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編集メモ: WPBeginner のパートナーリンクから手数料を得ています。手数料は編集者の意見や評価に影響を与えません。編集プロセスについて詳しく知る。




Moving to









インストール型のWordPress.orgを始めるには、WordPressのホスティングアカウントと ドメイン名が必要です。






ボーナス無料オファー: WordPressブログの無料セットアップサービスの一環として、WordPress.comからWordPress.orgへの無料移行サービスを提供しています。このガイド付き移行サービスでは、弊社の専門チームメンバーが移行作業をすべて行います(100%無料)。つまり、WordPress.comからWordPress.orgへリスクなく移行できるのです。



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左の列から、ツール ” エクスポートメニューをクリックし、’すべてエクスポート’ボタンをクリックする必要があります。

Export all content from



Downloading export file










ここから、ツール ” インポートのページにアクセスし、WordPressの下にある’今すぐインストール’ボタンをクリックする必要があります。

Install WordPress importer


完了したら、「Run importer」リンクをクリックして続行する。

Run importer

チュートリアルのステップ1でダウンロードした XMLファイルをアップロードする画面が表示されます。

Choose File」ボタンをクリックしてファイルを選択し、「Upload file and import」ボタンをクリックします。

Upload import file




Import options









Blogroll export file


Link Managerプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。プラグインのページには、もう何年も更新されていないと書いてある。それは更新の必要がなかったからであり、あなたは自信を持ってこのプラグインをインストールすることができます。


Link manager enabled in WordPress

次に、OPML Importerプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。このプラグインは、ブログロールリンクをインポートできる新しいインポーターツールを有効化します。

有効化した後、ツール ” インポートページにアクセスし、ブログロールインポーターの下にある「インポーターの実行」リンクをクリックする必要があります。

Blogroll importer


Choose File」ボタンをクリックしてファイルを選択し、「Import OPML File」ボタンをクリックして続行します。

Importing blogroll



Successful completion of blogroll link import



まず、古いブログのWordPress.comダッシュボードにアクセスします。左のメニューから、設定 ” 一般メニューをクリックし、「プライバシー」セクションまでスクロールダウンする必要があります。

Set WordPress,.com blog to Private










サイトのリダイレクトページにアクセスしてください。 に複数のサイトをお持ちの場合は、どのサイトをリダイレクトするか尋ねられます。

Select blog to redirect



Purchase site redirect from to





よくある質問 (FAQ)






もちろんです。WordPress.comからの移行は、無料のWordPressブログ設定サービスの一環として提供しています。私たちのサポートが必要な場合は、サインアップしてください。無料です :)












I have a domain name(私はドメイン名を持っています)」というオプションを選択し、WordPress.comで登録したドメインを挿入するだけです。









  • AIOSEO– あなたのサイトのSEO順位を向上させる(300万サイトで使用)。
  • WPForms– あなたのサイトにスマートなお問い合わせフォームを追加します(600万サイトで使用されています)。
  • SeedProd– ドラッグ&ドロップビルダーでランディングページを簡単にカスタマイズ – WordPressのすべてのテーマで動作します。
  • MonsterInsights– 人々があなたのサイトをどのように見つけ、利用しているかを見ることができます。ブロガーや中小企業のオーナーには必需品です。
  • PushEngage– サイト訪問者がサイトを離れた後に、その訪問者とつながることができます。
  • Duplicator– 緊急時に備えて、新規サイトのバックアップを毎日作成します。
  • OptinMonster– メール購読者を増やし、ブログ運営を成功させるお手伝いをします。






ユーザーがテーマ選びに迷わないよう、最高のテーマを厳選しました。WordPressのための 最高の無料ブログテーマと 最高の多目的テーマのガイドを参照してください。



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情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


ツールキットへの無料アクセス - すべてのプロフェッショナルが持つべきWordPress関連製品とリソースのコレクション!

Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Tobias says

    Hey, if we go with your discount, do they charge monthly or do I need to pay the full sum right away?


