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Moving Squarespace to a WordPress website























WordPress dashboard






  • 基本ページはすべてWordPressのページとしてエクスポートされます。
  • 1つのブログページがエクスポートされ、WordPressのページリストに「ブログ」として表示される。
  • そのブログページの下にあるすべてのブログ投稿がWordPress投稿としてエクスポートされます。
  • ギャラリーページがエクスポートされます。
  • テキスト、画像、埋め込みブロックがエクスポートされます。


  • 商品ページ、アルバムページ、イベントページはエクスポートされません。
  • 音声ファイル、動画ファイル、商品ブロックはエクスポートされません。
  • スタイルの変更やカスタマイザーは含まれません。
  • フォルダーやインデックスページは省かれる。
  • 複数のブログページがある場合は、そのうちの1つだけがエクスポートされます。



Squarespaceアカウントの設定 ” サイトに移動し、「コンテンツのインポートとエクスポート」タブをクリックします。

Squarespace export content



Exporting content from Squarespace



Export Squarespace data



Download Squarespace export





WordPress管理エリアにログインし、左メニューのツール ” インポートに進みます。選択できるプラットフォームのリストが表示されます。


Install WordPress importer


完了したら、「Run importer」リンクをクリックして続行します。

Run importer

次の画面で「Choose File」ボタンをクリックします。


Upload import file






Import settings




残念ながら、WordPressインポーターはSquarespaceサイトから画像をインポートすることはできません。 手動で画像をインポートする必要がありますが、自動化する方法もあります。

最初に行う必要があるのは、Auto Upload Imagesプラグインをインストールして有効化することです。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。



投稿日 ” すべての投稿ページに行き、上部にある表示オプションボタンをクリックするだけです。

Display all posts



Bulk edit all posts




Update all posts

こうすることで、Auto Upload ImagesプラグインがSquarespaceから外部画像をインポートし、WordPressのメディアライブラリに保存します。











WordPressの管理エリアで、設定 ” パーマリンクのページにアクセスする必要があります。


Choose permalink structure











Squarespaceアカウントの設定 ” 販売 ” 商品ページに移動し、「すべてエクスポート」オプションをクリックします。

Export products from Squarespace

商品をインポートするには、WooCommerceのようなWordPress eコマースプラグインが必要です。











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Reader Interactions

69件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Elodie

    I am going to migrate my site from Squarespace to WordPress but I would like to do it without interrupting the activity of my current page. The name of the site should stay the same (URL) so is it possible to set up WordPress site properly without making a Squarespace site under construction? And then switch smoothly to WordPress when WordPress site is ready (keeping the same URL address)? Can I start creating the site in WordPress panel without mapping it to any domain at the beginning?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to check with your hosting prover of choice to see if they have a temporary domain option and that would let you set up the site before changing the domain’s nameservers :)


  2. Bill

    My SquareSpace export file is 13 mb, but the WordPress importer limits the file size to 8 mb. Any suggestions on how to get around that?

  3. Sarah

    Hello! These were great instructions and everything worked well! Can I ask why you advise to add “blog-1” to the permalink vs. just “blog”? My squarespace links are set up as Is it ok if I just put “blog” or is there some reason to do “blog-1”? Thanks!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Blog-1 was an example for this article, if your site uses blog then you would want to use blog :)


  4. Kerri

    This just saved me hours of work. Clear instructions and all worked exactly as stated. Thank you.

  5. Ross

    When I go to do Step 4, my WordPress site times out every time after I press update. I’m transferring a website with a few hundred blog posts that each have their own image, and I’m fearing that I will have to upload them individually at some point. Specifically I get a 502 error, taking too long to complete. Any idea how to help with the auto upload images process?

  6. Benjamin

    I am trying to migrate my squarespace website to wordpress, but it seems like when i import the xml file to wordpress, it only contains 2 pages out of the 50 that i have on my squarespace.

    Do you have a solution?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You likely need to import the file again to ensure your import didn’t time out


  7. Maria

    My squarespace had two link structures. for my recipes. The older ones also had the date in them. And I also have for my lifestyle posts. How do I ensure that none of the links get broken in the move if I can only put one link structure in WP?

  8. Alan Say

    Can you also move across page & image metas from squarespace to WP?

    • WPBeginner Support

      The importers try but there is no guarantee that all of the information will be transferred.


  9. Saylani Cajayon

    I’m finishing my 14-day trial with Squarespace. I like the design and I was able to do multiple blog pages. I’m having second thoughts for the flexibility which others recommend in using However, if I choose WP managed hosting, will it be possible to have multiple blog pages?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can create separate category pages for your blog content for what it sounds like you’re wanting.


