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How to Easily Move Your Site from Joomla to WordPress












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Login to WordPress by click on the Edit Site button in Bluehost



WordPress admin area




まず、FG Joomla to WordPressプラグインをインストールして有効化します。詳細については、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドを参照してください。

有効化したら、WordPressダッシュボードからツール ” インポートページに移動します。WordPressインストーラで利用可能なインポートツールのリストが表示されます。Joomla(FG)インポーターツールの下にある「インポーターを実行」リンクをクリックします。

Run Joomla importer

これにより、Joomla (FG)インポータースクリプトが起動し、Joomlaのサイト情報を提供するよう求められます。


Provide your Joomla website information


System ” Global Configurationページに行き、’Server’ タブをクリックするだけです。

Gather your Joomla database information





Connection successful


Start / Resume Importer’ボタンをクリックして続けます。

Start or Resume the Import



Joomla import completed

WordPressサイトへのコンテンツのインポートが完了したら、次のステップは古いサイトを指している可能性のある内部リンクをチェックすることです。Joomla FGインポーターは、あなたのためにそれを修正することもできます。


Modify internal links






まず、WordPressの設定 ” パーマリンクのページにアクセスする必要があります。共通設定」セクションで、「投稿日」オプションをクリックします。


WordPress' permalink settings


有効化した後、ツール ” リダイレクトページにアクセスする必要があります。


Add New Redirection to Your Website

301 – Moved Permanently」オプションを設定し、「Add Redirect」ボタンをクリックして変更を保存してください。




別の方法として、JoomlaからWordPressにページや投稿をリダイレクトするためにAll In One SEO (AIOSEO)を使用することもできます。AIOSEOには、サイト全体のリダイレクトを設定できる強力なリダイレクトマネージャーが付属しています。

Enter new domain address for relocation


その他の強力な機能には、無制限のキーワード、スキーママークアップ、カスタムパンくずリスト、ローカルSEOモジュール、WooCommerce SEOなどがあります。











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Reader Interactions

104件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Joseph Matt

    I really appreciate this content as it’s insightful. However, I noticed you did not talk about the domain which we are supposed to install the wordpress before importing Joomla website.

    I’m asking this because I want to move my website from Joomla to WordPress however, I still want to maintain my domain name. It is also not possible to install to CMS on a domain though, I noticed the tutorial states that Joomla website must be live for the importation to work.

    My Question: How do I move from Joomla to WordPress while still maintaining my Joomla domain name on the new WordPress website.

    Thanks as I await your response.

    • WPBeginner Support

      For that, we would recommend checking with your hosting provider as some have a temporary URL or a staging site option that would allow you to set up the site without moving your domain name. It would depend on the specific host for the method that would need to be used.


  2. Pantelis

    Great info! What I do not understand is: As we need to pick a theme after the import is complete why migrate the website and not built it from scratch in the selected WordPress theme. What do we win from the migration? Thank you

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on how much content is on your site, the export attempts to move the content while the theme styles your content.


  3. Laura

    this article is definitely what I was looking for given that I was asked to update an old Joomla website and I decided to convert it into a WordPress website.
    I have a question: the Joomla website is very old (Joomla version running is 1.5.25). Would this technique work even with such an old version of Joomla?
    Thank you very much for your useful articles!

    • WPBeginner Support

      We have not tested with older versions at this time but it should work.


  4. Shahidul Islam

    Thanks for share this helpful article.
    If I migrate my Joomla site to WordPress then my all products will transfer from Joomla to WordPress or only the content & media will transfer on WordPress

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on how the products were added. If you reach out to the plugin’s support they can let you know if those products are transferred


  5. Igor

    hi, can i deactivate and delete plugin after finishing?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You should be able to remove the importer once you have completed your transfer.


  6. Mustafa Kamal

    is there any way to migrate the template too?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Not at the moment


  7. Yash

    I have a question, can i migrate my joomla site to wp locally?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You can certainly move your content from Joomla to a local WordPress site if you wanted.


  8. Klyde

    Can we use this conversion process if the website has more than one version of Joomla on it? It looks like ours (I am new) has mostly 2.5.0 but some components, modules, etc. are lower or higher.

  9. Caroline

    Our current website was built in Joomla years ago and we want to revamp it in WordPress.
    We want to keep the current domain name but we don’t want to keep the old Joomla content; instead we prefer to start fresh since most of the content is outdated, anyway. That said, I’d like to keep the old website “live” until the new website is ready to publish.
    Do I still need to technically “move” the site from Joomla to WordPress or can I just change the platform from Joomla to WordPress without importing the content?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you don’t want to keep the content then you could create your WordPress site from scratch without worrying about your content. You would just point the domain name to your host once you are ready for the new site to be live.