    • WPBeginner Support says

      Unless I hear otherwise, it is a one time fee rather than monthly charges. You would want to reach out to the host for clarification :)


  3. ol says

    Hi, I’m wondering if you could help. We migrated from .com to .org and followed the instructions for moving the subscribers/followers. Note, we have the domain name registered with .com.

    For some reason, even after the .org site is set up, subscribers are still showing up in the .com version and not the new site. I’ve spoken to .com and they can’t figure it out. I’m wondering should we shut down the .com site completely? Move the domain name over to our new host and cut ties with the old blog? I personally feel like jetpack is getting its wires crossed. Have you ever come across this issue?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If you’re still getting subscribers, they could be from the reader if you’re not using the site redirect from and it is allowing them to see the old site’s posts through that method.


  4. scolastica says

    Great Post ! Just bought my domain and registered with .com. After reading your post and all the comments I’ve decided to move before I gets traffic. I don’t want to do redirects. Will my new post be directed to the old .com ? What’s the way forward.


    • WPBeginner Support says

      If you move your site to then the new posts would appear on your site rather than back on the site.


      • ol says

        should we just shut down this old site and transfer the domain over to the new host? do you know if that would affect anything on the new site if we did that?

        • WPBeginner Support says

          You can certainly do that and it shouldn’t affect your new site if you remove the old site.

  5. Rose says

    would’ve been nice if you had mentioned all the name-server stuff. I have been on chat with both bluehost and wordpress for 2 hours because of all the confusion

  6. Researcher says

    So I have a challenge or kinda a weird problem. I have a (e.g site that I later upgraded to still hosted at wordpress under the personal plan. Then I realized I can’t upload themes or plugins that I want. With the lack of flexibility and costs for upgrading at, I decide to migrate to another host using ( so that I can take advantage of what I am missing. In my wp admin, I am stuck. I don’t know why is still pointing to instead my new admin. My website is now marked as “parked” and I am losing clients. I wish your guide would cover transfers of websites including and, hosted at
    Hoping to see a reply soon.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      For that issue, you would want to take a look at the end of step 6. You would need to change the DNS or nameservers to point to your hosting provider. If you reach out to your new host they can let you know the nameservers/DNS records to update to.


  7. Priscilla says

    I’m new to I started using free plan and only have 7 published posts along with photos. My blog is still set to private since I’m not ready to publish the blog. I have 7 more posts in my drafts. I realized I want to monetize my blog in the future and want to use I was planning on signing up with Bluehost basic plan and I can do that through here, I’d like to take advantage of your free service of exporting my content to I’m so new at this, I just want to get the blog going and not have to stress over technical details! I have a domain already. Is it easy to sign up my existing domain with Bluehost? Since I’m more comfortable of using, is the interface similar with I’m hoping it’s easy to use. Are there free layout themes I can choose from until I’m ready to purchase a theme? Thanks for your help!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      After selecting your plan you can let BlueHost know you own a domain already, the admin interfaces in the wp-admin area are very similar, and the themes under Themes>Add New are free


  8. Phahli says

    I am in South Africa, I want to start a blogg, a friend of mine suggested that I use wordPRESS. Can you kindly tell me the costs per month for acquiring or for using this.

  9. Rahel says

    HI :) I’m not sure if I have a .org or a .com site :/ if I had WordPress host my site would it then say “WordPress” in the Websitename?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If you purchased hosting through a host such as BlueHost then you would be a site. You would have a site if you built your site through the website.


  10. Nathan Corliss says

    Hi there,

    I recently migrated my site, from to using Blue Host. Thanks for giving me the confidence to do it. Great article!

    I’m now having some minor acct issues – for instance, the app seems to override posting in my blog – my blog doesnt communicate back to the app. Do I need to stop using the app?

    Jetpack is linked to my acct and I think that might be causing the issue. The other thing is that my /wp-admin page if giving me the option to login through – is this possibly related to the jet pack connection?