  10. Danny Cube

    I have currently my website with squarespace for 5 years now, I have a good positioning in google search, I dont want to loose it. If a move to wordpress I will loose it?

    • WPBeginner Support

      No, when you change the platform your site is on you may have a temporary change in position but you shouldn’t see a long term change.


  11. Chas

    Thanks, this guide is very useful.

    I found that for the import images function (using the Auto Upload Image plugin) I needed to do both All Posts and All Pages twice – the first time I got a server error… not sure whether that was the plugin’s fault (it hasn’t been updated in 9 months), or whether it was down to a dodgy internet connection (we’re being battered by a storm at the moment and it often affects our internet!)

    Now I just need to choose a theme that looks something like the original website…

    Thanks again!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad you were able to transfer your content :)


  12. Zack

    Thank you so much for this guide. I plan to use it closely to move my Squarespace site to WordPress.

    My site is image heavy, and it may take a few days for me to follow all the steps. I have my own domain ( which I will be moving over. My concern is that once I start the process, my site will not work until I have it up on WordPress. I would want my domain to go to my squarespace site until I am ready to move over.

    I’m sure this is extremely common, so it’s surely an easy fix. What should I do?

  13. amily clarke

    Do you think it is still worth migrating to WordPress in 2019

    • WPBeginner Support

      As a WordPress tutorial site, we are a bit biased but yes, we still prefer WordPress :)


  14. Mike

    Hi, Thank you so much for this guide.

    Is there a way to import multiple blogs by re-exporting the XML from Squarespace and choosing a different blog each time? Will that put those posts in with the rest of your posts that were uploaded from a previous import to WordPress?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can import multiple blogs into one WordPress site but the posts would not be separated based on the site imported from


  15. Hillary

    Thank you for this helpful article. I’m running into an issue when trying to upload my .xml file that I’ve exported from Squarespace. The error message is:

    “This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number
    Try another file or contact support.”

    I’ve googled extensively and followed the advice I’ve found, such as editing the .xml file from version 1.2 to 1.1 but so far my wordpress flatly refuses to import my Squarespace file.

    Do you know how to fix this?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You likely would need to check with Squarespace to ensure there hasn’t been a change with how they create the export file.


  16. Kate

    Wow. Thank you so much for this article! It was extremely helpful and straightforward.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our guide could help :)


  17. rachel

    Hey there!

    We are in the process of rebranding our event planning company. Currently, the site is using Squarespace, but we found a wordpress theme that is to die for!!

    Is there any way to be working on the new WordPress theme until our Squarespace subscription expires in August without the Squarespace site going down?

    Essentially, we want the WordPress site ready to launch as soon as the Squarespace site expires.

    I do have my personal blog on WordPress already, so is there maybe a way to download the theme to my blog site, be editing it through there (without messing with my blog’s theme) and then export the theme and reimport it when we are ready to switch hosting platforms??

  18. Lucy

    I’ve been following the steps and managed to download WordPress through SiteGround. I have been given the link to my wordpress admin page, but when I click on it I get the error: 404 Not Found.

    Have I done something wrong? I’ve tried talking with SiteGround too, but not having much luck with this process at all.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may want to ensure your domain’s nameservers are pointed to the correct nameservers and you’ve cleared your browser cache as those tend to be common reasons.


  19. Robert Spivack

    Is this process still compatible now that WP 5.x has the new Guttenberg block editor?

    Ideally, I would like to end up using native WP editing and themes as much as possible.

    I had someone try to do a conversion and they used a plug-in called WPBaker/Visual Composer. I’m not excited about that – is my worry justified that isn’t the best approach?

    • WPBeginner Support

      The transfer process should still work with the most recent WordPress. The Visual Composer plugin is for customizing the style of your site and is not required.


  20. Jena

    Is there a way to export / import one page from Squarespace (and not the entire website)? I am trying to export just the blog section of an old website and import it to the new website I have created on WordPress? Can anyone advise?

  21. Bri

    The auto upload images plugin isn’t compatible with the latest version of WP. What other plugin can we use to transfer images?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Bri,

      It hasn’t been tested but it does work as of now. Please give it a try and let us know if it doesn’t work for you.


    • André

      I installed the Classic Editor plugin to disable Gutenberg and then it works for me

  22. Chrsitine Calabrese

    I did not make a website on SquareSpace but I bought the domain, NOW I can’t figure out how to point that domain to WordPress, I’m using Hostgator, I have the WP yet, I keep getting the Squarespace site when I put in my domain. HELP!

