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How to move WordPress from local server to live site (2 methods)











次に、ドメイン名と ホスティングサービスが必要です。










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プロのヒント Duplicatorのプロバージョンもあり、安全なバックアップ、クラウドストレージ、簡単なサイトの復元などが可能です。

有効化した後、Duplicator ” Packagesページで’新規作成’ボタンをクリックしてください。

Create new package for migration



Name backup package



Build package



Download package files



ステップ2: WordPressサイトのデータベースを作成する




MySQL Database Wizard



Name new database


その後、新規ユーザーのユーザー名とパスワードを入力し、「Create User」ボタンをクリックします。

Create new database user



Check all privileges









Upload archive and installer files



Duplicator 移行ウィザードが起動します。


Duplicator migration wizard step 1

Setup セクションでは、MySQL ホスティングサービス、データベース名、ユーザ名、パスワードを入力するよう求められます。



Validate settings





Admin login









Export from localhost

Export method:’オプションで、’Quick’または’Custom’を選択できます。カスタマイザーでは、データベースをエクスポートするためのオプションが増えます。


Export WordPress database using phpMyAdmin






Upload WordPress files FTP

ステップ3: ライブサイトにMySQLデータベースを作成する




Select MySQL database wizard



Name and create new database



Create new database user


まず、’All Privileges’ チェックボックスをチェックする。

Check all privileges checkbox






Click on phpMyAdmin



Import database via phpMyAdmin







Browse the wp options table



Edit siteurl in phpMyAdmin


入力ボックスoption_valueには、ローカルインストールのURLが表示されます。http://localhost/test のようなものです。



edit the siteurl field



ステップ6: ライブサイトのセットアップ


このとき、サイトには「Error establishing a database connection(データベース接続の確立エラー)」というエラーが表示されているはずです。



// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define( 'DB_NAME', 'database_name_here' );
/** MySQL database username */
define( 'DB_USER', 'username_here' );
/** MySQL database password */
define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'password_here' );
/** MySQL hostname */
define( 'DB_HOST', 'localhost' );




その後、WordPress管理画面にログインし、設定 ” 一般に移動する必要があります。その後、何も変更せずに一番下までスクロールし、「変更を保存」ボタンをクリックします。

Save general settings


それができたら、設定 ” パーマリンクに行き、スクロールダウンして「変更を保存」をクリックし、すべての投稿リンクが問題なく機能していることを確認してください。

Save permalinks settings



1.Search & Replace Everythingプラグインを使ってURLを更新する(推奨)

これを解決する最も安全な方法は、Search & Replace Everythingを使用することです。これは強力なWordPressプラグインで、複雑なデータベースクエリーを書くことなく、簡単にサイトの一括更新作業を行うことができます。

まず、Search & Replace Everythingプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。

有効化した後、Tools ” WP Search & Replaceページにアクセスしてください。

Search and replace URLs from local to live site migration

ここから、’Search for’フィールドにローカルサイトのURLを、’Replace with’フィールドにライブサイトのURLを入力する必要があります。


Select tables



Preview changes






UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, 'localhost/test/', '');



Fixing WordPress images and broken URLs after moving to live site



この投稿が、WordPress をローカルサーバーからライブサイトに移行する際にお役に立てば幸いです。また、ライブサイトからローカルサーバーへの移行に関するガイド、または WordPress 移行の実践的な手順に関する究極のウェブサイト移行チェックリストもご覧ください。

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情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. James


    Any tips on how I can fix a broken link that is still using localhost for a calendar plugin that I installed?


  3. Karl

    I’ve bookmarked this page in the past for future reference after I had migrated my own site about a year ago. I dragged my feet getting backupbuddy and now, wow! That plugin is a bit too much for my budget. Will most likely use duplicator to migrate their site redesign from MAMP to live.

    Unfortunately, the client’s current WP install is a mess. I’m counting 6 db from previous and current site designs. I’m guessing it would be easier for me to just sweep clean all the old dbs (delete) and create a new one for my migration rather than trying to run duplicator and then have to wade through with phpmyadmin to fix any problems.

