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Migrating a WordPress website to a new domain name without loosing SEO

WordPress サイトを新しいドメイン名に移行するのは怖いことですが、そんな必要はありません。私たちは、プロセスのすべてのステップをご案内します。



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ホスティングサービスをお持ちでない場合、または新しいプロバイダーに切り替えたい場合は、Bluehost(小規模サイトに最適+無料ドメイン付き)、SiteGroundまたはWP Engine(大規模サイトやオンラインストアに最適)のいずれかを使用することをお勧めします。







注: Duplicatorには無料版もあり、この移行に使用することができます。しかし、自動クラウドバックアップ、1クリックサイトリカバリ、より簡単な移行など、より多くの機能をアンロックするために、有料プランにアップグレードすることをお勧めします。


有効化すると、WordPress管理画面にDuplicatorメニューが追加されます。Duplicator ” Backupsページに移動し、’新規作成’ボタンをクリックしてWordPressサイトの新しいバックアップまたはコピーを作成する必要があります。

Create new backup in Duplicator



Name backup package



Build package



Download Both Files(両方のファイルをダウンロード)」を選択し、コンピューターにダウンロードします。

Download both backup files









Bluehost site settings



Bluehost cPanel


Databasesセクションまでスクロールダウンし、’MySQL Databases’オプションをクリックする。

Bluehost cPanel MySQL Databases



Bluehost cPanel create MySQL database



Bluehost cPanel add MySQL database username and password


Add User to Database(ユーザーをデータベースに追加)」セクションまでスクロールダウンします。まず、「ユーザー」フィールドの隣にあるドロップダウンメニューから、作成したデータベースユーザーを選択します。次に、作成したばかりの新規データベースを選択し、’Add’ボタンをクリックします。

Bluehost cPanel Add user to database



Bluehost cPanel MySQL database user privileges



ステップ 3: 新規ドメインでWordPressを解凍する





Upload Duplicator files to new domain name




Duplicator installer wizard



Duplicator add database info



Duplicator validate details



Duplicator validation passed



Duplicator migration finished








方法1:All In One SEOで301リダイレクトを設定する

この方法には、All In One SEO(AIOSEO)が必要です。これは市場で最高のWordPress SEOプラグインで、WordPressサイトを簡単にSEOに最適化することができます。

まず、旧ドメインにAll In One SEOプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。


旧ドメインで有効化した後、All In One SEO ” リダイレクトページにアクセスし、「リダイレクトを有効化」ボタンをクリックする必要があります。

Activate redirects

次に、’Full Site Redirect’タブに切り替え、’Relocate Site’トグルをオンにします。

その後、「Relocate to domain」オプションの隣に新しいドメイン名を入力する必要があります。

Full site redirect



この方法では、旧ドメイン名のWordPress .htaccessファイルを編集する必要があります。



#Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
Unchanged: RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]




ステップ 5: 新規ドメインを Google に通知する


まず、新旧両方のドメインが2つの異なるプロパティとしてGoogle Search Consoleに追加されていることを確認する必要があります。手順については、Google Search Consoleガイドのステップ1を参照してください。

次に、Google Search Consoleアカウントのダッシュボードで、有効化したプロパティとして旧ドメイン名を選択する必要があります。

Select old domain



Change of Address


そして、’Validate & Update’ボタンをクリックしてください。

Add new address to change of address


次の画面では、Google Search Consoleが住所変更リクエストを送信するためのステップバイステップのウィザードを表示します。




メールマガジンや プッシュ通知の購読者がいるなら、彼らにも告知を送るべきだ。






このチュートリアルが、WordPressサイトを新しいドメイン名に移行する際にお役に立てば幸いです。また、無料メールドメインの取得方法やWordPress SEO完全ガイドの手順もご参照ください。

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Reader Interactions

507件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Karina

    How do you do with old 301s in htaccess that go from old sub-pages to new sub-pages in the old domain?Thanks for a very good guide!

    • WPBeginner Support

      With how the redirect code is set up it should redirect all of your content on your site not only the home page.