    Is there away I can continue to publish to the free version of Or should I do away with that account entirely?

    Any ideas for a friend on this are appreciated.

    Thanks for the help!

    – Nate

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You normally would want to recreate your site’s connection with the app to clear up errors with connecting after moving. The option to log in using is something added through Jetpack that you should be able to disable through Jetpack’s settings if you like.
      You could continue to publish on both sites but we would normally recommend focusing on your new site if you transferred it to


  11. Nicole says

    Hi, I just got started and have nothing written or designed yet in my blog and want to transfer from to .org. Do I need to follow all the same steps here, or is it simpler because I have no content? Please advise. I’m a total newbie, obviously, and clueless! Thank you!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If you don’t have a domain name set on then you could set it up as if it was a brand new site. If you do have a domain name, you would need to transfer the domain or point the nameservers to the new host to see your new site.


  12. Dawn says

    one more question?? Should I sign up with Siteground or Bluehost with the NEW domain name I want to use, and then you can help migrate the old domain from to the new one?? Thanks for your help!

  13. Helen says

    Hi there,

    Thank you for all this wonderful information. Will this still work and is the offer still available even though I am on a premium site?


  14. Dawn says

    Hi there. I am wanting to move my site to I also want to change the domain name. I currently have already purchased a new domain name thru NameCheap. I am planning to use siteground to host. If I use your link to sign up for siteground, is your migration service able to migrate to the new domain name??

    Thanks so much!

  15. Jennifer says

    I reciently made the same mistake as many others and purchased a subscription thru I moved the church web page from Wix to WordPress but now understand that I should move to the .org version of WordPress. I transferred the domain from Wix to Do I follow the same steps and move from .com to .org and will my domain name move along with it?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would want to follow the steps in the article for moving the content over, for your domain if you no longer want to pay you would want to manually transfer the domain to your new hosting provider rather than changing the DNS/nameservers.


  16. Sridhar says

    I like to thank for providing this valuable information. It helped me move to self-hosted website. Good work.
    However, when I did do all the export and backups (XML files) on my system and later set up new domain and imported all content, things did not work as expected. I fully respect your hard work and expertise but I do belive WordPress has changed thier systems or made some changes thats making the process difficult.

    I hoped to have about 85-90% of the contents and stuff restored. However, in reality it wasn’t. I tried redoing all steps again only to find all contents (blog posts) being restoed, but the themes, layouts, etc got messed up.

    Now I had two options – either I waste time researching how to restore or gradually put the missing pieces back.
    Fortunately my website is just one month old so I decided to restore by redoing the themes, widgets, layouts, etc. In the process I could do some improvements too w.r. to social plugins, showing recent posts, sharing options, etc.

    Given that you are an expert in this field I request your honest feedback. Please take a look at my webiste above and share your feedback on its layout, design, etc. It is a blog, but I’m working hard at curating content to make sure its of high quality and presentation-ready. I’d appreciate your thoughts on this too.
    Thank you.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Sridhar,

      The WordPress importer successfully imports your content. It does not import themes, widgets, design settings, subscribers, etc. This is why after the import your new self hosted site looks different than your blog.

      Good luck with your new site, it looks alright.


      • Sridhar says

        Thanks Syed for the clarification. Okay I get it – wordpress imports just the content, so the other components need to be redone anyway.
        Wish you and the team a Happy New Year and good luck.

  17. Godwin Ihagh says

    Dear Admin,

    I have to appreciate you for such a clear and informative post. I have been blogging on for almost 2 years, but want to migrate to

    The part of the post I got a bit confused with is “Step 4: Importing Your Blogroll Links”: Were you referring to the links some bloggers, like myself, place within and at the bottom of our articles/posts? I have never used the Links feature (on my blog) to store blogroll or any other links. So I would like to know the difference between placing links within/at the bottom of posts, and using the Links feature: do they go hand in hand?

