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Switching from Blogger to WordPress











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ステップ1: WordPressホスティングサービスに申し込む










ボーナス無料オファー: WordPressブログの無料セットアップサービスの一環として、BloggerからWordPressへの移行サービスを無料でご提供しています。これは、私たちの専門家チームメンバーの一人があなたのためにすべての移行を行うことを意味します(100%無料)。そう、文字通りリスクなしでBloggerからWordPressへ移行できるのです。



ステップ1: Bloggerブログのエクスポート




Backup Blogger content



Download blogger backup




BloggerサイトのWordPressへのインポートを開始するには、WordPress管理エリアにログインし、ツール ” インポート.


Install Blogger importer for WordPress

WordPressがBlogger Importerプラグインをダウンロードしてインストールします。

インストーラのインストールが完了したら、’Run Importer’リンクをクリックして続行する必要があります。

Run Blogger importer




Upload the file to import




Assign authors


WordPressは、BloggerエクスポートファイルからWordPressサイトにすべてのコンテンツをインポートします。コンテンツを表示するには、投稿 ” すべての投稿ページをご覧ください。

Imported content on your WordPress blog



パーマリンクを設定するには、WordPressダッシュボードの設定 ” パーマリンクに移動し、’カスタム構造’オプションを選択する必要があります。


Setting up permalinks





add_action( 'init', 'wpb_update_slug' );

function wpb_update_slug() {
global $wpdb;
$result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT post_id, meta_value FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = 'blogger_permalink' ");
foreach ($result as $row){
$slug = explode("/",$row->meta_value);
$slug = explode(".",$slug[3]);
$wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_name ='$slug[0]' WHERE ID = '$row->post_id' ");
echo "DONE";











そのためには、Blogger to WordPress Redirectionプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。

有効化した後、ツール ” Blogger to WordPress Redirectionページにアクセスし、’Start Configuration’ ボタンをクリックする必要があります。

Get the redirection code

プラグインがあなたのBloggerブログのURLを検出し、リダイレクトコードを取得するオプションを表示します。先に進み、あなたのBlogger URLの横にある「コードを取得」ボタンをクリックしてください。



Edit blogger theme code



Blogger theme editor




Change mobile theme settings

するとポップアップが表示されるので、「No. Show desktop theme on mobile devices(モバイル端末にデスクトップテーマを表示しない)」オプションを設定する。


Disable mobile theme


また、All In One SEO (AIOSEO)を使って、投稿やページをBloggerからWordPressにリダイレクトすることもできる。このプラグインは、新しいサイトへの完全なサイトリダイレクトを設定できる強力なリダイレクトマネージャー機能を提供しています。










これを修正するには、All In One SEO(AIOSEO)プラグインを使用する必要があります。手順については、WordPressでリダイレクトを作成するための初心者ガイドをご覧ください。



ウィジェットを追加するには、WordPressダッシュボードの外観 ” ウィジェットページにアクセスし、サイドバーにウィジェットをドラッグ&ドロップするだけです。詳細な手順については、WordPressでウィジェットを追加して使用する方法のガイドを参照してください。





Redirect Blogger RSS feed




Add feed URL








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Reader Interactions

778件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Tammara Garland

    SEO is of course a significant reason to relocate to WordPress.

    I would prefer to not create the same permalink structure with migration, as I don’t want dates in the url.

    Is there another way to deal with the concern regarding 404’s, since I don’t want the same urls with dates?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would need to create a 301 redirect from the old location to the new url to prevent the 404 errors


      • Tammara Garland

        Thank you for your reply. I was just researching the WordPress 301 redirect plugin earlier today, and then saw your comment reply! :)

        I was hoping to avoid directly editing the htaccess file myself, so hopefully the redirect plugin will work correctly. I’ll have to test it first with my site that has the fewest posts.

        Thanks again.

  2. Missy Zane

    Is there a way to import my Blogger theme to WordPress? I love the way my Blogger pages look, but I’m not happy with them on WP.

    • WPBeginner Support

      That would require custom development or you could take a look at page builder plugins to customize the look of your site.