      • Karina

        But old 301 on the old domain then?

        • WPBeginner Support

          Correct, create the 301 redirects on the old domain.

  2. Jip Meertens

    Great hands-on tut up to the almost-end of step 3.
    Now did I oversee something? I am completely blank on how (which user/pw combination to use) to log in to the new WP admin?
    Nowhere on the journey did I make a new WP installation, so I do not store any log-in credentials for the WP dashboard… Pls?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would use the same login information as the previous site as the user table would be duplicated in this process as well :)


  3. shantell smith

    I searched for two days until I came across your blog. I have tried 3 or 4 different codes and none of them worked. I tried yours and it worked like a charm. Thanks. But this post needs to be updated. You can no longer switch back to the old version of Console and I was unable to find a change of address option.

    But still great posts. Thanks a bunch!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our recommendation worked, Google has changed where it is located but if you use their search for tools in your console you should still be able to use the change of address tool.


  4. Viral

    Many thanks for this very helpful tutorial. It has worked perfectly!

    Just a small query… In the last step 5, Google Search Console says this ‘Change of Address’ function works only for root level domains (while I’ve a blog address in the form

    Hence, is there an alternative method that can be used here, or will the 301 redirects (incorporated in Step 4) suffice?

    Many thanks again for the wonderful help throughout all the articles… Lots of good wishes!

    • WPBeginner Support

      If it is not only the root domain then the 301 redirects would be what you want to stay with and should be good enough for now


  5. Matt Pettitt

    Hi, thanks – this is interesting.

    Two weeks ago I migrated 3 sites into 1 new site, using the above process. All looks good as far as 301 re-directs are concerned but very few of the posts on the new domain are showing in the SERP. Also, many still have the old domain – because of this, organic traffic is down about 60% currently.
    Do you know how long it takes for Google to re-crawl, re-index and sort this stuff out?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Sadly, when merging multiple sites rather than only changing the domain, it can vary from site to site for how long it takes.


  6. Samson Ogola

    This tutorial is always my go-to piece whenever I’m moving or redirecting a website. A life-saver I must say.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide can help :)


  7. John Akpama

    Thanks for being such an immense help. I have a challenge in using Duplicator. I went as far as creating the package and uploaded it to the new domain (a subdomain actually). The problem is when I try to install it I get a 403 error that keeps me stuck at the 1st step. How do I resolve this please?

  8. Ibrahim Garba

    I’m so excited! Finally moved my wp site without any issue. Thanks

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our guide could help :)


  9. Himanshu Nishad

    Here, you told the old domain is redirected to the new domain.
    If I have to show a website in the old domain name. I will be able to upload website old domain name?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would need to clarify your question. If you redirect the old domain but want a site on the old domain then you would need to remove the redirection for the site content to show


  10. zeeshan malik

    as usual very well explain each step. i want to add one more point some websites leave a message in old domain when someone visit to old domain he
    reads about website transferred to an other domain like stumble upon when i visit to this site i read stumble up move to mix.

    i want to know is it possible to move data like classified ads from one website (website created in WordPress to another website with same domain name but CMS platform change to Joomla or Drupal or in reverse? without effecting website SEO?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Changing platforms will always have a temporary effect on your SEO but overall there shouldn’t be any long-lasting effects on your site’s SEO


  11. Ana

    Best articles on the planet! Thank you WPBeginner for making life so much easier for the non-tech website owners!

    Keep up the good work

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you, glad you like our articles :)


  12. Alix

    Thank you so much for this!

    I always thought this was a daunting task but you have made it so very easy.

    Great article.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you, glad we could help simplify the process :)


  13. Paul Therond

    How long do you recommend keeping the old website domain redirecting to the new domain for the purposes of SEO? Is it best to keep it forever or is there a point where all the juice from the old domain has been passed onto the new one and the old domain can be discarded?