    One question I want to ask is: if I’m exporting my posts, will the links I placed within/at the bottom of my post be moved to together along with my posts, or do I have to follow your instructions and export blogroll (which I don’t think I have because I’ve never used it directly) in OPML format?

    Thank you and regards.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If you were not using the links feature on then you won’t have to worry about setting it up on your new site. The links that were manually added at the bottom of your posts should remain :)


  18. Nikhil says


    I am using bluehost shared server. I have installed wordpress. But the problem is I am not able to import data. I can see downloaded images, but i can’t see any posts. Chorme console shows err_incomplete_chunked_encoding 200. Can you please guide me how to resolve this?


      • Nikhil says


        I have tried this multiple time, with different browsers. Still no luck. My xml file size is around 4MB. I think it’s something related to the size. Is there any other way?

        • WPBeginner Support says

          Hi Nikhil,

          You can open the export file in a plain text editor and try to break it into two. However, to do this you will need to understand the format of the xml file.

  19. Saba says

    To follow up on my just posted question — my website just went down! Is that because of the order of things ? I signed up with bluehost, then exported from current, then redirected the servers, then went immediately to and cancelled the premium subscription, then went back in to try and import the site but got stuck… should I have waited the 48hrs to let it re-direct?

    To clarify my previous question – will I be able to get to the wp-admin area of my new site once 48 hrs have passed?


  20. Kat says

    I have followed each step and most of my content seems to have transferred, however it has been over a week and my domain name is still temporary. I have tried everything and don’t know how to move my custom domain name that I had at to my new site (powered by Bluehost). Do I need to delete my old site? Or do I need to transfer domain to a different registrar? Please can you assist so that my domain name transfers to my new site. Also, what happens to my premium plan? Will my custom domain need to be upgraded when the plan expires?

    Kind wishes,

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Kat,

      After you login to dashboard click on the ‘My Site’ link at the top left corner of the screen.

      On the next page, from the left column scroll down and click on the “Domains” menu. You will see your domain name listed there. Click on it to open its settings and then click on the “Name Servers and DNS” option.

      Now you will see a toggle next to “Use” name servers. You need to turn it off. When you do that you will see the option to add ‘Custom Name Servers’. You need to add your name servers like this:

      After that click on the ‘Save custom name servers’ button to store your changes.

      If you run into trouble at any time, please contact support and they will be able to help you.

      As for your premium plan, you can cancel it. The domain name is yours as it is already registered for an year. When the time comes you will need to login to your dashboard to renew your domain name. At that time you will only pay the domain renewal fee. You can also choose to transfer the domain name to another registrar or your hosting provider.


      • Saba says

        Hello – following up on this same general question…
        a. Are the Custom Name Server names you have listed here ‘’ actually the accurate ones if I have bluehost (which I do?) or these are just examples? If examples, then where do I find the server names on bluehost to re-direct my site to?


        b. If I have re-directed the servers to bluehost correctly, where do I find the wp-admin area in my new site? I have been typing in ‘’ and it takes me to my old control panel

        Thanks, Saba

      • Kat says

        Hello and thank you for your response and all your help!

        I have done both those steps over a week ago, however when I try to open my new website, it keeps coming up with the message “A new WordPress site coming soon”.

        I have checked all the steps and transferred the domain name to Bluehost, however my site is still down and has been for weeks.

        Is there any way I can trouble shoot it to figure out where the problem is?

        Thanks in advance for your help.

  21. Ken says

    Hi, Your article tell how to move content.
    What if you have custom files, plugins and themes your want moved from They don’t seem to ahve an option for that and do not allow FTP access. Any thoughts on this?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Ken,

      All plugins are also available for self-hosted websites. After you move your content you can install them one by one. Most themes are also available and you can install them and then set them up.

      The importer tries to import all your attached media files. However, if it fails to import some files, then you can manually download those files from your dashboard.


