WordPress を個人のマシンに置くことで、本番サイトを危険にさらすことなく新機能を試したり、WordPress 開発に深く入り込んだり、本番前にウェブサイト全体を構築したりすることができます。WordPressプロジェクト専用のサンドボックスを持つようなものです。
WindowsでWordPressをローカルにインストールした場合、自分だけがサイトを見ることができることに注意することが重要だ。公開用のウェブサイトを作成したい場合は、ドメイン名と ウェブホスティングが必要です。
まず、Studio by WordPress.comのウェブサイトを開きます。そして、「Download for Windows」ボタンをクリックします。
Start」ボタンが「Running」に変わったら、ページ左上の「WP Admin」リンクをクリックする。
概要」タブにあるように、StudioダッシュボードからすぐにWordPressフルサイトエディタメニューにアクセスできます。また、’File explorer’をクリックしてWordPressウェブサイトのフォルダやファイルを開いたり、’Terminal’をクリックしてWP-CLIを使用してウェブサイトを管理することもできます。
Studio を使用する代わりに、ブラウザからローカル Web サイトに直接ログインしたい場合があります。その場合、wp-adminの認証情報を知っておく必要があります。
まず、Local WPソフトウェアをダウンロードし、Windowsコンピューターにインストールする必要があります。ローカルWPのサイトに行き、「無料でダウンロード」ボタンをクリックするだけです。
詳細を入力したら、’Get it Now’ボタンをクリックするだけです。
次に、「My WordPress Website」のように、ローカルウェブサイトの名前を入力します。
Local WPは最新のPHPバージョンを提供します。ウェブサーバーは、NginxまたはApacheから選択できます。また、データベースはMySQLまたはMariaDBから選択できます。
ローカルのウェブサイトを立ち上げるには、右上にある「Start site」ボタンをクリックする。
次に、「WP Admin」ボタンをクリックすると、WordPressの管理者ログイン・ページが表示されます。
完了したら、「サイトを停止」ボタンをクリックして、Local WPソフトウェアからサイトを停止することを忘れないでください。
プロからのアドバイス: ログインプロセスをスキップしたい場合は、Local WPでワンクリック管理者ログインを有効にすることができます。
これを行うには、ローカルWPダッシュボードに戻り、’One-click admin’ボタンを’On’と表示されるまで切り替えます。次に、ドロップダウンメニューで、このワンクリック・ログイン機能を使用できる管理ユーザーを選択します。
代替案WordPress Playgroundを使ってテーマやプラグインなどをテストする
WordPress Playgroundは、ウェブブラウザ上で直接WordPressを試すことができる革新的なツールです。実際のウェブサイトに影響を与えることなく、新しいWordPressテーマ、プラグイン、機能を試すことができる仮想のサンドボックスです。
WordPress Playgroundは、いくつかの重要な点で、ローカルのWordPress環境とは異なります。
WordPress Playgroundは迅速なテストや学習に理想的ですが、Windowsコンピュータ上のローカルWordPress環境は、長期的な開発プロジェクトにより柔軟性を提供します。
詳しくは、ブラウザでWordPress Playgroundを使う方法をご覧ください。
- WordPressの基本的なTipsやトリックを学び、サイトをより良く使いこなしましょう。
- さまざまなWordPressテーマを試して、あなたのサイトがどのように見えるかを見てみましょう。
- WordPressに必須のプラグインをインストールしてテストし、サイトに新しい機能を追加します。
- WordPressのよくあるエラーを自分で修正する方法を学びましょう。
- ドラッグ&ドロップで作成できるページビルダーをいろいろ試して、サイトを見栄えよく仕上げましょう。
- ローカルホストのWordPress管理者パスワードをリセットして、サイトへのアクセスを回復する方法をご紹介します。
- 自動化されたワークフローを設定することで、サイトの管理が容易になります。
- ハッカーからサイトを守るために、WordPressのセキュリティについて学びましょう。
- みんなと共有する準備ができたら、ローカルのWordPressサイトをライブサーバーに移動しましょう。
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Leone Agoya
Thank you for this article. Very helpful and it works.
Vivek Sharma
Best tuts awesome explanation , best website
WPBeginner Support
Hey Vivek, glad you like our website. Don’t forget to join us on Twitter for more WordPress tips and tutorials.
Stephen Rea
Thank you… It feels great to be learning new powers.. WP and WAMP now on desktop… Now to learn WP !
Great walk through!!! Thanks for the assist!!!
Wow, thanks sooo much. It helped me a lot.
Absolutely outstanding! Had an issue with C++ 13 & 14 but it was so well explained and pointed me in the right direction that I was able to solve it and now I have a development Wordpress environment on my Window 10 laptop. THANK YOU VERY MUCH
Do I need have basic in knowledge coreldraw and or photoshop to become a professional web designer.
Thanks for your sincere answer.
WPBeginner Support
It will help greatly. Specially Photoshop.
