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Migrating a WordPress website to a new domain name without loosing SEO

WordPress サイトを新しいドメイン名に移行するのは怖いことですが、そんな必要はありません。私たちは、プロセスのすべてのステップをご案内します。



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ホスティングサービスをお持ちでない場合、または新しいプロバイダーに切り替えたい場合は、Bluehost(小規模サイトに最適+無料ドメイン付き)、SiteGroundまたはWP Engine(大規模サイトやオンラインストアに最適)のいずれかを使用することをお勧めします。







注: Duplicatorには無料版もあり、この移行に使用することができます。しかし、自動クラウドバックアップ、1クリックサイトリカバリ、より簡単な移行など、より多くの機能をアンロックするために、有料プランにアップグレードすることをお勧めします。


有効化すると、WordPress管理画面にDuplicatorメニューが追加されます。Duplicator ” Backupsページに移動し、’新規作成’ボタンをクリックしてWordPressサイトの新しいバックアップまたはコピーを作成する必要があります。

Create new backup in Duplicator



Name backup package



Build package



Download Both Files(両方のファイルをダウンロード)」を選択し、コンピューターにダウンロードします。

Download both backup files









Bluehost site settings



Bluehost cPanel


Databasesセクションまでスクロールダウンし、’MySQL Databases’オプションをクリックする。

Bluehost cPanel MySQL Databases



Bluehost cPanel create MySQL database



Bluehost cPanel add MySQL database username and password


Add User to Database(ユーザーをデータベースに追加)」セクションまでスクロールダウンします。まず、「ユーザー」フィールドの隣にあるドロップダウンメニューから、作成したデータベースユーザーを選択します。次に、作成したばかりの新規データベースを選択し、’Add’ボタンをクリックします。

Bluehost cPanel Add user to database



Bluehost cPanel MySQL database user privileges



ステップ 3: 新規ドメインでWordPressを解凍する





Upload Duplicator files to new domain name




Duplicator installer wizard



Duplicator add database info



Duplicator validate details



Duplicator validation passed



Duplicator migration finished








方法1:All In One SEOで301リダイレクトを設定する

この方法には、All In One SEO(AIOSEO)が必要です。これは市場で最高のWordPress SEOプラグインで、WordPressサイトを簡単にSEOに最適化することができます。

まず、旧ドメインにAll In One SEOプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。


旧ドメインで有効化した後、All In One SEO ” リダイレクトページにアクセスし、「リダイレクトを有効化」ボタンをクリックする必要があります。

Activate redirects

次に、’Full Site Redirect’タブに切り替え、’Relocate Site’トグルをオンにします。

その後、「Relocate to domain」オプションの隣に新しいドメイン名を入力する必要があります。

Full site redirect



この方法では、旧ドメイン名のWordPress .htaccessファイルを編集する必要があります。



#Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
Unchanged: RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]




ステップ 5: 新規ドメインを Google に通知する


まず、新旧両方のドメインが2つの異なるプロパティとしてGoogle Search Consoleに追加されていることを確認する必要があります。手順については、Google Search Consoleガイドのステップ1を参照してください。

次に、Google Search Consoleアカウントのダッシュボードで、有効化したプロパティとして旧ドメイン名を選択する必要があります。

Select old domain



Change of Address


そして、’Validate & Update’ボタンをクリックしてください。

Add new address to change of address


次の画面では、Google Search Consoleが住所変更リクエストを送信するためのステップバイステップのウィザードを表示します。




メールマガジンや プッシュ通知の購読者がいるなら、彼らにも告知を送るべきだ。






このチュートリアルが、WordPressサイトを新しいドメイン名に移行する際にお役に立てば幸いです。また、無料メールドメインの取得方法やWordPress SEO完全ガイドの手順もご参照ください。

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507件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Saifullah Tamim

    Many Many thanks brother. This article is very helpful.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful!


  2. Sajid

    for how many days I need to keep the old site running. For 301 redirection

    • WPBeginner Support

      There is no universal answer for every site, it would depend on your site and audience but if you wanted to be safe a year is normally long enough for users who would revisit your site to see the change especially if they check your site for seasonal content.


