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WordPressにFacebook Instant Articlesを設定する方法(ステップバイステップ)

Facebook Instant Articlesをご存知で、WordPressサイトに追加したいとお考えですか?

Instant Articlesは、Facebookユーザーに素早くコンテンツを配信するのに優れている。10倍速く読み込まれ、モバイルフォーマットを使用します。これは、優れたユーザーエクスペリエンスを提供し、フォロワーを増やすのに役立ちます。

この投稿では、WordPressにFacebook Instant Articlesを簡単に設定する方法を紹介します。

How to set up Facebook instant articles for WordPress

Facebook Instant Articlesとは?

Instant Articlesは、カスタマイズされたモバイルフォーマットを使用することで、コンテンツを10倍速く読み込むことができるFacebookの機能です。これは、モバイル端末向けのFacebookアプリで使用されているのと同じ技術に基づいています。





Facebook Instant Articlesを利用するメリット

  • ロード時間の短縮は、ユーザーエクスペリエンスの大幅な向上を意味します。
  • 速さにより、ユーザーがコンテンツをシェアする可能性が高まります。
  • Facebook Audience Networkによる収益化オプションへのアクセス。
  • Facebookページのリーチの向上。
  • Facebookの膨大なユーザーベースは、あなたのサイトに新しいトラフィックの波をもたらすことができます。

Facebook Instant Articlesを使うことの短所

  • サイドバーを含むWordPressサイト全体のレイアウトがユーザーに表示されません。便利なウィジェットやメールリストフォームなど、投稿の一部でないものはすべて非表示になります。
  • Facebookのインスタント投稿では、広告主や記事に表示できる広告の数が制限されているため、広告収入がドロップする可能性があります。
  • 投稿に画像や動画を使用することもできますが、Facebookのインスタント記事には制限があります。
  • ほとんどのショートコード、カスタマイザー、その他のWordPressブログの機能は、投稿に表示されません。

Facebook Instant Articlesを利用することの長所と短所を考えると、公開する側にとっては玉石混交である。実際には、あなたが作成するコンテンツの種類とあなたのビジネス目標に依存します。


WordPressでFacebook Instant Articlesを有効化するために必要なものは?

WordPressサイトにFacebook Instant Articlesを設定するには、いくつかの必須条件があります。必要なのは

  • WordPressサイトのFacebookページ。
  • サイトに少なくとも10以上の投稿があること。
  • Instant Articles for WPプラグイン(この記事の後半で設定方法を紹介します)。

とはいえ、まずはFacebook Instant Articlesに投稿してみよう。

Facebook Instant Articlesへの登録

まず、Facebook Instant Articlesのサイトにアクセスし、「Start earning」ボタンをクリックして開始する必要がある。

Get started with instant articles


ログイン中、Creator Studioが表示されます。Facebookが「マネタイズ」タブでページを選択するように指示します。


Set up instant articles




Complete set up tasks



Claim your domain


Facebook Instant Articlesには10サイトまで追加できます。

Copy the meta tag




ただし、子テーマを使用していない場合は、Insert Headers and Footersプラグインを使用することができます。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。

プラグインを有効化した後、WordPressダッシュボードから設定 ” ヘッダーとフッターの挿入ページに移動し、ヘッダーセクションにコードを貼り付けます。

Insert code in the header

Save ボタンをクリックして変更内容を保存します。

サイトにコードを追加したら、Creator Studioタブに戻り、「Claim URL」ボタンをクリックします。

Click the claim URL button


ドメインを入力して「Claim」ボタンをクリックするだけです。サイトがまだ開発中の場合は、「This is a development URL」オプションを有効化できます。

Enter your site URL



Confirm your domain

次のステップは、あなたのサイトのInstant ArticlesRSSフィードを追加することです。


Add production articles



Add with RSS feed



Enter production feed URL


まず、Instant Articles for WPプラグインをインストールして有効化します。WordPressプラグインのインストール方法については、こちらをご覧ください。

