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JavaScriptはクライアント・サイドのプログラミング言語です。ウェブサーバーではなく、ユーザーのウェブブラウザによって実行されます。JavaScriptを一番上に置くと、ブラウザーはページの残りの部分を読み込む前にJavaScriptを実行したり処理したりする可能性があります。JavaScriptを一番下に置くと、ウェブサーバーが素早くページをレンダリングし、ユーザーのブラウザーがJavaScriptを実行します。サーバー側のレンダリングはすべてすでに行われているため、JavaScript はバックグラウンドで読み込まれ、全体の読み込みが速くなります。




基本的な例として、WordPressテーマにJavaScriptを追加してみましょう。JavaScriptを.jsファイルに保存し、その.js ファイルをテーマのjsディレクトリに置きます。あなたのテーマにJavaScripts用のディレクトリがない場合は、作成してください。スクリプトファイルを配置したら、テーマのfunctions.phpファイルを編集し、次のコードを追加します:










Finding source of a script in WordPress






プラグインやテーマがヘッダーやコンテンツの間に生のJavaScriptを追加していると仮定してみましょう。プラグインやテーマのファイルから生のJavaScriptコードを見つけ、JavaScriptをコピーして.jsファイルに保存します。次に、上記のようにwp_register_script() 関数を使用して、JavaScriptを一番下に移動させます。


スクリプトをフッターに移動させる以外に、より高速なソーシャルメディアプラグインや 遅延ロード画像の使用も検討すべきです。さらに、W3 Total CacheとMaxCDNを使用してサイトスピードを向上させましょう。


情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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Reader Interactions


  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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    You can get more details about the contest from here.
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  2. Ravi

    Will my plugins update normally when i move their js to single file? I am a newbie.

  3. WPBeginner Staff

    There are multiple ways to do it. One that is most common is to paste JavaScript files loaded by different sources into one single JS file and then enqueue it.

    • Catharine

      Great, thanks!

  4. Catharine

    Hi Syed, thanks for the tutorial. However I am a complete noob and have a very basic question. For that piece of code you posted (the entire function etc), do we need to add that in the functions.php file for every single bit of javascript we want to enqueue? I guess what I’m asking is, how would you format that code if you had more than one piece of javascript that was being loaded in the headers of more than one page?
    Your help would be greatly appreciated!

  5. Marc Jacobs

    hi, great tutorial. I have a question though. I ran my website through Google Page Speed Insights and got the warning that I had to eliminate render blocking Javascript (and css) to boost my page speed. I read the information on this website (great read!), but I cannot seem to find the php-files where the plugin “calls” for the js-files causing my website to lack speed. I have figured out what plug-in is causing most of the delay (Google-maps-ready), but I have no idea how to precoeed frpm there. I have searched every php-file in the plugin folder, but can’s find a js-file named remotely similar to the files mentioned in the google speed test:

    How do I figure out what php file to edit? Help wouldbe much appreciated!



  6. Basavaraj Tonagatti

    Hi, I recently moved to Genesis Framework+Eleven 40 Child Theme. I am also facing the same problem while I run the Google page speed test. But as I don’t know the exact way of doing, finding it difficult to make changes. Can anyone guide me what is the exact cause on my site and how to remove this Javascript issue? (I don’t know any styling languages and I am totally unware about these code languages.)

  7. Joseph Stanley-Hunt

    Thanks heaps, I have been wondering how to do this and some other tricks (which I have also found answers to on here).

    One question tho, I see there is no in-head in the paramaters. is that meaning that if the in_footer is set to false, it is registered in the head automatically?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yes, the default value for in_footer is false. So you need to explicitly add in_footer to true otherwise it will appear in the head.


  8. Mike

    The plugin update immediately came to my mind too. Look forward to more advice on this.

  9. Jason

    Great article! I have been asking this questions for a long time because so many themes get penalized in Googls speed test due to java scripts loading first. Maybe others have known how to put these scripts in the footer.

    Again, thanks and I will try this out and tell you how it works.

  10. Jeremy Myers

    Great tutorial.

    But once we update the plugin, we will have to do this again, right? And every time the plugin updates?

    Is it possible to deregister the js in functions.php and then simply reregister it in the footer somehow?

  11. adam

    Hi, thanks for this useful tips. But, how to move .js of W3 Total Cache minify on head?
    That’s js location on cache in wp content, not wp plugin.

  12. Lucca

    Thx for valueable knowledge – keep up excellent work.

  13. Raj

    Nice and Simple guide. Thanks for posting this article to increase the speed of WordPress :)

  14. Danyel Perales

    Nice tip. Thanks for share !