  10. uysy

    Hi WPB Team,
    I want to migrate my joomla site to WP. But I don’t have option to backup my Joomla site before i start migration to WP.
    Does WP plugin change anything on Joomla site during migration? Or this is only straight copy > to WP site?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It should only be copying your content from Joomla


  11. Javier Eraso

    Your guide is very useful for those who decided to migrate from one CMS to another. However, it is not accurate to say that Joomla is not as powerful or flexible as WordPress. I’ve been working with both for many years now and I can say that you are wrong. The fact is that WordPress is simply more popular and perhaps slightly easier to setup for very novice user with very basic functionality. It is like the Windows vs. Linux discussion.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thanks for sharing your opinion on the difference between the two


  12. Brad

    Joomla was the platform we originally built upon, yet the difficulty with imbedding a customizable favicon became a real issue as the website looked incomplete, amateurish, with the seemingly unchangeable default favicon (a Joomla logo). Other WordPress websites of ours easily customize favicon images, thus we have elected to go all WordPress at this time.

    Your post is a tremendous resource. Thank you!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you, glad our content was helpful :)


  13. Vinny Hebert

    How can you tell people that Joomla is not powerful or flexible? At Joomla’s core, it is more powerful and flexible than WordPress and more secure.

    • WPBeginner Support

      We do not say that it is not flexible or powerful, it is our opinion that WordPress is MORE powerful, flexible, and user-friendly


  14. Ronny Fretel

    How about a multilingual joomla site?? will WordPress support this?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Ronny,

      WordPress can be multilingual using third-party plugins. We are not sure if those plugins would be able to recognize and sort multilingual content from another platform.

      We would suggest that you import your Joomla site to a WordPress installed on local server first.


  15. Giulio

    Hello! Thank you for the great article.
    I have a Joomla website that I want to migrate to WP. I have no subdomains available and I want to install WP on a subdirectory of the website, then install the plugin, import all the Joomla data into WordPress and finally change WP installation from the subdirectory to the principal root.

    Do you think it’s a good way to do it?

  16. Gjergji Kokushta

    Thank you for the article, but I do have a question: MySite has Joomla installed. As I understood, I need to have another domain+hosting where WordPress is intalled, so I can migrate from to MyNewSite?

    Is there a way to do it within the same hosting account?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Gjergji Kokushta,

      Please contact your hosting provider. Many Joomla hosting providers also support WordPress. In fact, your account may already be fully ready to install WordPress. However, if it is not, then you will need to move but you still wouldn’t need to change domain names as you can point your existing domain to your new WordPress website.


  17. Faust

    you have to test these migration settings on a staging server if there is issues involved.

  18. Sarah Clarke

    I successfully moved my site from Joomla to WordPress. Thanks for sharing this important piece of information.

  19. monu

    I am very new to this field. I want to transfer my joomla website to wordpress. I have 3 domains parked on 1 hosting. When I installed wordpress for one of my domain which was working on joomla already, other website started working strangely.
    Can anyone assist me what should I do to use wordpress in place of joomla.

  20. clare

    Converting a hacked joomla site. Will this bring over the nasty that infected it?

  21. Helene

    How is the current existing WordPress site affected by the import of Joomla data? Do photos transfer over without premium?
    Does having a copy of the imported data live on another domain affect SEO?

    Thanks so much WPBegginner you guys have been so great!!

    Helene, WPnewbie

  22. xain

    i have a lot of products in my joomla website and i want to move them to my wordpress site and i want to keep links for seo…
    How can i move the products not articles?
    kindly help with it

  23. Amin

    I have question, i have a lot of products in my joomla website and i want to move them to my wordpress site and i want to keep links for seo…
    How can i move the products not articles?

  24. Faisal

    Hello All,

    I am completely new in this field. I find one classified template on Joomla. and its almost related to my requirement. they using plugins for DJ-monster.

    I am new on this. I want to start my classified web business on wordpress using woocommerece. can I use joomla classified template offline in my laptop and then transfer it in to wordpress or not. with DJ-monster plugins.

    this is the joomla template which i want to use.

    please your answer and guidelines will make life easier. as I am only the one person who investing limited budget on this business.

    many thanks in advance


  25. Alen


    great stuff shown here.

    I have a question. Is it possible to somehow “migrate” from joomla to wordpress if the joomla version is no longer online? I have everything stored locally.


    • WPBeginner Support

      Yes, there might be a few hiccups but its possible. Try to import your old joomla site into a WordPress installed locally first.


  26. Josh

    Hey WPBeginner thanks for a great article!

    I plan on moving my site from Joomla to WP but most pages on the Joomla site has a .html extension on the end of the URL.

    From my research it seems that it’s hard or not possible for WordPress pages to have .html extensions, only posts.

    Is there a way around this or should I just migrate the content and create the pages without the .html extension on the URL? I’m scared this will effect rankings and will take some time to get indexed by Google.


    • Abhi

      Hi you can use wordpress plugins to have .html extension of page and posts
      like the below one :

      Add HTML Extension to Specific Pages

      this may solve your problem
      Cheers… (y)

  27. Moshe

    I want to migrate a decent size online magazine that’s on Joomla to WP,

    Can you recommend someone that can do the actual migration for me?


  28. John Loty

    thanks for the article…I have, on the Joomla site, a customized theme/template…(home page)…Not sure of the correct term…I am assuming that I have to select or create a WP theme on the fresh WP site and that the import process will fit what it can and that I will have to make “adjustments” to get it all into WP?
    Is there a particular step to prepare for receiving content that was in the customized theme on Joomla? Ta

    • WPBeginner Support

      WordPress comes with a couple default themes pre-installed. The latest of the default themes will be automatically activated on your site when you install WordPress. You can import content from your Joomla site and then adjust or change your WordPress theme.


