インストール型のWordPress.orgを始めるには、WordPressのホスティングアカウントと ドメイン名が必要です。
ボーナス無料オファー: WordPressブログの無料セットアップサービスの一環として、WordPress.comからWordPress.orgへの無料移行サービスを提供しています。このガイド付き移行サービスでは、弊社の専門チームメンバーが移行作業をすべて行います(100%無料)。つまり、WordPress.comからWordPress.orgへリスクなく移行できるのです。
そこから、移行したいブログやサイトのWP Admin表示に切り替える必要があります。サイト名の横にある3つの点のメニューをクリックし、WP Adminを選択します。
左の列から、ツール ” エクスポートメニューをクリックし、’すべてエクスポート’ボタンをクリックする必要があります。
ここから、ツール ” インポートのページにアクセスし、WordPressの下にある’今すぐインストール’ボタンをクリックする必要があります。
完了したら、「Run importer」リンクをクリックして続行する。
チュートリアルのステップ1でダウンロードしたWordPress.com XMLファイルをアップロードする画面が表示されます。
Choose File」ボタンをクリックしてファイルを選択し、「Upload file and import」ボタンをクリックします。
Link Managerプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。プラグインのページには、もう何年も更新されていないと書いてある。それは更新の必要がなかったからであり、あなたは自信を持ってこのプラグインをインストールすることができます。
次に、OPML Importerプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。このプラグインは、ブログロールリンクをインポートできる新しいインポーターツールを有効化します。
有効化した後、ツール ” インポートページにアクセスし、ブログロールインポーターの下にある「インポーターの実行」リンクをクリックする必要があります。
Choose File」ボタンをクリックしてファイルを選択し、「Import OPML File」ボタンをクリックして続行します。
まず、古いブログのWordPress.comダッシュボードにアクセスします。左のメニューから、設定 ” 一般メニューをクリックし、「プライバシー」セクションまでスクロールダウンする必要があります。
サイトのリダイレクトページにアクセスしてください。WordPress.com に複数のサイトをお持ちの場合は、どのサイトをリダイレクトするか尋ねられます。
よくある質問 (FAQ)
- AIOSEO– あなたのサイトのSEO順位を向上させる(300万サイトで使用)。
- WPForms– あなたのサイトにスマートなお問い合わせフォームを追加します(600万サイトで使用されています)。
- SeedProd– ドラッグ&ドロップビルダーでランディングページを簡単にカスタマイズ – WordPressのすべてのテーマで動作します。
- MonsterInsights– 人々があなたのサイトをどのように見つけ、利用しているかを見ることができます。ブロガーや中小企業のオーナーには必需品です。
- PushEngage– サイト訪問者がサイトを離れた後に、その訪問者とつながることができます。
- Duplicator– 緊急時に備えて、新規サイトのバックアップを毎日作成します。
- OptinMonster– メール購読者を増やし、ブログ運営を成功させるお手伝いをします。
これらに加えて、ブログの管理と成長に欠かせないWordPressプラグインや 便利なブログツールもご覧ください。
ユーザーがテーマ選びに迷わないよう、最高のテーマを厳選しました。WordPressのための 最高の無料ブログテーマと 最高の多目的テーマのガイドを参照してください。
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Vale Guerra
Great Article, I moved my site from wordpress.com to in my own domain.
I’m concerned and working with SEO techniques to preserve and redirect my old links.
thank you
WPBeginner Support
Please take a look at our free blog setup service.
Angela Ho
Hi I have a wordpress.com and would like to swap to .org , is it possible once I get the domain from your advice site and would like your assist on the free blog setup service? I want to swap all my blogs from old to the NEW one.
WPBeginner Support
Yes, please follow the instructions on our free blog setup service page.
Christopher Brown
I was advising a small business client that was thinking about switching from wordpress.com to .org. They have paid for a url they like and would keep.
If the switch doesn’t change the url then would you still need to get the “site redirect.” Would there be any concerns re SEO if the steps were followed as described above.
I want to switch from wordpress.com to wordpress.org and i would like to use your assistance. I couldn’t connect to plugin. on the dashboard plugin not appearing what can i do. please help me
WPBeginner Support
If you were using a custom domain, then you are probably still being redirected to your WordPress.com website. Please refer to step 6.
I have followed all the steps, payed for Bluehost, installed WordPress through MOJO and bought a theme. It seems that I am still on the WordPress.com platform because the ADD NEW THEME button is missing. Did I do something wrong?
Thank you!
WPBeginner Support
Please see the step 6 above.
