![Moving WordPress.com to WordPress.org Moving WordPress.com to WordPress.org](https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/movingwpcomtowporg-og.png)
インストール型のWordPress.orgを始めるには、WordPressのホスティングアカウントと ドメイン名が必要です。
ボーナス無料オファー: WordPressブログの無料セットアップサービスの一環として、WordPress.comからWordPress.orgへの無料移行サービスを提供しています。このガイド付き移行サービスでは、弊社の専門チームメンバーが移行作業をすべて行います(100%無料)。つまり、WordPress.comからWordPress.orgへリスクなく移行できるのです。
そこから、移行したいブログやサイトのWP Admin表示に切り替える必要があります。サイト名の横にある3つの点のメニューをクリックし、WP Adminを選択します。
![Switch to admin view](https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/wpcom-open-wpadmin.png)
左の列から、ツール ” エクスポートメニューをクリックし、’すべてエクスポート’ボタンをクリックする必要があります。
![Export all content from WordPress.com Export all content from WordPress.com](https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/export-content-wordpresscom.png)
![Downloading WordPress.com export file Downloading WordPress.com export file](https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/wpcom-downloadexportfile.png)
ここから、ツール ” インポートのページにアクセスし、WordPressの下にある’今すぐインストール’ボタンをクリックする必要があります。
![Install WordPress importer Install WordPress importer](https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/installimporter.png)
完了したら、「Run importer」リンクをクリックして続行する。
![Run importer Run importer](https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/runimporter.png)
チュートリアルのステップ1でダウンロードしたWordPress.com XMLファイルをアップロードする画面が表示されます。
Choose File」ボタンをクリックしてファイルを選択し、「Upload file and import」ボタンをクリックします。
![Upload import file Upload import file](https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/uploadimportfile-1.png)
![Import options Import options](https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/importoptions.png)
![Blogroll export file Blogroll export file](https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/blogrollexportfile-1.png)
Link Managerプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。プラグインのページには、もう何年も更新されていないと書いてある。それは更新の必要がなかったからであり、あなたは自信を持ってこのプラグインをインストールすることができます。
![Link manager enabled in WordPress Link manager enabled in WordPress](https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/link-manager.png)
次に、OPML Importerプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。このプラグインは、ブログロールリンクをインポートできる新しいインポーターツールを有効化します。
有効化した後、ツール ” インポートページにアクセスし、ブログロールインポーターの下にある「インポーターの実行」リンクをクリックする必要があります。
![Blogroll importer Blogroll importer](https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/blogroll-importer.png)
Choose File」ボタンをクリックしてファイルを選択し、「Import OPML File」ボタンをクリックして続行します。
![Importing blogroll Importing blogroll](https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/import-blogroll.png)
![Successful completion of blogroll link import Successful completion of blogroll link import](https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/links-imported.png)
まず、古いブログのWordPress.comダッシュボードにアクセスします。左のメニューから、設定 ” 一般メニューをクリックし、「プライバシー」セクションまでスクロールダウンする必要があります。
![Set WordPress,.com blog to Private Set WordPress,.com blog to Private](https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/privacy-wpcom.png)
サイトのリダイレクトページにアクセスしてください。WordPress.com に複数のサイトをお持ちの場合は、どのサイトをリダイレクトするか尋ねられます。
![Select blog to redirect Select blog to redirect](https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/select-blog-for-redirect-1.png)
![Purchase site redirect from WordPress.com to WordPress.org Purchase site redirect from WordPress.com to WordPress.org](https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/redirectpurchase.png)
よくある質問 (FAQ)
- AIOSEO– あなたのサイトのSEO順位を向上させる(300万サイトで使用)。
- WPForms– あなたのサイトにスマートなお問い合わせフォームを追加します(600万サイトで使用されています)。
- SeedProd– ドラッグ&ドロップビルダーでランディングページを簡単にカスタマイズ – WordPressのすべてのテーマで動作します。
- MonsterInsights– 人々があなたのサイトをどのように見つけ、利用しているかを見ることができます。ブロガーや中小企業のオーナーには必需品です。
- PushEngage– サイト訪問者がサイトを離れた後に、その訪問者とつながることができます。
- Duplicator– 緊急時に備えて、新規サイトのバックアップを毎日作成します。
- OptinMonster– メール購読者を増やし、ブログ運営を成功させるお手伝いをします。
これらに加えて、ブログの管理と成長に欠かせないWordPressプラグインや 便利なブログツールもご覧ください。
ユーザーがテーマ選びに迷わないよう、最高のテーマを厳選しました。WordPressのための 最高の無料ブログテーマと 最高の多目的テーマのガイドを参照してください。
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I wish I read this article before. Because I have created a new website on wordpress.org from scratch and created a redirect from my old wordpress.com website . One of the biggest challenge i face is that the I had to use a different new domain name which is not familiar to my old users.