  3. Dzee A

    I’ve tried all steps and everything run good

    My site seems lost line-spacing on its all posts.. Like This :


    Found it after the first subheading until the end post. And ONLY in Mobile (Dekstop seems normal)

    What do i do to fix it? I have hunred posts so i think isnt possible to edit it manually

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may want to reach out to your theme’s support to see if this is due to the style of your theme you are currently using.


  4. Martin Sorro

    Hi. After migrating from Blogger, only few images were copied to WordPress Media Library.
    Most the migrated posts at the new WP site display the original images, located / taken from Blogger servers. How to copy all of these to WordPress?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Did you get an All Done message after clicking the import button? If not you may need to run the import file again.


  5. Douglas

    Hello! I bought a domain in Godaddy. I have a custom domain with blogger. 1) how to migrate from the custom domain with blogger to WordPress? I don’t have wordpress account. during this migration procedure when install wordpress from Bluehost. wordpress account needed. I saw your video on youtube. please help me …. Thankyou

    • WPBeginner Support

      Depending on where you purchased your domain, you would change your nameservers at that location to point to your hosting provider to see your WordPress site. You would create the WordPress login when installing the site or if you reach out to your host they can help you find your login information.


  6. Genevieve

    That was fantastic. It worked just like in the video. You helped me out so much. Thank you for these tutorials!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our guides could help :)


  7. Ardi Ryanshah

    I used to use custom permalink when published posts in blogger.

    If i used the step 4 and migrated my blogger site to WP platform, would the posts be the same link as previous?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Step 3 is where you would set the permalinks on the WordPress site for them to be the same as on Blogger


  8. Rajib Roy

    Yours is the best ever website for all WordPress tutorials. It is really helpful for beginners. God bless :)

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you, glad our content is helpful :)


  9. Sophie

    I just came across your article. I intend moving my self hosted blogger blog to wordpress but I have the following concerns.
    1). Those steps you mentioned are pretty technical and I might get confused along the way as I am a tech newbie.
    2) Can I manually copy and paste my articles to the new word press instead of going through all the steps mentioned above. Would visitors still find their way to the new site or would google restrict that?
    3. I heard about wordpress and their security issues. How do I work my way around this? I don’t have the finance to pay extra for security.
    What do you advise?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would only want to skip the steps in our article if you no longer want the traffic from your previous site. For security on WordPress, you would want to take a look at our article for steps you can take to mitigate any security concerns:


  10. Nitin

    Hi, I used the same steps to redirect my blogger to wordpress site.

    But my website traffic reduced almost 90% :(

    How to ensure that traffic don’t descrease and it will take time to get the traffic and how much time it will take?

    Please suggest.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to ensure all of your redirects are set up correctly as the most common reason for that issue.


  11. Ogfunds blog

    Please, would it affect my Google adsense when I migrate?

    • WPBeginner Support

      As long as you are using the same domain, it shouldn’t affect your Adsense


  12. Kaushik Kumar

    My google adsense is enabled but not approved on my blogger, so after moving from blogger to wordpress is their is any problem with google adsense on wordpress after moving and Not show Add Site option in Google Adsense because my account is not approved.

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you are not using ads then there shouldn’t be a problem.


  13. Oskar

    I am not sure what to do with categories and tags. when i tranfered all the categories became tags.

  14. Susan Flanagan

    If I sign up for wordpress and use the free service to transfer my blogger posts over, can my Google+ posts be transferred for free as well?

    • WPBeginner Support

      We do not offer to move Google+ posts at this time with our service.


  15. Onome

    I have done everything. The issue am having now is that my blog does not show pictures on my thumbnails. You only see pictures when you click on the post. Please how do i resolve that?

  16. sohag hossain

    sir i migreat blogger to wordpress , now my post url at the end .html . but my wordpress page dose not work .when click about us its says error like that >>>>>Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<' in /wp-content/themes/ribosome/page.php on line 19

    how can i slove this

  17. Kiran

    Recently I migrated my blogspot subdomain blog to WordPress but now both my old site and new WordPress site are indexed. Old blogspot URLs are not getting de indexed and when I do fetch as Google in search console for old site URLs it shows as complete status instead of redirected. Do we need to use change of address tool here even for blogspot to WordPress migration.??