    Thanks for your article it gave me the push to finally do the rebrand launch!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Sadly, that question varies from site to site and what works best for the individual


  14. Michael Chibuzor

    Thorough content. Thank you. My question is, in Step 3 you said “make sure the root domain is completely empty.” I’m a bit confused here. I want to be able to move an old site to a new one site, these are not empty domains but functional websites with about 50 pages each.

    The reason why I want to merge Site A and Site B (the main site becomes Site B) is because they’re both in the same industry, so I want to stay focused.

    Can I still use this tutorial to migrate my old site to the new site — seeing the root domain isn’t completely empty?

    Please help me.

    • WPBeginner Support

      For what it sounds like you’re wanting to do, you wouldn’t want to use this guide, you would want to import your content on to the site where you want it to appear and then have your hosting provider set the secondary domain to point toward your primary domain.


  15. Martin

    Hi. This is not redirecting the main domain (e.g but only every other link after it. How to redirect even the main domain?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may want to check with your hosting provider to ensure they’re not preventing the redirect in some way


  16. Cassandra

    I am stuck at step 3. I try to go to (yes I use my domain name) and nothing happens. It just takes me to my site welcome page saying a new webpage will be built soon. I cannot get the duplicator app to come up. I saw other comments on here to use www. first but that also does not work. Help please!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may want to check with your hosting provider to ensure they don’t have a plugin or temporary page that would be preventing you from seeing the location or logging into a pre-installed WordPress site.


  17. Arup

    Well described.

    But I am not using any cPanel right now. What I supposed to do on that step. Pls help.

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on what your host is using for the steps you need.


  18. chandranath shetty

    Great Article

    What if i wanted to keep the some artcile in old domain and move around 200 articles to new domain

    Will 301 redirects are sufficient to pass the link juice

    • WPBeginner Support

      It will keep some of the SEO, however, if you’re not transferring the entire site then you would lose any weight your domain added to your articles.


  19. Corina

    Hi! Thanks so much for your help and guidance. I’ve just written to the Google Search Console community.


  20. Corina

    I followed the steps you guys mentioned above and I got to step 5 – notify Google. After verifying my new domain, I tried the change of address from my older one to the new one and I got stuck. When I go to the “change of address” page/ pick your new site from the list, it does not show me the new site. I clicked on “add it now” and it does show up on that page along with the older domain. Yet, I cannot pick it from the list (it does not show no matter what I do). I verified the site several times with TXT and via Bluehost.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may want to check with Google’s search console that you are the owner of both domains in the system as that can sometimes be the issue.


      • Corina

        Hi! Thanks for getting back to me.

        I am the owner of both domains. I checked for each domain in Google Search Console/ Settings/Ownership verification. It says “you are a verified owner” for both of them.

        Sorry, I’m not a technical person, so I don’t know what I don’t know and I’m at a loss.

        Thanks so much for your help with this!


        • WPBeginner Support

          Sadly, you may need to reach out to the support forums for the Google search console and let them know you’re domain is not a selectable option

  21. joei

    Hello, do you have tutorial how to make to without losing SEO hope you reply i needed this tutorial.

    Thank you.

  22. Lee

    Is this the same process if I want to move only my all posts to a new domain?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You could certainly follow this method and then remove everything that isn’t a post. Another option would be to set up a new site then export only your posts under Tools>Export to import them on the new site using Tools>Import


  23. Odidi Junior Meshach

    This article helped me alot brooo. I have bookmarked it.
    Today was able to move my old domain to my new one

    Thanks alot wp beginner ☺.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our guide could help :)


  24. Eddie

    Hi, how about domain redirect from domain provider dashboard (namecheap as example)?
    I don’t want continue pay old hosting, because is expensive.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to reach out to your new hosting for their method to transfer the domain as each provider can have a slightly different method.


  25. Leo


    I need to design a new wordpress site with a new theme.
    I want to do it in a subdomain while the original website keeps working.
    I have thought that when finished designing the whole site, migrating it to the main domain, overwriting the former site.

    Is it possible?
    Does this keeps the SEO ranking of the original site?

    I’d be very grateful if somebody could answer.