Kay M
I migrated my site from wordpress.com to wordpress.org, but my front page is missing. All the other pages are there but I can’t find the front page.
WPBeginner Comments
This may be due to the theme. Some themes have a lot of the homepage layout and design in the customization, so you may want to check the Customizer to see if it has any homepage features.
If so, you likely will want to use the theme if possible and copy the homepage settings.
Ayanda Temitayo
Honestly I taught migrating from WordPress.com to WordPress.org is really a very hard thing that will be very technical. It’s actually easy than I taught. with this very detailed guide, it became even more clearer.
The only challenge I was having is that some of my images are not showing.
WPBeginner Support
Glad we could clear up the process for you and for your images we would recommend ensuring that your import completed as that is one common reason if a site is very large.
Peter Iriogbe
I always like coming here to get my how-to information. Thank you. I want to ask, which device is better for exporting files? PC or smartphone, which ones would you recommend? Thanks in advance.
WPBeginner Support
A PC would normally be better for most but if you do not have access to one then it is not required![:)](https://www.wpbeginner.com/ja/wp-content/plugins/classic-smilies/img/icon_smile.gif)
Moinuddin Waheed
One easy but long way of doing this is to first take backup of all the posts manually and then take all the photos manually on your computer.
then take a hosting on WordPress.org and then install WordPress there. now import all these posts and content to the new site.
I know this is tedious and will take time and effort but this is foolproof in terms of its surety of no data loss. you will be able to transition to the new platform which is scalable and efficient for the longer run.
of course the site is very big and have much content then this method will not be effective and efficient.
WPBeginner Support
For very small sites that could work but we would still recommend the method from our article for most sites.
Sarah Jackson
I have followed your steps here, and I now have double on my wordpress site. I am not entirely sure what I have done.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
WPBeginner Support
It sounds like you imported the content on to your WordPress.com site. If you are using the same domain then you would want to set up the site on your new hosting provider on a temporary domain otherwise you would need to change the hosts file on your computer to see your self hosted site.
Jake Samirez
The 301 redirect strategy in this article isn’t viable. Sure, you can pay the $13 and redirect the old wordpress.com domain to your new domain. But what really matters for SEO is redirecting individual pages and blog posts, from the old site to the new one. To do that, you need a redirect plugin on your wordpress.com account, and wordpress.com plugins are only available on their $25 USD/month business plan. Most of us are on free wordpress.com accounts, so we don’t have the ability to do this.
WPBeginner Support
The WordPress.com redirect will redirect your posts as well using the day and name permalink structure, you do not need to use plugins to redirect the individual posts that way. If you change the permalinks on your new site, you would need to set up redirects on the new site for them to point to the new URL which does not require paying to install plugins.
When I migrate to this service, what happens to my adsense? Will I lose my adsense? I already have a website and all I want to do is switch hosting, since it would be more affordable for me.
WPBeginner Support
If you keep your domain the same you should not see an issue with your Google Adsense when moving your site.
I signed up with wordpress.com but I realized later that I had made a mistake. I asked them how to transfer from wordpress.com to wordpress.org and they told me that I had to wait 60 days!!
I opened/bought the domain less than 24hrs ago.
is there a way I can transfer the domain before the 60 days?
thanks so much!
WPBeginner Support
You can change the nameservers for your domain to point it to your new hosting provider for the first 60 days but you cannot transfer during that time due to a limitation from ICANN who are in charge of domain names. This isn’t a limitation set by WordPress.com. We would recommend taking a look at our article below that covers nameservers:
Great advice it helped me a lot!
WPBeginner Support
Glad our article was helpful!
When I change over do I have to keep the domin name I have or can I start off with a new one. since I have not published anything.
Thank you
WPBeginner Support
You do not need to keep the same domain name especially if you have not published anything on your site yet.
This may not work for me as I have 7000+ posts which are mostly photos but also lots of videos.
WPBeginner Support
For sites with a large amount of content, WordPress.com will create multiple export files that you would import and still follow this guide.