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may want to ensure the redirect in your theme is saved properly and do you mean the posts that are currently on your WordPress site are not showing as redirected?


  18. Ianos

    Thank you for the information it s very helpful moving the content from Blogger to WordPress can by easy. Thanks again.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our content could help :)


  19. Cesar Crash

    I’d really like to migrate my custom domain BLogger to
    To reasons concern me. The first one is that I know a site that the Google search links was sendig to other pages. He said his webmaster told it was attacked by hackers and it needed an antivurus.
    The second one is that I know another one and I see problems a lot of times.
    I feel secure on Blogger, I never have this issues, and to pay webmasters and antivirus seems expensive.
    Is that really a matter of concerns?
    Thank you.

  20. Imam

    Dear Admin,

    If the source of the image in the article still ini blogger or in the hosting of wordpress. Thanks.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Different sections of the article have images of blogger and WordPress. The images with the dark sidebar on the left are the WordPress admin area.


  21. Isabel

    I want my old post redirect to
    How can I do it?
    In this tutorial yo use
    But now yo have:

    thanks a million!

  22. Isabel

    Can I do all this from blogger to wordpress even if my old blog is a

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yes, you can :)


  23. ali

    I got this error at the editor stage despite having tried your exact instructions after I tried to delete the coding. How do i fix that…please send the video

    Error message” Something went wrong. Your change may not have been saved. Please try again. There is also a chance that you may need to manually fix and upload the file over FTP.”

  24. Abhinav

    what to do if I have 2 blogger blogs and want to switch to wordpress and just keep both in one site.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to select the domain you want the sites to appear at and redirect the sites to that domain. If you have a second custom domain, if you speak to your hosting provider they normally have the option for a parked domain which redirects the posts to the other domain on your hosting account.


  25. Thilanka De Silva

    Blogger content migration was successful only for some posts. In some posts images were completely missing or small images sizes . and in some posts original images came in. Please help to fix this issue

  26. muideen samuel

    the blogger riderection plugin refuse to work on my blog and i tried using the script provided in the post it only redirecting to my homepage and not post page pls help with ewhat to do

  27. Shelley

    I moved my Blogger/blogspot blog to a new url (with a .com) and I now have a self hosted blog. Google analytics worked fine and I thought Google adsense would be fine after I copied the code to my website. Then I just got a “no reply” email from Adsense saying they denied me because:
    …”Blogger, your hosted site was not available or not found (removed) at the time of the review…” I thought I followed all the directions to add the .com website to the Google Adsense account I already had on blogger. My adsense account was active for FOUR years and now I am denied? What can I do? Thanks!

  28. Gourav Negi

    If we shift our website from blogger to wordpress then how many months old will be recorded by google

  29. Pedro Martins


    I moved a blog from blogger to wordpress but i didn´t done (yet) the redirects. But my problem is another. I got all the articles in the new wordpress blog but i lost the number of visualizations. How can i recover them?


  30. Monica Njoku

    what happens if one has moved to wordpress wrongly from blogger and has lost seo and ranking? I am currently having that problem. After moving my blog from blogger to wordpress I discovered I no longer get views from google because google no longer index my articles. I returned to blogger again and the case is still the same. Please I need help.

  31. Dinara Tengri

    Thank you so much for this guide! I just successfully moved my book blog from Blogger to WordPress. Worked like a charm.

  32. Julie


    I wondered where the ‘blogger_permalink’ meta key is set? The redirection is not working for my site and when I imported the posts from blogger, there was no such custom field as ‘blogger_permalink’ set in the database.
    Also, what about label and category pages? They don’t get redirected either way :/

    Is there any other way to redirect the posts correctly?

    Thanks a lot!

  33. Chandan Shrivastava

    As instructed in your article, I purchased hosting and change name server. After changed nameserver my web is not seen so i contact my hosting service provider. In replied, they instructed me that I upload index files and content files to see the web.