    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to check with your hosting provider for if they have an option for a staging environment to do what you’re wanting. Depending on the changes you make it could affect your SEO.


  26. Raúl Morales

    Hi! Thanks for this article.

    I followed the instructions with a test site and everything worked perfectly. But now that I’m trying to move my main site (7+ GB), Duplicator shows error after error related to my hosting. I’m trying to move both to another host and another domain. Any ideas on alternatives to Duplicator?


    • WPBeginner Support

      We do not have an alternative recommendation at the moment but if you reach out to the plugin’s support they may have a recommended workaround.


  27. Fred

    moving all business under parent X to Z to
    content from X into sub folder of Z
    any particulars to be aware of?

    • WPBeginner Support

      The plugin should handle moving the content to the correct url


  28. john

    I am currently running a wordpress site which i built 4years ago. Now my client wants to change the feel of the website. i just bought another theme for the for the new website. 1. How do i build the new website without disrupting the old site? 2. How do I easily switch the new site with the old site ? Any answers

  29. Narendra

    I only want to change hosting. While wanting to keep the same domain. For that we need to build the database on new hosting Or upload the old one.

  30. Nourdin

    Can i change my dmain name to be with www.
    With the same name
    The exisiting one does not have www
    But i am planinig to move it to be with www.

    Both names has almost the same DA, PA and moz rank.

    I am worry about the rankning in google?

    Best Regards

  31. Eyad

    I did this successfuly 2 years ago when I changed my business name and domain. As far as SEO goes, do I still need to keep my old site hosted after 2 years? The old site is still redirecting to new site. please let me know, thanks!

    • WPBeginner Support

      After two years it normally becomes personal preference on if you should maintain the old site, it is not required.


  32. Saweel ur Raheem

    Thank you for creating such an article.

    I have redirected my 1st website with 301 (Permanent) to the 2nd website. Its been almost 5 months and my second website isn’t at the same Domain Authority.

    Why not all Domain Authority of my old domain has transferred to my new domain?

    • WPBeginner Support

      There are too many possible reasons for a change in domain authority, it could be anything from a Google algorithm change to any other factors.


  33. Jimmy

    This is really an awesome guide. Just a question.

    Since the site is relatively new and not much traffic is coming, After the files have been moved to a new domain, instead of redirecting 301, can I just delete the old site?

    I really need your thoughts on this guys!

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you’re not worried about traffic to the old domain, you could certainly do that


  34. Eyad

    I did this successfully two years ago because I changed business name and domain, but I have a question regarding my old domain (which is still redirecting to new domain). I did this to keep all SEO from old site. Should I still continue to keep my old site hosted? Or is it safe, after two years, to remove hosting from old site.

    • WPBeginner Support

      After 2 years it is normally safe to remove the old site completely.


  35. Javed Isaac

    Hi Thanks for sharing this awsome guide. Can i know you that how much it will take time to moving old domain to new domain url in google. And, I have DA PA high of .com domain now i have move on .net some cause of issue. So my old domain DA PA will move on new one i mean on .net.?

    • WPBeginner Support

      For the change of address, if both domains are verified then it should take effect once you submit.
      Following this guide will minimize the effect to your domain authority and page authority but no matter what, if you change your domain you will take a hit even if it is a small hit.


  36. Kwabena Okyire Appianing

    I just want to know if i move the entire files from the old domain to the new domain, will it affect the site

    i did that with the cpanel move tool

    • WPBeginner Support

      Doing that you would have moved the files, you would want to ensure you update the urls for your site and in your site’s content as well as inform Google of the move


  37. Farukh Hussain

    Hello, Thankx for helping my all life with each and every WordPress issue. I dont have words to thank for your all efforts to make our life easier with WordPress.

    I also just changed my domain name with your most helpful step by step guide. I am stuck at one point. To redirect my old urls to my new URLs. Do I need a hosting plan for the old domain??

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you use the method in the article you would want hosting for the old domain for some time. If you check with your hosting provider, some of them have methods to point the old domain to the new one.


