and „bloat free” compared to the competition. These guys also provide amazing support!

  36. Carrie Dils says

    I stumbled on Genesis about 18 months ago and have never looked back. The pro you mention of community”really takes the cake. I can’t speak for other framework communities, but the group of users and developers around StudioPress is TOP NOTCH.

    Regarding flexibility, I haven’t really been bothered too much by this. Again, the StudioPress core dev team has demonstrated a continued desire to grow and expand Genesis capabilities.

    If you can’t tell, I’m sold. :) Thanks for the write-up. All that said, Genesis is a framework more geared toward developers and it’s nice to know others that might be better suited for a different kind of user.

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