Sebastian Devassy
I am planning to migrate from WordPress.com to my wordpress website. But I am worried if I will loose comments. Will the XML comes with comments and I can use Jetpack to move the subscribers? Is there a workaround for that?
WPBeginner Support
Your comments are transferred and Jetpack does have a tool to transfer your subscribers![:)](https://www.wpbeginner.com/ja/wp-content/plugins/classic-smilies/img/icon_smile.gif)
What if the zip file downloaded for backup has 2 XML files. Should we import both the files on WordPress org site or what? TIA
WPBeginner Support
You would want to import both XML files, WordPress.com would split your export file for larger sites into multiple files to hopefully reduce the chances of your import timing out.
Pooja Maru
I followed exact step but error popped up while importing that failed to import
When transferring to wp.org, how can I reset my slugs from the default (date etc) to another format and preferably retain rankings. Or is it start over?
I have two WordPress.com websites – can I migrate them both onto WordPress.org under one Bluehost plan?
Thank you for the straightforward directions! I followed the video exactly, but only 8 of my 171 posts migrated! I’m terrified of losing all that content. What did I do wrong?
WPBeginner Support
More than likely you either had a large image or similar large content that caused the import to time out. If you run the import again it should start importing from where you left off.
I’m considering migrating to wordpress.org…is it possible to create a completely new domain name for wordpress.org and then migrate my blog to this new site while still maintaining the name of the blog as some sort of “page”. Kinda like having a blog within a website, and if I post in this blog, will links to posts have the new domain name or the blog name? Can redirection from the old site work with this as well?
WPBeginner Support
If we’re understanding what you are wanting properly, then you could create the site on a new domain and most hosts have ways to redirect from one of your domains to another. You can use our guide below for seeing how to set up redirects:
For the wordpress.com URL redirect, that cannot be done by anyone other than WordPress.com at the moment.
Hi There
I followed the instructions in this post to go from .com to .org using bluehost as the host platform.
Upon reviewing the new website before going live, I’ve found it to be a a mess and looks nothing like my old website. I assumed by doing the export/import that I would be looking at a mirror image of my former website. What this an incorrect assumption?
Do I actually need to go through the motions of fine tuning every little detail to get it where I need it to be again?
Any assistance or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
WPBeginner Support
It would depend on the specific theme you are using on your site, some have tools for allowing you to transfer the customizations as long as your theme is the same on the new site but, if your theme does not have that option, you would need to customize the theme to have it appear as it was on WordPress.com.
I plan to switch over my .com to .org (rookie mistake purchasing .com). I got a free year of domain through .com with a paid plan. So I will keep that and sign up for bluehost, but I also have a wordpress email address. Will there be any issues or interruptions with the email address if I switch over as it is important that I keep it?
Thanks in advance
WPBeginner Support
You would need to ensure the email is set up with your new hosting provider and as long as that is set up there should not be an issue.
Pete Choppin
I don’t know if this has already been answered. I configured my nameservers on wordpress.com to now point to the new hosting service.
If my paid account on wordpress.com expires or if I remove the account entirely, will the nameservers continue to point to the new hosting service from wordpress.com? Thank you
WPBeginner Support
That would depend on if your domain is on WordPress.com or not. If your domain is on WordPress.com then you would want to transfer it to your new host to prevent that from happening in the future.
Elizabeth Gelfeld
I just went through most of the process of changing from WordPress.com to WordPress.org. It all went smoothly, with exporting and importing, but it’s still .com. I already had an account with Bluehost and a domain name. Do I need to start over and get a new account with Bluehost? If so, can I keep my domain name? What are the steps to doing that?
WPBeginner Support
You likely need to ensure your nameservers updated and you’ve cleared your cache to see your new site. You do not need a new account to transfer your site.
Thanks for your reply. What does “ensure your nameservers undated” mean? I cleared my cache. What is the next step to seeing my new site, which should be wordpress.org?
I log in to wordpress through my Bluehost Portal. Is that the wrong way to log in?
WPBeginner Support
IF you’re using the same domain as you were on WordPress.com then you would need to change the nameservers following our guide below:
You can log in to your site from BlueHost if you want but if your domain is pointing towards WordPress.com, that is the site you would see.
Mae Warrener
I just changed from worpress.com to worpress.org but my login will not work in workpress.org to access my site. How do I fix this? do I have to register with worpress.org?
WPBeginner Support
We would recommend reading through the article again, moving to WordPress.org would mean you would log in through your site’s URL with /wp-admin at the end, not directly through the WordPress.org site.
