- President of Easy Digital Downloads, leading WordPress eCommerce plugin used by over 50,000 online stores.
- Started using WordPress in 2005 and has over 18 years of WordPress development experience.
- Northern Michigan University Graduate with a degree in Computer Science and Electronic Imaging.
- WordPress Core Contributing Developer and WordCamp speaker.
Chris Klosowski is an eCommerce expert and lead developer of the popular WordPress eCommerce plugin, Easy Digital Downloads, which is used by over 50,000 online stores. He started building WordPress websites in 2005 and has over 18 years of WordPress development experience. His skillset includes PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, eCommerce development, payments infrastructure, API integrations, and all things back-end web development.
Chris graduated from Northern Michigan University and worked as a software engineer at the web hosting giant, GoDaddy. After GoDaddy, Chris became the Director of Technology at Easy Digital Downloads and progressed into becoming the President and lead developer of Easy Digital Downloads.
Chris is also a well-known core contributor to the WordPress open source project. Over the years, Chris has been a featured speaker at WordCamp Phoenix, and he also runs the local WordPress meetup in Phoenix area.
About WPBeginner
WPBeginner is the largest free WordPress resource for beginners to learn WordPress. We are part of the Awesome Motive family and reach over 100 million visitors every year. Our content is fact checked and reviewed by our Editorial team for accuracy and integrity. You can learn more about us and our editorial process.
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Digital e-handel to moja pasja, która zmieniła mój styl życia. Sam zacząłem oferować cyfrowe pliki do pobrania prawie ponad dekadę temu. Jako prezes Easy Digital Downloads pomagam również tysiącom odnoszących sukcesy osób i małych firm w realizacji ich marzeń poprzez sprzedaż cyfrowych plików do pobrania,… Czytaj więcej »