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Switching from Blogger to WordPress











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ステップ1: WordPressホスティングサービスに申し込む










ボーナス無料オファー: WordPressブログの無料セットアップサービスの一環として、BloggerからWordPressへの移行サービスを無料でご提供しています。これは、私たちの専門家チームメンバーの一人があなたのためにすべての移行を行うことを意味します(100%無料)。そう、文字通りリスクなしでBloggerからWordPressへ移行できるのです。



ステップ1: Bloggerブログのエクスポート




Backup Blogger content



Download blogger backup




BloggerサイトのWordPressへのインポートを開始するには、WordPress管理エリアにログインし、ツール ” インポート.


Install Blogger importer for WordPress

WordPressがBlogger Importerプラグインをダウンロードしてインストールします。

インストーラのインストールが完了したら、’Run Importer’リンクをクリックして続行する必要があります。

Run Blogger importer




Upload the file to import




Assign authors


WordPressは、BloggerエクスポートファイルからWordPressサイトにすべてのコンテンツをインポートします。コンテンツを表示するには、投稿 ” すべての投稿ページをご覧ください。

Imported content on your WordPress blog



パーマリンクを設定するには、WordPressダッシュボードの設定 ” パーマリンクに移動し、’カスタム構造’オプションを選択する必要があります。


Setting up permalinks





add_action( 'init', 'wpb_update_slug' );
function wpb_update_slug() {
global $wpdb;
$result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT post_id, meta_value FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = 'blogger_permalink' ");
foreach ($result as $row){
$slug = explode("/",$row->meta_value);
$slug = explode(".",$slug[3]);
$wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_name ='$slug[0]' WHERE ID = '$row->post_id' ");
echo "DONE";










そのためには、Blogger to WordPress Redirectionプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。

有効化した後、ツール ” Blogger to WordPress Redirectionページにアクセスし、’Start Configuration’ ボタンをクリックする必要があります。

Get the redirection code

プラグインがあなたのBloggerブログのURLを検出し、リダイレクトコードを取得するオプションを表示します。先に進み、あなたのBlogger URLの横にある「コードを取得」ボタンをクリックしてください。



Edit blogger theme code



Blogger theme editor




Change mobile theme settings

するとポップアップが表示されるので、「No. Show desktop theme on mobile devices(モバイル端末にデスクトップテーマを表示しない)」オプションを設定する。


Disable mobile theme


また、All In One SEO (AIOSEO)を使って、投稿やページをBloggerからWordPressにリダイレクトすることもできる。このプラグインは、新しいサイトへの完全なサイトリダイレクトを設定できる強力なリダイレクトマネージャー機能を提供しています。










これを修正するには、All In One SEO(AIOSEO)プラグインを使用する必要があります。手順については、WordPressでリダイレクトを作成するための初心者ガイドをご覧ください。



ウィジェットを追加するには、WordPressダッシュボードの外観 ” ウィジェットページにアクセスし、サイドバーにウィジェットをドラッグ&ドロップするだけです。詳細な手順については、WordPressでウィジェットを追加して使用する方法のガイドを参照してください。





Redirect Blogger RSS feed




Add feed URL








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Reader Interactions

778件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Niveditha

    Hi, I could successfully migrate from blogger to wordpress. But there seems to be a problem with RSS feed. The subscription mail of the new posts are not coming. How can I solve this problem. Pls help!

  2. shailesh shakya

    This post i very helpful for me thanks ……..

  3. Nicole

    Thank you for these instrucionts-I have finished with step 4-the first step. I added your code and the visitors are redirected to my new website. But it takes a while until the page is loading and there are displayed some numbers. 01 02 03 04 05 on the screen. It looks not so nice—could it be replaced-or how to make it faster?

    I also dont know how to do the last step with the php-code. My enfold theme has a functions-php and a functions-enfold.php. I already tried the code at the end of the functions.php-with no effect. I deleted it again.

    Could you give me a hint what to search for or to test?

    Thank you in advance

    • Nicole

      I have solved my problem. with another tool. ;) Tank you! Nicole

  4. Dipankar

    Thank you so much! migration is successful .

    now please tell me what to do with sitemap of old blogger as well as wordpress?