Ken O
I love WPbeginner! What interests me most is your wholehearted dedication to giving the best to the WordPress community.
Well done!
WPBeginner Support
Glad you like our content![:)](https://www.wpbeginner.com/ja/wp-content/plugins/classic-smilies/img/icon_smile.gif)
Hi, can I transfer my wordpress.com contents to my installed .org when I don’t have a host yet (still in building/learning stage)?
WPBeginner Support
You would need a new host to have an installed .org site. You can create an installation on your local computer to have a test site that you can transfer to a live host.
I have attempted to import my XML files from wordpress.com site to my .org site hosted by bluehost. My WordPress.com export resulted in 3 XML files. I imported all 3 files to the .org location following the instructions. Sadly, I can see that the media has been transferred, but when viewing my new page, none of my old content is displayed. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
WPBeginner Support
The most common reason would be for large sites it can time out the import, if you run the import again it should import your missing content onto your site.
Hello, please could you simplify this for me. If my current domain on wordpress.com is abc.com, would this change to abc.org when I migrate to wordpress.org? Also, will the date stamps on my post remain as they are after the migration? For example, will a post that was made June 2020 retain that date to change to the date it was moved over to the new site?
WPBeginner Support
No, you would keep the same domain, it would not change to .org and your dates should remain the same when the content is transferred.
Hello! Can I use my own domain for registration on Bluehost (the wordpress domain) when migrating it?
WPBeginner Support
Yes, you can choose that you already own a domain when signing up for hosting.
It seems that customers of the free version are not allowed to contact their customer support team.
So how do I contact them to transfer my subscribers?
WPBeginner Support
They’ve updated their method for transferring subscribers so once your site is connected using Jetpack you would want to go into your settings area on your WordPress.com site to transfer your subscribers.
Do you have to get the paid Jetpack version in order to transfer over your subscribers form WordPress.com? Or does the free Jetpack plugin allows for that?
Many thanks
WPBeginner Support
The free version should allow you to transfer your subscribers![:)](https://www.wpbeginner.com/ja/wp-content/plugins/classic-smilies/img/icon_smile.gif)
Felipe casanova
Is there any chance that you guys can please transfer it for me.
WPBeginner Support
If you purchased the hosting using a link from our site, we have a free transfer service you can use below:
Felipe Casanova
Hello i Tried to import myself following all the steps, but now i enter to my new wordpress.org website i see only an example webpage and not my webpage from wordpress.org
Please help!
WPBeginner Support
You may have imported the content back on to your WordPress.com site for a common issue with that during the domain transfer process. You could also reach out to your hosting provider to ensure you do not have a second installation of WordPress on your account.
Hello, thanks for this wonderful guide, it was really helpful.
Please, I want to ask, If i didn’t do the redirect and just migrate, will my visitors and users be able to reach my new domain.
I mean for example, once they search for myoldsite.wordpress.com will they be redirected to mynewsite.com?
WPBeginner Support
Without the redirection, your users would not be redirected to the new site when they search for the WordPress.com address.
Sylvie Blouin
Yesterday, I attempted migrating my wordpress.com account to wordpress.org. Unfortunately after the migration was complete any attempt to modify anything was made enormously slow.
WPBeginner Support
It would depend on what content is on your site for any possible issues, we would recommend going through our guide for speeding up your site below that can help with some common issues:
If I create a free website with a domain e.g
example.wordpress.com and I want to migrate to Bluehost. How should I register the existing domain name, is it e.g example.wordpress.com or just example.com. And that is because I want to keep my domain name.
WPBeginner Support
You would need to purchase a new domain as the domains with .wordpress.com are not allowed to be transferred.
When i upload file ( end of step 3 ) this error!!!!!!!
Sorry, there has been an error.
This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number
WPBeginner Support
Should that happen you would want to ensure you are not uploading the .zip file and instead of the files inside the zip file if that is what WordPress.com sent you.
Hi, why wont my theme from .com move over to .org?
WPBeginner Support
You would want to reach out to the support for the specific theme for that question but normally there are restrictions for paid themes on WordPress.com not being able to be transferred.
I’ve transferred the domain name of my wife’s site to Bluehost, and I’ve canceled paying for services on WordPress.com (the services are still active until lat Nov). I’ve activated the site on Bluehost, but it still points to the temp domain and not the actual domain; how do I correct this? Thanks.