    I’ll keep this page up in my browser, just in case during migration, but I wish there was a way just to overwrite the current db with my redesign db without a need to then jump back in and make changes (via phpmyadmin). Would make the migration smoother.

    Too bad backupbuddy has raised their prices.

  4. fatemeh

    Hello \
    I have followed all the steps but there is nothing shown on my website , I dont know whats wrong , I do appreciate your help.

    You don’t have permission to access / on this server.

    Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    This is an error I got,

    Thank you

  5. Ian

    I really appreciated this tutorial – thanks. And following it to the letter has really helped solve most of my issues. However there is one that remains. The “live” site appearance looks very much like the “localhost” site, with one exception. When I go to the Dashboard and “edit” a page live, none of the text normally visible is available for me to edit. When I go to “Preview Changes” it shows a blank screen. Is there another flaw in the database structure I have missed in the conversion/upload process? Can you show me where I might have gone wrong for this to happen please? Ian

    • WPBeginner Support

      Try updating your permalink structure. Simply visit Settings » Permalinks and then click on the save changes button without changing anything.


  6. peter

    After importing the local database to live server, my cpanel phpadmin is not working. cant access it anymore.please help

    HTTP error 404

    The requested page was not found.

    Possible reasons why you are seeing this page:

    A bookmarked URL may have changed since you last visited.
    The URL was entered incorrectly.
    The URL was entered with inaccurate capitalization (URLs are case sensitive).
    Please re-check the URL you are trying to reach. (Go Back)

    Copyright© 2016 cPanel, Inc.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Please contact your WordPress host for support, they will be able to help you better.


  7. Rajeev

    Hi, this tutorial has worked very well and I have migrated a locally hosted wordpress site on to GoDaddy webhosting services however when I try to log in to my website (wp-admin) it redirects to a 404 error. Any suggestions on why this is happening and what to do to solve this?


    • WPBeginner Support

      Have you changed site URL? Remember and are considered two different domains. Also make sure that you haven’t installed WordPress in its own subdirectory. In that case, your wp-admin login url will be something like


    • Vinish Chaudhary

      Hello Rajeev,
      Did you find the solution for this 404 error?

  8. Gerald

    Hi Syed,

    I did all that was required and encountered a HTTP ERROR 500 with the notification “…currently unable to handle this request”. I’m not sure if it’s the theme I’m using that has a problem. It’s worked fine for me on another web server.

    Ant recommendations on how to fix this?

    The server seems to be running on php 5.5 while my localhost ran version 5.6. Does this affect it in anyway?

  9. vinay

    after completing 5th step when i go to the link mysit/wp-admin for next step I get these error plz help

    This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can’t contact the database server at . This could mean your host’s database server is down.

    i hv alredy udated my wp_config.php

  10. Kasoma

    thanks for the post but my log is not displaying and when i click the pages it shows internal server error. please help to fix that

  11. Sharon

    Your instructions were great, and love that you provided pictures as well.
    However, I am having an issue. I can see my site, I can see the images for the logos and pictures I have added, but the themes are not loading. They are showing up as blank. I am not sure where to start?

    When I ran your sql script through my database I get a an error #1146 – Table ‘mcintyre_wp.wp_posts’ doesn’t exist.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  12. Owen

    This is a great tutorial, easy to follow and gets the job done!

  13. JESH

    Hi there, thank you heaps, I have sorted it out. My website domain is now stuck on . How do I get rid of the I am worried that if I change the URL on WordPress it will stuff everything up and I want to be sure I know what I’m doing. Appreciate the help.

  14. Najeeb


    Very good tutorial.

    I would like to know is it better to design a website on a local wordpress server then upload on a server like hostgator or it is also better to buy a domain on hostgator and create a wordpress website in live environment?

    Please let me know i am new to this.

  15. Jesh

    Hi there,
    absolute frustration has caused me comment for help. I have been trying to upload my site from local to live using MAMP and FileZilla. I have followed your steps as well as others MANY times but still to no avail. Your guide is very good and I have followed the whole thing to the end but every time I go to view my site it comes up with the domain then . The page is an “index of” page and it won’t let me go any further. I have tinkered around with the settings but really don’t know what to do except smash my computer. Can you recommend anything? …a sledgehammer?