  23. Mana Parker

    So I followed all the steps to import my squarespace website to WordPress and when it was finished importing I received an email with a random link that didn’t lead to my site. How do I access my new theme on my WordPress site? Or did I do something wrong?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Mana,

      Your WordPress login URL is usually like this:

      Replace with your own domain name. After that you will be able to login using the username and password you entered during installation.


  24. Edward

    I followed your instructions to transfer from squarespace to Bluehost and use WordPress but lost almost everything. Now, I have no idea how to proceed.

  25. Edward

    I followed your instructions to the letter and still got messed up. Now I have no website and cannot afford for it to be down. Any suggestions.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Edward,

      At which point you noticed that it got messed up, were you able to import the content into WordPress?


      • Edward

        I seem to have lost the homepage which was at the beginning of the Website and had the pages with dropdown boxess to take people through the website.

        • Edward

          Is there a way I can unto this and go back to using sqauarespace until I figure this out?

        • WPBeginner Support

          Hi Edward,

          Yes you can point your domain back to your Squarespace site.

          You can also try to figure out what’s going on. For example, you can go to Appearance » Customize page in WordPress admin area to set up your WordPress theme.

  26. Trinity

    Hello (again) — quick questions

    1. I can work within my “temp” url until I update the DNS server so my domain name can switch from squarespace to wordpress — do I do this within Squarespace? currently my imported work is within the temp URL but i also have a url as well. I’m assuming once I update the dns server, will be activated. I bought the premium plan so not sure why I have “”.

    2. Do I need to buy a plan since I already have a domain name?? It seems to be a bit redundant to me..

    Thanks so much!

      • Trinity

        I did read the other post but I guess something got lost in translation lol seems that I did all I was supposed to do and more.

        I’ll cancel my plan since it makes no sense.

        Thanks so much!! ::)

  27. Trinity

    Thank you!!! This was soo soo soo easy and such a godsend! You guys are great

  28. Yechiel

    I only want to import my Blog into WordPress, is there a way to do that? If I understood correctly it will import my entire site which I don’t want.


    • WPBeginner Support

      Hello Yechiel,

      Once you have imported content you can easily delete content that you don’t want to keep.


  29. Scott

    I assume this works with Wix, as well. I actually have already moved my site from cks Wix to WordPress. However, I named the URL for my WordPress site a different name than my Wix site, so I could keep my original site while making the transfer. I now need to make my WordPress site the same URL as the one I was using for my Wix site. How do I do that?

  30. John Bratincevic

    Howdy. What if you have a custom domain e-mail address through your squarespace registration? Is there a way to get that moved over too? The e-mail is through Google…


    • WPBeginner Support

      Yes, you can simply update your Domain’s name servers and point them to your new WordPress host.


  31. Elise

    I am banging my head against the wall trying to make this work. I followed all of these steps exactly. But every time I try to import the XML file to WordPress, it gives me a “Page Not Found” error. Any idea what went wrong or what I’m doing wrong?

  32. Helena

    Anyone facing issues with the import where a lot of useless tags are imported into each WordPress post? I got to manually delete a lot of items and was wondering how I could avoid it.

  33. Aaron

    In your step 3, if your domain is pointed to Squarespace, you can’t log-in to wordpress… Any thoughts on the workaround?

    • WPBeginner Support

      When you sign up with one of the recommended web hosts, they will tell you how to point your domain to their servers. You can do that after exporting your content from Squarespace.


      • Aaron

        Yes, however I was wondering about getting your new WP site set-up and perfect while still keeping your Squarespace site live. Is that an option?

        • WPBeginner Support

          Yes it is possible. You can ask your web hosting service provider. Some of them offer a temporary subdomain, which you can use until you are ready to point your Squarespace domain to their servers.

  34. Isabel Saez


    I have to do something similar.
    I have a website in a url let’s say and its build and hosted with squarespace and In an other side I built a website on wordpress in a subdomain that my hosting ( has done it for me

    I would like to move the content and the whole site built on that subdomain with wordpress to the url

    So not longer I will use the squarespace platform. I just would like to use the url that squarespace is using into my new wordpress site.

    Do you know anything about this?



  35. Mitchell

    Hello WPBeginner:
    Thank you for timely help. I have no Squarespace experience, but I will be moving a Squarespace site to self-hosted WordPress next week.

    Big Squarespace problem is that images are displayed using non-standard “data-src.” Images from the site I am moving do not appear in Google image search.

    Best wishes,

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