  5. Gurunath

    Hi, I have done the process of Blogger to WP migration step by step and I did get migration successfully. But the problem is I have done all the plugins and theme customization and while doing configuration of Yoast SEO Plugin and exactly when I was adding the google webmaster tools verification and when pressed the save button it said “can’t verify site” and the site is down. now when I am entering the URL from the blog spot or direct is asking for install WordPress thing …how to solve this? please help it out

  6. Mahesh suthar

    I have migrated from blogger to wordpress, i was having custom domain, but after migration my older links with custom domain are not redirecting to the newer link generated in wordpress. I have changed the permalink as per your article. Please help me.

  7. Ömür Yanıkoğlu

    Thanks to you, I have solved my problem. This is very useful article :)

  8. Timmy Brain

    I’d followed the guide duly but the import blogger plugin gives me an error note of some lines are missing.

  9. Abigail

    I have tried EVERYTHING I can to try to redirect my blogger to wordpress site. I have input the code you have on here multiple MULTIPLE times, and I can’t for the life of me get it to work. The worst part is, now my old blogger blog is GONE and now my readers aren’t going to know what is going on. If you could please email me I would really appreciate it.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Abigail,

      If you followed the instructions, then your old Blogger blog isn’t gone. It is still there and you can switch back to it. Simply login to your blogger dashboard, go to Templates. Click on the Upgrade Template button and then select a new template for your blogger blog. Your Blogger blog will now become visible again.

      However, we believe that you probably still want to move to WordPress. We will advice you not to give up, there is probably some tiny thing that you are missing. Follow the steps carefully again, and you will be able to properly redirect your readers to your new WordPress site.

      Good luck


  10. Samuel

    My website is not opening after i updated it. Hello please i need help on this; i login to my wp-admin dashboard and see a notification message from wordpress that i’m using an whole version of wordpress that i should upgrade to the latest version. I follow the instruction to updates my wordpress sites but after a successful update my webpages are not opening again. It will just be loading and reloading without anything displaying. And why it is loading it will be displaying a blink of blogger icon.

  11. Satish Kushwaha

    Still unable to resolve 404 error not found

    • Sheetal

      Hello, Satish Kindly contact your web hoster. Even I used to get this error and bluhost resolved it.

  12. LIz

    I was fine until I went to settings and there is not migrate blog only delete and back up? What now?

    • WPBeginner Support

      @Liz: You need to click on the Back up Content button. We have updated the article, with new screenshots. Instead of export, the feature is now called Backup.


  13. Mike Gil


    First thanks for this tutorial, Im done migrating my site from blogger to wordpress. The problem is when I search my posts on google and click a link from blogger, it will redirect me to wordpress with .html on the link so it gibes error 404. I hope you can help me.

    Thank you.

    • Mahesh suthar

      Have you solved your problem? If yes then can u please help me

  14. Gagan kamboj

    I have imported all the blogspot content to wp ….. Now should i delete the blogger blog??

    • Paloma

      She mentioned that you have to keep your blogger running. So don’t delete your blogger blog.

  15. Andrew

    Hey, I got everything over and redirected just fine. Thanks for the great videos!
    But, I realize I need to get more info off the blogspot site. I am being redirected even from withing the blogger console. How do I access my blogger site now that the redirects are up?


  16. md qureshi

    after transfer my blogger blog to wordpress in the google search when i click on post a 404 page not found show how can I fix them?

    • Sheetal

      For this error you need to contact your web hosters !

  17. Navdeep

    I have a custom domain name setup on my blogger blog. Do I have to first remove it from my blog to follow the above steps? Please help.

  18. Rajesh

    I had successfully imported my blog into my wordpress website. it was very helpful thanks for this wonderful help. Now if i post a new blog at blogger .com then will it automatically feed into website. or should i posts on my website only. i posted a new post on but that post didn’t feed in website. please guide me. thank you.

  19. Tonya Wilhelm

    Thank, you. I’m going to try…a bit scared! This won’t be considered duplicate content, will it? It will disappear from blogger and move to wordpress?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yes, your Blogger content will no longer be visible to search engines as they will be redirected to your WordPress site.


  20. Nixy


    Thanks for your wonderful tutorial.

    I have migrated my blogger blog to WordPress. But I have 2 specific problem. Can you please help?

    1) If I search my blog from a mobile device, and click the link, redirect doesn’t happen.
    2) I have 2 pages on my blogger blog. Say About and Contact, but the redirection doesn’t happen for them.

    Your help will be highly appreciated.

    With thanks,

    • John

      If the mobile redirect does not work, try to disable the mobile template first (before reverting to the classic template in step 4). This should prevent blogger from adding “?m=1” to the URL, which is why the redirect from mobile doesn’t happen. Hope that helps!