  22. Kat says


    I have followed your instructions and moved my site from com to org, but it has been more than 48 hours and my new website is still blank with a temp domain. However all my followers and content is gone from the old .com site. Is this normal? How long should I wait for the site to be up and running? I had a custom domain.

    Kind wishes,

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Kat,

      48 Hours is enough and your site should be up by now. You need to login to your dashboard and see that your domain name is pointing to correct DNS nameservers of your new host.


  23. Kat says


    I have tried to move from .com to .org. I had a custom domain name so I was wondering if you could explain the last step to me – how do change the DNS record to my host?

    Kind wishes,

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Kat,

      First you need to find out the DNS nameservers used by your host. After that you will need to edit your domain settings under account and point your domain to your new host’s nameservers.


  24. Igor says

    Hello guys
    I’m stuck up.
    I’ve got a domain registered on website, but I would like to move the domain to
    On the page is nothing at the moment, so I don’t need to export and import.
    But I can’t find any informations how to move the domain from com to org.
    Could you please help me? Thank you

  25. Asmita says

    I read it and tried doing this. .but I am stuck up.

    I purchased Hosting from Hostgator .
    I already have a domain purchased in .

    I installed WordPress on Hostgator but it’s taking me to where I want
    I created separate account in wordpress org with same domain .
    I did export from wordpress com
    But I don’t know how I can access dashboard in

    Nothing working out.
    I can just see my Old site
    Please help

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Asmita,

      You will need to point your domain name to your hosting provider. Please see the domains section in your dashboard. There you will need to edit the Nameserver settings.


  26. Annabel Potter says

    I moved over my blog to .org about 4 months ago and have now set up site redirect. Thank you for your clear tutorial, should have read your blog earlier!
    The permalink structure includes the date but I would like to change that to just post name. Will site redirect still work and handle this change?
    Do I need to do anything to redirect new posts I’ve written and are there any other problems I should be aware of?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Annabel,

      Please contact support for questions about site-redirect addon. You can continue writing new blog posts on your website. If everything went smoothly, there shouldn’t be any issues.


  27. Ad van der Neut says

    On September 18 I opted for your free migration service from to as part of your free WordPress blog setup service (I also took a hosting account with Blue Host). Up to now, I didn´t hear from you, not even a reply mail that you received my application and that you will get back to me a.s.a.p., within two weeks, or something like that. Is this your normal procedure or did something go wrong?

    Regards, Ad

    • WPBeginner Support says


      Thank you for reaching out. Our team replied to your request the same day but didn’t hear back from you. Can you please check spam folder? If you cannot find the email, please drop us another message using the contact form. Our support team will try to reach out again.


  28. Harriet C says

    Thankyou for this help (love wpbeginner) but I just have one issue and im not sure how to fix it.. I chose to only import my posts from my old site, which is has done, however it has not brought across the pictures on each post etc. Why is that? what can I do? many thanks :)

  29. Justin says

    I have a small question about the redirecting to the new site. If I am keeping the domain name the same and simply moving it over to Bluehost instead of, why would I need to redirect anybody? Shouldn’t my domain name be the same?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Justin,

      If you had a custom domain name, then you don’t need to redirect. However, a lot of users don’t have a custom domain name, those users will need to purchase site redirect to properly setup redirects.


  30. Marsa says

    Hi! Can anyone tell me if my comments will automatically follow if I move from to .org? I really don’t want to lose them as my blog has been like a personal journal.

  31. Cammi says

    I’m trying to migrate my blog from to, and after I run the importer then try to import my content, I get an error saying that it doesn’t appear to be a WXR file? I have no idea what that means and have had no luck finding answers. Can you help?

    • Courtney says

      Hi Cammi. I realize you posted about a month ago, but I am just now doing this myself & wanted to offer some insight…

      I was also receiving the same error. When you downloaded the file from, it was a zipped file, you have to extract it in order to import it into

      I hope this helps!