有効化した後、WordPressの管理画面からInstant Articlesにアクセスし、FacebookページIDを入力してください。ページIDはCreator StudioのClaim domainセクションで確認できます。

Enter your Facebook page ID




インスタント記事のフィードURLをコピーし、Facebook Creator Studioタブに戻ります。次に、RSSフィードのURLを入力し、「保存」ボタンをクリックします。

Enter production feed URL and save





Configure article styles



Add article style

Instant Articlesの初期設定をカスタマイズできるポップアップが開きます。



Customize your instant articles



Instant Articlesフィードを審査に送信する前に、Instant Articlesフィードに少なくとも10件の記事があることを確認する必要があります。


Instant Articlesフィードに10件の投稿があることを本当に〜してもよいですか?

Submit for review

Instant Articlesフィードにエラーがなく、必須タスクがすべて完了していれば、「レビューのために送信」ボタンが表示されます。このボタンをクリックしてフィードを送信してください。

Instant Articlesは、Facebookチームがフィードを確認し承認すると、あなたのサイトで利用できるようになります。


さて、WordPressでFacebook Instant Articlesのセットアップに成功したら、そのパフォーマンスも確認してみましょう。

Google アナリティクスでパフォーマンスをトラッキングすることで、どの投稿が最もトラフィックを集め、ユーザーがどのようにコンテンツとインタラクションしているかがわかります。

Facebook Instant Articlesをトラッキングする最も簡単な方法は、MonsterInsightsを利用することです。WordPressのための最高のアナリティクスソリューションで、コードを編集することなくGoogleアナリティクスを設定することができます。

MonsterInsights Proは、Facebook Instant Articlesアドオンやその他の高度なトラッキング機能が含まれているため、MonsterInsights Proバージョンが必要です。無料で使えるMonsterInsights Lite版もあります。



Launch setup wizard


その後、WordPressダッシュボードからInsights ” Addonsに向かい、’Facebook Instant Article’アドオンに移動します。

Install Facebook instant articles addon in MonsterInsights



Facebook Instant Articles トラブルシューティングのヒント

Facebook は、Instant Articles のフィードが開発者サイトに記載されている仕様と一致することを必須としています。Instant Articles for WPプラグインはその部分をあなたのために処理します。

しかし、サイトで使用しているテーマやプラグインによっては、エラーや警告が表示されることがあります。これらのエラーをトラブルシューティングする簡単な方法は、投稿を編集し、投稿エディターの下にあるFacebook Instant Articlesのメタボックスまでスクロールダウンすることです。

Instant article warning in WordPress

ほとんどのエラーは、Instant Articles for WP プラグインが使用する変換ルールがサポートしていないコンテンツを投稿に追加するプラグインやテーマが原因です。




Instant Articlesのフィードを送信する際に、Empty Feedエラーが表示され続ける場合は、追加しようとしているURLを確認してください。



この投稿がWordPressにFacebook Instant Articlesを設定するのにお役に立てば幸いです。WordPressブログを管理・成長させる40の便利なツールのリストやオンラインストアを始める方法もご覧ください。

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情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


ツールキットへの無料アクセス - すべてのプロフェッショナルが持つべきWordPress関連製品とリソースのコレクション!

Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. tengkuputeh

    how to install instant articles for not self-hosting?

  3. Eduardo Pimentel


    First of all, thanks for this article! :-)

    But, I’m with a problem when you say:

    Simply install and activate the Instant Articles for WP plugin. Upon activation, the plugin will generate an instant articles feed for your WordPress site.

    In my case, my RSS url doesn’t work:

    Do you know why?

    Thanks a lot, dude!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Eduardo,

      Try updating your permalink structure. Simply visit Settings » Permalinks and then click on the save changes button without changing anything.


      • Lori

        I did that and one more thing…

        I went to my Facebook Page > Publishing Tools > Published Posts at the top of the sidebar.