  21. Jamal

    Hello! Thanks for the post, very helpful.

    One thing though. On Redirect Checker it says that my redirect is a 303 one

  22. Beini

    Trying to do this but I don’t seem to have a permalink settings tab under settings!

  23. Cat Larkin

    When editing your functions.php file – will those edits hold when you update your theme or when you do WordPress updates, or do you have to do this each time you update? Or do I need to be working with a child theme?

    Also – If I plan to change themes, should I do that before I make the change to the functions.php – thus only doing it once?

    Great tutorial – thanks

    • WPBeginner Support

      Your theme’s functions.php file will get overwritten when you update the theme. To deal with this you can create a child theme and add custom code to child theme’s functions.php file. However, if you switch themes then you will have to copy paste the code.

      Another approach is to use a site-specific plugin. It remains out of your theme and does not get’s in the way when you update any WordPress core, plugin, or theme files.


  24. Ransom

    To My Google Blog I Don’t See Export Or Import I Only See Import And Backup,

    • Lemonberry

      I also don’t see an export button, only an Import button and a Back up Content button and was wondering if there is something I’m missing…?

  25. Ali Asghar

    Hey, currently my blog is and I want to shift it to
    1) Is it possible?
    2) Will the total views would show too or we would have to start from 0?
    Kindly please reply to my question :)
    Great post and great video! :)

  26. aravind

    I have a question. After blogger to wordpress migration and redirection, What to do with blogger posts? I can delete them?

  27. karamath

    I was thinking to hire some one to migrate my blog but now iam capable of migrating myself.

    I will also post my experience of migration process. Really helpful post.


  28. Lucy Edwards

    Thanks for this- I’ve taken all the steps but the redirect doesn’t seem to be working properly for me. It works on a desktop computer, but from mobile devices the link still take you to my old blog. Any ideas what has gone wrong?

  29. justice ozuruigbo

    If i import my blogger posts to wordpress, will it still bear the original dates?

  30. Jamie

    Thankyou! Painless and concise. My kinda tutorial :)

  31. Sheetal

    Thanks for this article. I have successfully migrated my blogspot blog to wordpress. I just wanted to know that should I deactivate blogger importer plugin or not ? Thanks :)

  32. JP Mishra

    Can we export blog to drupal or joomla?

  33. Gail

    Thank you a million times over! I really am new to all this, but your step by step tutorial on how to switch to WP worked for me the very first time! My redirects and everything (at least that I’ve checked so far) are working great! Thank you again, you made this so much easier than what I expected!

  34. Jen

    Thank you so much for the awesome tutorial! It was easy to follow. But I only have one problem. Some of my pictures didn’t transfer and I did Step 6. I think it may be because those pictures were from my Google Drive. Is there a way to transfer them or would I manually have to upload those images again? Thanks for your help.

  35. Paige

    Love this site so much! So question is when I copy and paste the lines get all jumbled when I try to paste it into my php thingy. I deleted it because I was scared I would blow something up on my site. Is there a way to make my paste look like what I copied?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Take your mouse over to code snippet on our site and you will see a viewsource button at the top right corner of the snippet. Clicking on it will open the source code in new popup window. Copy that code and then paste it.


  36. Rena

    PLEASE HELP! I did everything your post and video says but for some reason when I click on an old link for a specific post, it redirects to the .com but to the homepage, not the actual post.
    How can I fix this?
    For example, which I click on this-

    it brings me to this-

    THANK YOU!!!

    • satz

      make sure the destination of your wordpress post slug are the same with your old blogger post slug. for example if your blogpost url are then make sure your wordpress url are

  37. Bharat


    These lines of code are giving an error in blogger.

    Error parsing XML, line 3, column 11: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.

  38. Christopher

    I’m having issues on the 301 redirection. I’m Using News pro genesis child theme, should i paste the code in the function.php of the child theme or function.php of Genesis frame work?

  39. Barry O'Leary

    Thanks so much have managed to migrate a blog of over 200 posts to a new one and not lost anything. Great stuff! Thanks.

  40. Heike

    Thank you for this tutorial! Everything moved over fine, except the pictures. Can you advise?

      • Heike

        Yes, I uploaded another plug in that transfered the photos too. Unfortunately, now all posts are double, with the same publishing date. This means I get to go back and reminisce while I delete doubles! Still, I appreciate the tutorial, it really helps to have both the video and written instructions. Also, why do I have to go into the FTP for each template? You mentioned if I change templates, to do this again?