  3. James

    Hello, I hope you are doing good. How about migrating a subdomain to a completely new domain name ? For example, migrating “” to “”.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can still use this method for moving from a subdomain to a completely new domain :)


  4. ronald

    we still are using our existing site for some things, but not for blogs. these were migrated. we set up 301 redirects and all working smoothly but curious… after migration, with 301 redirects all set up on old server, should we unpublish the posts on old server so they no longer are on old sitemap?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you plan to continue to use your old site for other uses then it would normally be best to remove the content you’ve set up redirects for.


  5. thierry

    Thanks a lot for this piece, following thes instructions was really clear and everything went smooth without any problems thanks thanks and thanks!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful!


  6. Mark

    Thank you. I tried so many other plugins and techniques – none worked very well.

    Although crazy complex for a simple thing this is a great technique. After nuking my earlier attempts this one fixed everything. Fonts, images, thumbnails, etc.
    Thank you.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide could help simplify the process in a way that worked for you :)


  7. Manas Patil

    Hello, this article was of great help. Thanks a ton!

    But I’d to ask – since I’ve one SSL certificate, I thought I’d move the SSL from my old site to my new site. If I do move it, should it cause any errors while I redirect from my old site to new site?

    Thanks in advance!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to check with your hosting provider as some have methods to help prevent any errors when changing domains on the same host if they only have one SSL certificate. In general, it should not cause any issues if set up properly.


      • Manas Patil

        Thanks a ton! I managed to move my site completely. Towards the end of the Search Console part, is it necessary to submit the sitemap again – because I don’t see my previous sitemap submissions on my new domain property.

        • WPBeginner Support

          If you haven’t submitted a sitemap for the new domain you would want to do so to help Google crawl your URLs :)


    Hi, many thanks for the article. I have a confusion here, can I migrate my WordPress site to a new domain without migrating the existing theme as I want to change the theme?

  9. Amir

    After migration to new domain, how should i send new post on my site ? Send a new post on old domain or new domain?

  10. Md Shuaib Raza

    Can i delete and cancle my old domain name by provoider after migration?

  11. Paco

    I’m moving to a new domain name, but I’m still going to use the old domain name for other purposes. I don’t want to redirect the entire oldsite to newsite. What’s the recommended way in this case? Thanks.

  12. Hassan

    It helped me a lot, my question is in ftp I will enter my new domain name and user name and password, then you said the installer file and archive file the installer file is it the wordpress zipp file or something else?

    • WPBeginner Support

      The installer file would be what you downloaded from the Duplicator plugin.


  13. F NIc

    Hi, thank you for this detailed guide. I intend to switch domain from Bluehost to GoDaddy and I am wondering if my wordpress website will be affected in terms of how it will look after the switch.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Your hosting provider would not affect how your site looks, as long as there are no issues with the duplication process the site should look the same.


  14. Sachin

    I have a question, I have single web hosting, so how can I move from the old domain to the new domain?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you are staying on the same host, you would first want to check with your hosting provider as some have tools to help with changing your site’s domain.


  15. Andy

    I’m having a little trouble with Step 5. Notifying Google About the Change.

    When I filed the change of address (the Search Console seems to have changed since you wrote this post, but I figured out the new procedure OK), the validation failed because Google couldn’t fetch the home page for my old site.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you for letting us know, for this situation, you would want to point Google to your new site for it to test the redirects.


  16. Sharon

    Thank you so much for this tutorial it was so easy for me to redirect my old domain

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  17. amir

    can I delete the old host and domain after I did all the steps? or I should renew the host and domain after then


    • WPBeginner Support

      It is normally a good idea to redirect the old domain to the new one for some time but you can end the old hosting and still redirect the old domain if you wanted.


  18. Dejan

    Hi Wpbeginner!

    Very good article as usual, i have a question just to double check, will all paths be changed? For example media links and so on? Thanks again

    • WPBeginner Support

      Using this method, your links to images and other media should be updated as well.


  19. dariu

    Thanks for this. What is the difference for migrating to new host (and domain)? Is there any difference in steps and instructions?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would use the same steps for a new host as well.


  20. Penny

    I had to put in mine in the public_html folder to work. Very frustrating at first until I tried that!

  21. Jose

    Thanks for a great tutorial!

    I’ve ran into a quirk after following all the steps.

    My site redirects everything EXCEPT the content of the home page.

    I updated the name servers about two days ago.

    I did the redirection via .htaccess.