Really useful and thanks very much..:)
Michael Gyori
Greaet tutorial, thanks!
One suggestion. Mention the Skype Port 80 issue right at the point when it would be encountered in your tutorial. Having it mentioned at the end was not helpful because I already spent considerable time trying to figure out what was going wrong. A simple note saying: “If your browser screen is blank when selecting phpMyAdmin, then you may have a conflict with Skype (see below).”
mark k
Thx for the tutorial – ran in to problems starting WAMP (blank page on localhost/phpmyadmin), on wins 10 www service was running stopping apache, so ran services.msc and stopped that.
Only other problem happened when wp tried to create config – by default it self completes txtBox with “password” so just remember to delete it. simple fix but had me stumped for 2 mins.
once again thx
Frank George
please i need urgent help as i would love to move my site live….i am running wordpress through my local host using Microsoft web matrix through IIS7…how do i do it please…i need help urgently!
I have plant to installed WordPress on wamp windows based server.who is right person to contact if I find any problem. Please let me know.
Thanks in advance.
i installed wordpress using bitnami software.
i also tried using wamp both are awesome.
Thank you for simplifying the manual. The steps you provided are easy to follow. Keep posting great articles!
great job , thank you
Vikash Gupta
Thank you for providing nice guidance.
It worked for me excellently.
When i tried to start wamp, its giving me an error that vcruntime.dll is missing… Please any solution?
After clicking on phpmyadmin showing error.
The webpage cannot be found
Plz help me..
Ruben Tahir
Trying to run phpMyAdmin for the first time, I am prompt to enter user name and password. I suppose there must be a default user name a password. What are they or how to setup my own?
Ruben Tahir
Just found out by simply googling. the username is root and no password.
You should mention that in your tutorial.
J Robinson
My WAMP-64 was installed some time ago on my D: drive. I just added WP. When I point the browser to http://localhost/wp-admin/ (changed the WP folder name back), I get:
Warning: require_once(D:\wamp64\www/wp-load.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\wamp64\www\wp-admin\admin.php on line 31
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘D:\wamp64\www/wp-load.php’ (include_path=’.;C:\php\pear’) in D:\wamp64\www\wp-admin\admin.php on line 31
Should I just delete everything and start over, or is there a configuration to fix this?
manjeet kaur
hi sir I want to learn word press .can I learnt it online ? my future depend on it
Dipankar Ray
Thanks for the step by step info. However, I am not sure how to create a Database as very time I click on the Wamp icon and then phpMyAdmin, I am getting a blank new browser window with ‘http://localhost/phpmyadmin as the URL..
Therefore,I can’t proceed to the next step which is to click on Databases and thereafter create a database for Wordpress.
Please help and point out if I am not on the right path.
WPBeginner Support
Try adding a slash at the end of URL like this:
Dipankar Ray
Thanks for your suggestion of using the URL above. I had overcome my previous issue and was able to proceed. However, after that I came across other issues like MySQL errors and decided to uninstall WAMP server from my computer.
By the way, my OS is Windows XP.
Now on trying to re-install after downloading this software I am receiving the following error message. ‘ Aestan Tray Menu has encountered a problem and needs to close.We are sorry for the inconvenience.’. This has happened over three times. Thanks.
Please help as I am not sure where I am erring.
WP Complete Beginner
Pretty sure that you have Microsoft IIS running which is causing this mess. Happened to me. Go to the WAMP > Apache > Test Port 80 option.
It will blurt out something like Port 80 wrong service is running. The real service that’s running is MS IIS X.0
Launch cmd as admin and type iisrest / stop in the command line.
Then go to WAMP > Apache > Service Administration > Install Service
Finally, Then go to WAMP > Apache > Service Administration > Start Service.
It should work! Let me know if my comment helped you.
Jun Allan
Thank you!
Thanks a lot. Had to fix some errors and finally it worked. Very nice guide through. Already bookmarked.
How do I establish 2 or more sites on the same server (if possible)?
Thanks in advance
Really useful and worked perfectly. Thank you so much..
I’m an advanced beginner using Vista SP2. I think I am running both 32 and 64 bit. I had a big problem with VCRunTime140.dll missing error. First I tried Wamp 64bit, then Wamp newest 32bit, then confirmed VCRunTime140.dll was installed in my Windows\System32 folder and confirmed my updated Firefox was in the Programs(86) folder. Still had the *.dll missing error. Then tried the older Wamp 32bit. Problem solved.
2 more errors I made were to copy the WordPress folder without extracting it. Then deleted where I copied it and properly extracted it before copying. But I copied it to Wamp instead of Wamp\www
After I deleted it from the second wrong location, I copied it to Wamp\www and things worked great after that.
Hopefully a little helpful to call out some beginner errors to prevent others’ headaches.