Michelle Africa
I am currently following the tutorial on here. I now have an account with Bluehost and And my dilemma has been importing the .xml file from my wordpress.com blog using the importer plug-in. It says 405 not allowed. At this point, I availed of the free blog setup. I hope you could do this for me. Thank you.
WPBeginner Support
Please visit our free blog setup page and fill out the form.
Eloise Hamann
Does “all content” include the email addresses of followers so that they will automatically get new posts from the new site? I don’t need to “redirect” my followers since they aren’t entering a url, but merely clicking in an email.
How can I solve this problem. A description for this result is not available because of this site’s robots.txt
This come up when I Google my site after switching from .com to .org.
I’d like to add a second website to wordpress.org. My first and main site is one that I transferred from wp.com to wp.org (with the help of this tutorial). I’d like to add a second site to wp.org, and I already have the domain through wp.com and just set up the domain on my host. What do I do next? Thank you!
WPBeginner Support
If the second blog is also a WordPress.com blog, then you can follow the same instructions again.
Alice Elliot
Do I need to pay to register with BlueHost if I’ve already paid for my domain on Worpress.com?
WPBeginner Support
Yes, domain registration service is separate from web hosting.
I found this tutorial very helpful! I finally decided to make the switch from .com to .org. My only problem is, none of my photos uploaded when i did the export/import. I did it twice with no luck. Could be user error, but I made sure to select “all content.” So I’m a little stressed because I seem to have lost my images! Any help would be appreciated!
After the two years of paying for my redirects, will the search engines continue to index my new site instead of the old one?
Hi, I was hoping you could help. I seem to be struggling with the diverting of my old WordPress.com blog to my new wordpress.org self hosted blog.
I went into WordPress.com and used the domain mapping but I don’t think this is what I wanted. I have bought a theme on my WordPress.org site and I want that to be my new theme. I just want to divert people who go to my wordpress.com blog to my new self hosted domain.
How do I go about that?
Thank you for this tutorial. I have my wordpress.com site which I am currently transferring it to a new wordpress.org site. I have imported all articles from the .com site. My question is: After I launch the .org site, should I delete the .com one?
I was told that Google could penalise the .org because it will violate its terms.. like copyrights etc. I would like to keep the .com and if possible make it not to be indexed from Google. Should I delete it? Can I just hide it from public so only I can have access? And if yes, would that be ok with Google?
Thank you in advance.
WPBeginner Support
Please see the step 5 to make your WordPress.com blog private. You may also want to follow step 6 to setup redirects.
Thank you. I just wanted to make it clear that it would be ok if I set it to private, even if I copy all the content from .com site to .org. As I see, I won’t face any problems so I proceed. Thank you very much.
If I want to move my site intact, theme, images, forms and all, from .com to .org, will all of that transfer, even the theme?
WPBeginner Support
You will have to install the theme. If the .com theme is available for .org sites then you can use it on your .org site. Yes your images will import as well. For forms you will need to install a form plugin like WPForms.
suraj yadav
sir how to properly move own blog from wordpress com to wordpress-org. pls hindi laguage use
Hi folks,
I availed of your WP setup and it’s worked great. However, the links from my old site aren’t redirecting.
Is there a way to remedy this?
Hello,I recently started my blog in WordPress the free version. I was reading your article about setting up a domain in WordPress. When should I buy my domain in WordPress? Currently, I only get 50 viewers and I’m wondering if the $99 for the domain is a good investment or should I wait?Thank you for your reply!
WPBeginner Support
You may want to see our guide about the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org.
Hello! I exported my wordpress.com site according to instructions and received an email with the download link. I downloaded the file, unzipped it, and logged into my wordpress.org admin page. I imported the file but am getting this error: 405 Not Allowed . Any thoughts on what might be happening here? I’m working on a Mac, OS X Yosemite 10.10.4, if that makes a difference, and use Chrome as my browser. I registered my domain through Bluehost.
WPBeginner Support
Please contact your web host for support, they will be able to help you better.
Is this a regular problem on Mac?
I would like to switch over and have by own GoDaddy domain. You mentioned it takes 3-4 days. Is there a way to keep the .com one up while the switch happens? Don’t want to lose readers.
Katelyn Goddard
I have a client who I have set up WordPress.org website for. At the last minute, they remembered the have a Blog at WordPress.com that they would like to integrate into the WordPress.org site seamlessly. How can I integrate the blog over to the new WordPress.org site without losing my progress?
I moved form .com to my server and the browsers claim that “connection is not private”. As I understood it asks for the ssl certificate from wordpress.com. I also removed the domain mapping service from wordpress.com.
Michael Prime
Thanks for this, so I have a custom domain which I bought from godaddy and I made it to
WordPress.com for $13.