    I’m not sure where to look to troubleshoot the issue. Any direction is appreciated. Thanks again!

    • WPBeginner Support

      We would recommend checking for any caching plugins as well as reaching out to your hosting provider for the most common reasons for that issue and your hosting provider can normally take a look from their end as well.


      • Jose

        Following up.

        I was/am using W3 Total Cache.

        Before I migrated, I forgot to disable caching. And that caused issues.

        After the migration, I had to manually remove W3 Total Cache in order to get the new site working again.

        There was a section of caching code left over in the new .htaccess file.

        All has been good since then!

        • WPBeginner Support

          Glad you were able to get the issue sorted :)

  22. Haitham


    Great tutorial. I have to ask about the SSL redirects since it may cause issues for domains that use cloudflare for instant.

    So while adding the code on the .htaccess file in the old website how do I add a$ to that command ?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you mean how to update your site to a new domain using a CDN like Cloudflare, we would recommend reaching out to the CDN you are using for their current methods for that kind of change.


  23. Joe

    In the last step you mentioned “notify google about the change”.

    But what if don’t notify Google about the change, just move the website to new domain, and remove all the pages from old domain (as my website is new and doesn’t have any organic traffic)?

    Is it valid?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can do that if you want but you would likely take a negative hit in your search engine rankings.


  24. Jay Dee

    I have a question about subscribers the website who have created profiles. Would I have to do redirects for their individual profile pages ?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you are using the same systems then you shouldn’t need an additional redirect unless the tool you are using says so.


  25. Rajesh

    I have a question, I already set 301 redirection, and all the request to the old site is redirecting, now my question is, when I can delete old site and its content permanenty?

    • WPBeginner Support

      After you create your redirects you can remove the old content.


  26. Morgan

    Hello, please I’m confused on this sentence “Once connected, make sure that the root directory of your website is completely empty.”

    How can make the root directory to be empty cause is showing some files and folders. Please I need an answer on how to do that. Thanks

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can either use FTP or some hosts have file managers you can use to delete the folders or you can reach out to your host for assistance


  27. Braeden

    Thanks for this! How would you handle domain1 is moving to domain2, but, many of the URL slugs on domain1 are different on domain2. For example, domain1/this-is-a-post/ will be going to domain2/this-is-the-new-post/

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on the specific changes but depending on how drastic the change you may need to manually set up the individual redirects.


  28. Marco

    Thank you for this guide. It helped me.

    I tried the 301 redirect on htaccess. However it only redirects the homepage. Any chance for help? Thanks

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may want to try clearing your caching and checking with your hosting provider to ensure they don’t see any errors on their end.


  29. Gosia

    This is great if moving a complete old site to a new domain. But what to do to when you are setting up a new site and want to move over only a few posts from the first site? I don’t want to lose organic traffic.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can check under Tools>Export and select the specific posts you want to transfer to your site.


  30. Alexandre

    Thanks a lot for this tuto.
    I don’t understand why we have to set up permanent 301 redirects if I keep the same domain name ?

    Thank for your answer,


  31. Prasad Rane

    Hey thanks a lot for this step by step tutorial.I was able to move clients site in just 30 mins. He was surprised. Thanks a lot.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide could help :)


  32. Luiz Pedao

    Hello, got a bit of a problem here. I transferred my good php and zip files to the public directory, and yet when I browse to mydomain/installer.php it just doesn’t find the page. What could be the problem?

    Thanks in advance

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may want to reach out to your hosting provider to ensure the domain is set up to the correct location that you’re adding the files.


  33. Razi

    Thanks, Buddy, After reading your article It’s just like the peace of cake

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our article could be helpful :)


  34. hassan

    GOOD guide.
    but if I want to change my URLs in a new domain

    my post in the old domain is:
    I want to change to

    How to redirect all my posts

  35. Adrian Filip

    Brilliant tutorial. Thank you! Work like a charm!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad you found our guide helpful :)


  36. Megan

    Does this process work with a bluehost basic account? I have purchased my new domain but can’t assign it as an Addon domain since I can only have 1 website. What is the best way to work with this?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you’re unable to create an addon domain we would recommend reaching out to your host and some offer support or different ways to set it up.