        From there, I located my most recently shared blog post and clicked on it to open the Post Details box.

        Then under the little down arrow that is your normal edit button on a post, I clicked on ‘Refresh Share Attachment’

        That was the thing that made it all work. :)

  4. vimesh

    i have a problem with facebook page selection process in wordpress

  5. Dexx

    Hi Admin. Thanks for nice step-by-step tutorial. I just want to ask, how to add related articles at the bottom of instant articles. it is automatically show only for visitor or need some code to make them appear?. Thanks.

  6. Izzat

    Thanks for this great post. I followed your steps and i managed to set it up on my fb page. But I have a problem.

    I have customize the styles in with facebook style editor and everything was okay when I review it with fb pages apps. But the problem is, when i share the articles, the published post used ‘default’ style instead of the other one. Please help me.

  7. Pallav Juneja

    In my WordPress account under every post its written that your article is being submitted with 0 warning but at facebook publishing tools I still can’t press the submit button it says
    We have automatically detected one or more common errors that need to be fixed before you can submit for review.
    Missing Logo
    All articles must include a logo, which you can upload in the Style Editor.
    and list of my posts
    Hope You Could Help me out

  8. Eduardo

    Fantastic Article. Could not have made without you. Thank you.

  9. sitepu

    why my images not loading on my instant article ?
    please help me

  10. Marv

    No matter what changes I make, I cannot submit articles.There has to be a better plugin than this one. It;s always buggy or not compatible with “this version of WordPress” I got it right the first time with a client;s site, but after I cannot publish any other new articles. Tried to set up my site, I can’t submit articles at all.

    My head hurts.

    • Marv

      I am replying to my own comment (weird) because I fixed the problem I was facing. Missing logo. My articles were fine, but no matter how many style editors I created, I couldn’t fix the ‘missing logo’ error. What I did was go back to the ‘default’ or ‘preset’ style editor and customized it. Voila! Articles were submitted. Problem solve. I am still looking into it though. Maybe it’s me, but I find this plugin a wee bit buggy

      • Pallav Juneja

        can you tell me in detail i am facing same issue

  11. Nis

    Hi, I am running multiple lingual website. I want to run the instant article both of the above domains. How is it possible? Do I need to merge two rss feeds. Need your suggestion.

  12. G. P. Gautam

    Hello, WB Team.

    Great and detailed guide on Facebook InstantArticle.

    Sir, I am also using this tool for my website. My posts have been submitted to InstantArticle with some errors. I fixed some of those. But, I can’t find solution for this,

    “no rules defined for in the context of InstantArticle”.

    Sir how to fix this problem. Please help me.

  13. habelse

    Hi, very helful guide but my blog begins with https not http. after i insert the code given by facebook in header, i could be claimed the url but when i tried tu insert the url begin with http it’s fine

    i accessed my url but it said that the url was not found because my blog automatically direct http to https

    how to solve this, thanks :)

  14. Chhunleang Say

    my URL for Rss Feed is 404 Not Found How to fix???

  15. Rob Nugen

    What is the URL of your Instant Articles RSS feed?

  16. Prashant

    All the links that I share are being converted into instant articles. I want only selective articles to be published as instant articles. I use affilate links in some posts which dont wirk in instant articles. Please help!

  17. rohit mahadev

    Next, log into your Facebook account
    Log in with Facebook to finish connecting the Instant Articles Plugin to your account.

    Login with Facebook

    after This, it is not logging in just it reloads nothing happens
    sir can You Guide me Please regarding this problem

  18. Ryan Hanley

    This is by far the most useful resource I’ve found for adding FB Instant Articles.

    One question, do you have a tutorial for excluding certain post categories from your Instant Articles feed?


  19. Geri

    HI. I’m using How do I setup FB instant articles?