        • emily

          What was the plugin for importing media from blogger? I am having this problem too.

        • Dinesh

          hey Heike
          which plugin you use to Import photos and videos?

        • Jess

          Yes, which plugin was this?

  41. Susan

    Hi there. I’m really frustrated. I posted a comment on Apr. 6 but haven’t heard back from anyone.

    I followed the instructions on how to switch from blogger to wordpress. And I made a site-specific plugin because I was nervous about messing with the functions.php code to put in that redirect code.

    Here’s the problem: with that site-specific plugin activated on my website (, if I click on a link to a blog post that was on my old blogger site, it redirects to my new homepage… which is great, but my goal is to have a person go directly to the SAME post on my new website and not to my homepage.

    What am I doing wrong? I’m losing sleep over this so please help ASAP! (and if anyone else sees this and knows what’s wrong, please comment. I’d really appreciate it!) Thanks.

    • Christopher

      I’m also having the same issues. Have you been able to solve yours? If yes, How?

      • Susan

        Hi, Christopher. I’ve heard from anyone about this. Have no idea how to solve this problem as I’ve done everything to the letter. Very frustrating. I wish someone would help us out with this problem. Sooo, if anyone out there experienced this, would you please let us know how you solved it so folks are directed from an old Blogger post to the SAME post on WordPress? Thank you.

        • Susan

          Sorry, meant to say “I haven’t heard from anyone about this.”

        • Christopher

          Hello, Susan. Hope you are good?

          I was able to redirect mine but I had to purchase Yoast SEO premium . Yoast did all the redirection for me.

  42. Kadi

    I don’t have the blog tools or export in blogger. Mine just says delete blog.????

    • Kris

      I’m having the same problem Kadi is having – blogger doesn’t give me the “import/export” option, just “delete blog”. Would love to hear how to export from blogger to WP or it’ll be a lot of cut & pasting. :) Thanks!

    • Christopher

      Above “Delete Blog” you should see ‘Import Content’ and “Backup content”. Just click on Backup content. Hope it works for you.

  43. balu

    Hello! Editorial Staff.
    I have a problem.
    I recently migrated from blogger to wordpress as you said in this tutorial. And also done changes in blogger template and in feed redirection. But posts are not redirecting from search results and also in post internal links.
    What is the problem. I have also blogger custom domain. What to do?

  44. Susan

    I have a question re: setting up the permalinks. On blogger, this is the format of the links to my blog posts:


    On WordPress, this is the format of the links to my blog posts:


    So the differences are the underscores on blogger, plus the day, plus the “.html” on the end.

    How would I resolve this? Do search engines automatically “translate” the underscores into slashes? And do they ignore the “.html”?

    If this is the case, perhaps I would need to make a custom permalink that is something like this:


    Could this work? Thanks in advance for your help.

  45. Adam G

    Thanks for the info– however, my blog is currently on blogger as its own domain name. How do I do the redirection if I’m going to switch the name over to wordpress as well?

    My blog is currently I use blogger, but want to switch to wordpress, but continue to use

  46. Martyna

    Any of you experiencing 403 error after all of this. Contacted the domain hoster and said it probably the issue with the plugin that being used. Anyone else experienced that?

  47. SMLocke

    Thank you so much for this post, it is just what i was looking for. However, I am having an issue withe the 301 redirects. When a page is redirected, it is looking for whereas the permalinks in wordpress are That is, to be more succint, the URI ends with a ‘/’ instead of ‘.html’. Is there a way to remedy this.

    • Susan

      Hi, SMLOCKE. Did you get a response on this because I’m having the same problem with the lack of an .html causing a 404 not found error. Thanks.

    • Kareem

      Use the following customized permalink:

      It worked for me.


      • Stacy Ann

        Can I say I love you to a stranger? Thank you so much! That custom link did the trick! I even called my hosting support and they couldn’t! You are awesome!!!!!!

  48. Archna


    I’ve done everything explained above but stuck in the wordpress 301 redirection process

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<' in /home/manage1991/public_html/wp-content/themes/aqueduct/functions.php on line 446

    Redirection Code for Posts
    <?php ////Line 446

    function blogger_query_vars_filter( $vars ) {

    $vars[] = "blogger";

    return $vars;


  49. thebdxoul

    This is best wordpress blog ever

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