  37. Megan

    Does this method work if I am using the Bluehost Basic plan where I can only have one website? I can’t make my new domain an add on domain.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can move from a host to BlueHost’s basic plan following this guide


  38. Utsav

    I have questions that where to use 301 redirect, in new domain .htaccess or old domain .htaccess.
    In my case I have changed my website domain as well as web hosting. Then where to apply 301 redirect and how many time I should active my old domain and hosting active?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to add 301 redirects to the old domain. It depends on your old site and personal preference for how long you should keep the old domain active but you shouldn’t need the old hosting.


  39. Suchitha

    I earlier had my domain in a WordPress site that I do not own. I developed my website there. Now, I have moved my domain to a new WordPress site that I own and also used the Export/Import option to transfer my content to the new site. However, I am having to re-design my website again. Does the procedure mentioned here ensure that my site is transferred intact?

    • WPBeginner Support

      The method in this guide should let you keep your theme and plugins how they are set up.


  40. Adz

    Hi, thanks for sharing.

    Once I’ve successfully migrated my old website to the new domain, will the 301 redirect continue to redirect even after ive deleted my old website? The reason I’m asking is because I have several posts on facebook that point to my old site.

    • WPBeginner Support

      As long as the redirect remains in your htaccess file it will continue to redirect to your site.


  41. Ejimurphy

    After moving the the old site to new site, do I still need to purchase new SSL certificate or the SSL certificate for old site will work for the new site


    • WPBeginner Support

      Most hosts should offer Let’s Encrypt as a free option but you would need to set up SSL for your new domain.


  42. Mark

    Perfect! Thank you for a great post!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  43. Joshua

    OK, I’m tracking with most of this guide, but what particular steps do I need to take if my website is hosted with HostGator, my old domain is registered with GoDaddy, and my new domain is registered with Do I have to link the new domain with HostGator hosting in some way before I can create a new database in Step 2?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would normally want to point your domain’s nameservers to where the new domain would be hosted to link the domain to your host.


  44. Kay

    Thanks for these clear steps! I have one question. So I moved everything to the new domain name and have applied the 301 redirect at the old domain. Should I keep the pages and posts on the old domain or simply remove those? Because doesn’t google see those pages as copies now I’ve basically duplicated the website? Also, I thought it would free up some spaces if I remove them. However, I would love to hear what’s the best thing to do here.

    Extra info: I’m not planning to use the old domain anymore so once the subscription for that domain ends later this year I will not extend it.

    Thank you!

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you have moved all of the content over and created your redirects then you can feel free to remove the old site and its content


  45. Manuel

    Hi. I have two questions. The first is how long should the 1st step from the installer take? It’s been extracting the archive files for about 20 minutes and my site isnt that big.

    Also, is setting up the 301 redirects and updating google about the changes necessary if I’m only using the cloned site as a template for the new one? Any pages that are remaining the same will be deleted from the old site.

    Thanks in advance!

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on the size of the site for how long it would take and the 301 redirects are to ensure traffic from your old site is sent to the new site rather than the old address that would not have the content anymore


  46. Darren

    I have never done this before, so your instructions were excellent. For any newbies like me – just go through slowly and read each instruction carefully and it will work perfectly.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was able to help you transfer your site :)


  47. Christopher Jan Benitez

    Great guide! I successfully moved my site to a new domain using the exact processalthough I have to purchase Duplicator Pro to make it work.

    My question is this: what should I do with the WordPress content on the old domain? Should I just uninstall/delete everything and leave the .htaccess file in there?

    • WPBeginner Support

      That would be a personal preference question, you certainly can remove it and leave the .htaccess as the simplest option :)


  48. Rohan

    After changing domain name do I need to take apply for AdSense again? my previous domain already has AdSense approved. Do I need to reapply for a new domain name?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would need to add the new domain to your sites list on your current AdSense account


  49. Mickey gee

    this is what i get after i uploaded the file successfully
    Error establishing a database connection

  50. Dileep kumar

    After Move WordPress to a New Domain , How can i change url in Adsense account. And any effect on my adsense earning becouse my blog 2 year old.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would need to add your new domain to your sites list in your Adsense settings. For earnings, there are too many factors beyond the domain name for us to give you an idea about any changes.


      • sunil

        after adding a new domain in AdSense should I remove old domain from adsense?

        • WPBeginner Support

          If you no longer plan to use the old domain then you can remove your old domain from your Adsense.

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