  20. Sumair Mangi

    on this step “The plugin’s settings page will now show you a login with Facebook button.” when i click on login with facebook the page reloads and nothing happens please help me asap

  21. kalibbala

    hello team,
    great material, thks. I hv created everythg and it all seems well however on the post page this error:
    *This post will not be submitted to Instant Articles due to a rule created in your site.*
    How can i go over this thks.

  22. Princewill Ejiogu

    hi thanks for this article but the instant article cant recognize short code because i use it to embed my videos is there a way around this pls

  23. Ejiogu Princewill

    hi i have done all the processes but i keep getting this error at the final stage : Permissions error pls how can i fix this

    • Ashwin

      You can check what causes this issue if you look at Instant Articles settings on Facebook. For me, the page logo was missing. Once I uploaded that, the Permissions Error went away.

  24. Garland Smith

    I’ve just been approved for Facebook Instant Articles. I’m using the “Instant Articles for FB” Plugin to publish my Instant Articles. I just published blog Post and it shows up as Live in Instant Articles. How do I get the Instant Articles link? I don’t see it anywhere and I don’t have any idea how to access it. Any help you can provide would be appreciated.

    Thank you,
    Garland Smith

  25. ilayaraja

    i like instant article which is more similar to GOOGLE AMP pages.

  26. Henry

    Mine does not move beyond the facebook login ..what do i do

  27. Dipak Kumar

    You just saved my day. Indeed a great help. Thank you so much.

  28. Sampsa Daavitsainen

    Hi and thanks for the post. I keep on getting doubles to my production feed? Any idea how to prevent this?

    • Sampsa Daavitsainen

      Aaand I just figured it out. It was due to the URL-structure change we did for the site. A lot of work deleting the duplicates after…. Take notice ;)

  29. Jahir Avdyli

    Hi there! I have some problems with this plugin. How can I log out the app form this plugin because this plugin can’t connect with facebook anymore. When I first installed it, I couldn’t select my fb page because it wasn’t showing them at all so it just redirected to the first step. I tried deactivating, deleting the plugin and I installed it again but it is stuck again at that that state. I also tried deleting the app, but it just doesn’t work! Anybody had these problems?

    • Cheing

      I have the same issue, do you solve your problem yet?

  30. Hannachi

    Great tutorial, i want to ask you how can i fix Facebook comments and related articles in instants articles. Thank you for your feed back

  31. Lyssie

    Thanks for this article! It was super helpful with the step by step instructions. I’m about halfway through and the plugin won’t show the settings page in wordpress. When I click Instant Articles on the left sidebar, it’s just a blank screen. When I try other ways to get to the settings page, it remains a blank screen. It says it’s compatible with WP 4.6.1 which is what I have…any ideas why I can’t get to the settings page in WP?

  32. Shivankar wadhwa

    I had created an app Id using different email id now As he is not there so I want to transfer all things through my id…I have created a new app Id but m getting an error to submit the articles as “articles cannot created using this page please create and update it from the original page’
    Please help me on this

  33. Amit Bajaj


    Thats one helluva post…Thanks a ton for doing this one. However, I am facing one issue – I have added the fb tag to my site’s header, but under tools, it is just not allowing me to add my URL (that part remains non-highlighted). What could be going wrong?

  34. aravindan

    I have installed the instant articles plugin in my blog. but when I try to open the instant article rss feed link I am getting an error message “ERROR: This is not a valid feed template.”. Any suggestions on what I have done wrong?

  35. Karan

    Hello Team,

    Thank you for the detailed guide on FB instant article. Everything is fine but I would like to ask one question:

    We all know this renders the page and boost loading speed by making some adjustments in the site design and structure, like you mentioned in the cons.

    So I just want to know will it render the articles for people visiting from FB only or for everyone visiting my site via an source (organic or direct)?

    Thank You,

  36. Angela Tempest

    Hi thanks for this helpful guide. I think I have followed the instructions but when I try to Login to Facebook from the WordPress plugin I get the following messaege:

    Can’t Load URL: The domain of this URL isn’t included in the app’s domains. To be able to load this URL, add all domains and subdomains of your app to the App Domains field in your app settings.