    • WPBeginner Support

      When uploading files from your computer to your website, make sure you are uploading them in the correct directory. If you are not sure, then ask your web hosting service provider. Typically its called /public_html/ but it varies from one web host to another.

      Also make sure that you are uploading only your WordPress files and not including the MAMP files and directories in the upload.


  16. Gale

    Just wanna let you know, you guys are freaking awesome! This is such a great tutorial! I’d been stuck for days with the links not working and you’re the only ones mentioning saving the settings! Thank you so much!

  17. Rajat


    I just started using Hostgator. I had created a website using WAMP. I have the .sql file and the wordpress files. I am still not able to get that website show up on my domain. Can you please tell me what can i do in this regard.

    Thanks for your help.

  18. Gary Pippin


    I have created a wordpress website and it is still not live. When i open the url in browser it says “This url is under construction : Coming Soon”.. Could you please help me with this issue.


    • WPBeginner Support

      1. Your site may have a plugin installed that is used to display this page.
      2. Your domain name may not be pointing to the directory where you have your WordPress site.

      Please contact your web host, they will be able to help you better.


  19. nick

    i dont get it. like my site is live but it still have broken links and images. im trying to fix it with the my sql quary way but everything i fill in as local site and live site URLs it says 0 rows affected and theres nothing that changed. So can you explain which urls i have to fill in exactly

    • Julian

      Hello Nick,
      Are you using the query on the live phpmyadmin dashboard?
      Make sure you do it on the live site through Cpanel and not on your local environment.

  20. Kishokumar

    Great word buddy, i didn’t know about this until now. Thank you so much.

  21. Learner

    Hi, I’m learnin wordpress, I’m trying to migrate my website to a new domain and new host. Should I need to activate wordpress on my new hosting account before I load from my backup website. Thanks for your help.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Depends on what kind of backup you have. If it is an XML or RSS file, then you should first install WordPress and then import your content from those files. If the back contains database and complete WordPress files, then you need to extract and upload WordPress files to your new host and then import database from backup.


  22. Priyangga

    All works great!! but the theme doesn’t completely loaded, is the any issues? please help!!

  23. Yuri

    Thanks for the article, but ima kinda desperate here…

    Lost 4 hours of working trying to figure out why in my webserver the index page keeps BLANK, even after connected the database. And my admin page gives me the error not found, i’ve been searching for a solution and nothing helps.

    thanks in advance

  24. Steve

    Worked perfectly! Thanks.

  25. Croiche Jim

    thanks a lot :)


  26. precious osasumwen

    pls help. i get this error when i try to access my phpadmin in my wamp server.

    phpMyAdmin – Error

    Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly. Also ensure that cookies are enabled in your browser.

    what do i do sir

  27. Sneha


    I have created my website on my local server and also I have used action method to navigate to different pages. But on these action methods I have given localhost permalinks only as destination address. So do I have to replace it with live address everywhere in the code or is there some method by which i can replace it at once.

  28. Chris Cal

    I’m not one to usually comment but this is an excellent post.
    Great work Syed and team. Greatly appreciated.
    Cheers, Chris.

  29. Leslie

    It was the .htaccess file!!! But I had to upload a completely new file. Thanks!!!

  30. Courtney

    Any tutorials for when you have forgotten your phpMyAdmin login info? I am stuck at the beginning! It has been a while since I have needed to login and cannot for the life of me remember. I used this site as a tutorial to set up but cannot figure out how to reset. I have seen some tutorials to reset but I am afraid it is going to mess things up as I am not an expert. Any suggestions or tutorials you can point me to? TIA

  31. Tyane

    I’m stuck on step 6. I edited the wp-config. file and uploaded it. It gave me six errors, with most of them beginning with, ” unexpected beginning of statement” followed by the position each error is listed. I’m very new to this and my IT husband is out of town till Friday.

  32. barshan hassan

    Thanks… I love u

  33. leon

    works really well!

  34. geeuy

    great tutorial!
    worked like a charm!