  32. Andrea says

    Hi I have a personal plan with WP so I have a custom domain. I am now planning to migrate to Bluehost to start monetize. According to Bluehost they only deal with .org accounts, does that mean I would need to have it transferred to a .org account first, if I do that will I still be billed for my custom domain? Thank you!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Andrea,

      Bluehost meant not just the .org which is a popular domain name extension used by millions of websites. If you have custom domain on (regardless of what domain extension you are using) you can move it to Bluehost and start using


  33. Mario Manlupig Jr says

    I went through the post and it’s very helpful. I need a little help with mine, though. I might sound a little stupid but just to be sure before I transfer my domain :)

    I have a Bluehost-hosted site and it runs on I wanted to transfer it to I’ll use the same domain name. Would that be fine?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Mario,

      We are not sure we understand your question, but we will try to answer it.

      You can keep a domain on and still have a website on Bluehost using the same domain name.


  34. Dave Mount says

    Apologies if this is covered elsewhere, but I didn’t see it in a search.

    I transferred my blog to Bluehost, and it has finally propagated. I had my own domain on the .com version, and it’s staying the same for the new version. So the url for the two blogs is the same.

    Is it enough to make the .com version of the blog private, or should I actually delete it? Some folks online recommend the latter, saying it can affect SEO.


  35. Dave Mount says

    Just wondering how long it usually takes for a migrated blog to “propagate” to Bluehost. I did the migration about an hour ago. It seemed to go smoothly (thanks!) but I still have a “” url.

    The WP blog I migrated already had its own domain name.

      • Dave Mount says

        I came across this Help page in Bluehost about how, when migrating a domain you already own, you need to point the name servers to Bluehost manually:

        My domain is currently registered with WP, and I just went in and changed the name servers. Should I have? And it sounds like now I’ll have to wait another 48 hours, potentially?

        If this is correct, it might be worth adding to your instructions, although maybe it’s in there somewhere and I just missed it. :)

        • WPBeginner Support says

          Hi Dave,

          This time to update servers is an estimate, normally your domain will start pointing to Bluehost way earlier. During this time your domain will still show your old site in regions where your DNS has not propagated yet.

  36. Christopher says

    i have three Questions

    (1) pls can I ask for a refund from WordPress. com and then register for the WordPress. org.
    (2) since my domain registration is more than 48hrs in WordPress with no refund can I still use it to register for WordPress. org.
    (3) and pls which is more easier, is it to switch from WordPress. com to WordPress. org OR to ask for refund and start a fresh registration under WordPress. org Since I registered my site a week ago and I have more than 3,000 visitors with just three posts.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Christopher,

      The domain you registered is yours and you can point it to any self-hosted website without migrating it.

      If you purchased premium plan, then you can request a refund. Please contact support for details.

      If your website is already getting traffic, then it would be best to properly transfer your website so that you don’t lose traffic.


  37. Roger McCartney says

    I am still waiting a reply. Since it does not show my question I will ask it again.
    When I go to tools at and click Export, it does not give me the option for an XML file. It appears to be a Zip file but I do not know where it goes. All I am trying to do is transfer my blog from to
    Please help!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Roger,

      You can download the ZIP file and extract it on your computer by right clicking on the file and then select extract. Inside, you will find one or more XML files. These files contain your data and you will need to import them on your new website.


  38. Jenn M says

    Hi, thank you so much for this article! For some reason when I do the import, when complete, it directs me to my blog page and it just tells me the page is not found. There are other posts however so it’s the correct page and there’s a page customized…

  39. Mary Beth says


    I want to change from to However, I have a domain and hosting through bluehost…If I make the switch, will my custom theme and all posts switch over fine? Thank you!

  40. Chisom Vincent says

    Thanks a lot for the tip. I’m actually on a free hosting on and would love to migrate to. org.
    I have a domain name but not gotten a hosting site so how do o go about it. Do I register with bluehost before migrating Or I can migrate before hosting with bluehost.
    and what are the costs of self hosting on

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Chisom,

      You can sign up for hosting and add your domain name later. You can point your existing domain name to your new hosting account on Bluehost. After that, you can go ahead and migrate your free website.