  38. chris

    Good day Wpbegginer, thanks for this insightful article, I have one question though, Am running a WordPress multisite with sub-directories and I wish to change the domain name of the multisite, my confusion is during the migration will my subdirectories be carried along and change to the new domain i.e (newdomain/subdiretory1) or do I need to add them manually all over again, thanks..

  39. George

    I have completed all the steps to move the website to a new domain.
    The front end works fine: articiles, links, etc.

    The problem: when I try to do to admin dasboard or any link from Admin, I get a blank page: HTTP ERROR 500
    Any solution?


  40. Patrick Alvarez

    I’ve done a 301 redirect of an entire website from to Can I know delete wordpress and all of the files on the old site?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Patrick,

      If you have setup redirects using .htaccess file on your old site, then yes you can backup your old WordPress files and then delete them.


  41. Tan_veer

    Intaller.php is not opening after putting, it’s showing 404 error. But I uploaded installer and package on new domain using FTP. I want to transfer existing domain to new domain on existing host and I register the new domain under my existing host as an addon domain.

  42. David

    i want to move my blog to a new url, but on the same host, how can i go about that

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi David,

      If you want to add a new domain name, then you will need to register the domain name and then add it to your hosting account. Visit the cPanel dashboard and under domains sections you will find the option to add new domain.


      • Davies

        I uninstalled the host under the old domain and installed it on a new domain and also imported the backup on the new domain, but am having issue redirecting the old domain to the new one, here are the domains and the new one (new)

  43. Juan Pablo Silva

    Hy.. I opened a new domain to improve my blog because I was using Now I want o ensure that all my post are automatically redirected to my new domain. I have a very successful post and I don’t want to lose my SEO. Its possible to do this in the same way???

  44. Kiran Bulbule

    Your all tutorials are great. I almost learn full wordpress from webeginner. Now, about this tutorial i think you should create a tutorial on All in one migration plugin it is very simple and easy.

  45. Mike

    Great article but needs to be updated. Google sites changed a lot, especially Webmasters, which is just a meta category for few other tools. There is no changing site adres as shown above or maybe it moved to non-findable location? Also new tools are available so almost everything has changed…

  46. kunal kumar

    Sir, i want to ask a question please see this first and answer me ASAP. i read your article/blog thats why i ask this question.

    I was using a domain and a wordpress site is running on it.
    last month in may2018 the mistake happen renewal of hosting is done but domain renewal was skipped. and now that domain become approx one lakh rupee domain, which is not in mu budget. so i think when it will skipped by godaddy after redemption period then i will purchase it.

    Till then i purchased a new domain j”only s added”. and now i want my old site data and its seo all will come on this new domain.

    i repeat now i have no any access of old domain but i can access web hosting where my data is held

    so how i will migrate this or transfer old website data to new domain without loosing seo .please help

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Kunal,

      You just need to point your new domain name to the folder where your old website files are stored. We are assuming you have added the new domain name on the same hosting account. Go a head and edit your domain settings, contact your hosting provider for support.

      After that you will have to update URLs in your new WordPress site.


  47. walter rios

    When simply changing domain name to current site, does any changes had to be made to nameservers?

  48. Raju

    I also want to follow the same steps but Do I need to buy new hosting?

    Do I need to delete old site content?

    How can I access old site .htaccess file?

    Thank you :)

  49. Mohammed

    Thanks for the article.
    I have been wondering, after all the process and 301 redirects what happens to my old domain?
    Best regards,

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Mohammed,

      You need to keep the old domain alive as long as possible so that you don’t miss any traffic. However, if you don’t want to, then you can let your old domain expire after at least 6 months.


  50. Jeremie


    Thank you for your tutorial.
    I’m having an issue with Google.

    When I want to notify the change of address, the 3rd step to verify my website always failed. The weird thing is, if I remove the redirection, the verification goes through (but then the 2nd step where Google checks the redirection fails).

    Any idea what I’m doing wrong?

    Thanks for your help!

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