  35. ashkan

    hi there tnx for this article

    i did all these steps and my site is up now but when i click on other pages or links i faced this eror
    (Internal Server Error)

    in fact I just can see the homepage

    can You tell me about This?

    • Thatguy91

      I had the same issue, go to the permalinks page and click the save button. I think it needs to “resave” the permalinks again somewhere once migrated.

  36. mtahirian

    I have uploaded my site live. but unfortunately i can’t go to wordpress admin. the wordpress admin is working fine on local server. it has problem keep telling that : Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/………/public_html/wp-content/plugins/js_composer_theme/js_composer.php:1) in /home/porseshresearch/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1228

    Please Help

    • WPBeginner Support

      Seems that js_composer_theme plugin is not working. Connect to your website using FTP and then download the plugin to your computer. After that you can delete the plugin from your server. This should resolve the issue.


      • mtahirian

        Thanks for responding.
        I did, as told. but the whole site is smashed up and can’t get the design correct. I need the COMPOSER.

  37. wpbeginner

    Thank you very much for your wonderful tutorial.
    I am having a problem where my website is only accessible through but not accessible through
    May I know what can be done to solve this?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Your blog is hosted as a subdomain. You will need to export it to your main domain.


      • wpbeginner

        My subdomain folder is in public_html folder.
        May I know where should I export it for it to be in my main domain?
        Your help is greatly appreciated.

  38. awoyemi ayomide

    thanks it help me a lot

  39. Lars Breum Hansen

    I am stuck at step 6. My site is live, but instead of going to my main page, It show my themes default main page, at gives me an 404 (because it can’t find posts, but my main page is set to be static). And I can’t login as admin, becuase then it gives me the 500 internal error?

  40. Kim Macc


    This article is great thank you!! I have done everything and the site is live but the pages are not linking/working i get an ‘internal server error’

    please help me fix this as soon as possible. have done the SQL query but to no avail.

  41. AP

    Make sure hidden files are copied over as well as part of Step 2

  42. Ebune

    i had a problem in the step where i am to change localhost/test. to my site name. i cant really see an edit but to change that stuff. also, when i try to upload my database, it gives me an error. please can anyone help??? am in a deep shit right now

    • Dang Ng

      You could try writing an SQL statement to modify that cell and see what MySQL say

  43. Mayur

    My website is
    I have changed my server , i took backup of wp files and mysql before my server service expired. Now i am on a new server, uploaded and extracted wp files in public_html, i am. Getting an error – error establishing database connection, hoe should i solve this error?

  44. Caitlin

    Hi! I ran into a problem in step 6: “To fix this, connect to your website using an FTP client and edit wp-config.php file. Provide the database name, user and password you created earlier in Step 3. Save the wp-config.php file and upload it back to your server. Visit your website, and it should be live now.”

    I did that and it didn’t work, so I started to edit where it said “localhost” and changed it to my domain.

    I’m a totally newbie so any help would be appreciated!

  45. ananta

    owh… maan… this is what i am looking for all day long… finally found your article. it’s very helpful. now, my site is live. thank you. good work by the way.

  46. Raj jain


    How can I solve this error. Reply urgently.

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 32 bytes) in /home/sitename/public_html/wp-includes/pomo/mo.php on line 236

  47. Elise

    Hello, I’ve been following all these steps but when I’m doing the export but when I’m importing in my OVH database I can only see wp_commentmeta and wp_comments instead I’ve selected all tab during the export and choose custom and the gzipped format
    Do you know what’s happening here?

  48. Amey mankar

    Thank You so much. It help me alot.

  49. Mboule A

    I tried changing localhost to my domain name but it isn’t going. I need help. I’ve tried both methods. Both the plugins and using the SQL code

  50. Bessong william

    thanks you for you tutorial, but am still a beginner in web developping, i need you to teach me with a plugin like BackupBuddy or Duplicator or what ever!!!, how to migrate my website from local to live production site

  51. cmunozro

    Can’t access my website.
    Error al establecer una conexión con la base de datos (unable to connect to data base)

    I try accessing thorough the IP as the domain is not transfered yet. I’m not sure in the wp_options and in wp_config what data should I use.