Is it still possible to make the switch and retain my custom domain?
Do I have to pay to WordPress.org again for mapping it again?
WPBeginner Support
Yes, you can still switch to self hosted WordPress.org site. No you don’t pay anything to WordPress.org. You may want to see our guide on why is WordPress?.
Thanks for the reply
Do you help move another hosting service other than bluehost like c panel?
Do I have to pay to the hosting service
WPBeginner Support
Currently, no.
Yes, you will have to pay for the hosting service.
I want to create a company website, and I’m currently using wordpress.com but havent found a suitable theme yet, do you suggest i switch to wordpress.org?
WPBeginner Support
Yes, switching to WordPress.org will allow you to install from any of the thousands of themes available for self hosted WordPress sites.
How long would it take you to transfer wordpress.com site over to wordpress.org? thanks
WPBeginner Support
If you are talking about our free blog setup service, then it can take 3-4 days.
Thank you so much for sharing all of your tips and advice on your wonderful site. I recommend you to all of my fellow bloggers and I will certainly be in touch for your help when I make the switch to self hosting with Siteground in the future
Rizwan Amjad
Hi. I am fan of your site. Actually i have bought domain and hosting from local service provider and installed wordpress from cpannel. Is my site on wordpress.com or wordpress.org?
WPBeginner Support
Your site is a self hosted WordPress.org site.
Please advice, what is better for me? wordpress.com or wordpress.org
how can i differentiate in these terms? further more, advices for wordpress.org self hosted site security against malware, hack, etc
WPBeginner Support
Please see our guide on the difference between self hosted WordPress.org vs free WordPress.com blog.
Al Evans
I’ve followed this guide and I can see that all my old wordpress.com site’s images have been imported to my new wordpress.org site. I’ve also set up the theme I want.
However, none of the pages I made on the ‘wordpress.com’ site have imported. I’ve looked around for others with a similar problem but can’t seem to find any! T_T
Any help you can give would be hugely appreciated. I don’t fancy entering all the data in from scratch again!
WPBeginner Support
You can run the import again. The importer is designed to prevent duplicates. Download a new import file from WordPress.com and You can select to download only pages.
Hi! So… I’m a complete newbie, and would oh so appreciate any help I can get! I have a wordpress.com blog, and then I decided spontaneously that I’m going to hold myself accountable to blogging by paying $$$ for a real blog, so I used Site Ground as my host which transferred everything from my wordpress.com blog on over to my new wordpress.org blog although technically it’s “my” website now. So, to clarify any confusion, what was once example.wordpress.com is now example.com.
I AM SO CONFUSED ON HOW THIS ALL WORKS SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME. I know I need to sit down and just read read read and watch videos all about wordpress.org, but I want to start following other blogs and every time I do so it’s through my wordpress.com account, but I want it to be off of my website (the wordpress.org account)!! Because that way, people who see that I’ve followed them can click on my page and can subscribe to my new and improved website, not my old wordpress account in which I deleted my blog off of, so it’s literally just an empty account! I used the same email for both the .org and .com, so that’s also making me SO confused. Please help??
I was able to successfully migrate my blog posts from my old wordpress.com site to my new wordpress.org site, however, I cannot get the posts to show up under my “Blog” page. Each individual post has it’s own separate URL. Is there a way to fix this so that when visitors click on the “Blog” tab they will see all of the posts in one place?
WPBeginner Support
Please see our guide on how to create a separate page for blog posts in WordPress.
Apoorva Bhardwaj
Hi , I currently have a personal domain on wordpress.com by the names of http://www.apoorva-bhardwaj.com.. I am looking at inserting an advertisement on my blog which I may then track through a UTM link using google analytics. However, I am unable to process the same. What do I need to do in this situation?
WPBeginner Support
You cannot do this on WordPress.com. Please see our guide on the difference between self hosted WordPress.org vs free WordPress.com blog.
Is there a way to work on/look at a site prior to redirecting the servers away from the wordpress.com site?
Hi I recently purchased hosting services with BlueHost in an effort to switch from wordpress.com to wordpress.org. Prior to the switch (over a yr ago) I purchased the domain name thru wordpress. I believe I properly changed the name servers and I also thought that I properly imported the wordpress.com content but I noticed when I typed in my web address there was no data there from my wordpress site. I also noticed on my laptop, whenever I typed my website which uses ‘http’ in its address, it automatically switched to ‘https’ and then gave me an error message saying the owner of the site configured the site incorrectly. Help!. Is it wrong for me to assume that if I import all my data, the wordpress.org site will look exactly like the wordpress.com site? Also, do you know why my http address is changing to https in the address bar?