Visata requires Wamp Version 2.5
Recently Wamp and Google Maps versions or settings have changed. Vista SP2 cannot run the latest Wamp, Stay with Version 2.5, specifically MYSQL 5.6.XX (I found xx=17 but some places say xx=26 is available.)
Thank you so much for these instructions!! Other lists of instructions are very difficult and not very useful.
Vianney kirumira
Thank u so much guyz. really you have made my day!. At least
Iris India
Excellent ! Thanks for your step by step instructions
Probably being dumb, but how do i see my web site project again and work on my site? To open it again I selected the ‘wamp’ icon, it opened a dashboard where I could see my project folder, I double clicked to open it, but instead of my site I got a page that said error my page cannot be found. I could not see the wordpress dashboard when I selected the wamp icon or any option to open wordpress. Can you please advise? Thanks.
Type localhost/site-name in your browser. To view your admin type localhost/sitename/wp-admin
Nicko Johnson
After clicking on phpMyAdmin its saying the site can’t be reached. What could be wrong?
Just want to say thank you! I have never done anything like this before and your steps were very useful and easy to follow
when I try to install WAMP, it gives me error msg
I followed instructions, yet when I attempt to open the browser with:
I get a 404 file not found. Any hints as to what is going on? Thanks.
WPBeginner Support
The mysite directory is not found in the WAMP web folder.
and what do you have to do then?
WPBeginner Support
It depends. May be a user has installed WordPress in their htdocs or www directory. Or may be they created the mysite folder elsewhere and WAMP can’t find it in the www directory.
Struggled a bit with Wampserver installation but finally everything went smooth. Thanks for the step-by-step explanation.
WPBeginner Support
Glad you found it helpful.
puri shanker dhobi
how to open a php template in wordpess using wamp server
Thank you so much!!!! You’re all shades of amazing.. This tutorial was super super helpful. Everything worked perfectly. Thanks again!
after wp_config file it is sudenly showing following error.
Error establishing a database connection
I have created a database , mysql , apache , php are all working, how find out solution for this?
I was getting the same error because I was not using a password, and I forgot to remove the word “password” where it asks for MySQL password on the previous page!
Erling Bergan
I have followed the instructions, and everything has looked fine. I have clicked on the Wampserver icon, and then clicked on phpmyadmin. A browser window opens, but there is no phpMyAdmin in it. The web page is blank. Could you give me a hint of what may be wrong?
I was having the same issues .. there are so many reasons that this could be happening. did you follow ALL of the instructions, including the VISUAL downloads and skype and port 80 issues? I got to the point where my icon was green and still would not work, so I uninstalled it and used the 32 bit version even though I have 64 bit on my pc. Then it worked!
Jimmy Karago
Thanks so much was lost but, this helped me a lot
thank youuuuu really helped!!!!!!!!
Mxolisi Maphosa
Thank you very much, this helped me so much.
Great tutorial! It really helped me. I’ll be following you.
Hi, what if I have an instance of Acquia Dev Desktop (Drupal) on my local machine? Installing this wont be an issue?
Paul Gomez
Hello, right now I am trying to set the WAMPserver, but in i see 4 versions 2 for 32 Bits and 2 for 64 Bits. Which of the two versions should I pick? I am a bit confused what the difference is from the 2 versions. I see the Apache, PHP and MySQL versions are different but I am not sure.
WPBeginner Support
They are basically the same. Most modern computers have 64bit architecture. If you are using an older machine then try 32bit version, other wise try 64bit version.
Paul Gomez
I understand, but that was not my question. Please read my original message.
This has to do with the size of the data types the processor can handle and the size of the memory addresses it can hold in it’s register. 64 bit applications can utilize more RAM because they can utilize exponentially more of those addresses, but unless you are writing your own ‘big data’ type of applications or using plugins that need the extra memory then it’s almost completely irrelevant to you. You won’t notice the difference either way, so just pick one.
Any answer on this? I have the same question. I know I want 64 bit, but what PHP version should I choose?
The two 64bit installs have different software versions.
Apache : 2.4.17 MySQL : 5.7.9 PHP : 5.6.16 on one
and Apache : 2.4.9 MySQL : 5.6.17 PHP : 5.5.12 on the other.
The two 32 bit versions are similar
They are giving you options in case your development environment
needs a particular version of Apache, PHP or MySQL
Prasad Sagare
After clicking on phpmyadmin show error.
IIS 8.5 detailed error-404 not found.
Plz help me..
I get the same error 404 page when clicking phpmyadmin. Any resolution here? I do not have skype on this computer.
After numerous failures, this instruction worked just fine! Thanks.
that worked without a hitch,
i’ve been wanting to do this for ages!
It is not clear to me whether I must set up a database first, or can I simply import my current live back up of the blog, and then work on it locally.
I sort of expected to import the existing word press blog to my local hard disk, and the import process will then create all the tables and the databases.
Thank you. This great page of info REALLY helped !!!
Prashant Menase
Thank you for easy steps!!! Helped me lot! keep adding………….