WPBeginner Support
If you reach out to BlueHost’s support and they can assist with updating your domain or in your BlueHost account there should be a setting to update the address at the moment.
I imported my blog from WordPress.com to WordPress.org (and yes it took a few times to import everything), but when I look at the site, all the text is spread out an the images are huge! I checked several posts, and they all look like that.
In the editor, everything looks fine. It’s only when I view the site.
I figured out that it has something to do with the formatting of the images, and I fixed one by deleting and reinserting the images . Is there an easier way to do that or do I have to manually go in and fix all 58 posts?
WPBeginner Support
That could happen if you changed your theme, you may want to try the plugin in our guide below:
Well, when I installed that and ran it, I got a lot of “skipped attachment” with the attachment ID # and then “internal server error”. Then it said “There has been a critical error on your website” With a link that says “Learn more about debugging in WordPress”.
WPBeginner Support
Normally that critical error message includes other error warnings that would state the specific reason for the error, we would recommend starting by taking a look at our guide below:
I want to migrate my newly formed blog from wordpress.com to .org. I have already bought a domain name and a year plan from a hosting company for my wordpress.com blog. Do I need to buy for hosting again or I can carry on with my previous hosting?
WPBeginner Support
If you already purchased hosting on a different hosting provider you wouldn’t need to purchase new hosting to transfer your site.
I switched from a .com to .org site over a year ago, but did not work with “import” or “export” y my old blog. I still have a few people coming over to my old site. Is it too late to transfer? After I move the information, is there a reason to keep this blog site?
WPBeginner Support
You can still transfer your content from WordPress.com to your WordPress.org site but it is personal preference for if you should remove the old site or not. You can use WordPress.com’s redirect to point your users to the new site.
I switched from com to ,org awhile ago. I want to know if I can export and input from the old site at anytime. And do I just close it down?
WPBeginner Support
You can transfer your content with the export/import tools if you wanted and it is a personal preference question for if you shut down the old site, your other option would be to follow the redirect option from this article.
You say “If you had a custom domain on WordPress.com, then you don’t have to worry about anything. Simply change the DNS record to your host, and you will retain all the SEO benefits.” How do I do this?
WPBeginner Support
You would need to check with WordPress.com’s support for their current method for changing that. At the moment that setting should be in the domain section of their admin area.
I have gotten to the stage of importing my wordpress.com file to wordpress.org but am not getting the “All done” confirmation. How long should I be waiting on the import page before it is complete?
Each time I have re-uploaded the file it has added a couple of lines with “this file already exists” so it is doing something however Its been quite some time and I no new posts have appeared.
WPBeginner Support
That would depend on the size of the site. If it is a very large site then that can be common but if it is a small site you may want to check with your hosting provider to ensure you’re not running into any issues from their end.
Sorry if I’ve missed something or it’s been answered elsewhere – what if I want the address of my wp.org site to be what I’ve set up the wp.com site to be? Bluehost won’t let me buy that domain because it’s already in use. Do I need to deactive the wp.com site before I can buy it to start a wp.org site?
WPBeginner Support
You would transfer the domain, you should have the option to select that you already own a domain and you would change the nameservers for the domain or transfer the domain to your new host![:)](https://www.wpbeginner.com/ja/wp-content/plugins/classic-smilies/img/icon_smile.gif)
At final stage of step 3
it shows
“Service Unavailable
The server is temporarily busy, try again later!”
WPBeginner Support
You would want to reach out to your hosting provider for that and they should be able to help with this specific error![:)](https://www.wpbeginner.com/ja/wp-content/plugins/classic-smilies/img/icon_smile.gif)
will this affect my site’s stat? if so is there anyway that I can safely move from wordpress.com to my hosting service without affecting my stats? thanks.
WPBeginner Support
There should not be a noticeable change in stats but with any change to your site, there is the chance of a change in your stats.
I think I’ve done something wrong!! I followed your steps but it’s only transferred a handful of posts over and the website isn’t working!!! Is it too late to ask you guys to have a look at it?!?!
WPBeginner Support
If you are transferring a large site you may need to run the import again to get the all done message and you can reach out to us using our contact form for questions about your specific site.
Hey Guys!
I had a query before swiching. Will I lose all of my stats or will the stats be covered in the XML file?
WPBeginner Support
You can reach out to WordPress.com for them to transfer your site stats![:)](https://www.wpbeginner.com/ja/wp-content/plugins/classic-smilies/img/icon_smile.gif)