    Q1. My web is designed in blogger whereat content file and index file is available.

    Q2. Without upload index file and content file, should i install wordpress for migration from blogger.

    Q3. Is it necessary to upload index file and content file before installation of wordpress ?

  34. Richard

    Thanks for this post…
    I just moved my content on .com to .net, now my question is, will this tutorial work too?

    I’ll like traffic from to go to as well.

    I’ll also like the users to be direct to the exact post they’re looking for

  35. Ucharis

    This works quite well on the descktop site what about the mobile site, because it doesn’t redirect to the new website if you click on the post using a mobile phone?

    • Emily Bloomquist

      UCHARIS – Did you figure out the mobile redirection? I am having the same problem. Everything on the desktop seems fine but the mobile redirection gives a 404.

      WPBeginner – Thank you for writing this guide for us.

  36. Chris Hall

    Well, it works generally, except for individual post redirects from blogger to WP. After three days of chat with WP support, this problem is still not resolved.

  37. Narang

    This post should be updated it is a very crucial post because if anything goes wrong than the whole hard work will get wasted. Plz update this.

  38. Sumit Kumar Gogawat

    Hmmm. Good Article
    Can we import all post and pages in local host directory from blogger.

    I was try to import blogger blog backup to local host through wamp but it is not working. Will you help in this issue

  39. Jonas

    This tutorial worked great – however I have a few pages on my blogger site that have been imported fine, but the redirects don’t work for them.
    I only get “Page not found” on the old address.

    Any ideas how to fix the redirects for pages as well?


  40. Timpec

    am still finding some difficulties. when i open a post from my old blogger website it will only land me to my wordpress home page instead of the particular post. pls help. i havent learnt how to add the function.php

  41. Torben

    I have a few questions.

    I have a huge blogger file and I have problems to split this one into smaller chunks. I have not found a way to split this file. So the workaround I used is, I converted this Blogger XML file to a WordPress XML file (WXR).

    1. Then I used the WXR splitter to split the file. This works fine, but the images which are in the post content are not downloaded to WP and replaced by the WP url. The images inside the post content still link to blogspot. Is this correct?

    2. Does this also happen when I use the Blogger Importer instead the WordPress importer? Are all images linked still to Blogspot after importing?

    3. How can I split that Blogger file to smaller chunks on a Mac?

    Would be great if somebody can help.

    • johnson

      please how did you convert xml to wxr

  42. Harish Joshi

    What will happen if I change the URL structure. i.e. I mean I want to remove date from the new wordpress blog. Doea it effect my SEO ?

  43. Alvin Uchenna

    Please can i permanently delete my blogger blog after moving successfully ?

    • Johny rsca

      My google adsense is enabled on my blogger, so after moving from blogger to wordpress is their is any problem with google adsense on wordpress after moving.

  44. Aditya

    When I am trying to import content from blogger to WP, only 100 posts are imported while I have 400 posts. Please suggest what can I do. Thank you!

  45. Jeffrey

    I have done a wrong step which I did not set the permalinks correctly. Now it does not redirect directly to the post correspond to WordPress.

    In such cases, is there any way which I can redirect all the posts in my blogger to the landing page of my wordpress website ?

  46. Jenna Howard

    These directions were great! I found I did have to make one change in the replacement of my site by also attaching /blog/ following my domain so the click was actually going to the blog instead of the site but wow. This was super easy!

  47. Heidi K.

    I would have a question about this. I tried to do this redirection (step 4) but it says that there’s a XML error in this line :

    What should I do with this?

  48. Victor ifeolajuwon

    Please help, I recently moved from blogger to WordPress, and since then have been unable to import my blogger posts to WordPress, when I try importing them on WordPress, I get errors like, this URL those not exist or has been permanently moved or something or it will just keep loading like for ever .. Please help! Please it’s very urgent.

  49. Victor ifeolajuwon

    What happens if I delete my blogger account, will it affect all what I have moved to WordPress, thanks

  50. Maria

    Looks like step 6 is not required anymore with the newest version. the images came over when I imported the posts

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