    Any idea what I have done wrong?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Please check your app settings and URL field. It should match your WordPress site’s domain.


      • Calvin Courter

        I had the same issue. Here is what worked. Add the URL with and without the “www.” to the App Domains in the App settings in facebook developer.

  37. Bani Naveen

    Why my url not claiming. it shows this kind error

    “The fb:pages tag on the url doesn’t contain this page’s id. The url has fb:pages tag but they don’t have this page’s id. Please work with your developers / webmaster to add this tag to your website.”

  38. swarna shanmugalingam

    Thankyou for being helpful.

  39. Thomas Hubert

    Hey ! I’m having issues with my photos on Instant Articles. They are pixelised. However, they have a high resolution on my wordpress and look good on my website. What am I supposed to do ?

  40. Mauricio

    Hi, about using AMP and Instant Articles in the same time, any problem?? They can be used together without problems, especially in SEO??

  41. Richard Brown

    Great article. But I am stuck. The feed seems to work fine but no articles ever get submitted.

    They all say: This post was not yet submitted to Instant Articles.

    I am really stuck and need help.

    • UNKOWN

      Try update one of your articles, and the Facebook should receive a update about that!


  42. anah

    Great article, but I’ve got a doubt. Doing that will decrease the pageviews on my website? Or everytime someone sees the article will count as a pageview on google analytics?


  43. Beshir

    What about free wordpress blogs? Any chance for this miracle?

  44. Mantas Rubsta

    Really helpful article, thanks a lot.

  45. zion

    i have done everything but my production article and development article are showing blank.

  46. Bob

    This primer is great….but stops right where I needed help. Is there a follow up on how to set up Facebook ads on these Instant Stories?

      • Michael

        Any chance you can also cover a bit of more advanced features? I set this up and it works well, but I would like it to automatically set up images for Facebook likes and comments. I believe this can be done with the Transform options somehow. I would also like it to pull in related posts, which it seems to skip.

        • WPBeginner Support

          Our audience is mostly beginner level WordPress users so we tried to keep it as simple as possible. We will try to cover the topics you mentioned in separate articles soon.

    • Arpan Shah

      Hi BoB,

      You can setup from Audience network from tool section in setting and follow the setups. I have written detailed guide on this and it quite simple.

  47. Jamie

    Thanks so much for this. :) I was wondering, once you have IA set up – if you post a link to a blog post in Facebook, do you need to use a specific IA link? Or does FB automatically detect that there’s an IA version of the link?

      • puregrey

        Is that a “yes you have to use a custom link” or “yes Facebook will automatically detect there is an Instant Articles version to serve”? For example I use Edgar and have hundreds of posts cycling through, so once I have Instant Articles setup do I need to adjust those links or will they post the same way and Facebook itself simply decides what version to serve? Also, will users on desktop see the Instant Articles version or will they still be taken to the full website page? Lastly, to Instant Article views count as page views on your website or are they essentially served from a cached version on Facebook’s servers?

        Thanks, great tutorial as usual.

  48. Adrienne

    Thank you!! I started it but it’s so detailed that I stopped in the middle of it!

  49. hector

    Wpbeginner delivers once again with a great guide!

  50. ConnieM

    Maybe you write some information about other ways of sharing WordPress-content with FB?

    Like Facebook Autopublish for example?

    that would be of great value… I use this plugin and it works well

  51. Angelica Costa

    How do I disable it? Facebook won’t tell and I have searched everywhere.

    They started showing on my FB page even though only 1 step of the process was done.

    I need people to go to my website and it’s causing a huge mess when there are giveaways on my blog.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can undo the steps you have taken. For example, remove the feed from Production RSS in publishing tools of your facebook page. Remove URLs from Claim Your URL. Remove Meta tag you added into header. Delete the App you create for your page.