WPBeginner Support
Seems like your name servers are still pointing to WordPress.com servers. You will need to point them to BlueHost.
Yes, I had to redirect it back to WordPress because I didn’t want my site down. As the server names changed, I didn’t see my content come over.
Hey there wordpress!
I’m totally confused and I don’t have a clue what to do anymore.
This is what happened: First I made a wordpress.com which was example.wordpress.com
Then I wanted to get a Domain name for it. So I went to hostgator and bought the name.
I also bought the domain name with “Mapping” for wordpress.com so now my blogname is example.com. Everything is fine with the wordpress.com blog but now I wanted to make it a wordpress.org site. I read about it on the wordpress.org site that you need your own database for that, so I installed MAMP. I set up my own database and everything and I got the login screen for wordpress.org and I logged in. Till then everything was fine. But here it comes: Because I use MAMP, my wordpress.org site changed to localhost:8888/example.com.
Of course, I don’t want people to go to that site and just to example.com, so I went to general, and changed the setting of the name localhost:8888/example.com to example.com, but now every time when I try to login I get the wordpress.com dashboard. And I don’t want that because I want to change things myself on the theme. I have no idea how to get back in the wordpress.org site, I already changed my database 2 times because I couldn’t get in the wordpress.org site. Do i have to delete my .com site and start all over again with .org? Because I saw a lot of tutorials on youtube, where you didn’t even have to get MAMP and you just go to hostgator and download wordpress from there. But when I did that the first time, hostgator just downloaded the wordpress.com. Maybe you could make things more clear for me because I spent days trying to figure it out. Thanks already.
WPBeginner Support
Santje, you were doing everything right except the part where you installed MAMP.
MAMP is used to create a localserver environment. This means that if you want to play with WordPress on your own computer, then you can do that with MAMP. Your website will stay on your computer and not on a live server.
In order to move your site to WordPress.org. You will need to purchase Hosting from a WordPress hosting company. After that you will need to install WordPress on your hosting account. Then you will have to import content from your WordPress.com site.
You can also take advantage of our free blog setup service.
Hello, I migrated from .com to .org using your tutorial. The most frustrating part was waiting for .com to release my domain name. The only problem I am having is that when my website is accessed on my mobile device, it still points back to my .com blog. When I go to the site via any other device, it works correctly. I can’t figure out what the deal is there. Any suggestions? I even deleted cookies/history to no avail.
WPBeginner Support
Try deactivating all WordPress plugins and then visit your website on mobile. See if it still redirects to .com site. Another quick way to troubleshoot is to delete your site’s .htaccess file and then refresh permalinks structure.
Maggie Carpenter
I just had a new website developed for me, and it’s on WP.org. I have an outside host. The information about the subscribers is extremely helpful, thank you. I have the jetpack installed, but couldn’t figure out how to get my subscribers over.
However, I have 325 “followers”. How do I deal with them? And I cannot, for the life of me (nor can my developer) find out how to put in a “follow” button on the .org site. (NOTE: Not follow by email, just follow)..
Can you help?
Thank you.
Hi, it seems like the WP official plugin that you mention for importing blog posts or the full site is no longer working properly. It shows that it hasn’t been tested with the most current WP version. Any updates on your end on this? Or other recommendations for exporting and importing blog posts, pages, etc? Thank you for all the information that you have in this site. Truly helpful.
WPBeginner Support
You can safely install and use the plugin. See our explanation on installing plugins not-tested with your WordPress version.
Hi and thanks for this tutorial. I have been thinking about moving my blog self hosted for ages, and thought I would have some time to do it over Easter. I just have a couple of questions before I even start. I have used my own domain name since the very beginning, I have bought it from 1and1.com.
1) Is there a way of keeping the urls of my old posts the same after moving self hosted? You know how you need to have the date in the url when blogging with wp.com – will all my links break (e.g. when I have been sharing my posts all over social media, will none of those links work anymore)?
2) I have a bilingual blog, and with wp.com I have had my two languages, English and Finnish, separated by categories (which I’ve heard is one of the biggest mistakes thinking about SEO…? ) How should I deal with these posts when moving? Is there perhaps a tutorial for such topic? My blog can be found at if it helps.
Thanks a lot in advance.
WPBeginner Support
1. Yes, the article above explains how to keep the URLs same as your wp.com site.
2. You can use a WordPress multilingual plugin. After importing and setting up your website you can go to posts and mark them under the correct language. This could potentially break your URLs, but you can solve this problem by setting up redirects using Regex.