    • FAD

      Hi John,

      There is a way. you must need to implement and activate the theme and installed.
      Post that, you can see the latest imported content and with new layout.

      Let me know, if any help required.

  29. Chad

    Hi There, will this plugin allow me to import my members list from Joomla to WordPress?

    • Michael

      Any answer here? Can I import the member list from Joomla to WordPress if I use this plug-in?

      • FAD

        Hi MICHAEL,

        Yes, you can import members. Might need to go for premium plugin.
        Let me know, if any doubts.


  30. Arbel Martin

    This looks great!

    Was wondering if by importing the Joomla site, if it erases all the data from the Joomla site.

    For instance,

    I would like to create a copy of the joomla site on a test WordPress domain and edit it. Once the site is ready to replace the original Joomla site, then I would point it to the WordPress site.

    Would this be possible with this method?

    Thank you!

    • Helene

      Did you get an answer?
      Thanks!! ☺

  31. Riska Glenn

    Thanks for sharing, this article help me to migrating

    I was install wordpress on mydomain/dir and completely import content from Joomla using FG joomla to wordpress plugin. My question, how to move all content and database to public directory?
    Did you have article about it?
    Thanks before

  32. Lyle

    Thank you so much for the link to the FG Joomla! to WordPress plugin!

    Worked like a charm to import my 292 J! articles into my WP posts. Easy, quick and perfect!

  33. jyoti

    which version are you talking about?

  34. Abdo

    my is Joomla 2.5 and the import required a password..where i can find

  35. Laureleye

    Do modules transfer with the other content? If not, do you have any recommendations on how to transfer modules from Joomla to a WordPress page?

  36. hummble

    Again, might be a silly question but I am new-ish to WP. I have my site all migrated and set up with content (mostly) as I want it for now. Moved my old joomla site to a protected folder on the same server just in case I should ever need to refer to it again.

    Now my plugin manager keeps bugging me that there is a new version of the Joomla to WordPress available. But I shouldn’t need that, right? I’m all done with it. Can I delete the plugin without messing with the data it migrated for me?

  37. sushant

    can i migrate database from joomla to wordpress? If so, how?

  38. Ru

    if i import my website from Joomla to WordPress, the Joomla site will exist or will be automatically deleted?

    • prabin04

      well, import doesn’t mean move .. so your site will exist

  39. WPBeginner Staff

    You will need access to either phpMyAdmin on the server, or FTP access to modify configuration file.

  40. Johny

    May be dumb question but I only have access to Joomla Admin panel, not the installation directory. Is there a way to find DB password from admin panel without having access to configuration file?

    • Perry Mensah

      You can install an extension for joomla file system. com_extplorer can do it for you.

  41. WPBeginner Staff

    Linda at the end of the import process you can fix your internal links by clicking on the modify internal links button.

  42. linda

    maybe a dumb question, but how do I make the url go to my new wp-site instead of my old-joomla one? I guess I have to change that somewhere in my webhosting. But where?

  43. Karen

    Are there any issues with moving a Joomla site to WordPress on my local server to do development and then moving the new site back to replace the old site?

  44. Kuba

    Only 1 item imported but joomla site contain many articles. My Joomla version is 3.2.1

  45. H. Olden

    This is a great add to your articles and it worked like a charm. In fact, imported 5 years of data off my old Joomla 1.5 install and brought the site back up on WP. Thanks for posting…

  46. Dani M

    Do you know if there is a way of exporting the look and feel of the site not just the info?

  47. chrys


    I read in the previous comments that it’s better to have a new database when migrating on the same server. But what does it mean? If my host only provide me with one database, I’ll buy another and when I install wordpress in a new directory I give the details of the new database and when migrating joomla I give the joomla database code in the plugin. Thoses database are completely independent aren’t they? Then I move up the wordpress directory at the root and I’m done? All my content will have gone on my new database won’t it?

    By doing that, assuming I have kept the same domain name, I guess only my wordpress site will be live, but what about the old links that are still visible on google? Don’t I risk a duplicate content and be blacklisted? i’m a bit confused..
    Thanks !

  48. crooso

    i have joomla site, i need convert all them to wordpress.
    can i do export ALL THE THINGS into wordpress without deleting joomla site,

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yes you can and you should first import everything in WordPress. If you deleted your Joomla site before starting then you will not be able to import anything.


  49. babu

    hi iam nagababu i want to Migrate my existing Joomla website (1.5) to WordPress and i have one question can you please help me

    First what i have to do
    may i need to uninstall Joomla and fresh installation Of wordpress in existing domain

    Can you please clarify this

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you have joomla installed on the location where you would want to install WordPress then the best way to go is to create a new directory and then install WordPress in that directory. Once you have successfully migrated your Joomla site you can change your Domain’s settings to point to to the directory where WordPress is installed.


      • Kannan

        Hi there,

        When you say a new directory, do you mean a new folder under public_html? Thank you.

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