  41. Mairon says

    Hi! Thank you for the useful information. I followed your instructions and installed WP in a wordpress sudbirectory in my Godaddy hosting.

    When I run the importer I get this error message: Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:

    Unable to create directory uploads/2018/05. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

    Would you be able to tell me what’s going on? Thanks in advance

  42. Chloe says

    I’m having trouble doing this using my ipad! I have exported my .com site, purchased the domain via godaddy and now need to move it across- however I seem to be blocked at actually making the .org site at all as the app constantly redirects me to my original version! Because I have the same email address, trying to make a new account is taking me in circles and I’m having to do deep calming breaths to not throw the whole thing out the window…. any advice? Do I need to find a computer and install the WordPress software to get started?

  43. Jake Doran says

    I need some help setting up my wordpress.ORG site. I purchased a domain from wordpress.COM and transferred it to a self-hosting site and installed wordpress.ORG. However, when I try to access my domain I get sent back to wordpress.COM instead of being able to create a wordpress.ORG site?

    Really need to sort this out. Is there any way to fix this or do I need a new domain name…?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Jake,

      You need to change your domain name settings. Login to your account and go to the Domains page. For more help please contact support.


  44. Donna says

    Is there a more simplified way to this? I’m trying to read each instruction, open up separate screens and desktop and do what instructions say. I’m confused on all this. Is there no short-cut version of these instructions? I only want to change from .com to .org.

  45. Ilal jude says

    Hi. I want to move to self hosted. But I want to ask if I should migrate first before designing my blog to my taste. Thanks.

  46. Mandy Naglich says

    Ok I feel like a dumb dumb here. BUT i will ask anyway. So I started on bought a couple domains etc. But I haven’t even posted yet because I realized I should be on .org. SO I got an account with siteground and transferred my account. Now I realize I’m just on site ground but still with a .com (somehow!?) do I need to delete wordpress from my siteground account and re-install? Or delete my whole site? I’m so confused!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Mandy,

      You will need to visit your account and under your domain settings change DNS settings and point them to SiteGround. Please contact SiteGround or support and they will help you point your domain to your new hosting provider.


  47. Denise says

    Thank you for all of this valuable information! What if my domain name is hosted by Do I cancel and get a new host like Bluehost? Or is there a way to keep it as is (on

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Denise,

      If it is a custom domain name (like then you can use it on Bluehost.

      If it is a domain name (like, then no you cannot bring it to self-hosted website.


      • Denise says

        Thank you for letting me know. Do I have to cancel my custom domain with WordPress before I sign-up with Bluehost? Or is there an option to transfer it over during the migration process?

  48. chris edozie says

    I will surely purchase a new domain name from Bluehost following your guides
    I have one question though, can I equally export my free site to WordPress.Org or is it possible with a paid site?

  49. Awomojure Oluwaseyi says

    Dear Sir,
    I need your professional help, initially when i developed my blog in wordpress, it was on free plan and the domain name was . i later bought domain name from godaddy which was and also upgraded to personal plan on wordpress. But i noticed that i could not add new theme nor able to install plugins accept i upgrade to Business plan and the money involved is huge. So, i decided to purchase Godaddy hosting plan and installed wordpress on their server may be having access to Cpanel will enable me to upload themes and plugins either through FTP or File Manager but i noticed that after several attempts to upload those files even the original theme files that has Styles.css, it never appeared in the dashboard>Appearance>theme. I became worried until i come across your content that being in can not give access to any of these features until one migrates to
    So, with my already hosted site by Godaddy, I want to migrate to to be able to develop the site. How can you assist me on me this?

  50. Mansa says

    Hi… I followed all the steps from your wonderful article to export my content from and import to self hosted site. First I got an error on importing. So I retried it but then I got an error that those files already exist. But I dont see them anywhere. No pages or posts or media files. What am doing wrong?