Thanks for your help. I would have another question about Polylang: Can I somehow use bulk actions to change the languages for multiple posts at once? As I have my languages separated with categories, I chose the Finnish category and tried to change the language for Finnish for all of them at once, but couldn’t figure out how and couldn’t either find any solution by googling… Do I really need to do it one by one for all 400 existing posts?
Hi again! I got my languages sorted, and all my links seem to work even without Blue Velvets -plugin… but I have lost all my social share counts, which is a bit frustrating. I have tried to search for an answer to this issue for the whole day, but I haven’t found any definitive solution. Could you perhaps advice on that? Thanks again so much!
Hi I’ve succeeded in transferring the domain and switching over to .org,
1) however none of my media imported from my .com. Why? How do I get that corrected?
2) once the steps you mentioned above are done (in your tutorial), is it recommened or safe to just delete the old site (.com) and start using the new one (.org)?
I have a domain name and sub-domain for different language versions. I understood the transfer of the actual domain is not a problem. Does everything work the same way with the sub-domain?
THANK you so much for this extremely helpful and informative info. I was able to switch over to wordpress.org without a hitch! I appreciate it so much!
i have a free wordpress.com blog and i would like to switch to wordpress.org, i havent paid anything till now, and i dont want to pay for anything premium or more, can i make this move without any payment?
WPBeginner Support
You will need to pay for hosting your self-hosted WordPress.org site.
i bought a domain name and want to get hosting for my wordpress blog… Is Godaddy Good for wordpress hosting? and also Who will provide good SEO in most minimun (3.97$/MO) plan of hosting? Godaddy or Bluehost?
Elaida Biag
I got my domain name through EasyDNS.com, not form wordpress.com. If I plan to migrate to wordpress.org, will you be able to transfer the domain name for me as well through your free service? or do I have to ask EasyDNs for that? Thanks in advance.
WPBeginner Support
When signing up for a web hosting account you will be able to transfer the domain yourself. You will have two options, first you can move the domain to your new WordPress hosting provider. Second, you can keep your domain on EasyDNS and simply point it to your new WordPress host.
I have a pretty good grasp of how the transfer works, but I have a dilemma. I have a free blog at WordPress.com for which I currently pay for my own domain (instead of “blog.wordpress.com” I pay to just be “example.com”) through WordPress. That domain is set to expire in a few weeks, however, and while I wish to transfer my existing content (images, posts, subscriptions, etc) to a self hosted WordPress.org blog, I want to transfer to a completely new URL (to become “”) but with my old content imported. How do I handle this? Do I renew the old URL through WordPress.com since most of my readers know my blog without the “wordpress” in the URL or do I just let that expire and do the normal redirect/export? My fear is losing partial content or having a majority of my readers unable to be redirected to “differentblog” since they will be going to “example.com” instead of “blog.wordpress.com?” Does this long-winded question make sense?
WPBeginner Support
Changing domain names will affect your site’s search engine rankings. However, if you use Google webmaster tools on your WordPress.com site, then you can submit an address change request. Before you do that, you will need to make sure that all content from your old WordPress.com site is properly redirecting to correct posts and pages on the new domain name on some other webhost. Hope this helps.
Hi, thank you so much for sharing this, but I was wondering if I still have to do all these even if I have a paid domain name from WordPress?
Or is it because I purchased my domain from WordPress instead of a self-hosted domain (such as Bluehost) that it does not show the plugin option on the Dashboard?
WPBeginner Support
Please see our guide on the difference between self hosted WordPress.org vs free WordPress.com blog.
Question. After I move the posts, will the visit count follows and added up to my new self hosted blog? Or will it be like new post? Thanks.
I’m hoping to move to self hosted WordPress however I though once you purchase the WordPress plan that they give you a domain name and you use them to host? Sorry I’m new to this and have a lot of learning to do. Do I need to buy these separately please?
Thank you
Thank you for a clear, concise explanation.
I don’t understand how the website can NOT go down at least briefly if you have to wait 24-48 for name servers to point to a new host (from WordPress.com to new host, such as BlueHost).
I got all balled up in this process because I can do no more but change the name servers today then wait a day or two before I can login to the admin site for my new WordPress.org account.
I cant find ‘Tools’ on WordPress.com any help with this would be really appreciated!
I’m having the same issue… My “dashboard” doesn’t show any of the things pictured on the tutorial video…
I just figured this out!
Instead of logging on through wordpress.com, go to [yourURL].com/wp-admin
I want to switch from wordpress.com to wordpress.org and i would like to use your assisstance. I have a paid url with wordpress.com that i like to keep but i dont want to save my content. I want to start over. Is this possible? If so, how can i get started?
WPBeginner Support
Yes, it is possible. Please take a look at our free blog setup service.